HEADWAY (Rafael, Felipe, Julia e Pedro)

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1. Complete corretamente usando IN, ON ou AT, quando necessário:

a) I am going to meet you _______ Saturday, ____ a quarter past three.

b) Dave went to Paris ______ June, ______ 1999.

c) ___ the morning I usually have classes, ___ the afternoons I always visit my friend cecil and ____
night I sometimes watch TV.

d) She'll be here ____ a few minutes.

e) The party will be ___ eight, ___ the evening ____ September 26th.

f) ____ Easter I used to have dinner with my parents, but ___ Christmas day I have dinner with my

g) ________ This year we have classes with Mr. Burlington.

h) I would like to go out with you _____ the end of the class.

i) Can you be ___ time for lunch, please?

j) Sorry, I can't talk to you ___ the moment, but I can see you ___ lunchtime.

k) I will travel to India ___ my vacations ____ next year.

l) Shakespeare was born _____ 1564 ___ Stratford-upon-avon ___ England.

m) I live _____ 33 Washington Street.

n) Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered Brazil _____ 22 April, 1500.

2. Complete the questions with DID, WAS or WERE.

__________ you send the letter to Joe?

__________ you at the party last Saturday?

__________ she a close friend?

When __________ your daughter start to sing?

__________ Kimberly and Janet working together?

__________ you study for the test today?

__________ your dog eat all its food?

Where __________ you buy this jeans?

3. Escreva os verbos no passado simples e passado do particípio.














4. Rewrite the sentences into Present Simple Passive.

Mr Jones watches films.


The people speak English.


We play volleyball.


They sing the song.


I take photos.

5. Rewrite the sentences into Past Simple Passive.

Someone attacked a ten-year-old boy.


Someone robbed a bank last week.


The police arrested two suspects last night.


Someone sent us a letter.


They didn't find any evidence.


6. (UFU-MG) Mark the alternative with the CORRECT form of Indirect Speech.

Direct Speech: “I went to the movies.”

A) He said that he went to the movies.

B) He said that he goes to the movies.

C) He said that he had gone to the movies.

D) He said that he had went to the movies.

E) He said that he has gone to the movies.

7. (PUC-Campinas-SP) Qual destas frases está CORRETA?

John said to Mary: “Will you bring me the books?”

A) John said to Mary if she will bring her the books.

B) John told Mary that she would bring him the books.

C) John asked Mary if she would bring him the books.

D) John said to Mary that he would bring her the books.

8. Translate the sentences below.

I usually keep the keys in the drawer.

Go after her and apologize.

Where can I find a drugstore around here?

He’s fasting.

I need to clear my head.

This my father's hand writing.

She misses travelling.

He was champion for five years running.

We have to push ourselves.

We know what’s going to happen.

He’s on diet to lose weight.

What is he look like?

Don’t forget to lock the door after leaving.

You look younger.

Let me know if you change your mind.

Thank you for having me.

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