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MONDAY, November 14, 2011 8:00 am 9:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am Registration Continental Breakfast Meeting Logistics & Agenda Review Opening Address: NCATEs 10 Design Principles [Speaker] will discuss NCATEs 10 Design Principles for Clinically Based Preparation and how the current policy and funding environment will affect teacher preparation programs ability to implement them. 9:30 am 10:15 am Panel: NCATEs 10 Design Principles in Practice (Academy Hall) [3 host site deans, 1-2 members of visiting teams (WKU, UNCG, WOU, UIC, or JSU?)] Panelists will describe the TNE Learning Network Cross-Site Visits. These practitioners will discuss how NCATEs 10 design principles are implemented in practice and provide specific on-the-ground examples. Panelists will reflect on successful strategies for implementation and on addressing challenges in implementation. Break Working Session 1: Models for Clinical Practice in Teacher Preparation Participants will learn about innovative strategies in clinical practice from diverse programs around the country. Topics covered might include partnership building, curricula, placement, funding, and technology applications. Choose one: ISUs TOTAL Internship ASUs TFA Partnership Montclairs Residency Program Urban Teacher Residencies Clinical Practice Model from Bush Foundation site?? Clinical Practice Model from TNE site?? Model of clinical practice in rural setting?? 11:30 am 12:30 pm Working Session 2: Models for Clinical Practice in Teacher Preparation Participants will learn about innovative strategies in clinical practice from diverse programs around the country. Topics covered might include partnership building, curricula, placement, funding, and Balcony B Balcony C Balcony D Balcony E Angle A Angle B Angle C Academy Hall Academy Hall Academy Hall

Academy Hall

10:15 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 11:30 am

technology applications. Choose one that you did not attend in Working Session 1: ISUs TOTAL Internship ASUs TFA Partnership Montclairs Residency Program Urban Teacher Residencies Clinical Practice Model from Bush Foundation site?? Clinical Practice Model from TNE site?? Model of clinical practice in rural setting?? 12:30 pm 1:15 pm 1:15 pm 2:00 pm Lunch (Academy Hall) Academy Hall Panel: Balancing Clinical Practice and Pedagogy [Include university faculty (maybe department chair), district representative on panel, maybe a clinical faculty associate from ISU if they bring one??] Panelists will discuss how their programs link courses, curricula, and clinical practice. Working Session 3: Balancing Clinical Practice and Pedagogy This working session will help participants explore how clinical preparation can be integrated throughout every facet of teacher education in a dynamic way. Choose one: Balancing Practice and Pedagogy for Elementary Candidates Balancing Practice and Pedagogy for Secondary Candidates Roles and Responsibilities for Cooperating Teachers Partnering across University Departments and Colleges Partnering with Schools and Districts Clinical Service in University Promotion and Tenure Co-Teaching Models 3:00 pm 3:15 pm 3:15 pm 4:15 pm Break Working Session 4: Building and Leveraging Strong University-School District Partnerships This working session will allow participants to discuss how specific sites are designated and funded to support embedded clinical preparation. Choose one: Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships Funding and Maintaining University-School District Partnerships Preparing Cooperating Teachers for Different Mentoring Environments Balcony B Balcony C Balcony D Balcony B Balcony C Balcony D Balcony E Angle A Angle B Angle C Balcony B Balcony C Balcony D Balcony E Angle A Angle B Angle C

2:00- 3:00 pm

Working with Unions Scaling-Up Promising Pilot Programs Fostering Interactive Professional Communities Breakout 7 4:15 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Report Out and Debrief of Day 1 Reception Balcony E Angle A Angle B Angle C Academy Hall Balcony Lounge

TUESDAY, November 15, 2011 8:30 am 9:00 am 8:30 am 9:30 am Continental Breakfast (Academy Hall) Assessing Clinical Practice [Panelists from site w/experience using PACT, from Bush site in MN, maybe WOU on Teacher Work Samples??] Panelists will discuss established and emerging strategies for assessing the impact of clinical practice on teacher candidates and P-12 students. Working Session 5: Assessment Models for Clinical Practice Describe working session here. Choose one: Balcony B Teacher Performance Assessment Teacher Work Samples Measures of Effectiveness: How Do You Know that What Youre Doing is Working? Data Driven Accountability and Decision Making Other assessment models?? Breakout 6 Breakout 7 10:30 am 10:45 am 10:45 am 11:45 am Break Working Session 6: Building a Research Agenda for Clinical Practice What do practitioners and policy makers need to know? How can the Learning Network contribute to building the body of research on clinical practice? Work groups will examine these questions in small groups organized by NCATE design principle. Choose one: NCATE Principle 1: Student learning is the focus. NCATE Principle 2: Clinical preparation is integrated throughout every facet of teacher education in a dynamic way. Balcony B Balcony C Balcony C Balcony D Academy Hall Academy Hall

9:30 am 10:30 am

Balcony E Angle A Angle B Angle C

NCATE Principle 4: Programs prepare teachers who are expert in content and how to teach it and are also innovators, collaborators and problem solvers. NCATE Principle 5: Candidates learn in an interactive professional community. NCATE Principle 7: Specific sites are designated and funded to support embedded clinical preparation. NCATE Principle 8: Technology applications foster high-impact preparation. NCATE Principle 10: Strategic partnerships are imperative for powerful clinical preparation. 11:45 am 12:15 pm 12:00 pm 1:00 pm Report Out and Debrief of Day 2 Closing Session: Reflections on Emerging Themes Participants will reflect on emerging themes from data collected during the cross-site visits and discussions during the convening. FHI 360 will outline plans for the White Paper on Clinical Practice and review research themes from Working Session 6. Closing Remarks 1:00 pm 1:15 pm 2:30 pm Adjourn and Box Lunch Core Coordinating Group Debrief Academy Hall Balcony B Balcony D

Balcony E Angle A

Angle B

Angle C Academy Hall Academy Hall

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