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Full name: Barbara Quintero.

Registration code: 2085987
Teacher: Valentina Ulibarri Viniegra
Date: 10/18/2022.
Evidence 4.

Corruption has been over time one of the most serious problems that Mexico presents.

Since the knowledge of democracy as a key factor in politics, corruption has been its main

characteristic. Therefore, it is a clear reproach that society maintains against the government.

Citizens had not lost hope in transparency until a dictator government came to power that ended

their dreams and their freedoms.

Politicians are very aware of their faults regarding the citizenship of a State, so many

continue to carry out activities in order to change the minds of people who have moved away

from the political issue of the country. Previously, the rulers lied to the people with their false

proposals. In addition, they spent state money on activities that at that time were not necessary

for the advancement of the country, because there are always more important situations to cover

than just wasting or stealing the people's money.

Corruption begins from the moment a politician lies and transmits false ideologies to his

citizens. The sole action of lying already becomes a corrupt politician. Many of those politicians

have not changed their habits of corruption. Therefore, many people think that all politicians are

completely corrupt.

However, the new generation has been developing a new culture of ethics and

transparency that is generating a new wave of trust in the people who make up a country. They
have been studying the situations that arose before and many have already decided to eradicate

such poisonous action as corruption.

Samuel Garcia had been working on that since he began his government term as governor

here in Nuevo León. Policies such as the free market and a new development plan give hope to

the people who decided to put him in the power that he is now developing. He has spoken with

different political leaders to be able to expand his ideals, but more time is needed to achieve it.

In conclusion, corruption is a problem that can only be eradicated through healthy and

correct values ​and customs that start from home and family. Also, from the precise moment in

which each of us can decide not to corrupt ourselves even with a lie, from that moment we could

consider ourselves incorruptible people and therefore, become good politicians.


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