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Iván Moya Navarro - 2019390539

Carlos Andrés Mata Calderón - 2019033834
Leonardo Guillen Fernandez - 2019031688
Alexa Villalobos Valverde - 2019160198

Has social media made our world better or worse?

● Advantages:

○ Connectivity is among the most significant benefits of social media, making

communication fast and effective, and creating relationships with new people
or even promoting a business.
○ Based on the pandemic, virtual classes and tools were produced that
facilitated learning communication with students in order to keep studying,
without the need to be physically together.
○ Social media has become of great importance and influence, since it is the
most effective way to communicate important news and make people more
aware of what is happening around the world.
○ It helps businesses by making them more communicative in business roles
with the customer and makes them have a direct interaction,where they can
see suggestions, comments about the business, photos about the product,
then social media innovated the business world.
○ If you give proper use to them it can be a really good source of knowledge,
people can learn new things like recipes, many craft ideas and workouts.
Also, people can follow official social media accounts from institutions like
NASA, for example, and learn about science and technology.
○ Actually social media has become a really important medium to make social
complaints, expose injustices and put pressure on the government or
companies to respond and take action.

● Disadvantages:

○ One of the worst aspects of social media is cyberbullying, which is one of the
top disadvantages of social media.Bullying that takes place on social media
platforms is known as cyberbullying.
○ Decreases Face-to-Face Communication Skills. One of the worst aspects of
social media is that it reduces the ability to communicate face to face.
Everyone used social media to interact with others, and as a result, they
gradually lost their ability to communicate face to face.
○ Fake news spreads rapidly on social media. This is definitely another demerit
of social media nowadays.People create false social media posts and share
them with others worldwide, spreading them to groups.Social media plays a
significant role in the dissemination of fake news. Anyone can manufacture
fake news on a hot topic and post it on social media networks without any
○ People’s Addiction to Social Media. One of the worst aspects of social media
is the ability to become addicted to it, and this is a severe disadvantage social
media in the world is facing. Most individuals use social media so much that
they become addicted to it. They are constantly browsing through their
newsfeeds and contributing to them.
○ Causes Distractions. The majority of people use social media platforms to
unwind and kill time. The majority of those affected are youths and students.
They only used social media to scroll through the newsfeed and share photos
and videos.
○ Insecurity and affectation to privacy. Social media can be dangerous if people
don't control the information they post on their profiles or their passwords and
much personal information can be exposed and available to be used by
others with malicious intents.

● Recommendations to children and teenagers on how to give a proper use to social


1. Keep an open dialogue

Parents should have an open conversation with their children about the benefits and
dangers of social media. A good idea is to learn as much as you can about the
platforms your children are on so that you are more knowledgeable about the subject
and what is happening online.

2. Maintain authorized access to their accounts

As an authorized user on your child's social media accounts, you can monitor things
that you wouldn't be able to see as a follower. Hazards are much more likely to
appear in a private message than in an open post. While this is something your child
will likely reject, explain that this will only happen at the start-up stage, and once
they've demonstrated that they can act appropriately online, you can limit their
access to their accounts.

3. Instill the correct use of passwords

Passwords are critical to maintaining privacy. Instruct your child not to share this
information with anyone but you. Also, these passwords should not include
information that is easy to crack, such as the name of the pet or hobbies, birthdays,

4. Ban them from interacting with strangers

It's easy to trust your kids and the decisions they make, but it's the other people on
these platforms that you have to pay attention to. Teach your child the dangers of
meeting strangers online and the importance of not sharing any personal information.
Aside from constant threats from online predators, friend requests from strangers can
often turn into spam, which can compromise the privacy of the information they store
in their accounts.

5. Control the time of use

It is important to establish a schedule for the use of social media and promote other
activities with your children such as go outside, practice some sport and go out with
friends in order to avoid the abuse and addiction to social media.

● Opinion:

Leonardo: As I mentioned before, social media have advantages and

disadvantages, in my personal opinion I consider that they have more positives than
negative points, and the negatives are avoided by having control over the use of
these media, technology and social media innovated every day, bringing
improvements. However, if the people have no control over its use or are using it
incorrectly at the time, that is where the negative effects are seen.

Carlos: Although social media can be very useful, if you use it too much you’re going
to see the disadvantages. You can use social media but be careful, because
everything in excess is bad. Like Uncle Ben said in Spiderman, “with a great power
becomes a great responsibility”.

Alexa: I think that social media has many advantages and can be really positive if
people use it carefully and with control, but I perceive that the majority of people use
it in a descontrol way and spend all day checking their social media even when they
are reunited with their family or friends, so it is really important to take attention to the
time that people invert on social media and try to take time to do other activities that
can be more healthful and enriching for the personal development.

Ivan: In the coming years, with artificial intelligence and 5G technology, algorithms
will determine more than our own will the course of our lives. That nobody thinks that
such decisive changes in communication will not have consequences on the
organization of society itself and on its political structuring as we have known so far.
The future is very long and the determining changes have just begun.

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