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Functional Foods (Ratna Minggawati Lai)


Ratna Minggawati Lai ')

As we are moving into the 21'' century, the world's demand for food is becoming ever greater.
In the poorest nations, the lack of availability of food supply leading to micronutrient deficiencies. In
contrast, in developed countries, people enjoy a greater varieties and quantity of foods leading to the
effect of overnutrition (obesity, heart disease, and cancer).
In response, the concept of food is changing from an emphasis on health maintenance to promot-
ing better health by helping to prevent chronic illness. Functional foods are design to help people to
reduce their risks of some diseases (by preventing) through readily available, good-tasting diets rather
than through the use of curative measures only. The distribution of potential ingredients in functional
foods are dietary fiber (40%). calcium (20%). oligosaccharides (20%), lactic acid bacteria (10%)and
other (10%).
The perspective of Western and Eastern, somehow, are not totally competent. People living in
the Eastern hemisphere believe that certain food had a therapeutic benefit. Whereas those living in
Western are considered to be more conscious in their health.
The food industries and government agencies have the agreement to establish definition and
substantiation for functional food. This aims to protect the consumer and build consumer confidence.

INTRODUCTION More recently the Institute of Medicine of

Terminology the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has de-
The Food and Drug Administration defines fined functional foods as those that "encompass
foods as "articles used primarily for taste, aroma potentially healthful products" icluding "any modi-
or nutritive value. Functional foods are foods that fied food or food ingredients that may provide a
provide an additional physiological benefit that may health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients it
prevent disease or promote health (Hasler, 1996). contains". The common terms used include medi-
Designer foods was coined in 1989 to describe cal foodr, nutraceuticals,functional foods, and nu-
foods that naturally contain or are emihed with tritional foods.
non nutritive, biologically active chamical com-
ponents of plants (e.g. phytochemicals) that are The Application of Functional Foods
effective in reducing cancer risk. Nutraceuticals There are a wide range of the major use of
has been popularized by the Foundation for functional foods :
Inovation in Medicine and refers to "any substance 1. Prevent disease; the role of functional foods in
that may be considered a food or part of a food fighting against diseases will be further dis-
and provides medical or health benefits, including cussed.
the prevention and treatment of disease." 2. Prevent aging; functional foods approaches to
slowing down the aging process by tonifying
the kidneys and spleen, nourishing essential
'I Sraf Pengajar Tidak Tetap Fakultas Teknologi materials of the body, and roving the disease-
Perranian Universiras Katolik Widya Mandala causing factors.
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Volume 1 Nomor 1. April 2000

3. Maintain and improve appearance; functional functional foods than the younger generation
foods improve the luster of facial skin, reduc- to improve the life expectancy.
ing facial wrinkles, removing facial pigments 4. Health care cost ; the costs are rocketing in
and improving facial skin edema, enrich blood most countries. For example, in U.S. the health
and to strengthen the function of the spleen and care costs exceeded $1 trillion in 1995 and if
lung. the cost could be allocated towards disease pre-
4. Control body weight; functional foods has the vention, the cost for health care would certainly
ability to remove excessive body fat and reduc- decrease.
ing body weight by removing dampness and 5. Technical advances in the food industry ; the
facilitate diuresis. focus in food industry now is moving from "tak-
Overall, the functionality of foods are ap- ing out the bad stuff (fat, cholesterol, sodium,
plied for variety applications throughout health and calories)" to " putting back the good stuff
maintenance and medication, aging prevention, and ( phytochemicals, dietary fibre, flavonoids etc)
cosmetological purposes. 6. Mission of medicine ; physicians and healthcare
clinics give an emphasis in educate the con-
Market Drivers sumers towards a healthy diet.
A number of factors have been recognised to 7. Nutritional labelling ; the labelling system in
be the driver of the marketing and development of the packaging of foods which provide the in-
functional foods; (1) scientific advances, (2) con- formation effectively attract the consumers as
sumer demand, (3) aging population, (4) health they are more health-conscious.
care costs, (5) technical advance in food industry,
(6) mission of medicine, and (7) nutritional label- The Western and Eastern Perspective
ling (Hasler, 1996) (Goldberg, 1994) As it has been reported by Malaspina (1996),
1. ScientiJc advances ; the expansion of scien- there seemed to be gap between Western and East-
tific and clinical knowledge support the vital e m perspective on functional food. People living
role in diet in health and well-being. Six of ten in Western are considered to be more aware of
leading diseases (cancer, coronary heart dis- "health consciousness". Scientific and clinical
ease, stroke, diabetes, artherosclerosis and liver advances are made, health food industries are in-
disease) in United States are believed to relate creasing (offering promises on "self-medicine"
to diet. foods), media of communication (i.e. radio and
2. Consumer demand ; Consumer nowadays de- television) provides a wide range of information
mand foods to function not only as mean of on diet, health and medicinal information, health
providing sustenence but also as a self medica- care cost is skyrocketing hence all these make
tion and disease prevention. According to a sur- people more conscious of their health maintenance
vey led by Healthfocus Trend Report, 42% of and on the other hand, encourage educational
the respondents agreed that foods can be used (school of medicine and food) and health care agen-
to reduce their use of drugs and other medical cies (physicians, clinics) to have a mission in edu-
therapy. On the other hand, the media (i.e. ra- cating people to have a healthier life in order to
dio, television) provides the information of obtain longer life expectancy. This case become
health, diet and nutrition to encourage a feed- more popular amongst the Western people as re-
back from consumer response. ported by Food Technology the July 1994 issue
3. Aging population ; the incidence of degenera- that highlighted 10 trends to watch and to work
tive diseases of the aged such as cancer would on, it is identified as "the increasing role of food
be a burden on the health care system. Nearly and food ingredients and self medication and dis-
60% of new cancer cases in 1990 occurred in ease prevention"
people over the age of 65. Thus, the older con- However, in Eastern hemisphere, people
sumers are more conscious and interested in believe that food has therapeutic benefits. This
Functional Foods (Ratna Minggawati Lai)

beliefs are primarily anecdotal, based on centu- acid, (2) carotenoid and beta-carotene is consid-
ries of tradition and largely undocumented by solid ered to have similar functionality as vitamin E,
scientific research. Functional food is known as (3) vitamin C is water-soluble that scavenges free
"Traditional Chinese Medicine" (TCM) which has radicals. Ubiquinone (a lipophilic quinone in mi-
important role in human physiology and health. tochondria) and flavonoid (food polyphenols) found
TCM maintain and improve health status, prevent in foods are claimed to be novel antioxidants. A
disease, help in treating disease, and facilitate re- protective action suggested is to consume fruit and
habilitation. In TCM food and medicine are of vegetable as these foods contain nutrients that can
equal importance (Weng, 1996). According to protect LDL from oxidative modification to an
TCM, like medicine, each item of food has its artherogenic form (Goldberg, 1994).
own taste (sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty) and
properties (cool, cold, warm, hot and plain). So, Cancer
when it is used properly, food could regulate Yin, The report from National Academy of Sci-
Yang, Qi, and blood (a comprehensive material in ences Report on Diet and Health (1989) revealed
the body that represents all internal organs). that 60% of cancers in woman and more than 40%
in men are related to food habits and 35% of all
HEALTH FUNCTIONS OF FOOD VS cancer deaths may related to diet (Goldberg, 1994).
DISEASES The exposure to N-nitroso compounds, a class
The four major diseases (cardiovascular dis- of potential carcinogens, and their precursor found
ease, cancer, hypertension and obesity) are be- in foods and beverages to human body is leading
lieved to be related to human's diet. The recent to carcinogenic result as the human liver has the
ability to metabolize N-nitrosoamines to com-
investigation of role of functional foods in pre-
venting cardiovascular disease and cancer are de- pounds that are known to produce DNA damage
scribed as follows. in animal and possible carcinogens in human.
The in vivo formation of N- nitroso com-
pounds is accelerated in the presence of bacteria
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in human gastrointestinal and urinary tracks. Diet
It is reported that each year in the U.K.,
can modify the total number and types of micro-
170.000 people die from myocardial infraction and organisms. Vitamin C is one of the dietary factor
CVD-related disorders. The research from bio- in modifying the microbial-mediated formation of
chemical, epidemiological, and cell culture stud- N-nitroso compounds. Sulphur compounds in gar-
ies reveal that this illness is caused by inadequate
lic and associated plants are also reported to be
intakes of micronutrient with antioxidant activity
effective. Ohigashi (1996) reported that dietary
such as vitamin E, C and beta-carotene.
plants from tropical southeast Asia with important
It is found that the high level consumption of
cancer-prevention is potential to inhibit tumor pro-
saturated fat increases blood cholesterol concen- motion. The anti-tumor compounds were isolated
tration which leading to mortality. And free radi- from the rhizome of Languas galanga
cal-mediated oxidation of cholesterol is a key step (Zingiberaceae). Other examples of potential anti-
in atherogenesis. The production of free radicals
carcinogenic foods and the possible mechanisms
can initiate damage to biological material. Hence
of their action is provided in Table 1.
a complex antioxidant system is needed to retard
the damaging reaction by protecting the mamma-
lian cells and cholesterol from the injurious ef- REGULATORY AND LEGAL
fects of free radicals. ASPECTS
Some essential antioxidant are provided in Definition
foods; (1) vitamin E, a lipid-soluble antioxidant The issue of definition has particular rel-
that is able to break the chain of free radical-me- evance not only to the biomedical disciplines but
diated lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty also to industry, consumers, and regulatory au-
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Volume 1 Nomor 1, April 2000

thorities. Approaches to definition have been de- As for safety towards future direction, it is
scribed in detail elsewhere, such as in Australian necessary to apply the concept of pharmacokinet-
National Food Authority's working document ics to the measurement of the bioavailability of
(Head, 1996). Functional foods are : the key ingredients in foods with health potential
a class of foods that have strong putative meta- so as to permit an estimate of appropriate intakes
bolic and regulatory (physiological) roles over in human. However, attempt has been made to
and above that seen in a wide range of com- define the health potential of particular products
mon foods; by using in vitro techniques (in animal and in hu-
a class of foods that achieve a defines endpoint man) to examine the toxic effect, biomarker and
that can be monitored (e.g. reduction in blood kinetic 1 dynamics, in vivo animal studies and clini-
pressure, reduction in plasma-borne risk mark- cal studies. This aims to assess and confirm the
ers); and risk of human hazard. In particular, specific safety
products referred to as special dietary foods. assessment strategies are required to address func-
By these definitions, functional foods could tional foods which are, or which contain, the fol-
be naturally occurring, nutrient-enriched or ingre- lowing: (a) dietary macrocomponents, (b) new pro-
dient-enriched foods. tein sources (potential food allergens), (c)
Substantation and Safety viable microorganisms (Huggett, 1996).
Some related issues include the need for and
extent of substantiation, labelling, the activity of The Regulatory and Legal Aspects; The
functional foods in the context of overall diet, moni- Australian Perspective
toring and evaluating public health and safety im- In Australia, current regulations are very
pacts, and the role of nutrition education (Preston, clear that health claims to food are prohibited
1996). There is a relationship between substantia- (Preston, 1996). However, the Australian Food
tion and the acceptance of functional foods by both Standards Code is undergoing a substantial policy
consumers and regulatory authorities. The rela- review and the current prohibition on health claims
tionship between the development of functional are being reexamined. In anticipation of the possi-
foods and the substantiation is complex and has bility that foods may be developed that could le-
taken many forms. Studies on digestibility, gitimately warrant certain claims, the Australia
bioavailability, nutrient interaction, and physiologi- New Zeland Food Authorities is preparing a pre-
cal and pharmalogical effects as well a8 mecha- empative analysis and draft of a conceptual frame-
nisms of action.

Tablel. Examples of potential anticarcinogenic foods and possible mechanisms of

action (Goldberg, 1993)

r - --

Mechanisms I Food 1
Cucumber, squash, parsley, carrots, lemon oil Peaches,
1. Drug detoxification apples, cranberry, garlic, onion, Leeks, strawberry,
broccoli, beets
Grains, fish, carrots, squash, sweet potato, Cucumber,
11. Cell proliferation
soybean, citrus fruit, apples
I 111. Anti-hormone function I Soybean, fennel, anise, carrots I
Functional Foods (Ratna Minggawati Lai)

work that sets out the position of functional foods Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. Is expanding
and health claims in the continuum of the relation- through health food and beverages and is de-
ship between food and health. The purpose is to veloping more specialized functional foods and
enable the food industry to position its future re- beverages (vitamin-based health drink) targeted
search and development activities while protect- as soft drinks for general public.
ing public health and safety (Preston, 1996). Hayashibara Biochemicals Laboratories Inc is
the manufacturer of water soluble mtin (an in-
MARKETING AND FUTURE gredient for functional food), a flavonol glyco-
PROSPECTS side and a natural yellow pigment found in bean
families. They are reported to have the ability
At the moment, Japan is regarded as the world
to protect tissue from damage against oxida-
pioneer and leader in the developments of func-
tional foods. The support from the government tion and U.V. radiation, to be used as vitamin P
to strengthen the damage capillaries, prevent
towards this project and the confidence among the
Japanese market opportunists in considering func- and treat cerebral thrombosis and lung hemor-
tional food as a major new product challenge for rhage etc.
Asahi Chemical Industry Co. has developed
food industries are believed to be the success in-
'Fibennix 391" which is a wafer cookie with a
dustries and development in this field.
high (39%) fiber content and is being marketed
The first project started in 1984 as the Min-
istry of Education, Science and Culture sponsored
as a constipation preventive. Another product
from this company is "Hemace" which is an
a project on " A statistical analysis and an outlook
iron supplement candy containing heme pwi-
on food nutrition" and in 1986, it is concluded
that functional foods concept has three function in fied from animal blood.
the body : (1) food nutritive value, (2) sensory
Yakult. a fermented milk and Bifiel, a fermented
appeal or organoleptic properties, (3) physiologi- yoghurt produced by Yakult Company. Yakult
cal aspects (i,e. neutralizing harmful effect, re@- drink contains lactic acid bacteria as its key
lation of body function and physical conditions, active ingredients. Its health benefits may re-
preventing disease etc.) The Ministry of Health sult from modifying the microflora in the hu-
and Welfare is currently considering 12 different man gut. Yakult is sold in 50ml bottle at the
classes of health-enhancing ingredients for use in rate of 1 million a day in Japan.
foods for specific health, including dietary fiber,
oligosaccharides, sugar alcohol, peptides and pro- REFERENCES
teins, glycosides, alcohols, vitamins, cholines, lac- Golberg. I. Functional Foods; Designer Foods,
tic acid bacteria, minerals, fatty acid and miscel- Pharmafoods, Nutraceuticals, London;
laneous collection of unclassified ingreadients (i.e. Chapman & Hall
phytochemicals and antioxidant). Hasler, C.M. (19%) Functional Foods : The West-
Functional food products have been launched e m Perspective, Nutrition Review 54(II) S6-
in areas soft drinks, ready meals, breakfast cere- 10
als, biscuits, confectionery, milk products, ice Head, R.J., Record, J.R., and King R.A. (1996)
cream and salad dressing. The value of Japanese Functional Foods: Approches to definition
market is up to $3billion and is expected to reach and substantation, Nutrition Review, 54(II)
a level of $7 billion (PA Consulting Gomp, 1990 S-17-20
in Goldberg, 1994). The products in the market Hollingsworth, P. (1995) Functional Foods: Fad
include : o r Fact?, Food Technology, April 32, 34
Nissin Food Products Co. and Toshoku Ltd. Huggett, A.C. and Schilter, B. (1996) Research
Manufacture a yoghurt drink. Needs for Establishing the Safety of Func-
tional Foods, Nutrition Review 54 (11) S143-
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Volume 1 Nomor 1. April 2000

Malaspina, A. (1996) Functional Foods : Over- Preston, C. and Lawrence, M. (1996) Regula-
view and Introduction, Nutrition Reviwe 54 tory and Legal Aspects of Functional
(11) S4-5 Foods: The Australian Perspective, Nutri-
Mam, G.V. (1977) A Factor in Yoghurt which tion Review 54 (11) S156-161
lowers cholesteromia in man, Atheroscle- Weng, W. and Chen, J. (1996) The Eastern Per-
rosis 26; 335-340 spective on Functional Foods Based on Tra-
Ohigashi, H. Mukarami, A. and Koshimisu, K. ditional Chinese Medicine, Nutrition Re-
(1996) An Approach to Functional Food : view 54(II) S 11-16
Cancer Preventive Potential of Vegetables
and Fruits and Their Active onstituents,
Nutrition Review 54(II) S24-28

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