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Earl Charles C.

Research 2
HOP 1. At the age of 15-17 a child's reading
comprehension should be enhance. and also their
reading comprehension level should not be like

HOP 2. A grade 12 Students should be at a different level

from high school students. they should keep up with
college when it comes to reading comprehension.
HOP 3. When it comes to academic performance
about the reading comprehension test, all grade
12 stem students should scores high.
HOP 4. If a students does not achieve a high score on a
reading comprehension test, there are many strategies and
exercises to improve his reading ability.
HOP 5. Determining the reading comprehension level of
grade 12 students is very helpful because we well know
who is Good and Who needs strategies to improve their
reading comprehension what they have.

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