Sol Gold Int Progress Test Unit 1A Answer Key

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8 put up with

9 calm
Unit 1A
Use of English
1 A
1 were working 2 C
2 was raining 3 B
3 had stayed 4 A
4 had passed 5 C
5 didn’t use to speak
6 used to play Translation
7 hadn’t been
8 had inherited 1 the train had already gone
2 We were walking
1 was growing up 3 when she was an infant
2 used to live 4 used to be very arrogant
3 used to have 5 I think you should go
4 moved
5 had found Listening
6 didn’t use to
7 had left
A 2
8 got used to
B 5
9 met
C –
10 were both working
D 1
11 was training
E 3
12 didn’t get
F 4
1 When I started work as a doctor in the
1980s, things were very different. We used
1 centenarian
to think that people were old when they
2 toddler were in their sixties. When people were ill at
3 bitter this age, we put them in what we called an
4 miserable ‘old person’s ward’, a hospital room just for
5 elderly the elderly. Today, many people in their
sixties are still working, and I don’t think of a
person as elderly until they are in their
1 walk out on
eighties. Of course, people still pass away
2 aggressive
in their sixties, sadly, but we also have
3 move
many centenarians in our hospital. People
4 reliable are certainly living longer. I think that’s
5 pessimistic great.
6 accusing

1 enthusiastic
2 freedom
3 complimentary
4 grateful
5 looks up to
6 irritating
7 stubborn

Solutions Gold Intermediate Tests Progress Test Answer Keys A

2 Before my mum’s grandmother passed
away aged 97, I used to visit her in her
farmhouse in Scotland. She spent her day
cooking, making bread and working with her 1 A
husband, a farmer. When he died, she lived 2 A
on her own, far from any shops. Her life 3 C
seemed very quiet, perhaps a bit boring. 4 C
When she died a few years ago, I found out 5 D
more about her life. Before she got married,
she had worked in the army. I was very
surprised to find out that she had driven
army lorries from Cairo, in Egypt, to Beirut
in Lebanon. It was dangerous work.
Perhaps that’s why she was happy to have
a quiet life in Scotland.
3 Helen had first worked as a head teacher in
a small primary school in London. The
children at the school were from very poor
families. Many of them were difficult to
teach: some were miserable, and sometimes
they were aggressive. But Helen was an
excellent head teacher. She wanted all her
teachers to be complimentary about the
students’ work and sympathetic to their
problems. The school is very different today.
The children still have problems, but they are
more enthusiastic about going to school and
optimistic about their futures. We are all very
pleased that things are different now.
4 When I was young, we didn’t use to have
video games. In fact, I had finished school
before I even saw a computer. My friends
and I played a lot of sport, of course, but we
also played games that people don’t play
anymore. My favourite game was called
‘Penny up the wall’. All you needed to play it
was a wall and some coins. We used to
have coins called pennies in those days.
You threw the coin on the ground, and the
coin that was closest to the wall was the
winner. That was the most fun we had in
those days! Children are lucky to have so
many games today.
5 It’s great that you’re going to the UK in the
summer to stay with a host family. I stayed
with a family in Cambridge last summer, and
I really enjoyed it. You ought to find a family
that lives close to the language school so
that you don’t spend too much time travelling
every day. You should take them a small
present; they’ll really like that. You should
also visit London for the day: it’s only an
hour by train from Cambridge and there’s so
much to see there. You’ll have a great time!

Solutions Gold Intermediate Tests Progress Test Answer Keys A

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