Summary of "I Have A Dream"

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Lava Eminki

Introduction to Communication
19 Sep. 2022

Summarization of “I Have A Dream” by Martin Luther King :

Martin Luther King Jr the righteous civil rights activist and minister exhibits the extent of discrimination and
racial war amongst the blacks and the whites in America stimulating the audiences beliefs into courage of
thought and speech towards their deserved and needed rights. As one of the most previewed speeches in
history that holds the message of hope in peoples hearts reassuring them that dreams attain the liability of
life. The reliability of ones needs was indulged through holding the country liable of the lacked yet promised
needs comprising of equality, freedom and justice in comparison to the whites. “From every mountainside,
let freedom ring” states King specifying the continuous discriminatory gestures acquainted towards his race,
encouraging the people whom were ones slaves or sons and daughters of slaves to protest and fight for their
deserved rights.

Hope for the future, morality and dreams were of main focus to King believing that this would be the
“beginning” to the black future. In favor of the black community, creating a space involving the allowance of
thought and speech to result into the composition of a racially equal society. Martin Luther King does not
signal any hate towards the people whom stole and stopped their rights he rather appreciates and favors his
enemies but holds them accountable of the issue in means of resoluteness and credibility. Martin Luther
King’s core doctrine resurrected around the morals of “love conquering hate” throughout his statement
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that” accumulating the purpose of love and equality
as contribution to his core belief of regulating social norms with a specified favoring towards racial equality.

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