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MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, **(*): ****** (*** 2011) C 2011 by the Society for Marine Mammalogy DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00476.

A non-invasive dolphin telemetry tag: Computer design and numerical ow simulation

Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westkuste, Christian-Albrechts-Universit t Kiel, a Hafent rn 1, 25761 Busum, Germany o E-mail:

Institut fur Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik, Universit t Stuttgart, a Pfaffenwaldring 21, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

The impact of devices attached to animals remains a challenge in telemetry studies of dolphins. It was hypothesized that the hydrodynamic design of a tag could provide stable attachment to the dorsal n by means of resultant hydrodynamic force appearing when a dolphin is swimming. To verify this hypothesis the computer uid dynamics (CFD) study of tag performance was carried out. A virtual model presenting authentic geometry of a dolphin with tag attached to the dorsal n was constructed. The same model without tag was used as a reference object to calculate tag impact as regards drag, lift, and moments coefcients. Flow around the models was simulated for the range of velocities as well as the ranges of pitch and yaw angles. It was shown that in 33 of 35 CFD scenarios the streamlined shape of a tag generates the lift force that facilitates keeping a tag attached to the n. Throughout the set of calculations the tag-associated drag coefcient does not exceed 4%, which indicates low impact. Data obtained present a baseline for the further development of non-invasive dolphin telemetry tags. Key words: dolphin, tag design, telemetry, hydrodynamics, modeling, CFD, CAD.

Biotelemetry presents a variety of techniques providing remote measurement of physiology, behavior, and energy status of free-living animals (Cooke et al. 2004). Many of these techniques may be used to study different aspects of cetacean biology, including migrations, physiology parameters, such as body temperature and rate of breathing, as well as movement patterns and dive behavior. In addition, tagged cetaceans can be used for the acquisition of environmental data like depth and water temperature in oceanographic studies (Fedak 2004). Progress in microelectronics during the last decades facilitates the expansion of tag deployment in the wild as 1


well as for new technologies in acquisition, storage, and transmission of data (Hooker et al. 2007). Meanwhile, the impact of devices attached to animals remains a challenge in telemetry studies of dolphins (Irvine et al. 1982, Geraci and Smith 1990, Balmer et al. 2010). A variety of tag attachment methods are available, each of which corresponds to the specic goals of telemetry study, duration of tag deployment, and opportunity to capture and restrain the animal for a short time (Mate et al. 1995, Read and Westgate 1997, Hanson and Baird 1998, Andrews et al. 2008). For short-term telemetry studies suction cup tags (Baird et al. 2001) appear to be an adequate choice, while the question of robust attachment becomes crucial for long-term deployment. When the capture of dolphins is possible, invasive methods using pins penetrating the dorsal n of the animal remain the most reliable way to retain the tag for long periods (Westgate et al. 2007). The weak point of pin-attached devices is the tag-induced drag which causes additional load on the pin penetrating the n tissue (Irvine et al. 1982). If the drag is too high, the pin can cut the n, thus causing signicant injury (Irvine et al. 1982, Chilvers et al. 2001). Recent studies of tagged dolphins have shown tag impact on movement patterns and dive behavior of animals (Scott and Chivers 2009, Balmer et al. 2010). The tagging process can also increase stress experienced by wild porpoises, although the reaction of individuals to handling and tagging is highly variable (Eskesen et al. 2009). The general aim of the present study was to verify the supposition that hydrodynamic design of a tag could provide robust attachment to the dorsal n without pins for xation. The working hypothesis is that tags can generate lift force using the same principle as in airfoil design (Abbot and Doenhoff 1959), i.e., the difference in pressure on upper and lower sides of a streamlined prole. The resultant hydrodynamic force should be directed downstream, keeping the tag on the n. In particular, though, we wanted to evaluate comprehensively the impact of the tag on dolphin hydrodynamics. Inappropriately designed tags can cause considerable drag and change the balance of tagged animals (Culik et al. 1994, Healy et al. 2004). This can cause physiological stress and disturbance of energy balance in animals during swimming as well as lead to failure in catching prey and escaping predators (Wilson et al. 1986, Watson and Granger 1998, Geertsen et al. 2004). Thus, the external design of a tag should meet the competing requirements of robust attachment, on the one hand, and minimal impact on dolphins, on the other (Pavlov et al. 2007). To study the hydrodynamic performance of an attached tag, the forces inuencing the tag were examined throughout the range of operational conditions, including speed, pitch, and yaw angles characteristic of dolphin swimming. As any computer uid dynamic (CFD) study of swimming animals represents an approximation to real-world conditions (Liu 2002), several assumptions are made. We assumed that a computer-aided design (CAD) dolphin model presents a rigid body swimming rectilinearly with constant speed. This restricts the variation in dolphin swimming performance to the limited number of CFD scenarios but allows testing the working hypothesis at the level of concept. METHODS CAD Model of the Dolphin A full-scale, three-dimensional CAD model of a dolphin was constructed with SolidWorks software using measurements and photos of the body of a newly stranded


Figure 1. CAD models of DIXIE (A) and the tag attached to the dorsal n (B).

common dolphin (Fig. 1A). All measurements were taken according to the standard protocol of postmortem examination (Kuiken and Hartmann 1993). Laser scanning data of the rigid model of the same species held at the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund were used for correction of the dolphins body geometry. The resulting model presents the authentic geometry of an adult female common dolphin of 1.94 m length. Models of ns were constructed separately using photos of n outlines as well as cross-sectional measurements of ns and joined to the model dolphin body. A straightened body position, which corresponds to the gliding phase of the dolphins swimming cycle, was chosen. The dolphin model was created as part of the ongoing German research program DFG-SPP-1207 Flow Control in Nature and Engineering and called DIXIE (Dolphin-Inspired eXperimental study of ow/skin InterfacE). CAD Model of the Tag The tag was designed as a prototype shape that may include various electronics relevant for a particular study, e.g., data loggers or radio transmitters. The U-shaped device consists of two components connected by a belt leaning on the leading edge


of the dorsal n (Fig. 1B). The wedged frontal part as well as grooved rear part of each side are designed to control the stream providing a desirable pressure gradient in the ow. The tag has the following dimensions: length 27 cm, height 8.6 cm, outer surface area 400 cm2 , and volume 330 cm3 . The tags projection on the top plane presents 26% thickness airfoil with position of maximal thickness 55% of chord length. This outline is close to the NACA 6-series airfoils designed with emphasis on maximizing the laminar ow region associated with lower drag (Abbot and Doenhoff 1959). The tag geometry was linked to the shape of the dorsal n. It allowed the best t to the surface of the n as well as possibility to redesign the parametric model of a tag according to the individual shape of the n. CFD Study To understand the impact associated with the attached device, the hydrodynamic performance of DIXIE with and without tag was studied using the CFD method. Meshing of the DIXIE model and the computational domain representing the cylinder of 15 m in length and 10 m in diameter was accomplished with the GAMBIT software (Fig. S1). The models surface with attached tag was approximated by 2.3 million triangles, while the ow-around model was modeled by 14.4 million tetrahedral elements. Parallel calculations of the ow parameters were conducted by the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart of the University of Stuttgart. Hydrodynamic properties of the models as regards drag (Cd), lift (Cl), and moment (Cm) coefcients as well as pressure and shear stress distribution were examined with the FLUENT software for simulating uid ow. This commercial code uses for the wide range of industrial applications including marine engineering (Tyagi and Sen 2006, Jagadeesh et al. 2009). As forces inuencing an attached tag are velocitydependent, testing was conducted over a range of swimming speeds of a common dolphin (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 m/s). To cover a range of the operational conditions of an attached tag, the models were tested at different pitch ( ) and yaw ( ) angles. Angle ranged from 10, 5, 0, 5 to 10 degrees, while ranged from 0, 5 to 10 degrees. The distribution of static pressure and wall shear stress across the body was also studied. These two forces are the main contributors of drag force appearing at the dolphins movement in the water (Bushnell and Moore 1991). All calculations were conducted under the same initial ow conditions as follows:
Dolphin model (without tag) cross-sectional area, m2 : 0.106. Dolphin model (with tag) cross-sectional area, m2 : 0.108. Pressure, Pa: 101,325. Water viscosity, kg/m/s: 0.001003. Turbulence model: k-epsilon, RNG.

RESULTS The CFD study revealed complex effects of the attached tag, including changes in forces and moments as well as in distribution of velocity, pressure, and shear


stress. Modications of the ow caused by the attached tag were highly depended on simulated speed of swimming as well as pitch and yaw angle. Forces and Moments The Cd of DIXIE without tag gradually decreased with increasing swimming speed within the range of pitch and yaw angle. This decrease was most prominent from 2 to 4 m/s, after which this parameter decreased more gently. The highest Cd was revealed at extreme values of and . The lowest values were associated with straightened body position at zero and (Table S1). Overall, the increment of Cd associated with attached drag varied from 1% to +4% within the range of velocity as well as and . Zero increment of Cd was documented at extreme values, where an attached tag adds nothing to the crosssectional area of the dolphin model. The highest increment of 4% was documented for the that was related to increased cross-sectional area (Table S1). The relationship between Cl and initial conditions of the ow around DIXIE was revealed to be more complex. At zero and variable the ratio varied from 0.5 at = 10 to 0.53 at = 10 . For positive Cl increases with increasing speed, while at negative this relation was inverse. For straightened body position, as well as for variable , Cl decreased dramatically within the range from 2 to 4 m/s, and then varied slightly to the maximum speed of swimming. Throughout the set of calculations the increment of Cl associated with an attached tag was negative (Table S2). The largest difference of 48% was documented at = 0 , = 0 , 2 m/s. There are two exceptions from the general trend, namely, positive increment of 2% Cl at = 5 , = 0 , 2 m/s, as well as positive increment of 31% Cl at = 0 , = 0 , 4 m/s. Both for the straightened body position and positive of DIXIE without tag, the pitch moment coefcient Cm decreased with increasing speed. In contrast, for negative this parameter increased with increasing speed. Extreme values of Cm were documented at the lowest speed of 2 m/s, namely 0.008 at = 5 and 0.019 at = 10. The yaw moment coefcient Cm of DIXIE without tag slightly increased with increasing simulated speed of swimming. The lowest value of this parameter 0.045 was documented for = 5 at a speed of swimming of 2 m/s, while the highest value 0.088 was documented for = 10 at 8 m/s. Tag-induced increments both of Cm and Cm most often varied from +6% to 7%. The largest increment of Cm , 208% was documented for = 10 (Table S3). Velocity The ow simulation around DIXIE revealed no ow separation within the range of speed of swimming. Addition of tag changed the pattern of ow streamlines around the dorsal n (Fig. 2A, B). Nonetheless, no ow separation associated with the attached tag was revealed with the exception of subtle vortices immediately behind the trailing edge of the tag. This effect did not appreciably inuence the drag and lift force associated with the attached tag. For the straightened body position the increase of magnitude of average velocity did not exceed 1% of this parameter for the model without tag.


Figure 2. Flow parameters calculated with the CFD method. (A) Velocity distribution around the n of the DIXIE model. (B) Velocity distribution around the n with attached tag. (C) Pressure distribution on the DIXIE model. (D) Pressure distribution on the DIXIE with attached tag.

Static Pressure It was found that an attached tag altered the magnitude of pressure on the dorsal n, while for the rest of the body the pressure values remained the same (Fig. 2C, D). A dorsal n without an attached tag had a smooth pressure gradient similar to the classical picture of pressure distribution over the symmetric wing section (Abbot and Doenhoff 1959). The addition of a tag did not signicantly change the natural stream-wise pattern of pressure distribution over the n but altered the magnitude of pressure. For a straightened body position this parameter increased by 11%, 13%, 14%, 15%, and 31% with increase of the simulated speed of swimming. This increase in magnitude was determined by a low pressure region in the middle of the tag (Fig. 2D), while high pressure values remained similar on the dorsal n with and without an attached tag.


Wall Shear Stress The impact of an attached tag was also revealed in increasing shear stress magnitude over the n. For a straightened body position maximum values of shear stress related with attached tag increased up to 50%70% for the range of simulated velocity. Lowest values were documented at the aft of the tag beyond the trailing edge of the n. The stream-wise pattern of shear stress distribution remained close to this one in an intact n. DISCUSSION Hydrodynamic Design and Performance of the Tag The bottleneck in biotelemetry is the impact of a device attached to an animal (Hawkins 2004). Similar to the observer effect in physics, the attachment of the device alters initial experimental conditions and leads to biased results. The results of our study conrmed the supposition that an appropriate design can minimize the drag and keep the tag attached by means of hydrodynamic forces appearing during dolphin swimming. Moving in water, the shape of the attached tag generates the difference of pressure in the ow around the upper and lower sides. This difference is the source of power called lift force. The tag inverts the lift force, holding the tag on the n and decreasing the total lift force of the model. The appropriate decrease in Cl associated with the attached tag was documented in 33 experiments of 35, corresponding to most of the simulated operational conditions including both rectilinear swimming and maneuvers of a dolphin. It indicates that resultant hydrodynamic force inuencing the tag facilitates its attachment to the n. This effect is most prominent for the body positions with = 0, where addition of the tag increases the cross-sectional area of the model. Both for positive and negative , where the attached tag does not change the cross-sectional area, this effect is weak. Too much decrease of the lift force, however, as it was documented for angles, might negatively affect tagged dolphins, causing too much load on n tissue. It may also lead to additional energy expenditure to keep balance (Healy et al. 2004). Principle of Conformity in Tag Design The main challenge in designing a new tag appears to be a compromise between opposing demands of robust attachment of the tag, on the one hand, and minimal tag-induced load on the n, on the other hand. The intuitive way to reach that compromise is to make the tag in conformity with the shape, size, mobility, and mechanical properties of the site of tag attachment (Hawkins 2004, Pavlov et al. 2007). Following this approach the new tag was constructed taking into account the shape and hydrodynamics of the dorsal n of the common dolphin. As the cross-sections of the n present conventional symmetric airfoil outline (Lang 1966, Pavlov 2003), the airfoil shape was chosen for the tag housing. The hydrodynamic performance of tag was compared with the wind tunnel data of tag (without antenna) attached to the dorsal n of rigid model of harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena (Hanson 2001) and ow simulation data of virtual model of Argos Satellite Relay Data Logger attached to the gray seal, Halichoerus grypus (Hazekamp et al. 2010). All tests were conducted at


Figure 3. Comparison of the tag-induced increment of drag coefcient Cd,% between DIXIE model, porpoise model (Hanson 2001) and seal model (Hazekamp et al. 2010).

straightened body position. It was shown that a streamlined tag housing minimizes tag-induced increment in drag coefcient in comparison with the less streamlined shape of tags attached to the harbor porpoise and gray seal models (Fig. 3). Low drag and the associated impact of an attached device are closely related to the method of attachment. Dynamic loads on tags attached by pins can lead to migration of the pins and subsequent repositioning of the tag, resulting in increased drag and possible injury to the n (Irvine et al. 1982, Balmer et al. 2010). For suction-cup tags the increased suction pressure could result in subdermal hematomas (Mate et al. 2007). In both cases a general problem is strong impact applied to the small area. In new noninvasive design, the main load on the n is applied to the leading edge area. A wide belt leaning on the leading edge of the n generates less unit area pressure compared with pins penetrating the n. This feature of the new design makes special requirements for the tag materials. The choice of a tag material contacting with the n surface must take into consideration the fragility of dolphin epidermis (Sokolov 1982). This soft upper layer of dolphin skin, in contrast to sharks and turtles, may be damaged by excessive pressure. The use of appropriate soft material for the belt could dampen the dynamic loads, thus preventing the injuries of the skin. The mechanical properties of the tag housing are also important for the natural mobility of the dorsal n as a site of attachment. During the maneuver the dorsal n can bend in chord-wise and span-wise directions. The central core structure appears to decrease rigidity of the n in these directions (Pavlov 2003). The decrease of tag stiffness according to the stream-wise gradient of the n rigidity appears to be optimal for its natural mobility. Conformity to the natural hydrodynamics of the animal is an important factor in telemetry tag design for top marine predators highly specialized in fast swimming. The bodies of dolphins, seals, sharks, and penguins are perfectly adapted to low drag and their hydrodynamic performance is sensitive to any attachment (Ropert-Coudert et al. 2007). For these animals the shape, size, and position of attached tags are crucial. Indeed, placement of the brick-shaped tag on the head of the seal may be optimal for


data transmission but can have a strong impact on balance and swimming energetics of the animal (Hazekamp et al. 2010). In contrast, a streamlined tag placed in the turbulent region of the ow around the penguin body decreases additional drag, causing minimal impact (Bannasch et al. 1994). Assumptions and Limitations Dolphins in the wild present a number of complex behavioral patterns. Dolphin swimming is non-steady and not rectilinear (Fish and Rohr 1999, Romanenko 2002), with high accelerations and different swimming regimes (Aguilar Soto et al. 2008). Their body and ns are not rigid and change shape during swimming. Dolphin leaping and diving makes an additional load on an attached tag. Finally, the tag can serve as a target of attack during aggressive behavior of dolphins (Scott and Chivers 2009). Overall, the magnitude of the loads inuencing attached tags in the wild is likely much wider than in the limited scenarios for CFD simulation. Assumptions on rigid steady swimming model were made due to the difculty of numerical modeling the unsteady effects and exibility. The nature of the studied attachment principle limits the range of possible candidates for tagging to the species spending most of their time in motion. Meanwhile it is unclear, whether the tag will be attached to the dolphins resting at the surface, as no lift force is produced in the absence of movement. It is currently difcult also to predict whether this method will be useful for species with complex swimming biomechanics, like the spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris. These dolphins can twist the body (Fish et al. 2006) producing centrifugal force that facilitates shedding off the tag from the n. In our work we used an idealized symmetric model of tag without antenna to study the hydrodynamic effects of tag housing. The addition of an antenna is likely to increase drag and change both pitch and yaw moments. This effect is related to the rigidity of the antenna and is minimal with exible ones (Wilson et al. 2004). The top speed of 10 m/s used in the CFD study exceeds documented swimming speeds of common dolphins (Fish and Rohr 1999). It was used to assess the tag performance under extreme operational conditions. The releasing system was not modeled but it is assumed that the halves of tag can be joined by the wires able to be corroded over certain time to release tag. Numerical approaches have evolved to a level of accuracy, which allows them to be applied for practical ship resistance and propulsion computations by industry (Tyagi and Sen 2006). The latest studies of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) having the size and operating speeds close to those of dolphins have shown that the CFD (FLUENT) computations are capable of producing the force and moment variations within reasonable accuracy compared with the experimental AUV data (Tyagi and Sen 2006, Jagadeesh et al. 2009). Nevertheless, the computational uid dynamics synergistically complements the other two approaches of pure theory and pure experiment but it will never replace either of these approaches (Anderson 1995). The benet of CFD method is an opportunity to test the working hypothesis in vitro to get an idea for better engineering solution. Experimental study with living animals is necessary for the assessment of tag performance under the real operational conditions. The CFD data obtained for the initial model can serve as a baseline for further development of a novel tag design.



Conclusions Our results demonstrate that an alternative noninvasive tag design for dolphin telemetry may be possible. The principle of attachment is based on the lift force inuencing a tag during dolphin swimming. The principle of conformity of a tag to the mechanical properties and hydrodynamic performance of the dorsal n should minimize the negative impact on the tagged dolphin. Taking into account assumptions and limitations of CFD methods, the results obtained can be considered concept of the new tag design. The next step from in vitro to in vivo verication of a novel attachment system should be the experimental study of tagged dolphins in captivity. The development of noninvasive tags for small cetaceans is important both from the perspective of scientic ethics and reliability of the data obtained in telemetry studies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Our thanks go to Dr. Rist and Dr. Siebert for supporting this work, Dr. Vincent, Dr. Dabin, and Dr. Doremus for their help with dolphin morphology, Mr. Alp and Mr. Selenbas for their help with parallel computing and validation of the CFD results, and to the staff of the Labor fur Orthop die und Biomechanik for their help with laser scanning the dolphin a model. We also thank Dr. Benke for the opportunity to work on a dolphin model in the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on the manuscript. This work was partly funded by the German Science Foundation (SI 1542/1).

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SUPPORTING INFORMATION The following supporting information is available for this article online: Figure S1. Position of the DIXIE within the computational domain. Table S1. Drag coefcients (Cd) of DIXIE without (1) and with (2) attached tag calculated for the model positions dened by the pitch ( ) and yaw ( ) angles vs. simulated speed of swimming. Cd1-Cd2,% indicates the tag-induced increment of Cd. Table S2. Lift coefcients (Cl) of DIXIE without (1) and with (2) attached tag calculated for the model positions dened by the pitch ( ) and yaw ( ) angles vs. simulated speed of swimming. Cl1-Cl2,% indicates the tag-induced increment of Cl. Table S3. Pitch (Cm ) and yaw (Cm ) coefcients of DIXIE without (1) and with (2) attached tag calculated for the model positions dened by the pitch ( ) and yaw ( ) angles vs. simulated speed of swimming. Cm1-Cm2,% indicates the tag-induced increment of Cm. Video Clip. Flow around a tag attached to the dorsal n.

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