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Write a short paragraph (quoting from the article) about the

stereotypical image of Arabs in Hollywood highlighted by the author.

Arabs in Hollywood films were portrayed in a highly negative stereotypical image,
they were presented as backward, irrational, barbaric and more as “sinisters” . Males
are governed by their sexual desires, and Arabian females have been stereotyped as
humiliated, demonized, and eroticized in popular culture.
The Arabs in Hollywood movies was portrayed in exotic terms, always related to
desert dwellers in order to show how primitive these people were, far away from the
modern life of technological advances” lacking morals and honor”.
Depicting Arabs as uncultivated, illiterate people, Arabs were expected to be the
reason behind any Illegal or suspicious behavior. For example if a problem occurs in a
plane, accusation looks will be immediately and directly pointed at the Arab person
on the plane because they are usually depicted and portrayed as dangerous ,brutal
,rappers, cruel and criminal peoples “ruthless gangs” . The image of the Arabs in
Hollywood movies is usually related or stands as mixture between Islam, extremism
and terrorism. showing up in films as Islamic terrorists with no emotions nor
compassion “no mercy towards woman and children, they are brainwashed into
being ready to blow up not just Westerners but also the Middle Easterners
themselves” , all this was done by Muslims under the name of “Allah” that’s why
there’s that tendency in those films to associate “the shouting of ‘Allah Akbar’ with
awful actions”.
Comparing the Arabs image or the easterners to that image of the westerns (here in
this article it’s basically the Americans) we can easily depict the huge gap in
portraying both cultures or to be more accurately both worlds because from the
article we can notably see that Arabs following Said’s concept of the orientalism were
the representation or the Image of what is inferior and alien”other” to the west.
Arabs were considered as belonging to another world ;”the orient” which signifies a
system of representations framed by political forces that brought the orient into
western empire. This idea was central in Hollywood movies that’s why we see that
Arabs are usually depicted in relation to the image of a villain or a devil.
basically portrayed as the “bad guys” in the movie in contrast with the
American”good guys” or heroes which their responsibility is to capture these Arab
criminals and stop their evil . It is this image of the orient an inferior world, a place of
backwardness, irrationality, and wildness, that allowed the ‘West’ to identify
themselves as the opposite of these characteristics; as a superior world that was
progressive, rational, and civil.

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