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Tense and Adjective Revision Test

Name: ………………..………..
School: ………………………..
Grade: 7th

I. Transform the verbs as indicated: 0,10x6=0,60 pc

a) We played chess two days ago. (-)

b) Mary has bought some cheese. (?)
c) They weren’t sleeping when I got home. (+)
d) She didn’t go to bed last night. (+)
e) The dog isn’t eating its food. (?)
f) You don’t like apples.(?)

II. Put the verbs in parentheses into the indicated tense: 0,10x6=0,60pc

a) She (drink)__________________ coffee every morning. (Pr Simple)

b) They (not make)____________________ tea now. (Pr Cont)
c) People (not like) ___________________the show. (Past Simple)
d) _______ you (sleep) ______________ when I called? (Past Cont)
e) They (live) ___________________ here for twenty years. (Pr. Pf.)
f) The visitors (arrive) ________________ tomorrow afternoon. (Future simple)

III. Transform the verbs in the indicated tense: 0,10x4=0,40 pc

a) They were playing football. (Present cont)

b) She has drunk all the juice. (Past Simple)
c) Were you watching tv? ( Past Simple)
d) I ran outside to see who it was. (Present simple)
IV. Give the comparative and the superlative of the following adjectives:
0,10x20= 2pc

Adjective Comparative Superlative


V. Choose the correct variant: 0,10 x 24=2,40 pc

1. They ________ to church twice a week.

doesn‘t go
2. She ________ dinner at the moment. Do you ________ me to call her?
is cooking/want
has cooked/are wanting
3. Are you _______ to me?
4. Their parents ________ throughout the world this summer.
have travelled
5. Why _________ by bus to work?
do you go
have you gone
6. ________ any books since last week ?
has you read
have you read
7. Where _________ they ___________ for the last two years?
have been
are being
8. Mary and Paul __________ friends since they were children.
have been
9. We ________to each other for ten years.
has spoken
are speaking
haven’t spoken
10. I _______ in London at the moment because my flat is being redecorated.
am living
am living
11. She _______ English very well.
is speaking
12. How much ________ that coke?
13. I __________ she looks great.
am thinking
doesn‘t think
14. What _____________ about? That new car?
is you thinking
are she thinking
are you thinking
15. When ________________ the school?
have you joined
did you joined 
did you join
16. ___________________   in England?
did you ever worked
have you ever worked
didn't you have worked
17. That's the best speech ______________
I never heard
I didn't hear
I've ever heard
18. He's the most difficult housemate _____________________
I never had to deal with.
I've ever had to deal with.
I've never had to deal with.
19. ___________________ to him last week.
I spoke
I didn't spoke
I speaked
20. ______________ a contract last year and it is still valid.
We have signed
We signed
We haven't signed
21. _______________ from a business trip to France.
I came back
I never came back
I've just come back
22. Prices ________ in 1995 but then _____   in 1996.
rised                   falled
rose                   fell
have risen          have fallen
23. You    ____________        to a word    ____________
listened                    I haven't said
didn't listen               I say
haven't listened           I've said
24. I can't believe that ________________ the news.
you haven't read 
you didn't read
you don't read

4pc office

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