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Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2021) 58, 14-21

Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM

Simulation Design
INACSL Standards Committee, Penni I. Watts, PhD, RN, CHSE-A,
Donna S. McDermott, PhD, RN, CHSE, Guillaume Alinier, PhD, MPhys,
PgCert, SFHEA, NTF, Matthew Charnetski, MS, NRP, CHSOS, CHSE,
Jocelyn Ludlow, PhD, RN, CHSE, CNE, CMSRN, Elizabeth Horsley, RN,
MSMS, CHSE, Colleen Meakim, MSN, RN, CHSE-A, ANEF,
Pooja A. Nawathe, MD, FAAP, FCCM, CHSE-A, CHSOS

Simulation; Cite this article:
Design; INACSL Standards Committee, Watts, P.I., McDermott, D.S., Alinier, G., Charnetski, M., & Nawathe,
Scenario; P.A. (2021, September). Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice TM Simulation Design. Clinical
Simulation format; Simulation in Nursing, 58, 14-21.
Needs assessment;
Objectives; © 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of International Nursing Association for Clinical
Simulation and Learning.

As the science of simulation continues to evolve, so does the need for additions and revisions to the Healthcare
Simulation Standards of Best Practice. Therefore, the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice TM are living

Standardized simulation design provides a framework for
Simulation-based experiences are purposefully designed to developing effective simulation-based experiences for par-
meet identified objectives and optimize the achievement of ticipants. The method of simulation-based experiences
expected outcomes. incorporates best practices from adult learning1, educa-
1876-1399/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning.
Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation 1
tion,2,3 instructional design,4,5 clinical standards of care, 6,7
◦ Literature survey and review.
and simulation pedagogy.8-11, and simulation pedagogy 12-16
◦ Mentorship and networking.17,18
Purposeful simulation design promotes essential structure,
process, and outcomes consistent with programmatic goals ◦ Formal coursework or certification.18,19
and institutional mission and strengthens their overall value ◦ Simulation conference attendance or workshops.17,18
in all settings. All simulation-based experiences require ◦ Continuing education offerings focusing on peda-
purposeful and systematic yet flexible and cyclical plan- gogy or andragogy.
ning. To achieve expected outcomes, their design and de- • Be knowledgeable of ethical standards of simulation-
velopment should consider criteria that facilitate their ef- based experiences and adhere to the Healthcare Simu-
fectiveness. Following this standard supports development lationist Code of Ethics19 (Follow the HSSOBPTM Pro-
of relevant/ educationally sound simulation-based experi- fessional Integrity).
ences. • Content experts should have a general knowledge of
simulation and scenario design principles, debriefing
Criteria Necessary to Meet this Standard methods, and evaluation approaches.18
• Follow the HSSOBPTM Professional Development.
1 Simulation-based experiences (SBE) should be designed
in consultation with content experts and simulationists Criterion 2: Perform a needs assessment to provide
knowledgeable in best practices in simulation education, the foundational evidence of the need for a well-designed
pedagogy, and practice. simulation-based experience.
2 Perform a needs assessment to provide the foundational Required Elements:
evidence of the need for a well-designed simulation-
based experience.
3 Construct measurable objectives that build upon the • The needs assessment may include analysis of:
learner’s foundational knowledge. ◦ Underlying causes of concern (e.g., root cause or gap
4 Build the simulation-based experience to align the analysis).
modality with the objectives. ◦ Organizational analysis (e.g., Strengths, Weaknesses,
5 Design a scenario, case, or activity to provide the con- Opportunities and Threats analysis).
text for the simulation-based experience. ◦ Surveys of stakeholders, learners, clinicians, and/ or
6 Use various types of fidelity to create the required per- educators.
ception of realism. ◦ Outcome data (e.g., from pilot testing; certification
7 Plan a learner-centered facilitative approach driven by or licensure exams, previous simulation-based ex-
the objectives, learners’ knowledge and level of experi- periences; aggregate health care data; patient safety
ence, and the expected outcomes. data).
8 Create a prebriefing plan that includes preparation ma- ◦ Standards (e.g., certifying bodies, rules and regula-
terials and briefing to guide participant success in the tions, practice guidelines).
simulation-based experience. • The needs assessment includes examining knowledge,
9 Create a debriefing or feedback session and/or a guided skills, attitudes, and/or behaviors of individuals; orga-
reflection exercise to follow the simulation-based expe- nizational initiatives; systems analysis; clinical practice
rience. guidelines; quality improvement programs; and/or pa-
10 Develop a plan for evaluation of the learner and of the tient safety goals.
simulation- based experience. • Use the needs assessment results to guide the devel-
opment of an overarching goal or broad objective for
11 Pilot test simulation-based experiences before full im-
the simulation, which directs the designer(s) in the de-
velopment of simulation-specific objectives (Follow the
Criterion 1: Simulation experiences should be designed HSSOBPTM Objectives and Outcomes).
in consultation with content experts as well as simulation- • Use the results of the needs assessment to create rele-
ists who are knowledgeable and competent in best practices vant, innovative, and interactive simulation-based expe-
in simulation education, pedagogy, and practice. riences that aim to:
Required Elements: ◦ Enhance curriculum in the classroom and/or clinical
• Simulation designers should have formal or informal ◦ Provide just-in time training in the clinical practice
training in simulation pedagogy and practices. setting.
• Suggested methods for developing competency include ◦ Provide opportunities for standardized clinical expe-
(but are not limited to): riences.
◦ Address relevant and identified competencies.
◦ Joining professional simulation organizations.
◦ Improve the quality of care and patient safety.
◦ Incorporating the Healthcare Simulation Standards of
Best PracticeTM (HSSOBPTM). ◦ Promote readiness for clinical practice.

pp 14–21 • Clinical Simulation in Nursing •

Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation 1
Criterion 3: Construct measurable objectives that build
upon the learner’s foundational knowledge. time is exhausted, or the scenario can proceed no
Required Elements: further.

Criterion 5: Design a scenario, case, or activity to pro-

• Develop broad and specific objectives to address iden- vide the context for the simulation-based experience.
tified needs and optimize the achievement of expected Use a process to design a scenario, case, or activity that
outcomes. These objectives provide a blueprint for the ensures the content’s quality and validity and supports the
design of a simulation-based experience. objectives and expected outcomes.25-27
• Use broad objectives to reflect the purpose of the Required Elements:
simulation-based experience and are related to organi-
zational goals.
• Design the scenario, case, or activity to include:
• Create specific objectives for learner performance mea-
• A situation and backstory to provide a realistic starting
point from which the structured activity begins.
• During the design phase, determine which objectives
will or will not be available to the learner(s) before ◦ The complete picture of this context may be given
verbally to the learners, found in the patient’s file,
the experience. For example, it may be appropriate to
or be revealed if requested through adequate inquiry.
disclose general information and context for the learner
• A script for a scenario or case is developed for consis-
(care of a postoperative patient), but specific critical
tency and standardization to increase scenario repeata-
actions (interventions for sepsis) may not be disclosed
until the debriefing session. Objective disclosure will
be determined by the overall purpose of the simulation- ◦ Variation from the planned dialogue may add dis-
tractions that could interfere with the objectives and
based experience.
affect the validity and/or reliability of the scenario
• Follow the HSSOBPTM Objectives and Outcomes.
or case, especially when the activity is expected to
be run with consecutive groups of learners.
Criterion 4: Build the simulation-based experience to • Clinical progression and cues provide a framework for
align the modality with the objectives. the advancing of the clinical case or scenario in re-
Required Elements: sponse to learner actions, including standardization of
cues to guide the learner(s).
• Develop the simulation-based experience format based ◦ Cues, if used, should be linked to performance mea-
on the needs assessment, resources available, learning sures and used to refocus learners when they stray
objectives, the targeted learners, and the type of assess- from the intended objectives.28
ment or evaluation method. ◦ Cues can be delivered to learners in a variety of
• Choose a theoretical and/or conceptual framework20-22 ways, including verbally (e.g., through the patient,
based on the identified purpose and the targeted learners provider, or embedded participant, visually (e.g.,
(e.g., adult learning, inter-professional teams.23 through changes in vital signs on a monitor), through
• Select the appropriate modality for the simulation-based additional data (e.g., new laboratory results), and so
experience. The modality is the platform for the experi- forth (Follow the HSSOBPTM Facilitation).
ence and includes simulated clinical immersion, in situ ◦ Planned time frames serve to facilitate the progres-
simulation, computer-assisted simulation, virtual reality, sion of the scenario and ensure that there is a rea-
procedural simulation, and/ or hybrid simulation. These sonable time to achieve the objectives.12
modalities may incorporate, but are not limited to the • Identification of critical actions/performance measures
following: standardized patients, manikins, haptic de- that are required to evaluate achievement of scenario
vices, avatars, partial task trainers, and so forth.24 objectives.29
• Develop all simulation-based experiences to include a ◦ Each measure should be evidence-based. Use con-
starting point, structured learner activities, and an end- tent experts to strengthen validity of the simulation
point. scenario and the critical performance measures.
◦ The starting point represents the patient’s initial cir-
cumstances or situation when the learners start their In the case of a purely procedural or psychomotor ac-
engagement in the simulation-based experience. tivity:
◦ Structured activities are designed for learner engage-
ment (e.g., a simulated case or an unfolding scenario, • A clear and concise scripted explanation provides the
and/or psychomotor skill teaching/evaluation). context for the activity to be undertaken.
◦ The endpoint is the stage at which the simulation- • A setting represents the clinical environment so the
based experience is expected to end; usually, when learner(s) can practice or undertake the task in an er-
desired learning outcomes have been demonstrated, gonomics matching the experience in the actual clinical

pp 14–21 • Clinical Simulation in Nursing •

Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation 1
• Identification of critical actions/performance measures
that are required to evaluate achievement of the activity mote the sensory perceptions of learners and support
objectives.31 the fidelity of the scenario.44-46
• It is important to reiterate the distinction between fi-
delity and modality or technology. These terms are in-
Criterion 6: Use various types of fidelity to create the dependent of one another and need to remain so. 32,39
required perception of realism. High-technology does not necessarily equate to high-
Required Elements: fidelity, and any single modality (manikin, task trainer,
etc.) may or may not be high-fidelity without caveat.
• Design the simulation through attention to physical, Not every simulation requires the highest fidelity of
conceptual, and psychological aspects of fidelity that realism. Determinations about the degree of fidelity
can contribute to the attaining objectives. Specifically, and the implementation of this fidelity need to be
this is less about specific “reality” and should instead determined through the examination of several fac-
focus on representing stimuli and cues that would typi- tors.33,36,37,39,42-45 These factors may include, but are
cally be present to drive decision-making and action.32 not limited to:
These aspects of fidelity must be considered from the ◦ Learner level
perspective of the learners.33-37 ◦ Learning objectives
◦ Physical (or environmental) fidelity relates to how ◦ Available time and resources
realistically the physical context of the simulation- ◦ Available equipment
based activity compares to38 the actual environment ◦ Desired learning outcomes
in which the situation would occur in real life. ◦ Clinical significance
Physical fidelity includes such factors as the pa-
tient(s), simulator/manikin, standardized patient, en- Criterion 7: Plan a learner-centered facilitative ap-
vironment, equipment, embedded actors, and related proach driven by the objectives, learners’ knowledge and
props.39-41 level of experience, and the expected outcomes.
◦ Conceptual fidelity ensures that all elements of the Required Elements:
scenario or case realistically relate to each other
so that the patient makes sense as a whole to the • Facilitators who have formal training in simulation-
learner(s) (e.g., vital signs are consistent with the based pedagogy.
diagnosis). To maximize conceptual fidelity, cases • Determine the planned facilitative approach during the
or scenarios should be reviewed by the content ex- simulation in the design phase and include preparatory
pert(s), and pilot tested before use with learners. 39,40 activities.48
◦ Psychological fidelity maximizes the simulation en- • If the plan is to have more than one facilitator, applying
vironment by mimicking the contextual elements a structured approach to preplan certain aspects of the
found in clinical environments. Some examples in- prebriefing and debriefing session.49
clude an active voice for the patient(s) to allow real- • Facilitators should incorporate evidence-based compo-
istic conversation, noise and lighting typically asso- nents of cultural diversity within the simulation design
ciated with the simulated setting, distractions, fam- or scenarios.
ily members, other health care team members, time • Use a level of facilitator involvement that is appropri-
pressure, and competing priorities. Psychological fi- ate to the learner’s knowledge, competency and experi-
delity works synergistically with physical and con-
ceptual fidelity to promote learner engagement. 39,40 ence.50,51
◦ Develop the simulation using the appropriate types • Predetermine the delivery of cues as part of the facil-
of fidelity that create the required perception of re- itation planning to be delivered during the simulation
alism that will allow learners to engage in a relevant activity.52
manner.33,36,37,39,42-45 • Facilitators should be aware and mindful of the learners’
diverse cultural differences, values and responsibilities
◦ Fidelity should also be broken down to focus on pa-
tient, facility, and scenario. This framework would and consider that during the simulation design phase.53
be used in conjunction with the concepts of physi- • Facilitators should refer to the Healthcare Simulationist
cal, conceptual, and psychological fidelity to create Code of Ethics with respect to confidentiality, mutual
the highest possible fidelity in each element of the respect, and creating a safe educational environment.19
simulation. • Follow the HSSOBPTM Facilitation47 and Professional
• As appropriate, use moulage to replicate features or Integrity.
characteristics of the patient situation and when pos-
sible, select manikins that respectfully represents the Criterion 8: Create a prebriefing plan that includes
race and culture of the patients in the scenario to pro- preparation materials and briefing to guide participant suc-

pp 14–21 • Clinical Simulation in Nursing •

Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation 1
cess in the simulation-based experience.54-58

pp 14–21 • Clinical Simulation in Nursing •

Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation 1
Prebriefing activities are intended to establish a psycho-
logically safe learning environment by: • Debriefing facilitators should have formal training in
debriefing techniques.65,67
1) Situating the learners into a shared mental model and • Follow the HSSOBPTM The Debriefing Process
preparing participants for the simulation-based experi-
ence’s educational content (preparation). Criterion 10: Develop a plan for evaluation of the
2) Conveying important ground rules for the simulation- learner and of the simulation-based experience.
based experience (briefing). Required Elements:

Required Elements: • Determine the assessment and evaluation processes in

the design phase to ensure quality and effectiveness of
• Prebriefing should be developed according to the pur- simulation-based experiences.27
pose and learning objectives of the simulation-based ex- • Consider an assessment framework to guide the selec-
perience.54–58 tion and/ or development of a valid and reliable tool to
• Consider the experience and knowledge level of the measure expected learner outcomes.68
simulation participant when planning the prebrief- • Ensure that participants understand the method of as-
sessment (formative, summative, and/or high stakes) be-
ing.54-59 fore or at the onset of the simulation.
• Develop preparation materials to assure that participants • Follow the HSSOBPTM Evaluation of Learning and Per-
are prepared for the experience and can meet the sce- formance.
nario or procedural objectives based on the experience’s • Plan an evaluation process to determine the quality or
needs assessment and purpose.54-58,60,61 effectiveness of the simulation- based experience Use
• Convey important information to participants regarding evaluation data for continuous quality improvement. In-
expectations, agendas, and logistics before beginning clude feedback from participants, peer clinicians and
the simulation-based experience.54-57,59,60 educators, stakeholders, and simulation program faculty
• Conduct a structured orientation to the simulation-based and staff68–70 in the evaluation process.
learning environment including the modality.55,56,60
• Establish a psychologically safe learning environment Criterion 11: Pilot test simulation-based experiences
during the prebriefing.55,57-59 before full implementation.
• Follow the HSSOBPTM Prebriefing: Preparation and Required Elements:
• After the design is complete, pilot test the entire
Criterion 9: Create a debriefing or feedback ses- simulation-based experience to ensure that it accom-
sion and/or a guided reflection exercise to follow the plishes its intended purpose, provides opportunity to
simulation-based experience. achieve objectives, and is effective when used with
Required Elements: learners.
• Select a participant similar to the target learner group
Identify the most appropriate debriefing, feedback, or for the optimal test environment.
reflective method for the simulation-based experience dur- • Select any tool(s), checklists, or other measures to as-
sess for validity and to ensure consistency and reliability
ing the design phase.62,63
(i.e., content validity, expert review, inter-rater reliabil-
• Use a planned debriefing, feedback session, or a guided
• During pilot implementation, identify any confusing,
reflection exercise to enrich learning and contribute to
missing, or underdeveloped elements of the simulation-
the consistency of the simulation-based experiences for
based experience.
learners and facilitators.64
• Make improvements based upon the pilot and revise
• Debriefing and feedback are different, but both are crit-
before the full implementation of the simulation-based
ical elements that should be structured using best prac-
tices. In the case of a skills-based or testing simulation
• Recognize that it may not always be possible to pi-
activity, debriefing may be replaced by feedback, so the
lot test simulation-based experiences prior to facilita-
learners are guided to improve further or confirm their
tion (For example, just in time training or with limits
practice.65,66 to time and resources).
• Guided reflection is an intellectual and affective activity
that explores the critical elements to gain understanding
and insight. It can be integrated with debriefing or ac- References
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53. Foronda, C., Baptiste, D.-L., Reinholdt, M. M., & Ous-
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nal of Transcultural Nursing, 27(3), 210-217 https://journals. INACSL Standards Committee (2016, December). IN- ACSL standards of best practice: Simulation SM: Simula-
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54. Page-Cutrara, K. (2015). Prebriefing in nursing simulation: A concept
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56. Page-Cutrara, K. (2014). Use of prebriefing in nursing simulation: A About the International Nursing Association
literature review. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(3), 136-141. for Clinical Simulation and Learning
57. Tyerman, J., Luctkar-Flude, M., Graham, L., Coffey, S., & Olsen–
Lynch, E. (2016). Pre- simulation preparation and briefing practices
The International Nursing Association for Clinical Sim-
ulation and Learning (INACSL) is the global leader in

pp 14–21 • Clinical Simulation in Nursing •

Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation 2
transforming practice to improve patient safety through ex-
cellence in health care simulation. INACSL is a commu- an evidence-based framework to guide simulation design,
nity of practice for simulation where members can network implementation, debriefing, evaluation, and research. The
with simulation leaders, educators, researchers, and indus- Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice TM are
try partners. INACSL also provided the original living doc- provided with the support and input of the international
uments INACSL Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM, community and sponsored by INACSL.

pp 14–21 • Clinical Simulation in Nursing •

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