Model Test English SSC

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Part D: Answer Part 1

Answer to Board Question-2022

1. Dhaka Board – 2022
1. a. ii) remember; b. iii) lengthy; c. iii) not to surrender to their bosses; d. iii) Workers; e. iv) adverse environment.
2. (a) May Day or International Workers’ Day is observed now to commemorate the historical struggle and
sacrifices of the working people to establish an eight-hour workday.
(b) The historic events of May 1st took place in May, 1886 around the McCormick Harvester Company in Chicago.
(c) The policemen attacked the workers with clubs and revolvers during their protest. Consequently, one of the
workers died on the spot, and five or six others were seriously injured.
(d) The trade unions inspired the workers joining the protest.
3. (a) problems; (b) as; (c) afflicted; (d) from; (e) causes; (f) of; (g) taken; (h) hand; (i) kinds/ types; (j) aware.
4. (a) Air pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution.
(b) There are a number of reasons behind this pollution.
(c) Black smoke which is from the vehicles is the main cause of it.
(d) Immediate steps must be taken to control this pollution.
5. (i) Macedonian; (ii) was born; (iii) The Sisters of Loreto; (iv) 24 May 1931; (v) St. Mary’s High School,
Kolkata; (vi) Prevailing poverty.
6. The passage is about Mother Teresa, the mother of humanity. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. Hearing a
voice within her at an early age, she decided to be a missionary. So, she left home in 1928. She came to Kolkata
after taking some training and took her initial vows as a nun. Here she taught geography and theology at St.
Mary's High School. Being moved by the widespread poverty, she left the convent in 1948 to serve humanity.
7-9. Try yourself.

2. Mymensingh Board – 2022

1. a. iii) The condition of ailing people on the streets; b. iii) love and kindness; c. iii) heavenly; d. ii) sacredly; e. i)
2. (a) Mother Teresa established 'Nirmal Hriday' for the purpose of giving shelter to the dying destitute. She
brought the dying people to the home and looked after them.
(b) Mother Teresa emphasized on family, because she believed that love and charity begin at home. Before
showing kindness to the mass people, we should show it to our family members first. Practicing humanity
in the family will motivate us to spread it to the rest of the mankind in future.
(c) Mother Teresa teaches us how to extend our hand and show humanity towards those who need our love,
care and support irrespective of creed, caste and religion.
(d) The Missionaries of Charity tried to find jobs for the people who survived or send them to homes where
they could live happily for some more years in a caring environment.
3. (a) used; (b) easy; (c) reasons; (d) of; (e) necessary; (f) communicate; (g) alternative; (h) solve; (i) beginning;
(j) pass.
4. (a + ii + iii) Nowadays we can communicate with a person living anywhere in the world on the phone or the
(b + iii + iv) But the language is not the same in all the countries.
(c + iv + i) To communicate with anyone living anywhere, we need a common language and that is English.
(d + i + ii) One can have an opportunity to get a good job both inside and outside the country by learning
5. (i) the observance of Shaheed Dibosh; (ii) by placing wreaths at the Shaheed Minar; (iii) in barefoot
processions; (iv) to pray for the martyrs; (v) Various programmes; (vi) was proclaimed as the International
Mother Language Day.
6. The passage is about Shaheed Dibosh that we observe on 21 February to commemorate the language martyrs
and their sacrifices. Wearing black badges and singing mourning songs, people go to the Shaheed Minar in
barefoot processions and place wreaths there. Different programmes are also arranged in their remembrance.
The UNESCO declared 21 February as the International Mother Language Day, which is now observed
worldwide annually.
7-9. Try yourself.
2 Panjeree SSC Special Supplement   Communicative English First Paper

3. Cumilla Board – 2022

1. a. iii) Easy communication systems shorten the distances; b. iv) an official messenger sent to a foreign country
to represent his/her country; c. iii) extra; d. ii) English is a medium of rapid communication; e. ii) chance.
2. (a) The things that have made the present world smaller are speedy transportations and other communication
tools like phone, internet etc. Now, we can communicate with a person in any country of the world easily.
(b) We cannot learn all the languages of different people of different countries to communicate with them. If
we use a common language which is understood more or less by people all over the world, we can
communicate easily. That’s why a common language is needed in today’s world.
(c) Bangladesh is a densely populated country with millions of unemployed youths. Proficiency in English can
help one get a good job both inside and outside the country. That’s why English is needed all the more in
(d) By learning English, our youths can become a skilled workforce. They have to learn how to use English
both orally and in writing for doing things needed at work.
3. (a) element; (b) live/ survive; (c) without; (d) realize; (e) pollute; (f) reduction; (g) older; (h) encouraged; (i)
cars; (j) reduced.
4. (a + ii + iv) Air is an important element of our environment.
(b + i + iii) Without air, no living being can survive.
(c + iv + i) But unfortunately, we are polluting air in many ways.
(d + iii + ii) So steps should be taken to prevent air pollution.
5. (i) was born; (ii) 1928; (iii) Mother Teresa; (iv) Dublin; (v) took initial vows as a nun; (vi) taught geography and
6. The passage is about Mother Teresa, the mother of humanity. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. Hearing a
voice within her at an early age, she decided to be a missionary. So, she left home in 1928. She came to Kolkata
after taking some training and took her initial vows as a nun. Here she taught geography and theology at St.
Mary's High School. Being moved by the widespread poverty, she left the convent in 1948 to serve the poor
people at Kolkata.
7-9. Try yourself.

4. Rajshahi Board – 2022

1. a. iii) enforce; b. iii) four; c. iv) insolvent; d. iii) She was not willing to get married; e. iv) To focus on the poor
girls’ fate in our villages.
2. (a) Lipi is a 14-year old girl who read in class 9 in a rural school in Rangpur a couple of years ago. She has
four siblings. Her father is a day labourer, and her mother is a homemaker and also a part-time worker at
others’ homes.
(b) Lipi's family was not well-off. Her father was a day labourer and his income was very poor. With his poor
income, it was very difficult for her mother to run the family. So, her mother also worked at other people's
(c) Lipi's father was going to marry her off at an early age because of poverty. As his income was too little to
run the family of seven members smoothly, he decided to get Lipi married to a comparatively rich man to
reduce the family expenses.
(d) Lipi was not willing to marry. She wanted to continue her education. But her father decided to marry her
off. When her father found a perfect bridegroom who was well-off and influential, Lipi became greatly
3. (a) around; (b) known; (c) to; (d) When; (e) damaging; (f) finite/ limited; (g) exhausted/ finished; (h)
responsible; (i) On; (j) cheap.
4. (a) To generate electricity, people of the world are burning a lot of oil, coal and gas everyday.
(b) One day, these resources will be finished or run out.
(c) But wind and sunlight are unlimited around the world.
(d) For the betterment of us, we should use solar energy as an alternative source.
5. (i) 1997; (ii) was born; (iii) left her parental home; (iv) St. Mary’s High School, Kolkata; (v) Initial vows as a
nun; (vi) contribution to humanity.
6. The passage is about Mother Teresa, the mother of humanity. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. Hearing a
voice within her at an early age, she decided to be a missionary. So, she left home in 1928. She came to Kolkata
after taking some training and took her initial vows as a nun. Here she taught geography and theology at St.
Mary's High School. Being moved by the widespread poverty, she left the convent in 1948 to serve humanity. In
1979, she received the Noble Peace Prize for her contribution to humanity. This great woman died in 1997.
7-9. Try yourself.
Part D: Answer Part 3

5. Dinajpur Board – 2022

1. a. iv) The end of the 19 century; b. iv) All the above; c. iii) as an alternative; d. ii) oxygen; e. ii) burning.
2. (a) Humans can neither change the sun’s radiation nor the earth’s orbit around the sun, because these things are
beyond their control.
(b) Human beings do some unwise activities like burning too much fossil fuels, setting up more factories,
cutting down trees indiscriminately, etc. that result in the increase of greenhouse gases. Thus, they are
responsible for the increase in the greenhouse gases.
(c) I think the main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil
fuels. With the increase of industrial activities, the combustion of coal has increased. Besides coal, mineral
oil and natural gas are also burned for various purposes. Thus, every time a fossil raw material is burned, it
releases carbon dioxide into the air.
(d) Enormous areas of forests are destroyed by the people every year to obtain wood and to clear regions for
mining and to create pasture.
3. (a) smaller; (b) common; (c) make/ maintain; (d) ease; (e) English; (f) scope/ opportunity; (g) populated; (h)
cursed/ burdened; (i) English; (j) solve/ curb/ reduce.
4. (a + iv + iv) People need to communicate with others internationally.
(b + i + iii) They require a common language for the purpose.
(c + iii + ii) English can serve the purpose more effectively than other languages.
(d + ii + i) Therefore, all cannot but learn and use English properly.
5. (i) observe; (ii) every year/ as the International Mother Language Day; (iii) the language martyrs/ the martyrs’
supreme sacrifices; (iv) place wreaths; (v) February 21; (vi) on 17 November 1999.
6. The passage is about Shaheed Dibosh that we observe on 21 February to commemorate the language martyrs
and their sacrifices. Wearing black badges and singing mourning songs, people go to the Shaheed Minar in
barefoot processions and place wreaths there. Different programmes are also arranged in their remembrance.
The UNESCO declared 21 February as the International Mother Language Day, which is now observed
worldwide annually.
7-9. Try yourself.

6. Jashore Board – 2022

1. a. iv) deforestation; b. iv) destruction of forests; c. i) carbon dioxide; d. i) fossil fuel; e. iii) humans.
2. (a) The loss of forests causes dual problems as cutting down and burning of trees produce a large amount of
carbon dioxide, and at the same time, the source of absorbing carbon dioxide diminishes.
(b) To control the increase of greenhouse gases, we should minimize the burning of fossil fuels, stop cutting
down trees indiscriminately, and plant more trees.
(c) Forests help us in various ways. It absorbs carbon dioxide, generates oxygen, provides energy through
burning wood, etc.
(d) Yes, man can influence the climate both negatively and positively. By burning oil, coal and trees, man can
worsen the climate. But, by avoiding doing such things and planting more trees, man can improve the
3. (a) life; (b) world; (c) them; (d) workers; (e) strike; (f) strike/ struggle; (g) strikers; (h) killed; (i) seriously; (j) annually.
4. (a + iii + i) May Day is observed to commemorate the workers’ sacrifice in 1886.
(b + ii + iv) The day is also called International Workers’ Day.
(c + i + iii) The workers had to work in mills and factories for quite a long time.
(d + iv + ii) We enjoy the facilities today because of their struggle and sacrifice.
5. (i) on 24 February 1955/ in 1955; (ii) Apple Inc.; (iii) by 1998; (iv) iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad; (v)
during Jobs’ absence; (vi) died/ passed away.
6. The passage is about Steven Paul Jobs (1955 – 2011), the pioneer of the personal computer revolution, who co-
founded Apple Inc. Though he became famous in the electronic field of computers and consumers, he had to
leave Apple in 1985 because of conflict with the board of directors. Then, he founded NeXT, a computer
platform development company. Meanwhile, during his absence, Apple experienced steady loss. However, Jobs
returned to Apple and made it a profitable company by 1998. Then, he supervised some simple and user friendly
devices like iPod, iPhone, etc.
7-9. Try yourself.
4 Panjeree SSC Special Supplement   Communicative English First Paper

7. Chattogram Board – 2022

1. a. ii) Depend; b. iii) Solar power; c. iii) ice; d. i) Geothermal energy; e. iii) Fossil energy.
2. (a) A renewable energy is the energy that is constantly and naturally replenished and will never run out. Solar,
wind etc. are renewable energy sources.
(b) Renewable energy sources are naturally replenished and never run out whereas non-renewable energy
sources are finite and they will run out one day. Besides, non-renewable energy sources are harmful for the
environment while renewable energy sources are not. That’s why a renewable energy is more advantageous
than a non-renewable energy.
(c) Electric energy is necessary for us to light and heat homes. We also use it for commercial and industrial
(d) The ocean can be a source of energy as ocean's force of tide and wave can be used to produce energy. Also,
the temperature difference between the surface and the depths of the ocean can be used as an energy source.
3. (a) very; (b) enthusiastic; (c) closed; (d) flowers; (e) irrespective; (f) sacrificed; (g) entertained; (h) hoist; (i)
decorate/ illuminate; (j) festive.
4. (a + ii + iv) We celebrate our Independence Day with great enthusiasm and fervour.
(b + i + iii) We pay homage to the martyrs by placing wreaths at National Mausoleum.
(c + iv + i) We witness a smartly dressed parade at the national parade ground.
(d + iii + ii) Spectators are entertained with various displays in Bangabandhu Stadium.
5. (i) the Brahmaputra river; (ii) inspired; (iii) A series of water colour paintings; (iv) came under spotlight; (v)
Government School of Art, Kolkata; (vi) Realism.
6. The passage is about Zainul Abedin who was born in Kishoregonj in 1914. In his childhood, the Brahmaputra
river greatly inspired him. His tribute to the river, a series of water colour paintings, earned him gold medal in
1938. This made him confident to create his own visual style. Abedin took admission in Government School of
Art, Kolkata. After graduating with credit, he became a teacher there. Then, he went to London to study. As he
was dissatisfied with oriental style and European academic style had limitations, he became attracted to realism.
Returning home, he created Bengali Style depicting nature, rural life and men’s daily struggles. Thus, his art
became realistic but modern.
7-9. Try yourself.

8. Sylhet Board – 2022

1. a. i) get back; b. i) how else it might be used; c. iii) made interested; d. ii) to save the earth; e. iv) we should
send it to a landfill or burn up.
2. (a) The author blames people for the environmental crisis. Our unplanned activities are mainly responsible for
(b) Before buying the things, we can ask ourselves a few questions, such as, if we really need them or if there
are more sustainable products for the same purpose. We even can consider if the products are longer lasting
and think about the raw materials, the usage and the way of disposal of the products.
(c) It is necessary to save our planet because we live on it. If the earth becomes inhabitable due to the damages
and pollutions caused by us, we will not survive.
(d) Yes, I think recycling can contribute to the development of our country as our industries can use old
materials to make new products through recycling. Again, recycling helps using same materials again and
again. Therefore, it reduces the frequency of our purchase, encourages less production and lessens waste.
3. (a) remembrance; (b) sacrifice; (c) enjoy/ get; (d) observed; (e) almost; (f) fourteen; (g) before; (h) reminds;
(i) exploitation; (j) rights.
4. (a + iii + ii) May Day is known as International Workers’ Day.
(b + i + iv) The workers had to work fourteen or more hours a day at that time.
(c + iv + i) They demanded an eight-hour workday and went on strike on 1 May 1886.
(d + ii + iii) The police attacked them and so one striker was killed instantly.
5. (i) serving; (ii) in Skopje, Macedonia; (iii) joined; (iv) Geography; (v) theology; (vi) took initial vows as a nun.
6. The passage is about Mother Teresa, the mother of humanity. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. Hearing a
voice within her at an early age, she decided to be a missionary. So, she left home in 1928. She came to Kolkata
after taking some training and took her initial vows as a nun. Here she taught geography and theology at St.
Mary's High School. Being moved by the widespread poverty, she left the convent in 1948 to serve the poor
people at Kolkata.
7-9. Try yourself.
Part D: Answer Part 5

9. Barishal Board – 2022

1. i. d) she is feeble; ii. a) climate change; iii. a) well off; iv. b) unstable; v. b) in one season.
2. (a) Meherjan’s life was filled with happiness earlier. She was solvent. She had everything – a family, cultivable
land, cattle etc.
(b) In Bangladesh, the banks of many rivers overflow or erode during each monsoon. That’s why many more
villages are in the threat of erosion.
(c) Meherjan lives in a polythene-roofed shelter in a slum on the Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment.
(d) The writer calls the Jamuna greedy, because it consumes and devours everything it comes across without
any mercy.
3. (a) increase; (b) bodies; (c) enough; (d) growth; (e) produced/ bred; (f) increasing; (g) valuable; (h) number/
percentage; (i) failure; (j) dependent.
4. (a + iv + iii) Fish is regarded as the main source of protein of about 40% of people in the world.
(b + iii + iv) Fish population is under pressure and serious danger due to global warming.
(c + i + ii) Increasing temperatures will extinct some fishes very soon.
(d + ii + i) People depending on fish will suffer from lack of protein, hunger and poverty.
5. (i) worked fourteen or more hours a day; (ii) in Europe and the US; (iii) Half of the workers; (iv) joined the
rally; (v) near the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company; (vi) About 200 policemen.
6. The passage is about May Day or International Workers' Day, which is a public holiday across the world. On
this day, we commemorate the historic struggle and sacrifices of the working people for establishing an eight-
hour workday. After the Industrial Revolution, the workers had to work long hours. Hence, they went on a strike
demanding an eight-hour workday on May 1, 1886. Later, the police opened fire on them, killing one striker and
injuring many others. However, May Day reminds us that the workers must fight to achieve their rights.
7-9. Try yourself.
6 Panjeree SSC Special Supplement   Communicative English First Paper

Answer to Exclusive Model Test

Answer to Model Test-21.
1. a. ii) peak; b. i) force; c. iii) to portray the significance of International Mother Language Day; d. i) lit; e. i) establish
Bangla as a state language; f. ii) Jinnah's declaration kindled the sparks of Language Movement; g. iv) the students of
Dhaka University; h. i) To show honour to the martyrs of Language Movement; i. ii) The beginning; j. ii) strong
2. a. We pay tribute to the language martyrs because they sacrificed their lives in order to establish Bangla as a state
b. The then Pakistan Government outlawed all types of meetings on 21 February of 1952. So, the students had
to defy the law to bring out a procession claiming Bangla as a state language.
c. 21 February is the day when some martyrs laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in
1952. Therefore, it is a memorable day in our national history.
d. The Language Movement of 1952 kindled the sparks of independence among the citizens of the East
Pakistan by making them aware of their rights.
e. Jinnah gave the declaration to deprive the Bangalees of their right to language. It was also a part of their
oppressing rule.
f. The then government banned all sorts of meetings and rallies with a view to stopping the Language Movement of
3. (a) maintain/have/make; (b) ease; (c) contact/ touch; (d) learning/knowing; (e) a.
4. (a + iii + i) We use English to communicate with the people of other countries.
(b + iv + iii) It has made communication with the whole world easier.
(c + vii + ii) So, learning English is important as it is the common language worldwide.
(d +i + vii) In Bangladesh, it is very important since our country is overpopulated.
(e + vi + v) There are too many job candidates in Bangladesh compared to good jobs.
(f + v + vi) Learning English can provide the best opportunity to get a good job.
(g + ii + iv) Our unemployed youths should utilize this opportunity.
5. (i) social distancing, wearing masks and washing hands; ii) spreads the virus; iii) in droplets; iv) by inhaling the
droplets; v) respiratory system; vi) Asymptomatic period.

6. Coronavirus spreads through close association with an infected person. When an infected person coughs,
sneezes, or speaks, the virus comes out of his/her nose and mouth in droplets. If a healthy person inhales the
virus, he/she will be infected. Also, the virus can be transmitted into a person’s respiratory system after touching
any object containing the virus. An infected person may remain asymptomatic for a period and affect others.
Social distancing, wearing masks in public, and washing hands or using hand sanitizer reduce the risk of being
infected by the virus.

Answer to Model Test-22.

1. a. iii) easy communication with the foreigners and getting ample chance of employment at home and abroad; b. ii) for
personal, social, national and international purposes; c. iii) To describe the importance of English and the way to learn
it; d. iv) common language; e. iii) even more than before; f. ii) noun; g. i) minimize; h. ii) envoy; i. iv) Entire; j. iv)
mutual meeting.
2. a. The world has been made smaller by means of speedy transportations and other communication tools like phone,
internet, etc.
b. A language that can be used more or less by all the people on earth is called a common language. English is
considered a common language.
c. We cannot speak all the languages of different people of different countries to communicate with them.
Therefore, we need a common language which is understood more or less by people all over the world. (
d. Bangladesh is a densely populated country with millions of unemployed youths. Proficiency in English
can help one get a good job both inside and outside the country. That is why, English is more important for
us in Bangladesh.
Part D: Answer Part 7

e. By learning English, the unemployed youths of Bangladesh can become skilled workforce. Then, they will
be able to find good jobs both within and outside the country. Thus, English helps Bangladesh as a whole.
f. The problem of a Bangladeshi student in terms of learning English is that he/she learns English only for the
exams. He/she doesn't learn communicative English required at personal, social, national and international
3. (a) realize; (b) which/that; (c) population; (d) causing; (e) valuable.
4. (a + iii + ii) Global warming is making everyone suffer from it.
(b + i + iv) Many fishes are vulnerable to extinct due to it.
(c + v + vi) Global warming is increasing the temperature of water bodies.
(d + vii + iii) Fishes cannot grow well without proper oxygen.
(e + vi + vii) Global warming is decreasing the number of fishes.
(f + iv + i) Fish population is producing fewer offspring due to it.
(g + ii + v) Global temperature should be controlled to save fishes from extinction.
5. (i) has been given; (ii) since 1901; (iii) 1901; (iv) Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Medicine and Peace; (v)
Rontgen; (vi) for invention of X-rays.
6. The passage deals with the biography of Alfred Nobel and his institution of prestigious Nobel Prize. This prize
is given to a person for his outstanding contribution to six specific sectors, namely– Physics, Chemistry,
Literature, Medicine, Peace and Economics. Nobel Prize is actually Alfred Bernard Nobel’s cherished dream.
Alfred earned a fabulous sum of money and expressed his desire to distribute them to the persons who are
exceptionally talented in those six fields. The first winner of Nobel Prize is Rontgen.

Answer to Model Test-23.

1. a. ii) consumers; b. ii) organize; c. iii) incinerate; d. ii) to have an effect on something; e i) To teach people how
to manipulate their usable items; f. ii) separate; g. iii) finding how else a thing might be used; h. iv) consumers;
i. iii) permanent; j. iv) intention.
2. a. Before buying something, we can ask ourselves if we really need it or if there is a more sustainable product
for the same purpose. We even can consider if the product is longer lasting and think about the raw
materials, the usage and the way of disposal of the product.
b. Durable items can be used for a long time. Also, some of them can be repaired when needed. Thus, they
reduce the frequency of purchase and environment gets rid of excessively abandoned waste materials.
Accordingly, durable items will help save the environment.
c. Yes, we can do something creative with the unusable things. We can donate them to the poor or sell them.
d. Recycling helps using some materials again and again. It reduces the frequency of our purchase, encourages
less production and lessens waste. Thus, recycling helps to save our environment.
e. We can sell our used products through personal ads in local newspapers. People can buy those things for
the purpose of reuse. Thus, local newspapers can help in reusing things.
f. We should dispose waste by sending them to a landfill or having them burned up.
3. (a) demand; (b) growth/development/advancement; (c) consumption; (d) enough; (e) insufficient/ unable.
4. (a + iv + iii) The world consumed 3 billion barrels of petroleum annually in 1930.
(b + v + i) But the amount has increased to 50 billion barrels annually today.
(c + i + vii) The economy of developing countries will grow faster than that of the industrialized ones.
(d + vii + v) The economic growth of the world may continue at 3 percent per year.
(e + vi + ii) Naturally, the demand for energy will also increase around the world.
(f + iii + vi) With the increase of world demand, the demand for energy will grow by 1.7 percent per year.
(g + ii + iv) As present reserve of hydro-carbon energy resources is limited, mankind will face energy crises in future.
5. (i) London; (ii) 26 December 1791; (iii) Trinity College, Cambridge; (iv) elected a fellow; (v) London; (vi)
18 October, 1871.
6. The passage is about Charles Babbage, the father of computer. He was both a Mathematician and a Mechanical
Engineer. He received his education from Trinity College and Peter House, Cambridge. He worked in
Cambridge University as a Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. He was also the fellow of the Royal Society.
The world will remember him for his invention of the first mechanical computer.
8 Panjeree SSC Special Supplement   Communicative English First Paper

Answer to Model Test-24.

1. a. ii) infamous; b. iii) agitation; c. iv) inequity; d. i) a poison; e. iv) to finish; f. ii) give responsibilities; g. ii)
Pritilata; h. i) The Indians are insulted by comparing them with dogs; i. iii) Women can contribute to doing great
job; j. iii) noun.
2. a. Surja Sen was a revolutionary who organized several anti-British movements against the British colonial
rule. He devised an attack on the Pahartali European Club and assigned Pritilata to lead the attack.
b. The contribution of Pritilata to the anti-British movement cannot be described in words. She received
combat training and was assigned to lead a team to raid a European Club. She did her task successfully but
failed to escape and to avoid arrest, she sacrificed her life.
c. By sacrificing her life to liberate her country from the British rule, Pritilata proved that women can work like men.
d. Pritilata disguised herself as a man. She did it to hide her real identity.
e. The sign "Dogs and Indians not allowed" is a notorious sign because here Indians had been compared to
dogs but men should not be compared to dogs. In fact, by the sign the Indians were disrespected.
f. Yes, I agree because being a woman she received combat training and was assigned to lead a team. She did
her assignment successfully and to save her team and avoid arrest, she sacrificed her life committing
suicide which proved that women can work as good as men.
3. (a) pulls/motivates/attracts; (b) inherit; (c) know/understand/recognise; (d) identity; (e) identity/existence.
4. (a + iii + v) People love to share happiness with their near and dear ones.
(b + vii + vi) They rush for their homes during Eid because of the pull of their roots.
(c + i + vii) Unlike trees, human beings have invisible roots of their identity.
(d + vi + i) Nothing can prevent people from returning to their roots.
(e + ii + iv) Their identity comprises their family, relatives, friends and even their birthplace.
(f + iv + ii) The rootless people are devoid of values, humanity and social responsibilities.
(g + v + iii) Such people are non-entity who often feel empty and lost.
5. (i) New York; (ii) An American Shipping Company; (iii) 1912; (iv) sailed on its first voyage; (v) began to sink;
(vi) a great hole in the ship.

6. On April 10, 1912, an American Shipping Company launched the Titanic which sailed on its maiden voyage
from Southampton in England to New York in the USA. The ship was thought to be unsinkable but on its first
voyage across the Atlantic, it sank colliding with a huge iceberg. At the time of sinking of the Titanic, the
passengers got panicked and rushed to the lifeboats. However, the lifeboats could take only the women and the
children as the number of the boats was limited.
7-10.Do yourself

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