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BSRM Wires Limited

Delivery Challan Detail Sales Office : Corporate-Office

Delivery Challan No.: 1240736 Sl. No. of VAT Challan: WL-BDS-2223-000296

Customer Name: Sea resource ltd.

Bill to Address: karnafuli,ichanagar Chattogram BD

Delivery Site: karnafuli,ichanagar Chattogram BD

Delivery Site No.: +-1701217273 PO No:

Delivery From: BD Steel

Challan Date: 14-Nov-2022 Challan Time: 4:58:41 pm

SL. SO No. SO Date DO No. Item Name Heat No. Bundle Pcs Quantity(KG)

1 122020320 13-Nov-2022 16198019 AQUASTAR E6013 3.2X350 4kg 0 20 80

Total: 0 20 80

Delivery Note:
Packing Type: Straight Transporter Name: BSRM Logistics Limited
Delivery Type: C&F Nature of Vehicle and No: Mini Truck / Pick Up CM-NA-11-3872
Driver Information: Nayan, Mob: 019189898989

Sales Officer's Name: Minhazul Alam,, Mob: +8801959904114

Received the above goods in good order or condition.

N.B.: 1. Company is not responsibile for any damage, breakage or shortage of goods after delivery.
2. Scale weight is final, weight on label if available is only indicative.

Print Date & Time: 17-Jan-2023 10:34:11AM Page 1 of 1

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