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Volume 51, Number 2, 467–480

r 2008, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Effect of Exercise on
Pregnancy Outcome
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health,
St Louis University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri

Abstract: The purpose of this review was to critically Disease Control and Prevention and the
evaluate the scientific literature for the effects of American College of Sports Medicine for
exercise on pregnancy outcome. Evidenced-based stu-
dies were reviewed. Maternal outcomes analyzed in the nonpregnant population. The ACOG
this review were gestational diabetes mellitus, pree- recommendation was not without contro-
clampsia, and weight gain, fetal outcomes evaluated versy. A comprehensive review of the
were birth weight, time of delivery, and mode of literature at that time decreed that a re-
delivery. Despite methodological pitfalls in the studies commendation of aerobic exercise in
published, the evidence suggests a benefit of exercise in
pregnancy. Exercise in pregnancy could prevent and pregnancy could not be made owing to
limit adverse maternal and fetal morbidities and pro- the paucity of studies conducted on the
vide a long-term benefit through reduction of mater- topic and their methodological pro-
nal weight gain during pregnancy, and improvement blems.2 These methodological issues in-
in cardiovascular fitness. Pregnancy emerges as a cluded inconsistent definitions in the type,
unique time for behavior modification.
Key words: exercise, pregnancy, gestational diabetes intensity, and duration of physical activ-
mellitus, maternal outcomes, fetal outcomes, weight- ity, and small sample sizes precluding
gain restriction in pregnancy accurate statistical assessment. The
ACOG recommendation was perceived
to largely reflect expert opinion rather
than scientific evidence.3
The literature on exercise in pregnancy
Introduction has expanded since 2002. The purpose of
The American College of Obstetricians this review is to critically evaluate the
and Gynecologists (ACOG) in 2002 re- effects of exercise before and during preg-
commended 30 minutes or more of mod- nancy on maternal and fetal outcomes.
erate exercise on most, if not all, days of
the week for pregnant women in the ab-
sence of either medical or obstetric com-
plications.1 These recommendations are Research Design and Methods
similar to those issued by the Centers for A computer-generated literature review
published in English of all available exist-
Correspondence: Raul Artal, MD, Department of Ob- ing studies on the effects of exercise before
stetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health, Saint Louis
University School of Medicine, 6420 Clayton Road, or during pregnancy was undertaken. No
Suite 290, St Louis, MO 63117. E-mail: time constraints were imposed on when


468 Gavard and Artal

the papers had to have been published or home. No significant differences in glyce-
presented. Individual case reports were mic control between the groups were
not considered. observed; euglycemia was obtained within
Articles were cited that could provide 1 week of intervention. Both groups had
the best evidence for the relationship of similar maternal and fetal outcomes, sug-
exercise in pregnancy on maternal and gesting that an exercise/diet regimen can
fetal outcomes. Maternal outcomes in- be a safe and effective therapeutic inter-
cluded were gestational diabetes mellitus vention during pregnancy. This pilot
(GDM), preeclampsia, and weight gain. study served as the impetus to others to
Fetal outcomes included were birth investigate and expand on alternative
weight, time of delivery, and mode of therapeutic interventions and preventive
delivery. Articles were favored having measures during pregnancy with an em-
larger sample sizes and a comparison phasis on exercise.
group that was contrasted with the phy- The influence of recreational physical
sically active group. Review articles activity on GDM risk was examined in a
summarizing the overall relationship of case-control study of 155 GDM cases and
physical activity with a particular mater- 386 normotensive nondiabetic pregnant
nal or fetal end point were also consid- controls.5 Physical activity was assessed
ered. during the year before pregnancy and the
The effects of exercise in pregnancy first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Women who
are summarized and critically evaluated reported physical activity during the year
for methodological strengths and weak- before pregnancy had a significantly re-
nesses. duced risk of GDM compared with inac-
tive women [odds ratio (OR) = 0.45, 95%
confidence interval (CI) = 0.28-0.74,
Maternal Outcomes after adjusting for maternal age, race,
parity, smoking, and prepregnancy body
GDM mass index (BMI)]. Weekly time and en-
It is well-recognized that to optimize preg- ergy expended on physical activity before
nancy outcome, normoglycemia is essen- pregnancy were associated with lower
tial. Exercise and diet (ED) are a safe and GDM risk, although significant trends
effective preventive measure and thera- were not found. Women who engaged in
peutic alternative for normalizing glucose vigorous recreational physical activity be-
levels during pregnancy. Several studies fore pregnancy had a significantly lower
have examined this approach. In one of risk of GDM compared with inactive
the first studies performed in pregnant women (OR = 0.29, 95% CI = 0.16-
diabetic patients, we conducted a rando- 0.51). Findings were similar for physical
mized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy activity performed during the first 20
of an ED program to attain euglycemia in weeks of pregnancy. The adjusted OR
patients with GDM compared to patients for any recreational physical activity
with GDM treated with insulin.4 The was 0.52 (95% CI = 0.33-0.80) compared
study included 41 GDM-A2 patients with with inactive women. A significant trend
abnormal fasting glucose levels after 1 was found for increasing stair climbing
week of failed American Diabetes Associa- with lower GDM risk (P<0.05), although
tion diet therapy. Subjects were random- no clear benefit of walking or walking
ized to either ED therapy or insulin and diet pace was apparent. The protective effect
therapy. The ED subjects also were of physical activity was found largely in
encouraged to engage in physical activ- women whose prepregnancy BMI was
ities and maintain an active lifestyle at Z25 and in women who were physically
Exercise in Pregnancy 469

active during both time periods (OR = A prospective study examined the re-
0.40, 95% CI = 0.23-0.68 compared with lationship between pregravid physical ac-
women who were physically inactive tivity and GDM in 21,765 women having
during both time periods). A significant at least 1 singleton pregnancy from 1990
protective effect was not found for recrea- to 1998 in the Nurses Health Study II.7
tional physical activity that was Demographic information, health beha-
performed only during the year before viors, physical activity, and gestational
or during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. diabetes were assessed by self-report ques-
Corroboration of the above findings tionnaire. Women were queried about
was sought by the same authors in a pro- weekly time spent in vigorous recreational
spective study design of 909 normotensive physical activities such as jogging, run-
nondiabetic women.6 Women were inter- ning, bicycling, calisthenics, lap swim-
viewed before 16 weeks gestation (mean ming, racquetball, or tennis; weekly
gestational age of 12.7 wk) regarding re- walking time and pace; and flights of
creational physical activity during the year stairs climbed daily. Weekly prepreg-
before pregnancy and in the 7 days of nancy total and vigorous activity scores
pregnancy before interview. GDM was were calculated from the hours and calo-
assessed through review of maternal med- ric expenditure of the various activities
ical records approximately 7 to 9 months and averaged from several questionnaires
after enrollment. Women who reported during the follow-up period beginning in
physical activity during the year before 1989. Women with the highest quintile
pregnancy had a significantly reduced risk prepregnancy total activity score had a
of GDM compared with inactive women borderline reduced risk of GDM com-
[relative risk (RR) = 0.44, 95% CI = pared to women with the lowest quintile
0.21-0.91, after adjusting for maternal score (RR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.68-1.01,
age, race, parity, and prepregnancy after adjusting for maternal age, race,
BMI]. Weekly time and energy expended smoking, family history of diabetes, par-
on recreational physical activity were sig- ity, alcohol consumption, dietary factors,
nificantly associated with lower GDM risk and prepregnancy BMI). Women with the
when women having values on these vari- fourth and fifth highest quintile prepreg-
ables above the median were compared nancy, vigorous activity score had signifi-
with inactive women (RR = 0.24, 95% cantly reduced risk of GDM compared to
CI = 0.10-0.64 and RR = 0.26, 95% women with the lowest quintile score
CI = 0.10-0.65, respectively). Although (RR = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.64-0.87, and
corresponding risk indices were lower for RR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.69-0.94, respec-
women reporting any recreational physi- tively). When women who did not report
cal activity during early pregnancy than vigorous activity were examined, brisk
for women reporting no such activity, walking (3.0 to 3.9 mph) or very brisk
none were statistically significant. Women walking (Z4.0 mph) was associated with
who reported physical activity during both a significantly reduced risk of GDM com-
time periods had a significantly lower in- pared with women whose walking pace
cidence of GDM than women who were was casual (<2.0 mph) (RR = 0.66, 95%
inactive during both time periods (RR = CI = 0.46-0.95). Women who climbed
0.31, 95% CI = 0.12-0.79). Despite having Z15 flights of stairs a day also had a
lower GDM risk, a significant protective significantly lower risk of GDM than
effect again was not found in this study women who climbed r2 flights of stairs
for recreational physical activity that was a day (RR = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.27-0.90).
performed only during the year prior or Recreational physical activity was eval-
during early pregnancy. uated for a protective effect against GDM
470 Gavard and Artal

in a prospective study of 1805 women who The influence of physical activity on

received prenatal care at Harvard Pilgrim GDM risk was examined in the Central
Health Care, a multispecialty group prac- New York Regional Perinatal Data Sys-
tice in eastern Massachusetts, from 1999 tem, a population-based birth registry col-
to 2002.8 Women were recruited during lecting information on all live births
their initial prenatal care visit (mean ge- occurring in a 15-county region of central
stational age of 10.4 wk) and completed New York state.9 A total of 12,776 women
questionnaires regarding recreational who delivered a live birth from October 1,
physical activity performed during the 1995 to July 31, 1996 were included in the
year before pregnancy. Women were study. GDM and BMI were abstracted
asked about average weekly hours spent from medical records. Physical activity
in walking; light to moderate physical was assessed by personal interview after
activities such as yoga, bowling, stretch- delivery in which women were asked how
ing classes, and skating; and vigorous many times per week on average during
physical activities such as running, jog- their pregnancy they engaged in exercise
ging, swimming, aerobic classes, and cy- for 30 minutes or more above their usual
cling. When women were evaluated for activities. Women were grouped accord-
GDM at 26 to 28 weeks gestation, they ing to any exercise (Z1 time/wk) versus no
provided the same information on physi- exercise. Similar risk of GDM was found
cal activity performed during the preced- for women reporting physical activity and
ing 3 months. Data were analyzed women not reporting physical activity
separately for walking, light/moderate when the group was considered collec-
activity, vigorous activity, light/moderate tively (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.8-1.3).
or vigorous activity, and total activity When stratified by prepregnancy BMI,
hours for women both before and during the only significant difference was found
pregnancy. Although most findings in the BMI >33 group, where nonexerci-
showed lower GDM risk, the only finding sers were at greater risk for GDM than
that achieved statistical significance in exercisers (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.2-3.1).
this study was for women who engaged The risk of GDM was virtually equivalent
in vigorous recreational physical activity for exercisers and nonexercisers through a
before pregnancy compared with women BMI of 32. These risk estimates, however,
who had no such activity before preg- were not adjusted for potential confound-
nancy (OR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.33-0.95, ing variables.
adjusting for maternal age, race, family
history of diabetes, history of GDM, and SUMMARY OF GDM STUDIES
prepregnancy BMI). Adjustment for Numerous potential biases and methodo-
weight gain before 26 weeks gestation logical issues exist in the above studies
did not appreciably change risk estimates. such as selection bias5,6,8; recall bias5–9;
Women who reported vigorous activity not controlling for potential confounders,
before pregnancy and light/moderate or such as maternal weight gain during preg-
vigorous activity during pregnancy had a nancy,5–7,9 family history of diabetes,5,6,9
borderline lower risk of GDM compared prior history of GDM,5,6,9 or any poten-
with women who reported no vigorous tial confounders at all9; the relationship
activity before pregnancy and no light/ between exercise and GDM potentially
moderate or vigorous activity during being influenced by an additional preg-
pregnancy (OR = 0.49, 95% CI = 0.24- nancy during the assessment period
1.01). No other combinations of physical before pregnancy5–8; no assessment of
activity during both time periods were occupational physical activity5–9; the po-
significant. tential inaccuracy of metabolic equivalent
Exercise in Pregnancy 471

(MET) scores in assessing caloric expen- PREECLAMPSIA

diture in that they do not account for Historically, nonpregnant patients with
maternal BMI or aerobic fitness level5–7; hypertensive disorders have been advised
small sample sizes of GDM cases in sub- to engage in physical activity to either
group analyses such as intensity of physi- arrest or reverse hypertension. Conver-
cal activity, stair climbing, or active only sely, pregnant women with such disorders
during pregnancy5,6; women being classi- are being advised to moderate their phy-
fied by maximum intensity of recreational sical activities or altogether abandon
physical activity ever performed regard- them. Women who engage in physical
less of the frequency of that activity5; activity during pregnancy or before preg-
limited generalizability of the findings in nancy may be at reduced risk to develop
that the study populations were predomi- preeclampsia. In one case-control study,
nately white,6–9 well-educated,6,8 or nulli- the influence of recreational physical ac-
parous6; physical activity being assessed in tivity on preeclampsia risk was examined
fixed years and averaged over a potential in 201 preeclampsia cases and 383 normo-
10-year follow-up period through mailed tensive pregnant controls.10 Physical ac-
questionnaires rather than being standar- tivity was assessed during the first 20
dized to the onset of pregnancy7; and weeks of pregnancy and the year before
different assessment periods of physical pregnancy. Women who reported physi-
activity during pregnancy making com- cal activity during the first 20 weeks of
parison of studies difficult, such as the pregnancy had a significantly reduced risk
first 20 weeks of pregnancy,5 7 days before of preeclampsia compared with inactive
interview conducted at a mean gestational women (OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.43-0.99,
age of 12.7 weeks,6 and 3 months before after adjusting for maternal age, race,
interview conducted at a gestational age of parity, smoking, and prepregnancy
26 to 28 weeks.8 The protective effect of BMI). Significant trends were found for
exercise against GDM does not seem to be lower preeclampsia risk with weekly time
realized unless physical activity occurs and energy expended on physical activity
both before and during pregnancy.5,6,8 during pregnancy. Women who were en-
The protective effect further was found gaged in vigorous physical activity during
only in women whose BMI was Z255 or the first 20 weeks of pregnancy had a
>33.9 Inverse correlations between phy- significantly lower risk of preeclampsia
sical activity and GDM were found for all compared with inactive women
BMI subgroup analyses (<25.0, 25.0 to (OR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.27-0.79). A sig-
29.9, and Z30.0), but it is unknown if they nificant trend was found for increasing
were statistically significant.7 Despite daily stair climbing with lower preeclamp-
these shortcomings, the balance of evi- sia risk (P<0.05), although no clear
dence remains that exercise is protective benefit of walking or walking pace was
against GDM. Virtually all risk indices, apparent. Findings were attenuated and
even if they were lacking statistical signifi- largely nonsignificant for physical activity
cance, were in the direction of a protective performed during the year before preg-
effect. The protective effect seems to be nancy. The adjusted OR for any recrea-
particularly strong for vigorous or intense tional physical activity was 0.67 (95%
exercise.5,7,8 Women reporting physical CI = 0.42-1.08) compared with inactive
activity both before and during pregnancy women. Significant trends were no longer
having the lowest risk of GDM argue for a found for weekly time and energy ex-
cumulative exercise benefit. No deleter- pended on physical activity or daily stair
ious effects of exercise were mentioned in climbing with lower preeclampsia risk.
the above studies. Women reporting vigorous physical
472 Gavard and Artal

activity in the year before pregnancy, jobs had a lower, although nonsignificant,
however, had a significantly lower risk risk of preeclampsia compared with wo-
of preeclampsia compared with inactive men in sedentary jobs (OR = 0.71, 95%
women (OR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.23- CI = 0.37-1.36). The lack of significant
0.69). A significant protective effect of findings may be largely attributed to the
recreational physical activity again was small number of preeclampsia cases and
found only in women who were physically crude measures for work activity and
active during both time periods LTPA.
(OR = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.35-0.98 com- The relationship of perceived exertion
pared with women who were physically during prepregnancy physical activity
inactive during both time periods). with preeclampsia risk was studied in a
The effects of work activity and leisure- case-control study of 244 preeclampsia
time physical activity (LTPA) on pre- cases and 470 normotensive pregnant con-
eclampsia risk were examined in a nested trols.12 In contrast to absolute intensity
case-control study of 44 preeclampsia measures of physical activity, such as time
cases and 2422 normotensive pregnant or energy expended during specific activ-
controls.11 The women were recruited ities, relative intensity measures such as
from private obstetrical practices in New perceived exertion reflect the fitness level
Haven, Connecticut, from 1989 to 1991. of the woman and characteristics of the
Information on work activity and LTPA activity. Women completed question-
during the year before and early preg- naires during postpartum hospital visits
nancy was obtained through personal in- about perceived level of exertion when
terviews conducted at <16 weeks performing recreational physical activity
gestation. Preeclampsia was assessed in their usual manner in the year before
through review of maternal antenatal re- they became pregnant. Women selected a
cords and hospital delivery charts. Wo- score on the Borg scale of perceived exer-
men were classified as sedentary if they tion according to these values: none to
spent the majority of their daily work time weak (0 to 2), moderate (3, 4), strenuous
sitting and nonsedentary if they spent the (5, 6), and very strenuous to maximal (7 to
majority of their daily work time standing 10). Significant trends were found for in-
or walking. Women were further classi- creasing usual perceived exertion during
fied according to the proportion of their recreational physical activity (P<0.001)
daily work time spent sitting (<34%, and the mean weekly energy expended
34% to 66%, and Z67%). Two classifi- performing such activity (P<0.01) with
cations of LTPA were examined: any lower preeclampsia risk. Women having a
LTPA (engaged in exercise or sports perceived very strenuous to maximal ex-
Z1 time/wk) and no LTPA. The analyses ertion had an especially significantly lower
concentrated on work activity and LTPA risk of preeclampsia compared with wo-
during early pregnancy. Although vir- men having a perceived exertion of none
tually all risk indices indicated a protec- to weak (OR = 0.22, 95% CI = 0.11-0.44,
tive effect, none were statistically after adjusting for maternal age, race,
significant. Women who reported any parity, family history of chronic hyper-
LTPA during pregnancy had a lower, tension, smoking, fruit and vegetable
although nonsignificant, risk of pre- consumption during pregnancy, and
eclampsia compared with inactive women prepregnancy BMI). The significant trend
(OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.35-1.22, after for increasing usual perceived exertion
adjusting for work activity during preg- during prepregnancy physical activity
nancy, education, parity, and prepreg- with lower preeclampsia risk was found
nancy BMI). Women in nonsedentary in women with a prepregnancy BMI of
Exercise in Pregnancy 473

<25 and Z25, although the relationship have influenced study findings. The pro-
was most pronounced for women with a tective effect of exercise against preeclamp-
BMI Z25. A significant protective effect sia does not seem to be realized unless
was found at every level of perceived ex- physical activity occurs both before and
ertion versus none to weak exertion in the during pregnancy, although only one
BMI Z25 group, whereas only very stren- study addressed activity during both peri-
uous to maximal exertion versus none to ods.10 The balance of evidence still sup-
weak exertion was significantly protective ports that exercise is protective against
in the BMI <25 group. preeclampsia. Although few risk indices
achieved statistical significance, virtually
SUMMARY OF PREECLAMPSIA all measures again were in the direction of
STUDIES a protective effect. Similar to the findings
The evidence for a protective effect of for GDM, the protective effect seems to be
exercise before or during pregnancy particularly strong for vigorous or intense
against preeclampsia is weaker than that exercise.10,12 No deleterious effects of ex-
for GDM and many of the same potential ercise were mentioned in the above studies;
biases and methodological issues apply to however, such citing may not have been
the above studies. Selection bias10,12; recall the purpose of the investigations.
bias10–12; not controlling for potential con-
founders, such as race,11 maternal weight WEIGHT-GAIN RESTRICTION DURING
gain during pregnancy,10–12 family history PREGNANCY
of hypertensive disorders,10,11 prior history The current obesity epidemic signals a
of preeclampsia,10–12 or history of major need for preventing excessive weight gain
depressive disorder or clinically significant during pregnancy. Women who gained
depression symtomatology10–12; the rela- excessive weight during pregnancy and
tionship between exercise and preeclamp- failed to lose weight by 6 months post-
sia potentially being influenced by an partum were found to be 15 lb heavier 10
additional pregnancy during the year years later.13 A 15-year follow-up study
before pregnancy10–12; no assessment of designed to determine the long-range
occupational physical activity10,12; the consequences of weight gain during
potential inaccuracy of MET scores in pregnancy found that maternal weight at
assessing caloric expenditure in that they 1-year postpartum was the strongest pre-
do not account for maternal aerobic fitness dictor of long-term weight retention.14
level10–12; small sample sizes of preeclamp- This relationship held regardless of pre-
sia cases overall or in subgroup analyses pregnancy BMI or the amount of weight
such as active only during pregnancy10,11; gained during pregnancy. A very recent
women being classified by maximum in- study found that maternal weight gain
tensity of recreational physical activity during pregnancy was associated with
ever performed regardless of the frequency offspring adiposity at 3 years of age.15
of that activity10; limited generalizability Studies are needed to examine the effects
of the findings in that the study population of exercise on weight-gain restriction dur-
was predominately white and well-edu- ing pregnancy.
cated11; and different assessment periods We have recently examined the effects
of physical activity during pregnancy mak- of a lifestyle intervention of weight-gain
ing comparison of studies difficult, such as restriction during pregnancy using ED in
the first 20 weeks of pregnancy,10 inter- a study of 96 obese women with GDM.16
views conducted <16 weeks gestation Women were sequentially recruited and
(mean interview time not given),11 or no self-enrolled into either an ED group
assessments during pregnancy12 all could (n = 39) or a diet (D) group (n = 57).
474 Gavard and Artal

All women were prescribed a eucaloric obese (BMI 35.00 to 39.99), or class III
diet and instructed in diabetes self-man- obese (BMI Z40). A review of Missouri
agement. Women in the ED group parti- birth certificate data for women who de-
cipated in a moderate exercise program livered full-term, live born, singleton
equivalent to a 60% symptom-limited births from 1990 to 2001 was performed
VO2max. Maternal and fetal outcomes to examine the relationship between ge-
were noted from the time of intervention stational weight gain and pregnancy out-
to the time of delivery. The percentage of comes for women in each of the 3 obesity
women who gained weight during the classes.17 Four outcomes were examined:
study was significantly less in the ED preeclampsia, cesarean delivery, large for
group than in the D group (53.8% vs. gestational age infants, and small for ge-
78.9%, P<0.01). The mean weight gain stational age infants. The absolute risk
per week was significantly less in the ED (incidence) of the 4 outcomes by gesta-
group than in the D group (0.1 ± 0.4 kg tional weight gain category is given for
vs. 0.3 ± 0.4 kg, P<0.05). Complica- each of the obesity classes in Figures 1 to
tions, infant birth weight, and the propor- 3. Similar patterns of increasing risk for
tion of cesarean deliveries were similar preeclampsia, cesarean delivery, and large
between the 2 groups. Women who gained for gestational age infants were found
weight over the course of the study had a with increasing gestational weight gain,
higher, although nonsignificant, percen- whereas the risk for small for gestational
tage of macrosomic infants than women age infants decreased with increasing
who lost weight or had no mean weight weight gain. The gestational weight cate-
change (17.9% vs. 4.2%, P = 0.12). These gory for achieving optimal levels of all 4
findings are suggestive that favorable fetal outcomes was found to be a gain of 10 to
outcomes occur despite lower maternal 25 lb for class I obese women (Fig. 1), a
weight gain during pregnancy. The influ- gain of 0 to 9 lb for class II obese women
ence of selection bias which could have (Fig. 2), and a loss of 0 to 9 lb for class III
been operating owing to lack of randomi- obese women (Fig. 3). Although not di-
zation seems to be minimal in that women rectly including an exercise component,
in the ED and D groups were not signifi- this study supports that weight-gain re-
cantly different on virtually all variables striction in obese women during preg-
measured at study entry (maternal age, nancy is associated with lower risk of
gravidity, parity, race, gestational age, adverse maternal and fetal outcomes.
and maternal BMI). Although corrobora- Prospective clinical trials are needed to
tion is needed from large population- establish the efficacy of exercise for
based clinical trials, this study provides weight-gain restriction during pregnancy
evidence that a lifestyle intervention of with resulting lower risk of maternal and
weight-gain restriction in pregnancy using fetal comorbidities.
diet and exercise in obese women with The above studies of the effect of ex-
GDM results in significantly reduced ercise on pregnancy outcome are sum-
weight gain, fewer macrosomic infants, marized in Table 1.
and no adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Current Institute of Medicine guide-
lines for obese women (prepregnancy Fetal Outcomes
BMI Z30.00) advise an increase of at
least 15 lb during pregnancy, but neither BIRTH WEIGHT, TIME OF DELIVERY,
recommend an upper limit of weight gain AND MODE OF DELIVERY
nor differentiate between women who are Birth weight and mode of delivery
class I obese (BMI 30.00 to 34.99), class II have been mentioned to a degree in the
Exercise in Pregnancy 475

FIGURE 1. Absolute risk of pregnancy outcomes by gestational weight gain

category for class I obese women (BMI = 30.00 to 34.99): Missouri birth
certificate data for full-term, live born, singleton births from 1990 to 2001.
BMI indicates body mass index; LGA large for gestational age; SGA, small for
gestational age.

weight-gain restriction section. Findings mester in which exercise is performed;

have been very inconsistent in the litera- the type, intensity, and duration of exer-
ture regarding the influence of maternal cise; maternal eating habits and other
exercise on fetal birth weight. These dis- behaviors; and if active or sedentary con-
crepancies may reflect other confounding trol groups are used for comparison. A
conditions and complications; the tri- meta-analysis based on 10 clinical trials

FIGURE 2. Absolute risk of pregnancy outcomes by gestational weight gain

category for class II obese women (BMI = 35.00 to 39.99): Missouri birth
certificate data for full-term, live born, singleton births from 1990 to 2001.
BMI indicates body mass index; LGA, large for gestational age; SGA, small for
gestational age.
476 Gavard and Artal

FIGURE 3. Absolute risk of pregnancy outcomes by gestational weight gain

category for class III obese women (BMI Z40.00): Missouri birth certificate data
for full-term, live born, singleton births from 1990 to 2001. BMI indicates body
mass index; LGA, large for gestational age; SGA, small for gestational age.

found no weighted mean difference for intake may offset this greater risk. Future
birth weight or gestational age at delivery prospective clinical trials are needed to
between mothers who did and did not determine the influence of maternal exer-
engage in regular aerobic exercise during cise (type, frequency, and intensity of
pregnancy.3 Another meta-analysis ex- exercise; the trimester of exercise) and
amined birth weight by maternal exercise maternal energy intake on fetal macro-
endurance before and during pregnancy, somia or fetal growth restriction.
trimester of exercise, and type of con- Most studies in the literature have
trols.18 Endurance exercisers were women found no significant difference in the in-
who reported vigorous exercise Z3 times cidence of preterm labor or gestational
per week before and during pregnancy. age at delivery for women who exercised
Sedentary controls were women who during pregnancy compared with con-
reported no exercise before or during trols. One study examined the relation-
pregnancy, whereas active controls were ship between recreational physical
women who reported moderate or low activity before and during pregnancy with
levels of exercise <3 times per week. No time of delivery in 9089 women from
differences in mean birth weight were the 1988 National Maternal and Infant
found for either endurance or nonendur- Health Survey.19 Women were asked if
ance exercisers compared with controls they had exercised or played sports at
for women who did not exercise past the least 3 times per week before learning that
second trimester. Women who engaged in they were pregnant (conditioned vs. un-
vigorous exercise into the third trimester, conditioned) and after learning that they
however, had infants with a lower mean were pregnant (exercisers vs. nonexerci-
birth weight (200 to 400 g less) than either sers). Time of delivery was denoted as
active or sedentary controls. Data, how- preterm (<37 wk), term (37 to 42 wk),
ever, were not provided regarding energy and postterm (>42 wk). No signifi-
intake of the women; adequate energy cant relationship was found between
Exercise in Pregnancy 477

TABLE 1. Studies Examining the Effects of Exercise on Pregnancy Outcome

Main Findings
Author, Year, Study Activity Activity Size of Study Relative Risks, Odds
and Outcome Type Type Period Population Ratios, and 95% CI
Dempsey et al Case- Recreational Year before 155 cases Any vs. none 0.45 (0.28-0.74)
(2004)5 control pregnancy 386 controls Vigorous vs. none 0.29
First 20 wk of Any vs. none 0.52 (0.33-0.80)
pregnancy Vigorous vs. none 0.34
Both periods Active both vs. inactive both
0.40 (0.23-0.68)
Dempsey et al Prospective Recreational Year before 909 Any vs. none 0.44 (0.21-0.91)
(2004)6 pregnancy Z4.2 h/wk vs. none 0.24
Z21.1 MET-h/wk vs. none
0.26 (0.10-0.65)
7 d before Any vs. none 0.69 (0.37-1.29)
interview Z6.0 h/wk vs. none 0.90
Held at mean (0.45-1.80)
gestational Z28.0 MET-hr/wk vs. none
Age of 0.67 (0.31-1.43)
12.7 wk
Both periods Active both vs. inactive both
0.31 (0.12-0.79)
Zhang et al Prospective Recreational, Potentially 10 y 21,765 Mean weekly total activity
(2006)7 walking, Before score
stair- pregnancy Highest vs. lowest quintile
climbing 0.81 (0.68-1.01)
Mean weekly vigorous
activity score
Highest vs. lowest quintile
0.77 (0.69-0.94)
Brisk/very brisk walking vs.
casual walking with no
vigorous activity 0.66 (0.46-
Z15 flights stairs/d vs. r2
flights stairs/d with no
vigorous activity 0.50 (0.27-
Oken et al Prospective Recreational Year before 1805 Vigorous vs. none 0.56
(2006)8 pregnancy (0.33-0.95)
3 mo before Vigorous vs. none 0.90
26-28 (0.47-1.70)
Both periods Vigorous before and light/
moderate or
Vigorous during vs. light/
moderate before and
inactive during 0.49
Dye et al Case- Any exercise Entire 372 cases None vs. any 1.0 (0.8-1.3)
(1997)9 control pregnancy 12,404 BMI >33.0 none vs. any 1.9
controls (1.2-3.1)
Sorensen et al Case-control Recreational Year before 201 cases Any vs. none 0.67 (0.42-1.08)
(2003)10 pregnancy 383 controls Vigorous vs. none 0.40
478 Gavard and Artal

TABLE 1. (continued)
Main Findings
Author, Year, Study Activity Activity Size of Study Relative Risks, Odds
and Outcome Type Type Period Population Ratios, and 95% CI
First 20 wk of Any vs. none 0.65 (0.43-0.99)
pregnancy Vigorous vs. none 0.46
Both periods Active both vs. inactive both
0.59 (0.35-0.98)
Saftlas et al Nested Work activity Year before 44 cases Virtually none assessed
(2004)11 Case- Leisure time pregnancy 2422 Any LTPA vs. no LTPA
control Physical <16 wk controls 0.66 (0.35-1.22)
activity gestation Nonsedentary jobs vs.
(LTPA) sedentary jobs 0.71
Rudra et al Case-control Recreational Year before 244 cases Perceived very strenuous to
(2005)12 pregnancy 470 controls maximal exertion vs.
perceived exertion of none
to weak 0.22 (0.11-0.44)
BMI <25 trend of lower
risk with
Increasing perception of
exertion (P<0.001)
BMI Z25 trend of lower
risk with
Increasing perception of
exertion (P<0.001)
Weight-gain restriction
Artal et al Intervention Moderate Enrolled Obese with Percentage gaining weight
(2007)16 exercise <33 wk GDM during study
Program Gestation to Exercise+ ED vs. D (53.8% vs. 78.9%,
equivalent delivery diet (ED) P<0.01)
to 60% n = 39 Mean weight gain/wk ED
symptom- Diet (D) vs. D
limited n = 57 (0.1 ± 0.4 kg vs.
VO2max 0.3 ± 0.4 kg, P<0.05)
Percentage macrosomic
infants born to women
gaining weight during study
(ED or D) vs. to women
losing weight or having no
mean weight change during
study (17.9% vs. 4.2%,
P = 0.12)
Normalization of blood glucose
Bung et al Randomized Moderate Enrolled Hispanic Normalization of blood
(1991)4 Clinical exercise <33 wk women with glucose achieved and
trial Program Gestation to GDM maintained in EXE and INS
equivalent delivery Exercise+ groups within 1 wk
to 50% VO2 diet (EXE)
max n = 17
diet (INS)
n = 17

CI indicates confidence interval; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus.

recreational physical activity before or tant to point out that women at risk for
during pregnancy with either preterm or premature labor are traditionally advised
postterm delivery. However, it is impor- not to engage in physical activities.
Exercise in Pregnancy 479

Studies examining the influence of ex- cesarean delivery. Randomized clinical

ercise in pregnancy on mode of delivery trials are needed to further elucidate the
have generally found no relationship or a protective effect of different types, fre-
lower rate of cesarean delivery among quencies, and intensities of exercise on
exercising women. This may be correlated maternal and fetal outcomes. The protec-
with maternal weight gain during preg- tive effect may vary with maternal aerobic
nancy. The mean weight gain per week in capacity, the trimester of exercise, and
the above intervention trial of obese maternal energy intake. Prospective clin-
women with GDM was significantly less ical trials to establish the efficacy of ex-
in the ED group than in the D group ercise for weight-gain restriction during
(0.1 ± 0.4 kg vs. 0.3 ± 0.4 kg, P<0.05); pregnancy with resulting lower risk of
no significant difference was found, how- maternal and fetal comorbidities are per-
ever, in the percentage of cesarean deliv- haps the greatest research need. Finally,
eries between the 2 groups (50.0% vs. the above relationships should be exam-
44.7%, P = 0.80).16 In contrast, a pro- ined and perhaps different exercise regi-
spective study of 800 women found a mens should be developed for pregnant
cesarean delivery rate of 28% in sedentary women in general, different prepregnancy
controls compared with a rate of only weight classes of women, and women at
6.7% in high-exercising women.20 Poten- risk for particular adverse pregnancy out-
tial explanations for the lack of consistent comes, such as GDM and preeclampsia.
results could be different prepregnancy
fitness levels, different types and intensi-
ties of exercise, and control groups used. References
1. ACOG Committee Obstetric Practice.
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In the March 2007 issue of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, on page 302,
the reference cited in the legend of Figure 4 should have read: Adapted from
Hum Reprod. 2004;19:1734–1740, not Fertil Steril. 2001;75:305–309.
Legro RS. Pregnancy considerations in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2007;50:295–304.

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