Modern Warfare 07

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Modern Warfare 07
By Wade Cross and Jesse Stern

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satellite shows the world in the present day (2011). The Middle East and
Russia are analyzed as war breaks out in the two areas.

war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and
15000 nukes at stake.

Khaled Al-Asad's profile is shown.

Middle East. (Now) Word on the street is he's got the minerals to be top
dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him.


His name's Soap.
The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in Credenhill, U.K.
Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish is at an SAS training compound with Gaz in
Credenhill, UK.

Soap grabs a G36C rifle.

He reaches station one.

Soap aims his weapon.


Soap shoots the targets.

Soap shoots the targets from the hip.

want you to shoot the targets through the wood.

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Soap shoots the targets behind the wood.

plaster and sheet metal. Now I'm going (to) make the targets pop up one at
a time. Hit all of them as fast as you can.

them by repeatedly popping in and out of aiming down the sight.
Soap shoots the targets weirdly slowly.

Soap hits all the targets slightly faster.

Soap grabs a USP .45 pistol.


Switches again.

reloading. All right Soap, come this way. Using your knife is even faster
than switching to your pistol. Knife the watermelon.
Soap slices the watermelon with his combat knife.

Soap, report to Sergeant Newcastle
Soap exits the armoury and walks through an alley with a lot of trucks and
cars. Behind a fence, a highway with military vehicles, buses and civilians
cars can be seen. There is a parking lot with HMMWVs and a field with three
Black Hawks, while another is making a circle around the base, landing at
each turn and taking off again. Soap approaches a truck, where Newcastle
awaits at the demolitions station.

Sgt. Newcastle:
up those frag grenades and get in the safety pit.
Soap collects the frags and walks into the safety pit, opposite a large
empty stone building.

Sgt. Newcastle:
The grenades are thrown into the windows.

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Sgt. Newcastle:
Soap collects an M4A1 Grenadier.

Sgt. Newcastle:
Soap enters the safety pit.

Sgt. Newcastle:
the number one on it.
Soap fires. The grenade does not explode.

Sgt. Newcastle:
launchers have a minimum safe arming distance. Right, now pop a grenade
into windows five, six and seven.
Soap fires the grenades.

Sgt. Newcastle:
Soap collects the C4

Sgt. Newcastle:
enough to donate her car to furthering your education, Soap. Throw some C4
on the car.
Soap tosses a C4 block onto the car.

Sgt. Newcastle:
Soap places a C4 block on the car's glowing spot.

Sgt. Newcastle:
Soap retreats to beside Newcastle.

Sgt. Newcastle:
Soap detonates the C4.

Sgt. Newcastle:
weapons evaluation. Now report to Mac on the obstacle course. I'm sure
he'll be thrilled to see you.
Soap walks away from Newcastle and towards the obstacle course, where Mac
stands on the large wooden platform, and three SAS troopers await the

ladies! Go! This isn't a bloody charity walk - get your arses into gear!
Soap and the other clear the log balance beams and duck underneath the

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Soap and the others reach a barbed wire obstacle, and go prone to crawl
beneath it.

run faster than you lot! Move move move! What's the matter with you? You
all want to be R. T. U'd?
Soap reaches the end of the course first.

passed my little test, now get out of my sight!
The others finally finish.

I'm no longer embarrassed to look at you!
The other SAS troops run back to the start. When approaching hangar number
one, the door opens slowly and the player enters. In the hanger, a group of
four men are waiting. Two of them face the player and the two others turn
back to see. They all wear gas masks, except Captain Price.

the regiment.

Cpt. Price:
muppet like you pass Selection? Soap, it's your turn for the C.Q.B. test.
Everyone else head to observation. For this test you'll have to run the
cargo-ship solo in less than 60 seconds. Gaz holds the current squadron
record at 19 seconds. Good luck. Climb the ladder over there.
Soap climbs the ladder to the top of the course.

Cpt. Price:
Soap equips the inventory. If player does not have the MP5 out.

Cpt. Price:
Soap equips the MP5.

Cpt. Price:
to position 1. After that you will storm down the stairs to position 2.
Then hit positions 3 and 4, following my precise instructions at each
position. Grab the rope when you're ready.
Soap grabs the rope, slides down, and begins the course.

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Cpt. Price:
Soap comes to the "bridge".

Cpt. Price:

Cpt. Price:
The player follows the red arrows and continues through the course.

Cpt. Price:
Soap clears the room, passes a door and another door with Mess painted on
it. Several other arrows are painted on the walls and on the floor.

Cpt. Price:
Soap tosses a flashbang and covers as it explodes.

Cpt. Price:
He shoots the targets.

Cpt. Price:
Soap runs to a room when two targets pop up.

Cpt. Price:
He shoots the targets.

Cpt. Price:
Soap arrives at a door which is exactly the same as the other that was
passed before.

Cpt. Price:
He throws a flashbang and two targets pop up.

Cpt. Price:
He shoots the targets.

Cpt. Price:
He gets to the finish, He Beats Gaz's squadron record of 19 seconds, with

Cpt. Price:
Soap walks to the monitors.

Cpt. Price:
yourselves sorted out. Wheels up at 0200. Dismissed.

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The satellite tracks and analyzes a cargo freighter ship in the Bering

Captain Price:
informant in Russia... ...The package is aboard a medium freighter.
Estonian registration number 52775... There is a small crew and a security
detail on board.


Captain Price:
The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish and the SAS team in a Black Hawk
helicopter flying towards the ship.
The helicopter carrying Captain Price, Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish, Gaz, and the
SAS team flies towards the cargo ship. Price is smoking a cigar on the way.

Hammer Two-Four:
on the target. E.T.A sixty seconds.

After (supposedly) sixty seconds (in real time there is only thirty seconds
between Hammer Two-Four's beginning transmission to the squad's

Hammer Two-Four:
The helicopter flies alongside the ship. After twenty seconds.

Hammer Two-Four:
Price tosses out his cigar. The team gets ready by putting on their gas
masks. Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish pulls out his MP5SD.

Captain Price:
After ten seconds. They reach the bridge and main deck.

Hammer Two-Four:
Price, Soap, and an SAS fast-rope down from helicopter, landing on the main
deck and outside bridge with crew members inside.

Captain Price:
They take out the bridge members.


Captain Price:

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the deck, over.

Price kicks the bridge door open. They make their way inside and down the

Captain Price:
They go down the stairway to find a drunken crew member.

They quickly kill him.

Captain Price:
They enter the crew's quarters and kill two sleeping crew members.


Captain Price:
They move out.

Hammer Two-Four:
Gaz, Wallcroft, and Griffen rappel down from the helicopter and group up
with Price.


Captain Price:
They move up the ship. They see two crew members with flashlights on patrol
on a platform.


Captain Price:
They approach the platform.

Captain Price:

Soap kills one of them.

Soap kills the other.

They reach the end of the ship. They are engaged by crew members on the

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second floor.


Captain Price:

Hammer Two-Four:
Hammer Two-Four sprays its minigun across the floor, killing all enemies.
Two-Four takes off and heads back to base.

Hammer Two-Four:
out. Big Bird will be on station for evac in ten.

Captain Price:
rest of you, on me.

Wallcroft and Griffen stay behind the watch for enemy crew members while
the others stack up at a doorway. Gaz pulls out a M1014 shotgun.



Captain Price:
Price opens the door. They enter inside.

Captain Price:



Captain Price:


Captain Price:
They head down the stairs.

They kill a small group of crew members at the end of the hall.


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Captain Price:



Captain Price:
They stack up at a doorway.

Captain Price:

The SAS peeks around the door, but moves away as hostile bullets amost hit
him. Price throws a flashbang into the room.

Captain Price:
They clear the room and then move up and clear a catwalk.

They clear the room.

Captain Price:
The team moves up.

Captain Price:

The team moves up.


Captain Price:

Price kicks open the door.

Captain Price:



Captain Price:

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They move up to the catwalk.

They open fire on crew members on the opposite catwalk.

Captain Price:
They move across the catwalk and engage some hostiles as they come down the
stairs. They clear the room.


Captain Price:



Captain Price:
They stack up at a door.

Captain Price:


Price throws a flashbang into the next room.

Captain Price:
They move in and engage hostiles spread throughout the compartment. They
clear the room.


Captain Price:

Gaz gets a radiation reading from one of the crates at the end of the room.

at this.
Gaz opens the crate to reveal a nuclear device covered by an Arabic flag.

Captain Price:
We've found it. Ready to secure package for transport.

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what you can and get the hell outta there.


Captain Price:
Soap grabs the manifest.

Captain Price:
They begin to head out.

Captain Price:
SAS (Pvt. Griffen/Sgt. Wallcroft): All ready in the helicopter sir. Enemy
aircraft inbound...Shit! They've opened fire! Get out of there! Now!
An explosion erupts in the ship as the MiGs open fire on the ship. The team
falls to the ground briefly.

Big Bird:

The ship begins to tilt and water starts to flood into the ship.


Big Bird:
Price helps up Soap.

Captain Price:
your feet, soldier! We are leaving! Get to the catwalks! Move move move!

They begin to make their way off the ship. They reach the catwalks. Water
bursts in, making them lose balance.

Captain Price:
Parts of the comparment begin to fall apart all around them.


The catwalk begins to break away.


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Captain Price:
They enter the hallway, the pipes on the walls begin to burst.

They continue moving through the ship.

Big Bird:

Captain Price:
They move up the stairs out of lower hall.


Captain Price:

They turn to the right towards the exit. Objects begin to roll as the ship
capsizes further. They reach outside.

Captain Price:

The helicopter arrives and they board just as it takes off.

Soap jumps. He begins to lose his grip on the ramp. Price grabs him and
pulls him aboard.

Captain Price:

Big Bird:
Package secure, returning to base. Out.
Fade to black as we suddenly cut to a satellite, which tracks a car
somewhere in Saudi Arabia.


President Yasir Al-Fulani is dragged out of the building by two OpFor
soldiers. Other soldiers are on top of buildings. Helicopters swarm the
area. More soldiers are seen taking civilians into custody while others
secure the area with their dogs.

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Khaled Al-Asad:

Al-Fulani is dragged into a car, and raises his tied hands as he is about
to be knocked out by one of the soldiers.


The soldier hits him with the stock of his AK. Al-Fulani gets up and
coughs; the car is driven by an OpFor soldier and Viktor Zakhaev, who are
taking him to Al-Asad for a public execution. The soldier who hit him slams
the door and bangs the roof to signal the car can depart while the other
one signals to clear the way for the car to leave.''

(from the outside)

They drive out of the area; Al-Asad's speech plays over the radio.


Our great nation and lead her into a new era of prosperity.)
Soldiers are seen running down the sidewalk in the opposite direction of
the car.

Viktor Zakhaev:
(to the driver)


On one side of the road a soldier is seen pinning a civilian and then
gutting him. On the other several soldiers are firing into buildings,
breaching them to clear them out of any civilians loyal to Al-Fulani. The

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car continues to follow the BMP for some time. Civilians run out of an
alley and up the street between the car and the BMP. Soldiers come out
after them and shoot them dead, avoiding hitting the car in the crossfire.
The BMP stops near a market place, soldiers get out from the troop
compartment in the back and start shooting and stabbing the shoppers. The
car goes down a hill. At the bottom a garbage can is rolling with a human
under it. The human gets out and is shot from behind. The car comes to an
intersection. A truck chock full of soldiers goes ahead of the car. The
other roads are swarmed with soldiers. The car follows the truck. They come
to a fork. The truck goes left. In the middle is an empty concrete area
behind a building. Many civilians are lined up against it with their hands
behind their heads and their faces against the brick. Several civilians are
on the ground being arrested by soldiers.

On a corner bend there is another empty area behind a building where some
more civilians are being killed and arrested for resisting the OpFor. At
the violent scene Viktor taps the driver's shoulder, who nods to him and
turns back to the road. Civilians steal guns from soldiers and fire upon
OpFor agents in a small courtyard. They are all killed.

Soldiers exit another BMP and run down the sidewalk. The car goes right at
a fork into an alley with many posters of Al-Asad and dumpsters. Behind a
dumpster a civilian is seen painting a picture of Al-Fulani onto the alley
wall. He sprints off when the car comes near. Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters
buzz over the buildings.

A civilian is seen jumping a chain-link fence. A German shepherd is seen

chasing him but he escapes.

A dumpster lid is lifted slightly. A civilian head is exposed. He quickly

shuts it once the car gets too close. The car approaches a highway near the
bay. Waves crash against the side-rail. Soldiers run across from the right
end to the left. Several jets fly across the ocean. The car turns right and
follows the soldiers. On the left several soldiers surround a truck and
drag the civilian driver out and throw him to the pavement. The car goes
straight. On the left many civilians are lined up with their backs facing
the road. Soldiers reload and aim at them. As the car passes they fire and
the bodies drop in a hail of gunfire.

The car turns left at a small courtyard where soldiers are lined up and
tanks are parked. An Mi-8 Hip lands in the courtyard, flanked by two Hinds.

The car travels down a deserted road. At the end are some soldiers talking

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and smoking. At the very end there is an arena on the right. Many soldiers
are lined up here. They all fire their guns into the air as they cheer. The
car stops outside the arena. A soldier opens the back door, another pulls
Al-Fulani out, and throws him onto the ground.

The soldier stomps Al-Fulani in the face, the player's vision blacks out.
As Al-Fulani's vision comes to, two soldiers each take one of Al-Fulani's
arms and lead him down the long hallway into the arena where Imran Zakhaev
awaits. The soldiers hold Al-Fulani in front of Zakhaev, who looks at him.
He then nods and backs off. The soldiers begin to lead him towards a
bloody, wooden stake in the middle of the arena. OpFor soldiers are
gathered all around the courtyard, cheering from both floors of the
surrounding building. Al-Asad is nearby, talking into a camera being used
to broadcast his speech.

The soldiers tie Al-Fulani up and soldiers cheer very loudly. Al-Asad looks
at Zakhaev, who is holding a Desert Eagle. Al-Asad approaches to take it.
Zakhaev raises the gun at Al-Asad's head. Al-Asad hesitates, before Imran
Zakhaev turns it over and offers it to him. Al-Asad takes it and returns to
the camera (the execution is being filmed on live television). He tells the

Al-Asad then walks over to Al-Fulani, aims the Desert Eagle at Al-Fulani's
face and cocks it (in Modern Warfare Remastered, Al-Fulani is heard
breathing heavily during this). Al-Asad fires the gun, executing Al-Fulani.
The film instantly blacks out.
Title card "Cross Productions, Activison, Ravem and Infinity Ward presents
Modern Warfare, Chapter I"
The satellite shows a video feed of Al-Asad executing President Al-Fulani
in Saudi Arabia. [President Al-Fulani - Status: EXECUTED]

national television.

Captain Price:
late to do anything for Al-Fulani. But in less than three hours code-name
Nikolai will be executed in Russia.


Captain Price:
camp. He supplied the intel on the cargoship operation.

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The satellite uploads Nikolai's profile and tracks him in an
Ultranationalist camp in the Caucasus Mountains. Objective: Rescue Nikolai.

Captain Price:
out... ...We take care of our friends. Let's move.
The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in the Caucasus Mountains.

[Day 2 - 1:
[Caucasus Mountains, Russia]
[Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish]
[22nd SAS Regiment]
Captain Price, Gaz, and Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish gather in the Caucasus
Mountains to rescue Nikolai.

Captain Price:
north. Move out.


Captain Price:
you're asking.

The team moves out to meet the Loyalists. They see a couple of guards.

Captain Price:
The two guards are killed.

They move up to the guard house ahead. Inside are two guards watching the
newscast of the events in the Middle East. Price tosses a flashbang through
the door and they take out the two guards.

Captain Price:
ahead. Kamarov and his men will be waiting for us in a field to the
They cross under a bridge and see two guard houses ahead. They stack up by
the front house.

their attention.
Soap plants a claymore by the door, steps back and shoots it. The explosion
attracts a few guards. They are killed.

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Captain Price:

They enter and come out of a house to a small field.

Captain Price:

Sgt. Kamarov comes out of the bushes.

Sgt. Kamarov:
Kamarov signals his Loyalist team out of the tall grass.

Captain Price:

Sgt. Kamarov:

Captain Price:

Sgt. Kamarov:

The joint team of SAS and Russian Loyalists head up a hill.

Price, Gaz, Soap, and Kamarov position themselves on the cliffs above
Kamarov's men.

Captain Price:
Soap pulls out his M21 suppressed and prepares to provide sniper support
for Kamarov's men below.

Captain Price:

Soap begins to snipe targets while the Loyalists storm the village. A
couple of enemies begin firing a machine gun from a house below.

Captain Price:
Kamarov's men can storm the building!
Soap kills the machine gunners by firing through the walls.

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Captain Price:
As Kamarov's men move up the village, more enemies appear, an alarm sounds,
and helicopters are seen flying overhead.

Sgt. Kamarov:

Captain Price:

Sgt. Kamarov:
protect my men from those helicopter troops. This way!
They move on through the to intercept the helicopter troops

Captain Price:


Captain Price:
They encounter helicopter troops dropping in by the power station.

They engage.

The troops are eliminated.

Sgt. Kamarov:
Help me support them from the cliffs.

Captain Price:

Sgt. Kamarov:
village, the closer we will be to securing your informant!
They eliminate more targets from the cliff above the village. Kamarov's men
push further into the village.

Sgt. Kamarov:
power station.
They move up to the power station on the top of the hill.

Sgt. Kamarov:
little more of your sniper support we are sure to be victorious. Captain

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Price, I need to ask one more favour for you and your men. Although my men
are training of these situations. With the help, and even more affectly.
(As subtitles is "Look. The final assault has already begun. With a little
more of your sniper support we are sure to be victorious. Captain Price, I
need to--)
Gaz pushes and holds Kamarov on the ledge.



Sgt. Kamarov:

Gaz sits Kamarov down on the corner. The team gets ready to rappel.

Captain Price:
anything happens to the informant. Let's go!
Price, Gaz, and Soap rappel down from the power station to the village.
They encounter Ultranationalists on the way to the house.

Captain Price:
They reach the house.

Captain Price:
ready! (The captions incorrectly say "Everyone else, get ready!" - This has
been corrected in Remastered)
Follows Gaz to the back of the house.

when I cut the power. Go!
The player meets back with Price.

Captain Price:
The house lights go out.

Price and Soap enter the house.

Soap kills Sasha.

Captain Price:

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They continue through the house.

Soap kills Viktor. They move upstairs to the second floor and kill more
Ultranationalists in the house. At the last room, Soap kills the final
enemy, who drops a flashlight that shines into Nikolai's face. They reach

Price helps up Nikolai and hands him an AK74u.

Captain Price:


of here.

Captain Price:
us at LZ one. Over.

Big Bird:

Captain Price:
They move out of the house and reach Big Bird with Nikolai. Once all
aboard, Big Bird takes off.


Captain Price:

Al-Asad alive.
We cut to The satellite, which uploads a video feed of a city in flames at
night with anti-aircraft fire shooting out from the ground.

push into the city where Al-Asad is making his last stand. Fighting has
intensified in the Capital City. Anti-aircraft fire and burning buildings
light the night.


The satellite tracks an M1 Abrams tank.

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"War Pig". Lt. Vasquez, your unit is shotgun, over.

on our way. Out.
The satellite tracks Sgt. Paul Jackson half a mile away from War Pig's
position somewhere in the Middle East.
Lt. Vasquez, Sgt. Paul Jackson, and a group of Marines make their way to
the bog.

We gotta hustle! Let's go!


Suddenly, gunfire rips down on the team from a darkened building by the



They continue to advance under heavy fire. A Cobra can be seen getting shot

They reach an apartment building.

They begin to clear out the apartment adjacent to the darkened building.
Jackson gets to the inside of the building.

entrance. Go!
Jackson and Roycewicz proceed upstairs. 


Jackson engages a group of OpFor on the second floor. They then clear out a
machine gun nest.

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'em through the wall!
Jackson mans the machine gun and plows down the enemy's flank.


Get there A.S.A.P!

They attempt to fight their way out through the rear of the building, but
they encounter heavy resistance.



They fight their way through the courtyard. More OpFor and tanks appear on
the highway bridge across the area.


Private West, get on the roof and hit 'em with the Javelin!
Marine (Pvt. West): Right away sir!
Pvt. West can be seen with the Javelin, but he is shot and killed before he
could use it.


Jackson picks up the Javelin.


Jackson takes aim, locks on, and fires. The first tank is destroyed

Jackson destroys the remaining tanks, if they don't escape.

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Jackson meets up with his squad while they are cutting through a fence with
acid spray. They pull out the fence and make their way through the
flare-lit slums underneath the overpass to reach War Pig at the bog.

War Pig:
the overpass! Where the hell are you?!


let's get back to the squad!
They arrive at the site of the stranded tank. They are surrounded by enemy


but the tank's still ok over!
They take up defensive positions around the tank.

the perimeter!

War Pig:
still have our machine gun!

to the tank!
The team defends the tank and fires back at the incoming enemies as we cut
back to our other crew.
The Black Hawk is traveling across the countryside when suddenly the
missile lock alert begins sounding and a Stinger missile begins to close

Captain Price:
The helicopter is hit and begins to spin towards the ground.

repeat, we are going down 2 miles south of Waypoint 5...
The helicopter crashes. Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish comes to having been thrown
away from the chopper in the crash. Captain Price sees him and sprints
over, helping him up.

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Captain Price:
The wrecked helicopter explodes, presumably from the fuel tank igniting.

Captain Price:
parties get here.
Price and Soap run back to the survivors. Soap pulls out his M1911. The
player can grab and switch between a G36C, an M4A1, and an MP5 at the

Captain Price:


Captain Price:
from here. Let's move out.
Price, Gaz, Soap and Nikolai begin to make their way towards the extraction

on the way, but it will take some time before they will be in a position to
assist, over.

Captain Price:


Captain Price:
They group up with a scout watching out for vehicles from behind a fence by
the highway.


Captain Price:
They sprint to take cover under the bridge as a convoy speeds past. A
helicopter with a search beam also arrives and flies overhead to scout the
crash site.

Captain Price:
They come across the back door of an old wooden garage. Russian voices can
be heard from the other side of the building.

Captain Price:

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Price silently opens the door. The room is clear but looks out onto a
farmyard. A group of Ultranationalists asks a farmer where the crash
survivors are. One of them becomes aggressive on him.

Captain Price:
old man.
The hostiles are eliminated.


Captain Price:
As they make their way through a field of long grass, the helicopter

Captain Price:
They go prone using the grass for cover.

Captain Price:
The helicopter passes over them.

Captain Price:
As they sprint towards a wooden house at the far end of the field, angry
shouting is heard as they are spotted by an enemy patrol who open fire.


Captain Price:
The helicopter returns and enemy reinforcements begin rappelling down at
the opposite end of the field.

Captain Price:

The shootout continues while Gaz works on the door.


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Captain Price:
They barricade the door behind them.

Captain Price:
Soap and Gaz head through the house towards the exit when a couple enemies
storm the back door and throw a flashbang.

They continue to fight through the house and proceed into another deserted



Captain Price:
They move into the courtyard. Enemies can be heard shouting and dogs
barking. The dogs come running towards Soap.
Soap reaches for the dog's head before it bites down, he twists and breaks
its neck, killing it. He gets up and back into the fight. They fight their
way through the courtyard.


Captain Price:
erroneously read "It looks like they don't know where we are."). Let's keep
it that way.
The helicopter moves away and Price opens the courtyard gate.

Captain Price:
They make their way down a shallow riverbed.

Captain Price:
the spotlight.
The enemy vehicles roll past, the helicopter's search light moves past

Captain Price:
They sneak through a field using haystacks and the darkness as cover to try
and avoid the enemies patrolling the field with flashlights. Suddenly...

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The helicopter flies above and its gunner fires down on the field.

Captain Price:
They reach the greenhouses and engage enemies. They fight their way through
the greenhouses to some abandoned houses.

Captain Price:
overhead cover!
They enage enemies at the barn at the end of the complex. They enter the
barn and kill enemies inside. Stinger missiles are laying on top of the
ammo crates.


Captain Price:
Soap grabs a Stinger, locks on the helicopter, and fires a missile. The
helicopter avoids it by popping flares.

grab another Stinger and fire again! Let's put him to the test!
Soap grabs another Stinger and fires, this time scoring a direct hit. The
helicopter begins spinning before crashing into the ground.


Captain Price:
They continue on through western Russia and make their way to the
extraction zone
After leaving the barn, they approach a main road, where a T72 and a large
convoy of trucks are unloading troops.

airspace at this time. Out.

AC-130 FCO:
could use some help down there. Call the shot.

Captain Price:
and infantry, 100 metres to the southwest of our location, over.

AC-130 FCO:
Cannon fire can be seen raining down from the sky, obliterating the convoy.
The team cheers as the convoy is destroyed.

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AC-130 FCO:
extraction zone. You'd better get movin'.

Captain Price:
squad) Come on, let's go! 
We cut back to Sgt. Paul Jackson, Lt. Vasquez, and the Marines, who are
defending the M1 Abrams tank War Pig against an oncoming group of OpFor

moving in from the north!

We'll hold down the left flank and provide supporting fire, out.
Enemy helicopters are seen about to drop troops.


Lt. Vasquez:
Sgt. Paul Jackson, Lt. Vasquez, and the Marines defend M1 Abrams tank War
Pig against an oncoming group of OpFor soldiers.

moving in from the north!

We'll hold down the left flank and provide supporting fire, out.
Enemy helicopters are seen about to drop troops.


Lt. Vasquez:

They move through the streets, War Pig picks out targets.

Gunner, two/three story building, 11/1 o'clock/11:30, ground floor/second

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floor (balcony)!

Target acquired!

War Pig fires its cannon, taking out enemy targets. The tank stands by for
another target.

War Pig continues to pick and take out targets. The Marines suppress enough
enemies in the streets. 


Lt. Vazquez:
War Pig moves down the street. Jackson clears OpFor forces building by

advance, over?

Lt. Vasquez:

War Pig moves down the street. The team continues to support the tank.

Lt. Vasquez:
out back and flank 'em from the right.

Sgt. Griggs:
They move to a building. They come to an ambush.

Vasquez assists a Marine in moving a dumpster for cover. Jackson takes out
the hostiles and they reach the end of the ally and kick upen a door.


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As the Marines come up to a blown second floor, they see a T-72 tank and
OpFor soldiers coming up the street.


Lt. Vazquez:
o' clock! Can you engage, over!

War Pig comes up to the corner of a building hidden from the enemy tank. It
turns its turret at the building, aiming at the enemy tank, which turns its
turret at the Marines and is about to fire.

War Pig fires through a steel door and wall, and hits the enemy tank, which
sparks and explodes and is destroyed.

Marine 1:

Marine 2:

Marine 3:

Lt. Vasquez:
the hell outta here.

War Pig:
Warpig drives around the corner as the Marines move out.

location, what's your status, over?

Lt. Vasquez:
Highway 4 and should make visual contact shortly with 2nd platoon.
They move to an LZ at the end of the city. A Sea Knight lands to pick them

moving in to capture Al-Asad. It's all hands on deck for this one so get on
board, over.

Lt. Vasquez:

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position! Everyone on board! Let's go!
We then cut to them In one of the Sea Knight helicopters.
Sgt. Paul Jackson is in a Sea Knight manning a Mark 19 Grenade Launcher.
More U.S. helicopters and tanks are seen moving into the Capital City.

Outlaw Two-Five:

Cpt. Pelayo:
mop up any troublemakers with the Mark 19.
Command (Overlord): All callsigns, this is Overlord. We're seeing enemy
armor on the bottom grove west of the river.
As they near the city, Sgt. Paul Jackson loads his Mark 19 and the enemy
T-72s, BMPs and RPGs fire at the helicopters.

Outlaw Two-Five:
Deadly and the other Cobra helicopters destroy the T-72s while Jackson
destroys the BMPs on the highway, before then destroying an enemy
anti-aircraft nest on one rooftop.

Outlaw Two-Five:
Jackson takes out foot-mobiles with RPGs on the rooftops as the chopper
enters the city.

Outlaw Two-Five:
infantry, watch it.
Jackson fires at the courtyard, taking out two BMPs along with infantry.
The player can fire on the statue, which topples down.

Outlaw Two-Five:
Jackson shifts his fire on the rooftops.

Outlaw Two-Five:
Jackson takes out the AA nest and a BMP next to a fuel truck, also
detonating the fuel truck, which sends up a fireball as the gas station it
was next to explodes as well.

Outlaw Two-Five:
a run for it. We are clear to land.

Abrams to the front. Outlaw, this is command, unload half your chalk and
take the rest 2 klicks to the west. We need you to evac an advance team
pinned down in the city.

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Lt. Volker:

Outlaw Two-Five:
Outlaw Two-Five lands near the courtyard and unloads half of its crew. Two
more Sea Knights land and unload their Marines as the Abrams tanks begin to
roll in. Outlaw Two-Five takes off.

Lt. Vasquez:
gotten pinned down and needs out help!
Cobra Attack Helicopter "Deadly" finishes up around the area and heads back
to base.

Cpt. Pelayo:
refuel. You're on your own for now, 2-5.
As Outlaw Two-Five flies further into the city to support the advance team,
two jets can be seen bombing an area.

green smoke to indicate their position.

Outlaw Two-Five:
As Outlaw Two-Five nears the LZ, Jackson fires at more hostiles. Outlaw
Two-Five lands near the green smoke. Jackson and his team unload.

Lt. Vasquez:
our boys evac'ed and get the hell out of here!
As the team moves out, mortar fire explodes near the LZ.

Lt. Volker:

Outlaw Two-Five:
The Sea Knight departs to avoid the mortar fire. The team encounters enemy
foot-mobiles on their way to the advance team's location.

Lt. Vasquez:
floor! Let's get our boys outta there! Move!
The team enters a building filled with hostiles.

floor! I repeat, we're up on the second floor!
The team reaches the second floor.


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Lt. Vasquez:
Two enemy helicopters are seen dropping troops. Deadly arrives and takes
them out. If the player is fast enough, he can use his grenade launcher to
take them out first.

Cpt. Pelayo:
guys miss me?


Lt. Vasquez:
The team takes out enemy troops in the building and on the rooftop. More
try to flank them and keep them pinned down at the far side of the alley,
but are all eliminated.

Lt. Vasquez:
The team reaches Outlaw Two-Five.

Lt. Volker:
Jackson boards the helicopter and mans the Mark 19. Outlaw Two-Five takes


Outlaw Two-Five:

Al-Asad's palace to the west. NEST teams are on the way. Until the device
is verified safe, all forces are to fall back to the east, over.
As Outlaw Two-Five and Deadly start to pull out, a Stinger missile is fired
from a distance and damages Deadly's tail rotor.

Cpt. Pelayo:
The Cobra spins out of control.

Cpt. Pelayo:
going down.
The Cobra crashes. As Outlaw Two-Five circles the crash site, Jackson takes
out any incoming hostiles.

Outlaw Two-Five:
down. Deadly this is Outlaw Two-Five, come in, over! Command, I have a
visual on the crash site. I see small arms fire coming from the cockpit.
Request permission to initiate search and rescue, over.

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the event that nuke goes off. Do you understand?

Outlaw Two-Five:

can. Out.

Outlaw Two-Five:
In the distance, Jackson can see enemy T-72s and infantry closing in on
Deadly's crash site. Way too many for her to hold off on her own.

Cpt. Pelayo:
fast! I sure could (subtitles read "could sure") use some help down here!

Outlaw Two-Five:
Outlaw Two-Five lands near the crash site and unloads Jackson and his team.
They head towards the crash site. The player must retrieve the pilot and
return to the Sea Knight in 90 seconds.

your position towards the crash site.

Lt. Vasquez:
left behind! Jackson! Pull her out of there and get back to the LZ! Do it!
Jackson! We're running out of time! Get her out of there! We'll cover you!
The team reaches the crashed helicopter and engages some OpFor along the
way. Jackson pulls Cpt. Pelayo out of the Cobra and carries her back to the
Sea Knight.

Lt. Vasquez:

Outlaw Two-Five:
a good time to get the hell outta here over.

Lt. Vasquez:
Jackson brings Pelayo to the Sea Knight while Vasquez and the team provide
cover fire to hold down the corners from more incoming enemy forces. He
then sets her down. She groans in pain from her injured leg (in the
Remastered version, he puts her down and Pelayo draws out her MP5 to fend
off more insurgents). Jackson turns around to hold off hostiles with Crew

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Chief Lt. Volker as the team evacuates.

at the capital. Proceed to the minimum safe distance until the all clear
has been given by the NEST team.

Lt. Vasquez:
Outlaw Two-Five takes off.

Outlaw Two-Five:
We're in for some chop! Hang on! Jake gimme max power.

threat in the city. NEST teams are on site and attempting to disarm. I
repeat, we have a confirmed nu-
Suddenly, before the warning can be repeated, it is cut off by static as a
nuclear explosion goes off in the distance. Crew Chief Lt. Volker and Sgt.
Paul Jackson look away and shield their eyes with one arm not holding their
weapon to avoid witnessing the brightness of the detonation. When they are
able to look back, they stare in shock and disbelief at what has just
happened. As the familiar mushroom cloud begins to rise into the air, the
shock wave knocks down many helicopters and destroys everything in its

Lt. Vasquez:
The shock wave hits Outlaw 2-5, causing it to spin out of control. Volker
is seen being pulled out of the chopper due to the G-forces caused by the
spin. The helicopter crashes. Jackson's vision immediately blacks out upon
We abruptly cut to The satellite tracking Sgt. Paul Jackson, which labels
him as K.I.A. as a result of the nuclear detonation in the Middle East. As
Nikolai contacts Captain Price from Hamburg, Germany, a safehouse in
Azerbaijan is analyzed as the SAS team prepares to move in and capture

sacrifice himself. There is a safehouse in Azerbaijan that Al-Asad has used
in the past. I am sending you the coordinates.

Captain Price:
going to Azerbaijan.

The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in Northern Azerbaijan.

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The SAS team groups up near the abandoned gas station. A Russian Loyalist
flashes a signal to the team with his flashlight.

Captain Price:
They link up with the Loyalist.
Russian Loyalist: Al-Asad is in the village. The Ultranationalists are
protecting him.

Captain Price:
As they head up the hill, screams and gunshots can be heard from a

Russian Loyalist: It's the Ultranationalists. They're killing the

They come up the hill and encounter the first groups of Ultranationalists.
A shootout ensues.

Captain Price:
Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish targets an Ultranationalist-occupied building.

Havoc Pilot:
The Havoc suppresses enemy forces in the house.

Havoc Pilot:
be available for some time.
The team clears the first set of buildings in the village.

They continue to push into the village.

Havoc Pilot:
by for new orders.
Soap continues calling air support.

Havoc Pilot:
support.; The helicopter is on the way. We'll handle it. Out.; This is 2-5,
we have the target. Standby.
The Havoc arrives and suppresses the targets.

Havoc Pilot:

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be available for some time.
Soap tries to call once more.


Havoc Pilot:
are rearming at this time. Standby.
One by one, houses are cleared of enemy troops.

clear! Let's check the other buildings!; Building clear. No sign of
Al-Asad. Move on.; Building clear. Let's check the next one.
They push up the hill, eliminate the hostiles there, and reach a barn at
the end of the village.

Let's go.
Price tosses a flashbang in the barn, pulls out his M1911 pistol and kills
two Ultranationalist soldiers. He begins to torture and interrogate
Al-Asad. The screen goes black as the player hears Price punching Al-Asad.



The vision returns. Al-Asad is seen tied to a chair as Price gives a hard
jabbing punch to Al-Asad's ribs and punches him some more. A cell phone
rings, and Price stops.
Gaz picks up the cell phone from the ground.

Gaz tosses the cellphone to Price. Price listens to the voice on the phone,
his facial expressions change to seemingly agitated. Al-Asad starts to
struggle on his bindings.

Price hangs up and drops Al-Asad's phone, pulls out his pistol, and
executes Khaled Al-Asad.



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We fade out.
The satellite tracks the village in Azerbaijan where the S.A.S. have
recently captured and executed Al-Asad.


Captain Price:
Every Ultranationalist psycho in Zakhaev's pocket is about to show up on
our doorstep, coming to claim Al-Asad.

Anti-personnel mines are seen placed throughout the hill as their strategy
is analyzed.

Captain Price:
the southern hill... ...and more along phase line Bravo. We'll delay them
all the way back to the top, and hold our ground at the extraction point in
the fields around the farm. Any questions?

Ultranationalist: (on a loudspeaker) Surrender at once and your lives will
be spared! I am sure you will make right choice given the circumstances!
(pause) Drop your weapons and surrender at once! You will not be harmed if
you surrender!
Captain Price, Gaz, Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish, and the S.A.S. team move out to
face the Ultranationalist counterattack.

Captain Price:
imminent. Spread out and cover the southern approach.

Ultranationalist: (on a loudspeaker) We know you are hiding in the village!
You are surrounded! There is nowhere to run! Surrender and make it easy on
The team prones on the edge of a fenced cliff at the south end of the hill.

Ultranationalists are seen walking up the hill, unaware they've walked

right into the S.A.S. trap.

Captain Price:

Gaz detonates phase line Alpha. The Ultranationalists quickly realize
they've been duped and and panic.

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Captain Price:
They begin to open fire as the Ultranationalists attack the hill after
being caught by surprise by the ambush. The player fire the RPGs to hold
them off for 4 rockets. After running out, Soap fires his M249 or his M21.



Captain Price:
force than we really are.

Wave after wave, they hold their ground.

Smoke starts to pour in front of the hill.


Mortar fire suddenly lands on the hill.


Captain Price:
flank. Go.


They fall back up the hill. Soap heads for the minigun in the downed

eastern road locked down.
Soap mans the minigun and covers the west flank.

Captain Price:

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Soap holds back a wave of Ultranationalists with the minigun. Suddenly
about 5 helicopters arrive to drop off enemy reinforcements.


Soap begins to shoot down the helicopters with the minigun.

Captain Price:
The rest of us will keep them busy from the next defensive line. Everyone
He stays on the minigun for too long.

minigun! We have to go NOW!
The team falls back to the next phase line.
Soap heads into the tavern and reaches the detonators. The player must be
careful not to hurt any of his allies if there are any in the way. Soap
detonates phase line Bravo and holds off a wave of enemies.

hit! Arrgh -

Captain Price:
northern end of the village and stop those tanks. Use the Javelin in the
barn! Fall back to the farm at the top of the hill. Let's go. Now.
Soap doesn't fall back.

Soap falls back to the farm.

They fall back to the barn at the top of the hill in the north. Soap heads
to the barn, grabs the Javelin, and takes out the four enemy tanks. As they
continue to hold off hostiles, a flight of three AV-8 Harriers flies

Harrier Pilot:
close air support, over.
The team holds their ground at the barn.
Sea Knight Pilot: Bravo-Six, this is Gryphon Two-Seven. We've just crossed
Azerbaijani airspace. E.T.A. is four minutes. Be ready for pickup.
As soon Gryphon Two-Seven tries to pick them up, they are unable to because
of the presence of many RPG wielders and to make matters worse, SAM sites

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threatening to shoot them down.
Sea Knight Pilot: Bravo-Six, the LZ is too hot! We cannot land at the farm!
I repeat, we CANNOT land at the farm! We're picking up SAM sites all over
these mountains!

Sea Knight Pilot: Bravo-Six, we're getting a lot of enemy radar signatures,
we'll try to land closer to the bottom of the hill to avoid a lock-on.

just busted our arses to get to this LZ and now they want us to go all the
way back down?!

Captain Price:
bottom of the hill! Now! Soap! Take point! Go!
They begin to push towards the bottom of the hill.
Sea Knight Pilot: Bravo-Six, be advised, we're gonna come in low from the
south across the river. Recommend you haul ass to LZ Foxtrot at the base of
the hill. Out.

Captain Price:
zone! It's our last chance! Move!
Soap calls targets for air support, clearing a path to the new LZ.

Harrier Pilot:
Standby for airstrike.; Roger that, we're coming in hot.
Sea Knight Pilot: Bravo-Six, be advised we're almost there but we're low on
fuel. You guys have three minutes before we have to leave without you,

Two minutes left on the clock.
Sea Knight Pilot: You got two minutes, over!

Captain Price:
through their lines to reach the LZ! Keep pushing downhill!

90 Seconds left.
Sea Knight Pilot: Ninety seconds to dustoff.
One minute left.
Sea Knight Pilot: One minute to bingo fuel.

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Captain Price:
30 Seconds left.
Sea Knight Pilot: Thirty seconds.

The team finally reaches the chopper. As is moves into position to pick
them up, the back opens, and once it touches down, Staff Sergeant Griggs
and his Marine squad emerge to lay down cover fire for the S.A.S. team.

SSgt. Griggs:
Move! Move! Let's go! Let's go!
The S.A.S. team boards the helicopter. Once they are on board, Griggs and
his Marines fall back into the helicopter as well.

SSgt. Griggs:
Sea Knight Pilot: Ok, we're outta here. Basplate, this is Gryphon
Two-Seven. We got 'em and we're coming home. Out.
The helicopter takes off and evacuates out of Azerbaijan.
After the U.S. Marines evacuate the S.A.S. team, they join together in a
joint operation to take down Ultranationalist leader, Imran Zakhaev. A
picture with the "Four Horsemen" is shown. Al-Asad is "X"ed out.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
Marines. Sorry mate.


Captain Price:

SSgt. Griggs:
Viktor Zakhaev, Imran Zakhaev's son's, profile is shown.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
forces in the field. Rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The
loyalist Kamarov has got a location on the kid.

SSgt. Griggs:


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SSgt. Griggs:
The joint team of S.A.S., U.S. Marines, and Russian Loyalists move up to
the vehicle checkpoint.

Sgt. Kamarov:
directly ahead.

Captain Price:
we're in position.

Vulture One-Six:
are active, you're cleared to engage the guard station. Out.

Captain Price:
the guards on my mark. The rest of you follow me.
Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish positions himself on the dumpster with his R700
Sniper Rifle. Captain Price and the rest of the team move up towards the
guard station.

Captain Price:
Soap kills the guards at the tower.

Captain Price:
The team eliminates the Ultranationalists and secure the checkpoint.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
into enemy uniforms and douse the fires. Kamarov, I need your men on the
ground if the drivers start asking questions. Just keep them busy until we
locate Zakhaev's son. We don't have much time, so get to it.
[Two hours later...]
Soap and SSgt. Griggs are positioned at the guard tower

SSgt. Griggs:
you're up here, 'cuz you look nothin' like a Russian.

Vulture One-Six:
an enemy convoy headed your way. I count six vehicles in the convoy, over.

Captain Price:
A convoy of three trucks, two BMPs, and a jeep arrive and stop at the

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checkpoint. Gaz, in disguise, sees Viktor Zakhaev in the jeep.

vehicle, I'm walking by it right now.

Captain Price:
jeep in front of the BMP. We need to take him alive, so watch your fire.
Standby. Standby... Smoke 'em.
The team ambushes the enemy convoy. The two BMPs along with the third truck
are destroyed. enemy reinforcements arrive.

Zakhaev's son drives the jeep into the tower.

SSgt. Griggs:
The tower falls. Soap lies shell-shocked from the fall. He sees Zakhaev's
son getting out of the jeep and running into the junkyard.

Captain Price:
Griggs and chase him down. We'll handle the enemy reinforcements and catch
up. Go go!
Soap and Griggs pursue Zakhaev's son through the junkyard.

Vulture One-Six:
the target. Damn this guy moves fast. Ok he's leaving the junkyard to the
northwest. Get his ass, move move!
A dog runs out of the building towards Soap and Griggs at the junkyard.
They kill it.

Ssgt. Griggs:
They come to an outskirt.

Vulture One-Six:
towards the outskirts of the city. Be advised, this area is crawling with
hostile forces, over.
Soap and Griggs engage enemy forces in the city.

SSgt. Griggs:
Price, Gaz, and the rest of the team join up the fight.

Vulture One-Six:
guy alive.
Zakhaev's son continues to run.

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Vulture One-Six:
the left that might let you cut him off.

Captain Price:
keep these bastards off your back.

SSgt. Griggs:
Soap, Griggs, and Gaz continue on pursuit through the alley.

Vulture One-Six:
They encounter enemy foot-mobiles.

Vulture One-Six:
Soap takes out the two hostiles and continues on. He goes up a stairway.

Vulture One-Six:
Soap takes them out.

Vulture One-Six:

SSgt. Griggs:
They eliminate troops on the rooftop.

Vulture One-Six:
They continue their chase on Zakhaev's son.

Vulture One-Six:

SSgt. Griggs:
The dumpster enemy is killed. They continue through the alley.

Vulture One-Six:
Two tangos - watch for the green car around the corner. You're gonna lose
him! Go go!
They take out enemy foot-mobiles.

Vulture One-Six:
lot towards the five-story building.
They come up to a small stair leading to a parking lot, but get pinned down
by heavy enemy fire from the building across from them.

position on the fifth floor!

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Vulture One-Six:
Vulture One-Six fires it miniguns, taking out machine guns positioned in
the building.

Vulture One-Six:
Bravo Team, do you have a visual on the target, over?

They enter the building and start climbing the stairs, encountering
foot-mobiles along the way.

Vulture One-Six:
building, second floor.
Zakhaev's son is seen above Soap.
They move up the stairs towards the roof. There they surround and aim their
guns at Zakhaev's son on the rooftop.


SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
weapon and restrain him!


Zakhaev's son points his gun up his chin.

Zakhaev's son pulls the trigger, killing himself. His body collapses and

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
We're comin' home.


Captain Price:
unanswered. Let's go.
We cut to Imran Zakhaev who is broadcasting speech against the allied

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Imran Zakhaev:
west...Destroyed our culture...Our economies...Our honor. Our blood has
been spilled on our soil.
His son, Viktor's dead body is shown.

Imran Zakhaev:
In the photo of the "Four Horsemen," Viktor is X-ed out.

Imran Zakhaev:
Videofeed shows Imran Zakhaev and his Ultranationalist army at a nuclear
launch facility arming a nuclear missile.

Imran Zakhaev:
immediately... Or suffer the consequences...
The satellite tracks the SAS/Marine joint strike team as they drop down
onto the Altay Mountains from a C-130.

Captain Price:
facility or we won't recognize the world tomorrow. Green light to HALO.
Charlie Team go. Second drop approaching. Bravo Team stay tight. Go.
While the satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish and his team, SSgt. Griggs
is tracked landing half a mile away from the group.
The team lands.

Captain Price:
Captain Price, Gaz, Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish, and an S.A.S. soldier gather.

Captain Price:


He's half a klick to your southwest, over.

Captain Price:
They head southwest. An enemy truck comes along the road.

They engage the vehicle.


Captain Price:

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They encounter a group of hostiles with tac lights.

They engage.

They move through the woods, they come to a house.

Captain Price:
an entry point through that basement door. We'll go room to room from
there. Keep it quiet. Move out.
They enter the first house. They come up from the basement to the first
floor. Price quietly knifes the first hostile he sees.

Captain Price:

They move up to the second floor, they eliminate hostiles.


Captain Price:

They regroup on the first floor.

Captain Price:
take a look.
Soap takes point.

Captain Price:
They proceed to the next house.

They come up the second floor and hear SSgt. Griggs being interrogated by
an Ultranationalist.
Ultranationalist: Where are the others?

SSgt. Griggs:

SSgt. Griggs:
Ultranationalist: Who is your commanding officer?

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SSgt. Griggs:
you, I'd get my ass outta here.

Captain Price:
Gaz places a breaching charge on the door. The charge explodes.

Captain Price:
They kill the interrogators. Griggs is seen tied to a chair.


Captain Price:
Soap unties Griggs free from the chair. Griggs picks up his M249 SAW from
the table beside him.

SSgt. Griggs:
were gonna leave me behind

Captain Price:
C4. You all right?

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
building two.
They move out of the house with Griggs.

Captain Price:
can breach the electrified perimeter.
They head to the power tower.

They go prone in the grass, the helicopters fly past.

Captain Price:

Charlie Six:
to kill the power, over.

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Captain Price:
Soap plants C4 on the legs of the tower.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
Soap blows the charges. The tower falls, disabling the facility's power.

Captain Price:
Twenty seconds.

Charlie Six:

SSgt. Griggs:

Charlie Six:

SSgt. Griggs:

Charlie Six:
rally point. Out.

Captain Price:
Gaz sprays the fence and cuts a hole in it for the team to move through.

Captain Price:
As they move on, an alarm can be heard from the launch facility and
helicopters are seen flying overhead.


SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
base. Griggs and I will look for an alternate route.
They engage enemy foot-mobiles.



Captain Price:
Enemy helicopters drop troops. They clear the area.

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They continue to engage enemy troops through buildings and alleyways.

Kilo Four Foxtrot: Bravo Six, be advised, three trucks packed with shooters
are headed your way.
They engage the vehicles and eliminates all enemy troops. As they head
towards the facility, sirens are heard from a distance.
Kilo Four Foxtrot: Bravo Six, Sniper Team Two. We're coming out of the
treeline to the south.
Sniper Team Two meets up with Bravo Team.

Captain Price:
Kilo Four Foxtrot: Good to see you guys made it. We'll give you sniper
cover once you're inside the perime-what the hell is that?
A nuclear missile is seen being launched from the facility.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
we have a missile -
A second missile is launched.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:

Get your team inside the facility and retake the launch control center.
We're working on getting the abort codes from the Russians at this time.

Captain Price:

SSgt. Griggs:
They move to the front gate fence of the facility.
The joint team of SAS and Marines heads towards the launch facility.

launch codes. We should have them shortly. Keep moving. Out.

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Captain Price:

Sniper Team Two:

We'll give ya sniper cover and recon from where we are, over.
A helicopter flies overhead, guns blazing. It gets shot down.

Captain Price:
The team engages enemy foot-mobiles as they enter the launch facility.

Sniper Team Two:

light armor coming to you from the north. Suggest you get some C4 or find
some heavy weapons, over.

Captain Price:

SSgt. Griggs:

Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish and other team members toss smoke grenades to cover
their advance. The BMP keeps them pinned down.


SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
that BMP!
Sniper Team Two gives sniper cover as Soap advances to destroy the enemy

Sniper Team Two:

Headshot.; Got him, we'll try to keep him covered from here, Bravo Six.
Soap destroys the BMP. If the player uses RPGs to take it out.



Captain Price:
the silos! Out!
They breach the front gate and encounter more hostiles in the next area.

SSgt. Griggs:

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Captain Price:
They eliminate all hostiles in the area.

The SAS plants charges on the gate.

The charge explodes, blowing the gate open.

Captain Price:
They enter the facility's launch grounds. Two BMPs fire at them.

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:

armor from long range!

SSgt. Griggs:

Captain Price:
we take out that armor! Use your C4!

SSgt. Griggs:
Soap proceeds to take out the BMPs.

oughta do it!


Or by planting and detonating C4.

SSgt. Griggs:
The BMPs are taken out, the team proceeds to breach the air vents. The silo
coverings begin to open.

Team Three:
northwest. Repeat, we're movin' from the northwes. Check your targets and
confirm, over.

Captain Price:

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the tarmac near the vent shafts, out!

Team Three:

They cut and breach the air vents with buzzsaws. They rappel down the

Captain Price:

Sniper Team Two:

You gotta get out of sight, now!

Stalls a while a Hind is getting closer.

SSgt. Griggs:
They breach the launch facility.

Captain Price:
We fade to black, text says Hours later as We cut to The satellite tracks
the joint team of SAS and Marines as they escape the Russian launch
facility at the Altay Mountains, Russia. Red arrows and circles indicate
enemy presence moving in to stop them.

Secondary Extraction South of bridge. Enemy presence... substantial.

SSgt. Griggs:
a beer should be ice cold!

Captain Price:
But a pint of stout?

SSgt. Griggs:
back stateside.


SSgt. Griggs:
The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in the Altay Mountains, Russia.
Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish, Captain Price, Gaz, and SSgt. Griggs are in a jeep

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driving down the mountain. They turn into the road.

SSgt. Griggs:
A car chase ensues between the SAS/Marine teams and the Ultranationalists.
A shootout begins between vehicles.

SSgt. Griggs:
A truck speeds up to Soap's jeep. Soap starts shooting at them.


Captain Price:
our helicopter, over?


Captain Price:
Another truck appears after the first is shot away. The vehicles, along
with the battle, enter a tunnel.

The third truck comes in, attempting to trap the jeep with the other 2
trucks. The first truck collides with the tunnel's wall and flips, causing
the second truck to hit its brake and flip itself. The remaining truck
continues to pursue Soap's jeep and leaves the tunnel along with them.

SSgt. Griggs:
Soap takes out the RPG-wielder.

SSgt. Griggs:

Soap takes out the RPG-wielder.

SSgt. Griggs:
A Hind appears and fires missiles at the jeeps. The third truck gets caught
in the fire and flips, falling off the highway and down the cliff. An ally
on another jeep fires a Stinger missile at the Hind, but the Hind
successfully avoids it by popping flares. The fourth truck catches up to
the player's jeep.


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SSgt. Griggs:
A yellow civilian vehicle going the opposite way drives past the player's
jeep, scratches the truck, and leaves the scene with the truck unbalanced.
A tanker, also going the opposite way the player is going, brushes past the
jeep, and hits and flips the fourth truck, creating an explosion and smoke.
The Hind comes out of the smoke and continues to fire at jeeps.

The Hind's missile hits a cliff, missing the jeeps.

SSgt. Griggs:
He Hind fires and destroys the pillars one by one, attempting to crush the
jeeps with the tunnel's ceiling.

SSgt. Griggs:
Soap continues to fire the RPG while the other allies continue to fire
Stingers at the Hind, but they miss as the tunnel's wall blocks their view.
The convoy leaves the tunnel as the Hind comes into view again in the

SSgt. Griggs:
The allies, once again, fire at the Hind but it avoids the missiles by
popping flares. The Hind appears to slowly leave.

Captain Price:


SSgt. Griggs:
The Hind fires missiles at the bridge, destroying it.

Soap's jeep flips and he blacks out. Soap wakes up immediately, in the
middle of the slowly collapsing bridge.

Captain Price:

SSgt. Griggs:
The bridge collapses, as another tanker blocks Soap and Captain Price's
way. Soap follows Price by climbing on to another piece of crumbling
bridge. They return to the side of the destroyed bridge, meeting heavy
resistance from Ultranationalist vehicles and troops.

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highway bridge at map grid 244352. Request helicopter gunship support!
An Ultranationalist truck comes in, hits the brakes, rams a car, and
reverses. Troops jumped out of the truck as helicopters drop more troops
from the bridge's far end. The truck leaves, and more come.

may be able to assist, but we cannot confirm at this time. Baseplate out.


Captain Price:

Jeeps carrying more Ultranationalists arrive and the soldiers get off to
attack the team. Soon, more trucks arrive to drop off more troops, and even
a pair of BMPs show up as well. Soap, Price, Gaz, Griggs and their
teammates hold them off.

Sgt. Kamarov:
your men could use some help.


Sgt. Kamarov:
The battle continues for a little while when the Hind appears out of the
trees and fires missiles at the team's area, some hitting the ground while
others hit the tanker.

SSgt. Griggs:
The Hind continues to fire upon the tanker, and the tanker explodes. Soap
is knocked unconscious again. (In slow-motion) He then wakes up again in
front of a destroyed red car. Griggs moves towards him, he seems to be
asking if he is okay. He pulls Soap away as he shoots the enemy with a
nickel-plated M1911. For some reason, most likely due to running out of
ammo, or to clear the enemy threat, he takes out his M249 SAW and fires.
Just as he turns his head, he is killed by a bullet to the head from one of
Zakhaev's men. Griggs falls and Soap turns to his left, seeing Captain
Price suffering from his own wounds. Soap turns back in front of him and
sees Imran Zakhaev and two Ultranationalist guards approaching Gaz and two
other SAS members. Gaz lifts his head up, only to be shot in the head by

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Zakhaev's pistol while the other SAS members are shot by Zakhaev's men. As
Zakhaev walks towards Soap, the Hind behind them suddenly explodes, and
Zakhaev and his men are distracted. A Russian Loyalist Mi-28 Havoc appears
and Zakhaev and his men fire at it. Soap, looking at his left again, sees
Captain Price taking out an M1911 and sliding it to him. Having only one
chance, Soap aims and fires the pistol, killing Zakhaev and the two guards.
Soap looks on as Zakhaev's collapsed body bleeds. A Russian Loyalist Mi-8
Hip stops at the end of the bridge as another hovers on top of the Soap and
Price, dropping troops. Sgt. Kamarov and his men come down and spot Soap
and Price.

As Kamarov yells out commands to his men, the Mi-8 he fast-roped down from
re-orientates itself for a MEDEVAC for Soap. Soap turns to Price again, and
sees a Loyalist medic attempting to revive him, the medic tries even harder
by using his fist to hit Price's chest. Soap is then placed on a stretcher
that is lifted into the helicopter as he finally falls unconscious from his
wounds. The player's vision begins to white out as the stretcher gets
closer to the Mi-8.
First after credits scene:
The satellite tracks the nuclear detonation in the Middle East.

Male Newscaster:
British Newscaster: What appears to be an explosion of an epic
Female Newscaster 1: Reports remain sketchy and unconfirmed at this time...

Male Newscaster:
appears to have been a nuclear explosion in his own country...
British Newscaster: Maybe the start of something larger that on whether
Al-Asad was among the victims in what may have been a suicidal...
Female Newscaster 2: What I can see from the hotel here is a mushroom
cloud, about 45 by...
Female Newscaster 3: ...Continue to burn across a massive wasteland, that
was once a capital for this thriving nation...
The satellite uploads a list of 30,000 Marines that are MIA or KIA in the
explosion, including Sgt. Paul Jackson, whose name is highlighted. The
satellite then tracks Jackson somewhere in the blast radius.
Sgt. Paul Jackson wakes up in the crashed Sea Knight. Severely injured from
the crash, he slowly crawls out of the wreck. A radio can be heard, faintly
transmitting chatter.


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degree grid. Hotel - surface. Juliet - 90 seconds.
The radio gets garbled up with a strong wave of noises, and a woman begins

within a radius of 7.4 miles, epicenter located at N-G-0-5-8-6-8-0.
Personnel within primary affected zone are ordered to commence immediate
evacuation. Contamination centers are being established at this time, and
they should be operational within 2 hours. Personnel are advised to be
there, I am (static). Personnel with highly elevated levels are advised to
seek medical attention at the first available opportunity.
The transmission ends. As he crawls out of the Seaknight, buildings in
front of him collapse due to the explosion. He falls out of the wreck and
gets hurt mildly. He stands up and looks out at the destroyed city. A
massive white mushroom cloud is seen rising in the horizon from the nuclear
explosion. Radioactive dust blows all around him and the city. To his
right, two corpses of Bravo Team are seen, Cpt. Pelayo coughs out blood
before dying, and Lt. Vasquez is seen limping towards the mushroom cloud
before collapsing, crawling, and then finally dying. He pulls out a
walkie-talkie, and radios for help, We fade away as some random people run
and grab our soldier. They say "You're gonna be okay!" "Don't worry man!
We're doctors!"
Second after credits scene:

Romeo One-One:

Charlie One-One:

Romeo One-One:
A square hole is cut from the ceiling of the plane and then it's pushed
The first enemy comes out of the bathroom and is killed.

Romeo One-One:

Charlie One-One:
One-One Team engages the enemy in the aircraft.

Charlie One-One:

Romeo One-One:

Charlie One-One:

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Romeo One-One:
They engage more enemies in the plane.

Romeo One-One:
The crew call sound is heard and the hull explodes. The plane starts to
lose pressure and tip to its right. The team moves up the stairway.

Charlie One-One:
They engage and eliminate hostiles on the second floor.

Romeo One-One:
They Goe to the main room. A Russian holds a hostage. In slow motion.

Romeo One-One:
They kill the gunman.

Charlie One-One:
time. We’ve got to go – now.

Romeo One-One:
Romeo One-One blows the door.

Romeo One-One:

Romeo One-One grabs the hostage and jumps out of the door.
The team exits the plane as it explodes, They all survive.

Echo One-One:
Echo waves goodbye (we fade to black because this is the end of

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