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Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 86, pp. 2761-2765, April 1989

Null mutation of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase in Drosophila

confers hypersensitivity to paraquat and reduced longevity
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G2W1, Canada
Communicated by Bruce N. Ames, December 28, 1988 (received for review November 2, 1988)

ABSTRACT The role of copper/zinc-containing superox- that cSOD'08 Drosophila have a reduced capacity to suc-
ide dismutase (cSOD; superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase, cessfully metabolize the 02 radical, which leads to a striking
EC in metabolic defense against 02 toxicity in reduction in fertility and adult life-span.
Drosophila is examined through the properties of a mutant
strain carrying a cSOD-null mutation, cSOD1'08. Homozygotes MATERIALS AND METHODS
are viable as larvae, which indicates that cSOD is not essential
for cell viability per se. cSOD"'0 confers recessive sensitivity to Drosophila Strains. The cSODn108 allele was originally
the superoxide anion (O )-generator paraquat and to the recovered as an ethyl methane sulfonate-induced recessive
transition metal compound CuS04, which indicates that the lethal mutation on a chromosome carrying the recessive
cSOD-nufl condition in fact leads to impaired °2 metabolism. markers sr, es, and ca (9). The cSOD108 allele was subse-
The primary biological consequences of the reduced °2 dis- quently recombined onto a third chromosome carrying the
mutation capacity of cSOD"IY Drosophila are realized in the larval marker red; in the process, the parental markers, sr, es,
adult as infertility and reduction in life-span. We conclude that and ca, were eliminated. The resulting chromosome
the infertility and reduced life-span of cSODR"'O adults arise as (cSOD 108, red, sr', es', ca'), hereafter referred to as the
a consequence of the reduced capacity of embryos, larvae, and cSOD~n', red chromosome, is maintained as a balanced
pupae to adequately protect developing preimaginal cells from heterozygote over TM3 [In(3LR) TM3 Sb Ser y' ri pP sep
02-jnitiated cytotoxic damage. bX34e es]. Dft3L)h-76 and Dft3L)h-9 are hybrid dysgenesis-
induced deficiencies respectively encompassing and adjacent
Reduction of dioxygen (02) in aerobic organisms proceeds to the cSOD locus (9). A description of the various markers
either tetravalently to H20 via the respiratory chain or and chromosomes used is given in Lindsley and Grell (10).
univalently to the superoxide anion (O-), hydrogen peroxide Except where otherwise noted, all cultures were maintained
(H202), and the hydroxyl radical (OH-). The products of on standard cornmeal/dextrose/agar medium at 250C.
univalent reduction, particularly the OHS radical, are highly Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Adult Drosophila
reactive and initiate damaging peroxidation of lipids, pro- were homogenized in 10 mM dithiothreitol/0.1% Triton
teins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (1), which in turn can X-100 (5 ILI per fly) in 1.5-ml Microfuge tubes on ice. After
contribute to a wide variety of acute and chronic pathological centrifugation at 10,000 x g for 10 min at 40C, aliquots were
phenomena, such as mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, xenobiotic electrophoresed on 7.5-cm discontinuous polyacrylamide
toxicity, postischemic tissue injury, diabetes, and inflamma- gels [stacking gel, 4% acrylamide (pH 6.8); separating gel,
tory disease, and to the overall processes of aging (for a 10% acrylamide (pH 8.8)]. Gels were stained for SOD activity
review, see refs. 1-8). (11) by incubation with gentle agitation in 2.45 mM nitroblue
An enzymatic defense system is deployed by aerobic tetrazolium/28 mM N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine/
organisms to catalytically scavenge active oxygen species 0.028 mM riboflavin/36 mM K2HPO4 for 20 min in the dark,
and to repair oxidative damage. In general, O2 is scavenged followed by illumination on a fluorescent lightbox for ='30 min.
by the superoxide dismutases (SODs), which catalyze its As determined by dilution analysis, the minimum level of
dismutation to H202, which in turn is converted by catalase cSOD activity detectable under these conditions is -1/200th
and peroxidases to H20. The efficient interception of 0° and
H202 by this system prevents the formation of the highly of that found in cSOD' strains such as Canton S.
reactive OHS radical, thought to be responsible for most Xenobiotic Administration. Adults (0-2 day) were exposed
02-derived cytotoxicity (1). for 48 hr at 250C in vials containing filter pads saturated with
The cellular and molecular mechanisms by which these aqueous solutions of the compound in 1% sucrose and were
enzymes, both individually and collectively, carry out the scored immediately for response. Larvae were allowed to
vital defense functions for which they have been implicated develop from eggs through to eclosion in vials containing
are poorly understood. Identifying the genes that specify and instant medium (Carolina Biological Supply) hydrated with
regulate the oxygen-defense enzymes will ultimately be aqueous solutions of the compound.
necessary to elucidate these important mechanisms. With Longevity Determinations. Newly eclosed adults (0-24 hr)
this goal in mind, we recently reported the isolation of a were maintained at 250C and serially transferred to fresh corn
Drosophila melanogaster strain with a cSOD-null mutation meal in vials at 2-3 day intervals. Percent survival is
(cSOD'l0; cSOD is the copper/zinc-containing SOD; super- calculated at the end of the experiment after correcting for
oxide:superoxide oxidoreductase, EC (9). Here, we total loss incurred from handling.
describe several properties conferred by this mutation that
confirm and clarify the essential function of cSOD in the Abbreviations: SOD, superoxide dismutase; cSOD, copper/zinc-
metabolism of 0- in this higher eukaryote. We demonstrate containing SOD.
*To whom reprint requests should be addressed.
tPresent address: Genetics and Cell Biology Section, Biological
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge Sciences Group, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268.
payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" tPresent address: Department of Botany, University of Guelph,
in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Guelph, ON, NMG2W1, Canada.
2762 Genetics: Phillips et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989)
The original cSODn108 chromosome (cSOD"08, sr, es, ca) 80 -
produces a recessive lethality pattern in which homozygotes
die during the process of eclosion; rare eclosing adults are
completely sterile, are devoid of detectable cSOD activity, g 60-
and die within 2-3 days (9). The cSODn'08, red chromosome .2
(cSODn"08, red, sr', es+, ca+) gives a recessive premature CO 40-
adult lethality pattern in which development proceeds to
adulthood. Preadult development of cSOD~108, red homozy-
gotes is somewhat retarded; otherwise the chromosome has 20
no obvious effect on larval viability. cSOD"n08, red homozy-
gotes are devoid of detectable cSOD activity in both larvae 0-
and adults as shown on histochemically stained polyacryl. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
amide gels (Fig. 1). These results are confirmed by spectro-
photometric assay of SOD activity in extracts (B. Staveley paraquat, mM
and J.P.P., unpublished observations). By these criteria, we FIG. 2. cSODn'08 confers sensitivity to Pq2+ in adults. a,
now consider cSOD~108 to be a cSOD-null activity allele. cSODn'08, red; *, cSOD"n08, red/sr, es, ca; m, sr, es, ca. Two
cSOD""0 Confers Sensitivity to Paraquat. The O2 scaveng- hundred adults of each genotype were tested.
ing activity characteristic of cSOD suggests that cSODn'08Y,
red Drosophila should have a reduced metabolic capacity to We also investigated the relative sensitivity of cSOD-null
dismutate O° and, because of the cytotoxicity of O2 and its larvae to Pq2' by raising the larval progeny from inter se
active derivatives, should be hypersensitive to agents that crosses of cSODn,08, red/TM3 parents on Pq2+-containing
generate O- radicals. Paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bi- medium (Fig. 3). The ratio (k) of the two progeny genotypes
pyridinium dichloride; Pq2+) generates O2 radicals in vivo eclosing as adults provides an accurate measure of their
(12-15) by undergoing an NADH-dependent reduction to relative sensitivities of Pq2+. The survival of cSOD'08, red
form a relatively stable Pq2' radical (Pq+) that reacts very homozygotes relative to their heterozygous siblings is seen to
rapidly (k2 = 7.7 x 108 M-l so1) with 02 to generate O2- decrease with increasing Pq2+ concentration from the Men-
radical and pq2+ (13). delian ratio of 0.33 for controls to 0.00 at 2.0 mM pq2+. Thus,
We investigated the sensitivity of cSOD1'08, red Drosoph- the hypersensitivity to Pq2+ of cSODn'08, red larvae, as in
ila to enhanced production of O2 radical by exposure of adults, parallels their lack of detectable cSOD activity. Fig.
adults to aqueous Pq2+ (Fig. 2). LC50 values for exposure 3 also shows that cSODn]08, red heterozygotes carrying
under these conditions were 0.05 mM for cSOD'08, red Df(3L)h-76 (which encompasses the cSOD locus) are hyper-
homozygotes and 10 mM for cSODn08 red heterozygotes
, sensitive to pq2+, while heterozygotes carrying Dft3L)h-9
and controls. These results show that, under the conditions (which adjoins but does not encompass the cSOD locus) are
of acute exposure used here, the absence of cSOD activity in not. These results strengthen the conclusion that larval and
cSODnI08, red homozygous adults confers hypersensitivity to adult hypersensitivity to Pq2+ is due to the cSODn'0 allele.
Pq2+-generated 0° radicals. Furthermore, the Pq2+ sensitiv- cSOD1'08 Confers Sensitivity to Copper(I). The hypersen-
ity of cSODnI'8, red heterozygotes is normal despite their sitivity of cSODn""0, red to Pq2+ is evidence that the cSOD-
ostensibly reduced level of cSOD activity. That is, the SOD null condition leads to a decreased capacity to metabolize O2-
activity of heterozygotes is still sufficient to afford normal generated by a xenobiotic agent. We also would like to know
levels of protection against Pq2+ toxicity. Overall, the hyper- whether O2 generated from normal metabolism has a lower
sensitivity of cSODn108, red adults to Pq2+ shows that their turnover rate in cSODnI08, red Drosophila. To investigate
lack of cSOD leads to a reduced metabolic capacity to this, we used a bioassay based on the O2 activation of
detoxify the °- radical. transition metals, which then act as Fenton catalysts to
1 2 3 4 5 6



FIG. 1. Effect of cSODn'08 on SOD activity. Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels of extracts from adults (lanes 1-4) and larvae (lanes 5 and
6) were histochemically stained for SOD activity. red and sr, es, ca specify a fast electromorph of cSOD; cn, bw specifies a slow electromorph.
Lanes: 1, red; 2, cn, bw; 3, cSODn'08, red/sr, el, ca; 4-6, red. mSOD, manganese-containing SOD.
Genetics: Phillips et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) 2763
metabolism in cSOD'10, red Drosophila. Because active
oxygen species have been implicated in processes contrib-
uting to aging, we examined the effects of the cSODW'O allele
on the adult life-span (Fig. 5). Males were used exclusively in
these experiments for the reason that the life-span in females
has been shown to be dependent upon reproductive history
(18). The two parent stocks of cSODI'0, red-namely, sr, es,
ca, and red-and their hybrid, cSOD'08, red/sr, e , ca, show
mean adult life-spans under our conditions of 55.4 days, 57.8
days, and 61.4 days, respectively, while cSOD108, red itself
has a mean adult life-span of 11.8 days. These results
demonstrate that, despite the near normal development of
cSOD'08, red larvae, the absence of cSOD activity leads to
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 serious life-shortening consequences in the adult.
cSOD"'08 Confers Sterility. In higher eukaryotes, impaired
paraquat, mM fertility is a sensitive indicator of cytotoxic or genotoxic
events in cells of the reproductive system. Thus, if cSOD
FIG. 3. ccSOD"08 confers sensitivity to Pq2 in larvae. Progeny plays an important protective role in reproductive cells,
from the foallowing four crosses were examined: a , cSOD"n08, cSODn'08, red homozygotes might show reduced fertility.
red/TM3 x (cSODn'08, red/TM3; *, cSODn8, red/TM3 x Df(3L)h- Indeed, cSOD'08, red males are completely sterile and
76/TM3; *, cSODen, , rediTM3 x Df(3L)h-9/TM3;o , cSODn'08, cSODn0 , red females are nearly so, yielding only occasional
red/TM3 x s
to total prog eeny from each cross that develop to adulthood. The progeny. These observations are evidence for an important
number of a lult progeny scored from each cross ranged between 318 role for cSOD in the reproductive system and suggest that, if
and 1052. ineffectively scavenged, oxygen radicals produced under
normal culture conditions can have a profound deleterious
generate thLe highly reactive and cytotoxic OHS radical from effect on reproduction.
endogenou s H202 (16):
M(n + 1)+ +
0- Mn- + 02 DISCUSSION
Mn + H202 M(n + ) + OH + OH- The discovery of SOD by McCord and Fridovich (19) has led
Net: 0- + H202 OH + OH + 02. to the concept of an enzymatic system to defend aerobic cells
against the noxious products of the univalent reduction of 02.
Accordingly, free transition metals should be especially Concurrently, the catalogue of pathologies related to active
toxic to cSOD1'08, red Drosophila, in which enzymatic oxygen has been expanding at an impressive rate. Unfortu-
dismutation of O- is impaired but in which H202 from other nately, very little direct experimental evidence can be cited
metabolic sources is still present, in a manner analogous to that describes the in vivo relationship between active oxygen
0- -initiated iron-overload toxicity in mammals (for a review, species, the putative oxygen defense system, and specific
see ref. 17). We examined the relative toxicity of copper(I) to consequences of the failure of this system in higher eukary-
the two classes of larval progeny from cSODn'08, red/TM3 otes. The cSOD1108 mutation of Drosophila described here
parents as described above. Copper(I) (derived from CuSO4) provides an opportunity to examine these relationships more
has an obvious differential toxic effect on cSOD'08, red closely.
homozygotes and heterozygotes (Fig. 4). As before, controls cSOD-null larvae are viable and develop to adulthood.
with Df(3L)h-9 and Df(3L)h-76 (Fig. 4) implicate the cSOD is not essential, therefore, for cell viability per se. The
cSODn'08 allele as the origin of copper(I) hypersensitivity. apparent lack of effect of the cSOD-null condition on larval
These results further argue that the cSOD-null condition of viability might reflect a lower exposure of larvae to atmo-
cSOD'08, red leads to a reduced metabolic capacity to spheric 02 through their semiliquid habitat or possibly
dismutate 0-2 through a lower basal metabolic rate. Several other features
cSOD"08 Confers Reduced Adult Longevity. The sensitivity of larval biology also may contribute to the apparent invul-
to Pq2' and CuSO4 is evidence for impaired active oxygen
100 -

0.60 -
0.40- co 60
he~e0.30 I 40
-0.00 I . .

0 1 2 3 4 5 days
CuS04, mM
FIG. 5. cSOD!Y"1 confers reduced adult longevity. a , red; o, sr,
FIG. 4. cSOD '08 confers sensitivity to CuS04 in larvae. Sym- e , ca; *, cSOD'08, red/sr, es, ca; *, cSOD"108, red. Effective
bols are as described in the legend to Fig. 3. The number of adult population sizes (number of mortality events scored) ranged between
progeny scored from each cross ranged between 133 and 867. 175 and 434.
2764 Genetics: Phillips et al. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989)
nerability of cSOD'108, red larvae to the lack of cSOD. Larval the metabolism of O2, and two biological properties of vital
life-span is rather short (-5 days, including embryogenesis, importance in higher eukaryotes, namely, life-span and
at 25TC) compared to that of adults. Thus, O-initiated fertility. It will now be of interest to examine cSOD'108, red
cellular damage may simply not accumulate to toxic levels in Drosophila for direct molecular evidence consistent with the
this short time. Also, most cells of the larva proper are action of active oxygen species on structural biomolecules
polytene and postmitotic. Such cells may be less vulnerable such as lipids and proteins and especially on informational
to O-initiated cytological damage than are dividing diploid macromolecules such as DNA (5, 29, 30) and RNA.
cells. Finally, oogenesis may provide a maternal dowry of The relationship between metabolic rate, antioxidant phys-
cSOD sufficient to carry the development of cSODn,08, red
embryos to adulthood. These and other features of larval iology, and adult-life span has been extensively investigated
biology may conspire to minimize the apparent consequences in D. melanogaster and in another dipteran insect, Musca
of the failure of cSOD'08, red larvae to produce active cSOD. domestica (for reviews, see refs. 26, 27, and 32). Our
However, the cSOD-null condition of these larvae may not be interpretation of the cSODn,08, red phenotype is consistent
without severe consequences to the diploid, mitotically with known antioxidant physiology in both species, although
active preimaginal cells, which give rise to the adult. there are significant differences between Drosophila and
Reduced life-span is one such important consequence of Musca. For example, D. melanogaster (Fig. 5) has a mean
cSOD"l01 on adults. The counteractive roles of active oxygen adult life-span =3 times longer than M. domestica (32); the
and the putative oxygen defense system in normal species level of cSOD remains relatively constant throughout adult
life-span have been the subject of much discussion (2, 3, 5, 20, life in D. melanogaster (33, 34) but decays by 30%o in M.
21). The reduced life-span of cSODn'08, red adults supports domestica (35); and, contrary to M. domestica (34), the bulk
the view that normal adult longevity is dependent upon of SOD activity in D. melanogaster adults is attributable to
normal levels of cSOD activity. However, the observation cSOD rather than to manganese-containing SOD (B. Staveley
that cSOD"n08, red heterozygotes have a normal adult life and J.P.P., unpublished observations; see also Fig. 1).
span clearly indicates that longevity is not simply a function Finally, we wish to emphasize that the results reported
of cSOD levels. Furthermore, it predicts that cSOD over- here on cSOD~108, red Drosophila should be interpreted in
production, as for example in mutants or in cSOD transform- terms of the holometabolous development of Drosophila, in
ants, will not per se extend adult life-span. In fact, cSOD which the adult is assembled during metamorphosis from
overproduction in cultured mammalian cells appears to imaginal cells formed and propagated during development of
generate a variety of deleterious membrane effects related to the larvae. Our results could be interpreted to suggest that the
active oxygen (22, 23). phenotypes of reduced adult life-span and infertility arise
Studies with Drosophila have contributed substantially to primarily, if not exclusively, from the reduced capacity of
our overall understanding of the genetic determination of cSOD'08, red embryos, larvae, and pupae to adequately
life-span (18, 24-28). Reduced adult life span is a pleiotropic protect preimaginal cells from O-initiated damage.
characteristic of many Drosophila mutants, and genetic
variation in natural populations of Drosophila can be selected We thank Brenda Duyf and Kim Kirby for technical assistance.
to produce lines with significantly altered adult life-span. This work was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and
However, the significance of cSODWI, red lies in the fact Engineering Research Council of Canada to J.P.P.; S.D.C. and D.M.
that its reduced adult life-span arises from a single gene were supported by a postgraduate fellowship and an undergraduate
specifying an enzyme that protects a number of cellular summer research fellowship, respectively, from the Natural Sciences
processes that, until now, have been implicated only indi- and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
rectly as being important for normal longevity. Thus, the
effect of cSODn'08 on adult longevity in Drosophila signifi- 1. Sies, H. (1986) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 25, 1058-1071.
cantly clarifies our understanding of the fundamental biolog- 2. Cutler, R. G. (1986) in Physiology of Oxygen Radicals, eds.
ical importance of cSOD. Taylor, A. E., Matalon, S. & Ward, P. A. (American Physio-
Infertility is another obvious and important biological logical Society, Bethesda, MD), pp. 251-285.
3. Saul, R. L., Gee, P. & Ames, B. N. (1987) in Modern Biolog-
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Drosophila. Although we do not yet know the basis for this Sprott, R. L. & Schneider, E. L. (Raven, New York), pp. 113-
reduced fertility, several observations (J.P.P., unpublished 129.
data) suggest directions for further investigation: cSOD"08, 4. Oberley, L. W., ed. (1985) Superoxide Dismutase (CRC, Boca
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