Setup Checklist Style Team With Noice

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Oracle Inventory Setup Checklist

Setup Procedure Steps:

1- Approved Future Process Model
2- Approved Setup Data (As per the data collection sheets)
3- Deliver the Setup Document (BR-100)
4- Prepare the setup checklist
5- Apply the setup

Step ID Setup Navigation Remarks

1 Run the Multi Org. utility first Run the Multi Org. utility first Convert to multi org. AFTER
‫ و هو الذي يقوم بعمل‬Tech ‫هذا الجزء خاص ب‬ DOING THE FOLLOWING:
‫ له‬Run
1) Define L.E.
2) Define ONE O.U. Only
3) MO profile option Site
Do not define the real structure
UNLESS you have applied first the
multi org. utility.

2 Define Inventory Profile Options Values Systemadmin>Profile>System Inventory Profile Options are
Define Profile ‫ نقوم بعمل ال‬.Resp ‫بعد عمل كل‬ attached at Appendix (A)
‫ جديدة يتم عملها‬.Resp ‫ لكل‬option
3 Compile the Inventory Key Flex Fields Inventory>Setup>Flexfields>Key>Segments * All flexfields should be
Flex field ‫ و أمام كل‬Path ‫يتم الدخول على إل‬ COMPILED
‫ ثم‬Title ‫ بنفس اسم ال‬Segment ‫ نقوم بعمل‬Title Application = Oracle Inventory * Do not delete any segment after
‫ عند عمل ال‬Compile ‫ و‬Freeze ‫ و‬Save ‫نعمل‬ Flexfield Title = compile. If you need to use
3Item Category ‫ يتم عمل‬Item Categories - Item Categories different segment you have to
Sales Categories-PO Item category- ‫وهم‬ - Account Aliases (disable + display) the old
Compile ‫ ثم‬Freeze ‫ يتم عمل‬Item categories - Item Catalog segments and create new segments
Sales ‫ الذي يسمي‬Flex field Type ‫في إل‬ - Sales Orders with (different value sets +
‫ باألتي‬Segment ‫ يتم عمل‬Order - System Items ANOTHER SEGMENT
Order Number Segment1 * - Stock Locators (Refer to the step 18, COLUMN)
Order Type Segment2 Define Value Sets)
Order Source Segment3
Compile ‫ ثم‬Freeze ‫ثم نعمل‬
Step ID Setup Navigation Remarks

4 Define Your Organization Calendar Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Calendar

Exception Sets Exception Template
‫ باسم مدستار و نختار إل‬Calendar ‫يتم عمل‬
‫ شهر‬5 ‫ المقصود ب‬Quarterly Type 4/4/5
-1-1 ‫ السنة من‬Range ‫ ثم نعمل‬b‫زيادة للتسويات‬
‫ أي من يوم االثنين إلى يوم‬2007-12-31 ‫ إلى‬2007
‫ نضع منها في الحالة‬Work Pattern ‫االثنين ثم‬
‫ أى من‬4‫المقصود ب‬OFF 1 ‫ وال‬ON 4 ‫السابقة ال‬
‫ الجمعة ثم ال‬1 ‫االثنين إلى الخميس و المقصود ب‬
‫ نجعله صفر‬OFF ‫ وهى السبت و األحد ثم ال‬ON 2
‫و السبت و األحد هى تكملة األسبوع ثم ندخل على‬
‫ نجد كل الشهور فيها الجمعة أجازة ثم بعد ذلك‬Dates
Build ‫ لعمل‬Tools\Build ‫ندخل إلى‬

5 Define Your Organization Calendar Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Calendar Please BUILD it before use

6 Define Your Locations Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Locations

Style ‫ كما هو‬Address ‫نترك إل‬
8 Define the Legal Entity Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Organization
‫ حتى‬From 1-1-2007‫ ال‬Dates ‫البد من جعل ال‬ New
Classification ‫نستطيع فتح الفترات ويتم اختيار ال‬
Others ‫ ثم اختيار‬GRE/Legal Entity ‫كاألتي‬
LE ‫ من خالل اختيار‬SOB ‫ على‬LE ‫لربط ال‬
SOB ‫ و اختيار اسم‬Account

9 Define the Operating Unit Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Organization

INV ORG ‫ثم نعرف‬
10 Defining Average Rates Cost Type Costing>Setup>Cost Types Must be same as the (Vision/Test)
Cost ‫خاص بمسئولي ال‬ Environment

11 Defining: Setup>Costs>Sub-Elements>Material
* Material Sub-Elements
* Default Sub Elements
* Item Overheads Costs (Amount/Rate)
Cost ‫خاص بمسئولي ال‬
12 Defining the Inventory Organizations Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Organization Strongly recommended to define
your own test inv. Org on the
- Header TEST environment and to assign it
- Accounting Information to your own SOB as well.
- Inventory Information

13 Defining Organizations Shipping Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Shipping

Networks (if needed) Networks

14 Defining UOM Classes Inventory>Setup>Units Of Measure>Classes * Do not put INACTIVE ON date

for any class. Otherwise you will
receive an error message (Trigger
raised unhandled exception)

15 Defining UOM Inventory>Setup>Units Of Measure>Classes>

Units Of Measure
Step ID Setup Navigation Remarks

16 Defining UOM Conversions Inventory>Setup>Units Of Measure>Classes> - Standard

Conversions> - Intra-Class
- Inter-Class

17 Defining Subinventories Inventory>Setup>Organizations> Check your current organization

Subinventories first

18 Define Stock Locators Value Sets Inventory>Setup>Flex fields>Validation>Sets 1) Define the value sets in a
separate step not from the flexfield
OK In Flex field screen.
2) Enter the attributes of the value
set CAREFULLY since it could
not be changed (Independent?
Dependent? None?)

19 Enter Stock Locators Value Set Values Inventory>Setup>Flexfields>Key>Segments>

OK In Flex field Values

2 Defining Stock Locators Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Stock

20 Defining Item Categories Structure Inventory>Setup>Flexfields>Key>Segments Define (new structure) for each
(Flexfield) category set you have
Application = Oracle Inventory
Flexfield Title = Item Categories

21 Defining Item Categories (Codes) Inventory>Setup>Items>Categories>Category

22 Defining Category Sets Inventory>Setup>Items>Categories>Category * Before defining any new
Sets category set, it is very important to
First Category Set: check the predefined sets and to
Name= Inventory assign default category code for
Flexfield Structure = Item Categories each one.
Controlled at = Master level
Default Cat. = Inventory * DO NOT LEAVE ANY SET
Enforce List of valid categories = Yes WITHOUT DEFAULT
Second Category Set: LEAST.
Name= Purchasing
Flexfield Structure = PO Item Category
Controlled at = Master level
Default Cat. = Purchased Item
Enforce List of valid categories = Yes

Define the previous sets (as is) because it

will be used by default always by the

23 Defining Default Category Sets Inventory>Setup>Items>Categories>Default * Must be defined before defining

Category Set any item.
Inventory Area = Inventory
Purchased Area = Purchasing
Step ID Setup Navigation Remarks

24 Defining Item Attribute Controls Inventory>Setup>Items>Attribute Controls Leave it by default but just check
the Or. Level attributes are it fit
your needs or not.

25 Defining Item Types Inventory>Setup>Lookups

FG ‫ مثل‬Item ‫ لل‬Type ‫منها يتم تعريف ال‬
Item ‫موجودة في شاشة ال‬ Or, LOV>>>Quick Codes: Item Types

26 Defining Item Templates Inventory>Setup>Items>Templates Attached at Appendix (B) the

proposed item templates as we
agreed in the analysis.

27 Defining Master Items Inventory>Items>Master Items

(Using the Templates)

Different Regions>>>(Main, Inv., costing,…)
Tools>>>Organization Assignment
Tools>>>Item Categories
Tools>>>Catalog (Standard Descriptive Data)
28 Defining Organization Item Attributes Inventory>Items>Organization Items - If any attribute is differed
between the organizations, so
Loader Tools>>>Item Subinventories/Locators define the org. value (i.e. item is
lot controlled in org. XXX and not
lot controlled in org. ZZZ)

29 Defining Item Optional Data Inventory>Items>Organization Items

Tools>>>Item Relationship
Tools>>>Item Cross Reference
Tools>>>Item Manufacturer Part Numbers

30 Disable The System Transaction Source - Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Source - Under the (inventory / inventory
Types Types>Inventory Source>Source Types account aliases) sources
Alias ‫ لل‬Parent ‫لعمل‬ - And this to avoid users confusion
- Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Source for non-friendly types.
Types>Inventory Acct. Alias Source>Source
31 Defining User-defined Transaction Types Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Source - Define user defined transaction
b‫ للحركات‬Alias ‫لعمل‬ Types> Transaction Types types under (inventory / inv. Acct.
- Here you define discrete
transaction type regardless any
location or dept. (i.e. Issue for
dept./ location)

32 Defining Inventory Account Aliases Inventory>Setup>Account Aliases Define Account Alias (IT Dept,
Opening Balance Central Location) and for any
purposes else
Step ID Setup Navigation Remarks

33 Define Your Transaction Reasons Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Reasons

34 Setup the Costing Manager Intervals Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Interface

Cost ‫خاصة ب ال‬ Managers

35 Activate the Cost Manager Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Interface

Cost Manager ‫ ل‬RUN ‫لعمل‬ Managers

36 Open the Inventory Accounting Periods Inventory>Accounting Close Cycle>Inventory

Accounting Periods
37 Perform Miscellaneous Transactions Inventory>Transactions>Miscellaneous
38 Print Reports (English / Arabic)
‫ و طباعتها‬Setup ‫ لكل تقارير ال‬Run ‫الهدف عمل‬
Report\setup b‫للحفظ‬

40 Define Your Descriptive Flexfields If Needed

Setup\flex field\descriptive

 Define Subinventories/Stock Locators Restrictions and Security:

1. Define the stock locators Keyflexfield as follows:
a. Assign the keyflexfield segments -(that will be used in the security range)-
to Value Sets as follows:
i. Independent
ii. Char (to support ranges of char alphanumeric format)
iii. Non-Hierarchal security
b. The Segment should be as follows:
i. Enabled
ii. Required
iii. Security enabled
c. Fill the value set with values
d. Define the security rules as follows:
i. Exclude all the values [From 000 To zzzz]
ii. Then, include only on the values that you want to assign for this

‫ يبعضها‬Segment ‫ و كيفية ربط كل‬Locator ‫ في إل‬Segment ‫هذا الجزء يستخدم في حالة استخدام أكثر من‬
Appendix (A): [Inventory Profile Options]

User Profile Options Zone

Profile Option Name Value Used

HR:Business Group Setup Business Group

HR:User Type HR User/Responsibility level
INV: Allow Expense to Asset Transfer No
INV: Debug Trace Yes
INV: Debug file (Including the complete path) /tmp/invdbg.db
INV: Default Item Status Active (Site + Application Level)
INV: Default Primary Unit of Measure NULL
INV: Detect truncation on UOM conversion NULL
INV: Dynamic Precision Option for Quantity on Reports -9,999,999.00
INV: External ATP NULL
INV: FIFO for Original Receipt Date No
INV: Inter-Organization Currency Conversion Corporate
INV: Intercompany Currency Conversion Corporate
INV: Item Master Flexfield System Items
INV: Maximum Number of Quantity Trees 500
INV: Minmax Reorder Approval Incomplete
INV: Project Miscellaneous Transaction Expenditure Type User Entered
INV: RC Line Failure Continue processing
INV: RC Requisition Approval NULL
INV: Round Reorder Qty Yes
INV: Save Search Items No
INV: Transaction Date Validation Do not allow in any past date
Allow date in any open period
.Resp ‫على مستوى ال‬
INV: Updateable Customer Item No
.Resp ‫على مستوى ال‬
INV: Updateable item name No
.Resp ‫على مستوى ال‬
INV: Use catalog name in the item description No
INV:Allocate Serial Numbers NULL
INV:CCEOI Commit point NULL
INV:Debug Level NULL
INV:Genealogy Delimiter NULL
INV:Genealogy Prefix or Suffix NULL
INV:Override Neg for Backflush No (Site Level)
INV:Purchasing By Revision No (Site Level)
TP:INV Cycle Count Approvals form On-line processing
Profile Option Name Value Used

TP:INV Cycle Count Entries form On-line processing

TP:INV Enter Replenishment Count form Concurrent processing
TP:INV Inter-organization Transfer form On-line processing
TP:INV Miscellaneous Issue and Receipt form On-line processing
TP:INV Move Order Transact Form On-line processing
TP:INV Receive customer returns form On-line processing
‫غير موجود‬
TP:INV Return to customer form On-line processing
‫غير موجود‬
TP:INV Transaction processing mode On-line processing
TP:INV Transfer between subinventories form On-line processing
TP:INV Update Average Cost form On-line processing
TP: Server Side Online Processing Null
TP:WIP Background Shop Floor Material Processing On-line processing
‫غير موجود‬
TP:WIP Completion Material Processing On-line processing
TP:WIP Completion Transaction Form On-line processing
TP:WIP Completion Transactions First Field Job
TP:WIP Concurrent Message Level Message level 0
TP:WIP Material Transaction Form On-line processing
TP:WIP Material Transactions First Field Job
TP:WIP Move Transaction On-line processing
TP:WIP Move Transaction Quantity Default None
TP:WIP Move Transactions First Field Job
TP:WIP Operation Backflush Setup On-line processing
‫غير موجود‬
TP:WIP Resource Transactions First Field Job
TP:WIP Shop Floor Material Processing On-line processing
TP:WIP Work Order-less Default Completion Type Unscheduled
CST:Average Costing Option Inventory Only
Concurrent:Save Output Yes
Default Country Egypt
Editor (Character) Apps
Flexfields:BiDi Direction Right To Left
Flexfields:Open Descr Window Yes
Flexfields:Show Full Value Yes
Flexfields:Validate On Server Yes
GL Set of Books ID
GL Set of Books Name Application Level: Oracle Inventory
‫ منها‬d‫ لكي يستسقي الحسابات‬SOB ‫ على إل‬.Resp ‫مهم جدا يستخدم في ربط إل‬ Responsibility Level: “All <MedStar
inventory> INV. Responsibility”
<MedStar> SOB
INV: Dynamic Precision Option for Quantity on Report 999,999,990

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