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1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE Home Mycourses Collegeof Engineering —_Electronics and Communication Enginesering EC-YD00-BIECH VSEMI_-R20CCS_ General fxamSection —_In-sem 1 CCS fxam Il Year ECE 20062204 Corporate Communication Skils AY22-23 ODD SEM aackto cours uestion | Notyet answered Worked out 0100 ‘The compound interest on R8:7500 at 4% pa. for 2yrs compounded annually is~ © aRs.s00 © b.Rs.600 @cRso12 Oarss2 Clear my choice uestion 2 Not yet answered ‘The present worth of Rs_169 due in 2yrs at 4% p.a. compound interest is © arsis0.50 © brsisa75 © 6.85156.25 O drsise Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 ano 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE auestion3 Not yet answered ‘on soing 17 bails ot Rs 720/-, theres @ loss equal tothe cost pice of 5 balls. The cost price of a balls? O arsso © bss, Oc sss @ aRs60 Clear my choice auestion 4 Net yet answered Marked out of 190 A basket contains 10 apples and 20 oranges out of which 3 apples and 5 oranges are defective, If we choose two {ruits at random, what is the probabilty that either both are oranges or both ore non-defective? © a.158/495 0 b.n/87 0 6.136 /245 @ a.316/435 Clear my choice ‘question 5 Net yet answered Marked out of 190 (12+22+32+. +202 © 4.3480 0 b.287 06.330 @ 4240 Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 2n0 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE auestion & Not yet answered ‘sum of R&1600 gives a simple interest of Rs.252 in 2yrs and 4 months. The rate on interest in per annum is? asian Op.si4% Ocex @ a.6/4% Clear my choice question 7 Net yet answered Marked out of 190 A person incurs 5% loss by selling a watch for Rs, 1140, At what price should the watch be sold to earn 5% profi, © a.Rs.1320 © b.Rs.1350 @ c.Rs.1260 Oars.i210 Clear my choice question 8 Not yet arswored If 30% of 1820 + 40 % of 800 = x % of 5000, find the value of x aman © 6.882% Ocn2% @ a1552% Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 sto 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE auestion 9 Not yet answered 35% of what is 2807 Oasso © b.750 06.700 @ d.a00 Clear my choice question 10. Net yet answered Marked out of 190 In how many years willa sum of money double itself at 12% pa? a8 yr8mon © b.8yr4mon O e8yramen O.d.7yr6mon Clear my choice question I Not yet arswored kKrthi rolled a dice twice and she saw that the addition of two numbers that appeared on the top face wos 8. Find the probability of getting a 4 on the top face of the dice in fist throw. oale obte @cis oO ass Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 4n0 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE auestion 2 Not yet answered ‘The population of a town is increased from 54500 to $8500 in one year. What isthe percentage increase in the population? @a736% O basen Oc6s4% Odsaa% Clear my choice auestion 13 Notyetanswered IF the average of three consecutive even numbers is 34 find the largest of these numbers, Oas2 © b.36 ocs0 Oasa Clear my choice vestion 14 Nt yet answered Marked out of 199 45° 9 = 35% of 900 oaa One oce ear Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 5110 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE avestion 5 Not yet answered ‘The CP. of 21 articles is equal to SP. of If articles. Find the gain or loss percent. © a.162/3% Ob.6% ocx 0 ais 2/3% Clear my choice question 16 Net yet answered Marked out of 190 | gain 70 paise on Rs, 70. My gain percent is: @aix Ob7% Oct Odom Clear my choice question 17 Not yet answered Find CP. when S?.=Rs. 40,60 and gain =16%. Oaks.40 0 b.Rs.25 @ c.Rs.35 OaRs.30 Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 ano 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE auestion 18. Not yet answered Ravi carried two types of pens with him. The ratio of cost of pen A: pen # was 10: 4. There were two pens of type B with him ond the average cost ofall the three pens together was Rs.60/-. Find the cost of pen A, oan © b60 @ c.100 oan Clear my choice auestion 19 Notyetanswered In how many years will a sum of money double itself at 12% pa.? @ 2.8 yr-4mon Q .8yr'3mon 6.6 yr9mon 0 d.7yr6mon Clear my choice ‘veston 20 Net yet answered Marked out of 199 A person sold an article at loss of 20%. It seling price is increased by Rs.125/- then there is @ gain of 5%. The cost price is? © a.ks600 © bss 800 0 e.Re400 © c.Rs500 Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 70 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE auestion 2 Not yet answered ‘Asum invested ot 8% simple interest pa. grows to Rs.504 in Ayre, The some amount at 10% simple interest p.. in 21/2 yes will grow to: © aks.s50 © bis. 525 0 6.Rs.420 Oars. 450 Clear my choice uestion 22 Notystanswered Find CP. when S.P.=Rs. 51,70 and loss=I2%, © ars.5775 0 b.ks.68 © c.Re. 5875 O das.s7 Clear my choice ‘vestion 23 Nt yet answered Marked out of 199 Rakesh roll two dices simultaneously, what is the probability of getting @ sum less than 13? oa © b.025 oco oao75 Clear my choice hitps:ims.klh.eduinfmodiquiziattempphpattempt=3484848cmid= 156115 sno 1916/22, 2:15 PM In-sem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE question 24 Not yet answered ‘The simple interest on a sum of money at 8% p.a. for Byres half the sum . The sum is: © a.rsgooo © b.Rs.6000 (© © Rs 5000 @ d.Date Inadequate Clear my choice question 25; Net yet answered Marked out of 190 ‘The difference between a two-digit number ond the number obtained by interchanging the positions ofits digs is 3, What is the difference between the two digits of that number? oae obs oos ods Clear my choice © nackte course hitps:fims.klh.eduinfmodtquiztattempphp?attempt=3484848cmid= 156115 sno 1916/22, 2:15 PM Inesem 1 CCS Exam il Year ECE Stay in touch Conectime © https//kineduin © moodle@kiheduin [Date retention summary hitps:fims.klh.eduinfmodtquiztattempphp?attempt=3484848cmid= 156115 10110

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