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UNIT 5: Social Interactions, Group Behavior, & Interdisciplinary Relationships

Chapter 14:

Social Interactions (14.1)

_______________- all of the biotic and abiotic factors in the area where an
organism lives. (_______________________________________ )
______________- all the physical, chemical and biological factors that a species
needs to survive, stay healthy, and reproduce. (_________________________)
___________________________- when two species are competing for same
resources, one species will be better suited to the niche.

_________________________- dividing of niche by two competing species (e.g.

top of tree, or bottom of tree)

_____________________________- species that occupy similar niches but live

in different geographical regions.

Community Interactions (14.2)

____________- occurs when two organisms fight for the same limited resources.
___________________ competition- competition between different species
_______________ competition - competition between organisms of same species
_________________- process by which one organism captures and feeds upon
another organism. 
___________________ is a close relationship between species  
____________________- both species benefit from one another
_____________________________- one receives an ecological benefit from
another, while the other neither benefits nor is harmed.
______________- similar to predation in that one organism benefits while the
other is harmed
Describe one of the symbiotic relationships in the video. ___________________

Population Density and Distribution (14.3)

__________________ is the number of individuals that live in a defined area
Measurement of the number of individuals living in a defined space.

Why are some places more densely populated? __________________________

______________ of a population shows how individuals in a population are spaced.

Draw Clumped Draw Uniform Draw Random

________________- diagram showing the number of surviving members over time

from a measured set of births.

Gives information about life history of species

x-axis _______________
y-axis __________________
Population Growth Patterns (14.4)
What do you notice about the wolf and moose population? ___________________
Guess one way we could increase our classes’ population. ___________________
Guess one way we could decrease our classes’ population. ___________________

Four factors affect the size of a population

1. __________- movement of individuals into a population from another population
2. ____________- births increase number of individuals in population
3. ______________- movement of individuals out of a population and into another
4. ______________- size of population decreases when individuals die.

Two types of population growth:

1. ______________________________- occurs when population size increases
dramatically over period of time ______-Shaped

What did you find interesting about this movie? __________________________

2. _______________- begins with slow growth, followed by brief exponential

growth before leveling off _______-Shaped
__________________________- maximum number of individuals of a species
that the environment can support.

___________________-factor that has the greatest effect on keeping down the

size of a population.

Two categories of limiting factors

#1 ____________________- affected by number of individuals in a given area
_____________________- compete for resources
______________- population of predator can be limited by available prey
________________ and disease- spread quickly through dense populations

#2 _____________________________ limiting factors- aspects of

environment that limit population growth regardless of density
_______________--can affect entire food chain or web
___________________- volcanoes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, etc.
_____________- destruction of habitat, introduction of non-native species
Describe what happened to the mosquito population in Texas. ________________

Ecological Succession (14.5)

Occurs following a disturbance in an _____________
___________________- development of ecosystem in areas that was previously
uninhabited (_________________--) ex. Volcanic lava flow

______________________-- reestablishment of a damaged ecosystem where

soil was left intact (after fire, hurricane, etc.)

____________________________- first organism to move into area like lichens

and some mosses.

Series of steps: _________________ → pioneer species → small plants → small

animals → _________________ and plants

Describe what is happening in this movie? ___________________________

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