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Supplement Article

Physical activity and maternal obesity: cardiovascular

adaptations, exercise recommendations,
and pregnancy outcomes
Michelle F Mottola

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Although a healthy lifestyle approach is intuitive for obese pregnant women, no
guidelines currently exist to manage these women throughout pregnancy. Women
who are medically prescreened for contraindications can engage in a walking
program three to four times per week, starting at 25 min per session and adding
2 min per week until reaching 40 min, with sessions continuing until delivery. A
target heart rate of 102–124 beats per minute should be promoted for women
20–29 years of age and a rate of 101–120 beats per minute for women 30–39 years
of age. A pedometer step count of 10,000 steps per day is suggested as a goal, as this
level of activity provides important health benefits. Combining healthy eating with a
walking plan prevents excessive weight gain during pregnancy and promotes a
healthy fetal environment.
© 2013 International Life Sciences Institute

INTRODUCTION during pregnancy, there are currently no recommenda-

tions on nutrition and physical activity to guide health-
Women of childbearing age are at a greater risk of care workers in the management of the obese pregnant
obesity because excessive weight may be gained during woman. This article discusses cardiorespiratory adapta-
pregnancy and retained after delivery. Guidelines tions during pregnancy, exercise, and obesity, and pro-
recommend that obese (prepregnancy body mass index vides exercise guidelines and recommendations for a
[BMI] ≥30.0 kg/m2) women gain between 11 lb and 20 lb healthy lifestyle approach for obese pregnant women,
(5–9 kg) during pregnancy, at a rate of weight gain of including a discussion of pregnancy outcome.
0.4–0.6 lb (0.2–0.3 kg) per week during the second and
third trimesters, assuming an initial weight gain of up to CARDIORESPIRATORY CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY
4.4 lb (2 kg).1 Prevention of excessive weight gain during AND RESPONSES TO EXERCISE
pregnancy is highly recommended to reduce the risk of
obesity, gestational diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes, Pregnancy may offer protection from cardiovascular
hypertension, and cardiovascular disease in women of disease in women at low risk of obstetric complications,
childbearing age.2 The lifestyle that leads to obesity and as evidence suggests that the maternal cardiovascular
excessive weight gain is often marked by an unhealthy system is remodeled in early gestation by an estrogen-
diet and a lack of physical activity. Obesity has a direct mediated reduction in vascular tone, which leads to a
effect on indicators of health and chronic disease risk, not primary reduction in afterload and an increase in venous
only for the pregnant woman but also the developing capacitance,5 reflected in increased resting cardiac output
fetus.3,4 Although the practice of a healthy lifestyle and the of about 50% over nonpregnant values.6 An increase in
prevention of excessive weight gain are both important ventricular cavity dimension without an increase in wall

Affiliation: MF Mottola is with the R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation – Exercise & Pregnancy Laboratory, School of Kinesiology, Faculty of
Health Sciences, and the Department of Anatomy, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada.
Correspondence: MF Mottola, R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation – Exercise & Pregnancy Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3K7. E-mail: Phone: +1-519-661-2111, ext. 88366. Fax: +1-519-661-2008.
Key words: exercise prescription, healthy lifestyle, obese pregnant women, walking

Nutrition Reviews® Vol. 71(Suppl. 1):S31–S36 S31
thickness,7 an increase in aortic capacitance,8 and a reduc- cise stress testing is not recommended during pregnancy.
tion in peripheral vascular resistance all occur around the Functional cardiac reserve (maximum HR minus resting
same time.9 In addition, the early pregnancy-induced HR) is decreased during pregnancy because of elevated
changes in cardiac output are thought to occur in resting HR, and the magnitude of heart rate reserve
response to an increase in resting heart rate (HR), as most (HRR) is also decreased compared with nonpregnant
of the 15–20 beat increase in HR over nonpregnant values values.21 Because maternal HR increases at a slower rate
occurs in the first trimester.10 Stroke volume also in response to increases in exercise intensity, target HR
increases by approximately 10% at the end of the first zones for exercise prescription must be derived from
trimester11 and occurs before significant enhancement in pregnant women. The efficiency of standard submaximal
maternal blood volume,5 which may increase by up to exercise for body-weight-supported exercise, such as
50% above nonpregnant values by late pregnancy.12 cycling, does not change during pregnancy, yet for

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Pregnancy-induced hormones that reduce peripheral weight-bearing exercise, such as walking, the energy
vascular resistance also activate the renin-angiotensin requirement increases in proportion to the maternal
system, leading to increased secretion of an antidiuretic mass gain.22
hormone (arginine vasopressin) to retain fluid and main-
tain or slightly reduce blood pressure.5 OBESITY AND CARDIORESPIRATORY ALTERATIONS
Similarly,there are pregnancy-induced adaptations to
the maternal respiratory system as remodeling and expan- Obesity may influence pregnancy by causing major
sion of the thoracic cage occur, leading to a higher dia- health risks to both the mother and the fetus, as obese
phragmatic midposition,13 which results in a reduction in pregnant women are at increased risk of cardiovascular
residual volume and expiratory reserve volume. This leads disease, gestational diabetes, and delivering large- or
to an increase in inspiratory capacity, though the effect on small-for-gestational-age infants. Moreover, obese
vital capacity is minimal.14 One of the most substantial women may have more complications during pregnancy
physiological pregnancy-induced changes, which possibly and birth.3 In addition, recent evidence indicates that the
serves to protect the fetus, is an increase in respiratory fetal environment, especially as related to maternal
sensitivity to carbon dioxide. This change is observed early prepregnancy BMI, and excessive gestational weight gain
in pregnancy and causes an increase in tidal volume and both increase risk factors for future chronic disease in the
minute ventilation, leading to a reduction in arterial offspring.4 Obesity in the nonpregnant individual affects
carbon dioxide tension and an augmentation in arterial every major organ system, lowering the work rate
oxygen tension.15 These changes create a buffer zone, pos- (amount of work done at a given HR) and oxygen uptake
sibly to protect the fetus from acute elevations in maternal and independently decreasing the mechanical efficiency
carbon dioxide,16 and the early increase in maternal of breathing as a result of both the increased deposition of
minute ventilation may prevent fetal hypercapnia and adipose tissue on the chest and abdomen and the
acidosis throughout pregnancy.17 decreased compliance of the ribcage, resulting in the
Many healthy pregnant women complain of characteristic rapid shallow breathing.23 Obesity also
respiratory discomfort (dyspnea), especially in late increases metabolic cost due to the increase in the energy
pregnancy, both at rest and after exertion.18 Perceptions needed to move larger limbs, the increased work of
of respiratory effort and dyspnea appear to be reduced breathing, and a decreased peripheral motor efficiency.20
during submaximal steady-state exercise throughout ges- Cardiorespiratory responses to and work efficiency of
tation.19 It may be that the maternal anatomical and graded treadmill exercise in healthy nonpregnant women
mechanical adaptations of the respiratory system reduce (n = 14), in normal-weight (prepregnant BMI 18.9–
airway resistance, preserve breathing mechanics, and 24.9 kg/m2) pregnant women (n = 20), and in obese
minimize the effort of ventilation, thereby reducing (prepregnant BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2) pregnant women (n =
dyspnea with the concomitant increase in minute venti- 20) matched for age were compared to assess the effects of
lation during exercise.20 Resting oxygen uptake obesity on pregnant women at 16–20 weeks of gestation
(expressed as mL/kg/min) reflects the increase in body while exercising.24 Treadmill exercise was chosen instead
mass during pregnancy and thus declines slightly during of bike exercise to simulate normal daily living tasks.
each trimester.21 The results showed that exercise duration and peak
Pregnancy and aerobic conditioning are biological treadmill speed were lower in pregnant normal-weight
processes that involve striking physiological adaptations women (23.9 ± 4.9 min; 1.6 ± 0.2 m/s; P < 0.01) than in
that may occur in the same direction or in opposite direc- nonpregnant women (33.7 ± 4.9 min; 2.0 m/s) and were
tions, depending on the specific variable being studied.21 further reduced in pregnant obese women (19.6 ±
Although absolute oxygen uptake is well preserved in 2.8 min; 1.4 ± 0.1 m/s; P < 0.01), indicating a limitation to
women who maintain physical activity, maximum exer- performing exercise, although HR and work rate were not

S32 Nutrition Reviews® Vol. 71(Suppl. 1):S31–S36

significantly different between groups.24 In addition, the standard submaximal treadmill exercise in normal-weight
ventilatory response both at rest and to exercise increases (prepregnancy BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m2) women before
during pregnancy and is further augmented by obesity. and after an 18-week intervention, starting at 16–20
However, contrary to the ventilatory response, the normal weeks of pregnancy. The results suggested that both exer-
increase in HR and the concurrent diminished HRR seen cise intensity groups experienced an improvement in
in normal-weight pregnant women during exercise submaximal aerobic capacity, with greater improvement
was not further affected by obesity at standardized observed in the vigorous-intensity group. However,
submaximal exercise levels of 50 (mild intensity) and 100 women in both groups presented similar gestational
(moderate intensity) watts.24 It was concluded that healthy weight gain, and all delivered healthy babies, showing that
obese pregnant women have the aerobic capacity to under- prenatal walking of low or vigorous intensity, combined
take structured walking activities at standardized with healthy eating, is an important component of a

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submaximal levels,which lends support to the feasibility of healthy pregnancy in normal-weight women.31 It would
exercise prescription for this population group.25 seem reasonable to suggest that walking, combined with a
healthy dietary plan, would also be beneficial in obese
EXERCISE GUIDELINES FOR OBESE PREGNANT WOMEN pregnant women at low obstetric risk.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gyne-
In Canada, a medical prescreening tool called the PAR- cologists32 suggests that medically prescreened pregnant
med-X for Pregnancy26 can be used by healthcare provid- women can exercise on most if not all days of the week,
ers to screen for contraindications to exercise and to while the latest guidelines for Americans suggest that exer-
provide guidelines for exercise prescription based on the cise be spread throughout the week.33 However, the fre-
FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type of activity) quency of structured exercise,especially in late pregnancy,
principle.26 It provides target HR ranges, based on age, was found to be a determinant of birth weight in a case-
that were validated in pregnant normal-weight women at controlled study of 526 women.The odds of giving birth to
an intensity of 60–80% of maximum oxygen capacity27 to a small-for-gestational age baby was 4.6 times more likely
monitor intensity. For overweight and obese pregnant for women who engaged in structured exercise more than
women who are medically prescreened, this intensity may five times per week and 2.6 times more likely for women
be too strong and may prevent them from exercising. The who engaged in structured exercise two or fewer times per
American College of Sports Medicine28 suggested that week, regardless of exercise intensity or duration of activ-
previously sedentary overweight and obese pregnant ity.34 Small-for-gestational-age babies are at risk for
women should start an aerobic exercise program at an obesity and cardiovascular disease later in life.4 Structured
intensity equivalent to 20–39% of maximum aerobic exercise performed three to four times per week,with a day
(heart and lung) capacity, which indicates the lowest level of rest between each exercise day, would seem ideal and
of physical activity that would provide health benefits.28 may also help reduce fatigue.26
Using a graded treadmill exercise test in 106 pregnant Overweight and obese pregnant women who, after
overweight (prepregnancy BMI ≥ 25.0–29.9 kg/m2) and medical prescreening, wish to start a structured walking
obese (prepregnancy BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2) women, target program should initially attempt 25 min per session,
HR zones based on age were validated at the lower exer- adding 2 min per session each week until reaching 40 min
cise intensity suggested by the American College of per session,35 which can be maintained until delivery,
Sports Medicine.29 Based on the results, target HR zones even if it is necessary to reduce the intensity or to include
of 102–124 beats per minute (bpm) for women 20–29 rest intervals.25 The best time to progress is in the second
years of age and 101–120 bpm for women 30–39 years trimester, when the risks and discomforts of pregnancy
of age were suggested for use in exercise intensity pre- are lowest.25,26 Another way to confirm the appropriate
scription in medically prescreened, previously sedentary intensity is to use the “talk test,” which indicates that the
overweight and obese pregnant women.29 intensity is appropriate if an obese pregnant woman can
Walking appears to be the most popular activity for carry on a conversation while walking.26
pregnant women.30 The frequency of other types of physi-
cal activity decreases as pregnancy progresses, but the HEALTHY LIFESTYLE APPROACH FOR OBESE
frequency of walking has been shown to increase.30 These PREGNANT WOMEN
observations suggest that walking is an important aerobic
activity that should not be ignored, as it may Although a healthy lifestyle approach is intuitive for
help maintain aerobic fitness in pregnant women. obese pregnant women, no guidelines currently exist to
Ruchat et al.31 investigated the effect of a maternal help manage these women throughout their pregnancy.
walking program of low intensity (30% HRR) or vigorous Gestational weight gain guidelines exist that suggest
intensity (70% HRR) on cardiorespiratory responses to women who are classified as obese before pregnancy

Nutrition Reviews® Vol. 71(Suppl. 1):S31–S36 S33

(BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2) should gain between 11 lb and 20 lb 2,861 ± 287.7 steps, which increased to 4,406.9 ± 461.0
(5–9 kg) at a rate of weight gain of 0.4–0.6 lb (0.2–0.3 kg) steps at 40 min per session. When mean daily steps were
per week during the second and third trimesters, assum- added to the steps taken at the end of the program (40 min
ing an initial weight gain of up to 4.4 lb (2 kg).1 Excessive of structured walking), the women were taking more than
weight gain above the recommended range for pregnant 10,000 steps, which brought them from a preintervention
women may result in excess fat stores along with the rating of “low active” or “sedentary” on the activity index
associated health risks for mother and fetus.36 used to “active” at the end of the program.37 Maintaining a
A healthy lifestyle is a balance between eating physical activity index rating of “active” or above is recom-
nutritious foods (not “eating for two” but eating twice mended to achieve a healthy lifestyle in the nonpregnant
as healthy), watching portion sizes, and being physically population.37 In addition, the average HR of the NELIP
active.36 A recent study examined the effects of a participants was 118 ± 6.8 bpm, which was within the

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Nutrition and Exercise Lifestyle Intervention Program range for aerobic benefits to occur.31
(NELIP) on the prevention of excessive weight gain in In terms of birth outcome, the women in the NELIP
overweight (prepregnancy BMI ≥ 25.0–29.9 kg/m2) and program were compared with a cohort of women
obese (prepregnancy BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2) pregnant matched by prepregnancy BMI, maternal age, and parity
women. The goals of the nutrition component of NELIP (matched 4 to 1). Infant birth weight and gestational age
were to individualize the total energy intake as follows: 1) at delivery did not differ between the NELIP and the
energy intake of approximately 2,000 kcal/day (8,360 kJ/ matched control women. However, when stratified by
day), with a restriction not exceeding 33% of total energy BMI, 3.2% of the overweight NELIP women had babies
intake; 2) total carbohydrate intake of 40–55% of total weighing between 4.0 kg and 4.5 kg, compared with 18%
energy intake, with carbohydrate intake distributed of the matched controls (P = 0.048). No babies born to the
throughout the day; 3) three balanced meals and three to NELIP women weighed less than 2.5 kg, whereas 3.5% of
four snacks per day, emphasizing complex carbohydrates the babies born to the matched controls had birth weights
and low-glycemic-index foods; 4) total fat intake individu- below 2.5 kg. The rate of cesarean delivery was similar in
alized to 30% of total energy intake (substituting both groups: 4.6% among the NELIP women and 7%
monounsaturated fatty acids for saturated and trans-fatty among the matched controls. In addition, 3% of NELIP
acids); 5) protein intake of 20–30% of energy; and 6) women developed gestational diabetes mellitus (no
micronutrient and fluid intakes in accordance with those insulin required), compared with 7.8% (with 55% of those
recommended for pregnant women.35 The nutrition needing insulin) of those in the matched control group.35
component was based on medical nutrition therapy given Excessive weight gain was successfully prevented in
to women with gestational diabetes. The exercise 80% of the NELIP women, many of whom had difficulty
component of NELIP was based on previous work29 and with weight loss programs in the year before the current
consisted of a mild walking program (30% of HRR) pregnancy.36 This is an important finding because many
to facilitate compliance. All women were medically of the multiparous women (84%) had experienced exces-
prescreened using the PARmed-X for Pregnancy,26 and all sive weight retention (10.3 kg) from previous pregnan-
started the program between 16 weeks and 20 weeks of cies. In addition, before taking part in the NELIP
gestation. The exercise program began with 25 min of program, many participants had already experienced
walking per session, three to four times per week. Each excessive weight gain (4.5 kg) that was substantially more
subsequent week thereafter, the exercise time increased by than the suggested guideline of 2 kg for women in the first
2 min, until a maximum of 40 min was reached and trimester.1 However, while in NELIP, subsequent weight
maintained until delivery.35 Pedometers were worn to gain was on average 6.8 ± 4.1 kg (0.38 ± 0.2 kg/week),
count steps, and steps were recorded in exercise logs to with a total pregnancy weight gain of 12.0 ± 5.7 kg and
monitor activity.35 excessive weight gain occurring before NELIP began, at
Comparison of preintervention (16–20 weeks of ges- 16 weeks of gestation.35
tation) with postintervention (34–36 weeks of gestation) Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is an
data showed that NELIP participants decreased their important issue that needs further examination, especially
mean daily total energy intake from 2,228.0 ± 474.6 kcal with regard to pregnancy outcome. Davenport et al.38
to 1,900.2 ± 343 kcal, and daily carbohydrate intake examined whether timing of excessive weight gain, before
dropped from 318.5 ± 155.1 g to 259.1 ± 93.9 g, while the 16 weeks (usual time for the NELIP intervention to be
percentage of daily energy from protein increased from initiated), after 16 weeks (i.e., during the intervention), or
16.9 ± 2.4% to 18.4 ± 2.3% (P < 0.05). The average daily at both time points, was important when assessing birth
pedometer step count before the intervention program weight and body fatness of newborns at delivery. In a
was 5,677.6 ± 1,738.0 steps. The step counts at 25 min cohort of 172 women, 33.7% of whom were normal weight
(length of initial exercise session) were, on average, (prepregnancy BMI ≥ 18.5–24.9 kg/m2), 33.7% of whom

S34 Nutrition Reviews® Vol. 71(Suppl. 1):S31–S36

were overweight (prepregnancy BMI ≥ 25.0–29.9 kg/m2), obese pregnant women who are medically prescreened for
and 32.6% of whom were classified as obese contraindications to exercise can engage in physical activ-
(prepregnancy BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2), all women were ity three to four times per week (Frequency), using a target
initiated into the NELIP between 16 weeks and 20 weeks HR range of 102–124 bpm for women 20–29 years of age
of gestation. Weight gain was assessed before the and a range of 101–120 bpm for women 30–39 years of age
intervention (up to 16–20 weeks of gestation) and from while maintaining the ability to carry on a conversation
the start of the intervention to delivery (after 16–20 weeks (intensity), starting with 25 min per session and adding
of gestation). Women were stratified, based on 2 min per week until sessions reach 40 min (time per
prepregnancy BMI category, as follows: 1) appropriate session), and continuing until delivery. Walking (type) is
gestational weight gain that was within the Institute of the most popular activity among pregnant women and can
Medicine recommendations1 for the first and second be monitored by using pedometer step counts, which can

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halves of pregnancy (overall appropriate); 2) appropriate be a great motivator.An aim of approximately 10,000 steps
gestational weight gain in the first half of pregnancy, but per day is suggested in order to obtain health benefits.
excessive gestational weight gain in the second half of Combining healthy eating with a walking plan will help
pregnancy (late excessive); 3) excessive gestational weight prevent excessive weight gain and promote a healthy fetal
gain in the first half of pregnancy, but appropriate environment and pregnancy outcome. Further research is
gestational weight gain in the second half of pregnancy necessary to determine the optimal timing of initiating
(early excessive); and 4) excessive gestational weight healthy lifestyle interventions to prevent excessive gesta-
gain throughout pregnancy (overall excessive). Infant tional weight gain in obese pregnant women and the sub-
birth weight and adiposity (according to the Catalano sequent impact on infant health and body fatness.
et al.39 equation) were compared between groups. After
controlling for maternal prepregnancy BMI, maternal age,
infant gestational age at delivery, and gender of the infant, Acknowledgments
it was found that those women who gained excessively
prior to the intervention and then gained within the Funding. Funding provided by the Canadian Institutes of
Institute of Medicine guidelines1 (early excessive) and Health Research (CIHR) and the Rx&D Health Research
those women who gained excessively throughout Foundation of Canada.
pregnancy (overall excessive) gave birth to babies with
excess normative infant body fat.38 In addition, the timing Declaration of interest. The authors have no relevant
of excessive maternal weight gain, specifically during the interests to declare.
first half of pregnancy, was a stronger predictor of infant
body fat at birth than total maternal weight gain,regardless
of prepregnancy BMI.38 These preliminary results warrant REFERENCES
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