Academic Reading (U1+2)

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Unit 1: the hidden miracle

Ord. New words Meaning Example

1 Commercial (n) advertisement
2 Primarily (adv) Mainly
3 Technique (n) Method/ skill
4 Pollination (n) Sự thụ phấn
5 Consciousness (n) Ý thức
6 Perspective (n) Viewpoint
7 Gratitude (n) Thankfulness
8 Attribute to (v) Assume, suppose,
believe to be from
9 Reinforce (v) Strengthen
10 Constant (v) Continuous
11 Intensify (v) Strengthen/ deepen
12 Terrace (n) Ruộng bậc thang
13 Utility (n)(a) Practicality,
14 Document (v) Record/
15 Organism (n) Sinh vật
Unit 2: Sleep deprivation
Ord. New words Meaning Example
1 Sleep deprivation Lack of sleep
2 Ultimately(adv) Eventually
3 Perish (n) Die, depart this
4 Round-the-clock 24/7
5 Fast-paced (a) Changing quickly
6 Detrimental impact Downside,
(n) negative effect
7 intoxicated (a) Drunk, tipsy
8 Determine (v) Decide, verify
9 investigation (n) examination
10 Institute (n) Organization
11 acknowledge (v) Be aware of
12 crucial (a) Critical, vital,
13 Apparently (adv) Obviously
14 Deprive from (v) Lack
15 Fatigue (n) exhaustion
Unit 2: Sleep deprivation
Ord. New words Meaning Example
1 Sleep deprivation Lack of sleep
2 Ultimately(adv) Eventually
3 Perish (n) Die, depart this
4 Round-the-clock 24/7
5 Fast-paced (a) Changing quickly
6 Detrimental impact Downside,
(n) negative effect
7 intoxicated (a) Drunk, tipsy
8 Determine (v) Decide, verify
9 investigation (n) examination
10 Institute (n) Organization
11 acknowledge (v) Be aware of
12 crucial (a) Critical, vital,
13 Apparently (adv) Obviously
14 Deprive from (v) Lack
15 Fatigue (n) exhaustion

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