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COURSE: BSBA-FM DATE: 10/15/2022

Exercise on Inductive Reasoning
a. Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number in each list.
1. 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, ?
2. 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, ?
3. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ?
4. 80, 70, 61, 53, 46, 40, ?
5. 2, 7, -3, 2, -8, -3, -13, -8, -18, ?
1. 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
The first two numbers differ by 3 but the successive number is four larger than the
preceding number. Thus, we predict that the next number in the list is 4 larger than 24,
which is 28.
2. 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41
The first two numbers differ by 6. The second and third numbers also differ by 6. It
appears that the difference between the successive number and the preceding number
is always 6. Thus, we predict that the next number in the list is 6 larger than 35, which is
3. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216
Every term is a cube of natural numbers. The cube of 1 is 1, the cube of 2 is 8, the cube
of 3 is 27, the cube of 4 is 64 and the cube of 5 is 125. Therefore, we predict that the
next number is the cube of 6, which is 216.
4. 80, 70, 61, 53, 46, 40, 35
The first two numbers are reduced by 10. The second and third numbers are reduced by
9. It appears that the difference between any two numbers is always 1 less than the
preceding difference. Since 46 and 40 differ by 6, we predict that the next number in the
list will be 40 reduced by 5, which is 35.
5. 2, 7, -3, 2, -8, -3, -13, -8, -18, -13
The first two numbers differ by 5. The second and third number differ by -10. It appears
that the difference between two numbers is 5 and -10. Since, the difference of -18 and
-8 is -10, we predict that the next number will be 5 larger than -18, which is -13.

b. Use inductive reasoning to decide whether each statement is correct.

1. The sum of any two even counting numbers is always an even counting number.
2. The product of an odd counting number and an even counting number is always an even
counting number.
3. The product of two odd counting numbers is always an odd counting number.
4. The sum of two odd counting numbers is always an odd counting number.
5. Pick any counting number. Multiply the number by 6. Add 8 to the product. Divide the sum
by 2. Subtract 4 from the quotient. The resulting number is twice the original number.
6. Pick any counting number. Multiply the number by 8. Subtract 4 from the product. Divide the
difference by 2. Add 2 to the quotient. The resulting number is four times the original number.
1. Suppose we pick 2, 4, 8, 14, and 22.
Then subtract each number from the preceding number.
14 – 8 = 6
22 – 14 = 8
In each of these cases, the resulting number is always an even counting number. We
conjecture that following the procedure, the sum of any two even numbers is always an
even counting number.
2. Suppose we pick 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Then multiply each case.
3 x 4 = 12
4 x 5 = 20
5 x 6 = 30
6 x 7 = 42
7 x 8 = 56
In each of these cases, the resulting number is always an even counting number. We
conjecture that following the procedure, the product of an odd counting number and an
even counting number is always an even counting number.
3. Suppose we pick 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Then multiply each case.
3 x 5 = 15
5 x 7 = 35
7 x 9 = 63
In each of these cases, the resulting number is always an odd counting number. We
conjecture that following the procedure, the product of two odd counting numbers is
always an odd counting number.
4. Suppose we pick 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Then add every two numbers.
5 + 7 = 12
7 + 9 = 16
In each of these cases, the resulting number is always an even counting number.
Therefore, the statement is incorrect because if we follow the procedure, the sum of
two odd counting numbers is always an even counting number.
5. Suppose we pick 4.
Then follow the procedure:
Original number: 4
Multiply by 6: 4 x 6 = 24
Add 8: 24 + 8 = 32
Divided by 2: 32 / 2 = 16
Subtract 4: 16 – 4 =12
We started at 4 and followed the procedure to produce 12. If we start with 5, it will
produce a final result of 15. If we start with 6, it will produce a final result of 18.
Therefore, the statement is incorrect because if we follow the procedure, the resulting
number is thrice the original number.
6. Suppose we pick 2.
Then follow the procedure:
Original number: 2
Multiply by 8: 2 x 8 = 16
Subtract 4: 16 – 4 =12
Divided by 2: 12 / 2 = 6
Add 2: 6 + 2 = 8
We started at 2 and followed the procedure to produce 8. Starting with 4 produces a
final result of 16. Starting with 6 produces a final result of 24. Therefore, the statement
is correct because, if we follow the procedure, the resulting number is four times the
original number.
C. Use inductive reasoning to solve this application.
A tsunami is a sea wave produced by an underwater earthquake. The height of a
tsunami as it approaches land depends on the velocity of the tsunami. Use the table at
the left and inductive reasoning to answer each of the following questions.
a. What happens to the height of a tsunami when its velocity is doubled?
b. What should be the height of a tsunami if its velocity is 30 feet per second?

Velocity of tsunami in Height of tsunami

feet per second In feet

6 4

9 9

12 16

15 25

18 36

21 49

24 64

a. In the table, each Velocity of a tsunami has a corresponding Height in feet. The height of
a tsunami is quadrupled if the velocity is doubled.
b. When inductive reasoning is used in this sequence the velocity has a difference of 3. If
we add 3 to 24 it will result in 27, and if we add 3 to 27 it will produce a final result of
30. It appears that the difference in the height of the tsunami is always 2 less than the
preceding difference. The difference between the next number will be 17. If we add 17
and 64 it will produce a final result of 81 and if we add 19 and 81 it will produce a final
result of 100. Therefore, the height of a tsunami if its velocity is 30 feet per second, is

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