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SPE 527 Module Field Note

Ruth Caballero Monzon

Arizona State University

SPE 527: Behavior Analytic Assessment

Blumberg Ed.D, BCBA- D

CI Reid

January 15, 2023

Module 1 of the course covered a brief summary about ABA and some review, as well as

the role of assessments and what goes into writing objectives. I found the objectives portion of

this module to be very informative due to the fact that there is more that goes into it than just a

broad goal of “client will request” it considers behavior, criteria, and condition. “The description

of the context must specify any givens or restrictions to be places on the response: how, where,

with what, with whom, and when it is or is not to occur” (Mayer, et al., 2019, p.75). This is the

condition! I think of it as when, where, what, and/or how. The behavior has to be observable and

measurable like point to, hand to, match etc. Criteria is the specification of the extent of change

that is needed and or desired, like 4 out of 5 across 5 sessions.

One of the tasks for this module was reviewing an educational record of a learner and

determining two areas of need and writing goals for those needs. This aligned with F1: Review

records and available data at the outset of the case (BACB, 2017). I, as well as my peers had to

look at Olivers educational record and discuss two needs based on his results. I focused on mand

and motor imitation. The two other tasks this module covered were F2: Determining the need for

behavior - analytic services (BACB, 2017) and F3: Identifying and prioritizing socially

significant behavior change goals (BACB, 2017). During the activity we had to complete for this

module we had to look at a record and determine two needs which I mentioned above. Along

with this we had to write two goals for these needs. While doing and going over material and

activities it is important to remember the goal of ABA; to improve and establish socially

important behaviors. ABA can help with social skills, attention, focus, language, communication

skills, academics, and can help decrease problem behaviors.

After looking at the ethics code I found that two of the ones that applied to the

assignment I mentioned in connection with the tasks above are 2.16 and 2.03 (BACB, 2020).

2.16 covers describing behavior-change interventions before implementation (BACB, 2020). The

assignment we did for this module had us write out a program goal. We did not have to explain

the procedures but did look at the assessment and wrote an objective. For example, “RC will

point to correct stimuli picture when asked (convo question). RC will point to corresponding

picture 4 out of 5 times for 3 consecutive sessions.” 2.03 covers protecting confidential

information. BCBA’s will protect clients, stakeholders, supervisees, trainees, and research

participants. This includes session data and any form of communication whether it be verbal,

written or via electronic communication. I take data every day at work and use initials when

discussing clients or when writing my session note. In the example above I used RC which

would be protecting child’s information.


Mayer, G.R., Sulzer-Azaroff, B., & Wallace, M. (2019). Behavior analysis for lasting change (4th edition).

Sloan Publishing.

Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). BCBA task list (5th ed.) Littleton, CO. Author.

Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2020).Ethics code for behavior analysts. Littleton, CO: Author.

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