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Earl Charles C.

Abing Research 2
Reading Comprehension Level of
Grade 12 Stem Students
Stem strand is one of the best strand to choose because there are many professional
courses related to stem. so as a stem student you should not only be good at math
and science you need to enhance your reading comprehension skills.

We all know that when you are a stem student your mind is enhanced in reading,
analyzing and also understanding. because when you say stem you must be good at
math, science and reading. but as a stem student i disagree with this because of what
i've experienced. My schoolmates can't keep up with the level of being a stem student,
why? because we are not equal i can prove this by giving a reading comprehension test
to get the level they have
In the past 10 years the philippines is one of the most fluent in english. as times goes
on, the rate of those who are good at english literature continues to increase. but
through our classmates we will know if this is true or not
We can do a lot just like we will give a test to our classmates and test is about their
reading comprehension and through this we will know what level of ability they have.

The purpose of this study is to identify the reading comprehension level of grade 12
stem students and also to know what kind of ability they have.

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