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1. Explain the meaning of the following words: a palmtop, embedded computers, an attachment, a
website, a database, to access, to surf, a subfolder.

Icon is a small picture or symbol. (приклад)

2. Write down the basic parts of a desktop computer.

3. Translate the following words into Ukrainian: a) to pick up, to log in, to scroll up, to hack into, to
zoom in.
b) build up 5 sentences using these words.

4. Complete these sentences with the following words: website, world news, resources, links,
download, online.

You can follow the latest…, find out about BBC World Service radio programmes and …quizzes
and songs. You can use the variety of… dictionaries… The British Council has a …where you can
find a variety of games and a list of… suitable for adults and younger learners.

5. What else can you use the Internet for? (Give a written answer to this question, 3-4 paragraphs)

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