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TASK 1. You are going to read a magazine article about holidays abroad. For
questions 1 – 14, choose from the people A-D. The people may be chosen more
than once. There is an example at the beginning.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE. Walking in a foreign country

Which of the people A-D...

0. Goes to a different place each time? D (example)

1. Finds some written information inadequate? A
2. Is careful to keep his money safe? C
3. Is dissatisfied with airport staff? C
4. Prefers to take little equipment with him? B
5. Gives advice on travel documents? D
6. Believes he ruined somebody else’s holiday? B
7. Had a problem at an airport? C
8. Thinks travellers should do some reading? A
9. Is nervous before trips? C
10. Informs travel agents about his walking skills? A _
11. Shows respect for local cultures? C
12. Finds communicating in the local language helpful? B
13. Asks mountain climbers for advice? B
14. Is careless with his luggage? D
TASK 2. Read the article about English spelling reform. For questions 1−8 choose
the correct option (a, b, or c). 0 is the example.
0 The relationship between English spelling and
pronunciation is… A
a always predictable.
b not always predictable.
c easier for children to master than adults.
1 English-speaking children learn literacy skills… C
a faster than children who speak other languages.
b at the same speed as children who speak other
c more slowly than children who speak other
2 Modern English vocabulary
comes from… A
a lots of different languages.
b four different languages.
c only northern European languages.
3 The English
language… A
a is still
b has never
c stopped evolving 150 years ago.
4 The first serious attempts to change English
spelling were… A
a more than 200 years ago.
b 150 years ago.
c in the early 1800s.
5 The spelling ‘color’… B
a is used in several English-speaking
b hasn’t been used since 1828.
c is only used in the United States.
6 Simplified spelling in Britain… B
a was supported by many
ordinary people.
b was supported by very few
c was supported by many famous people.
7 The Australian government abandoned simplified
spelling… B
a although the public and media liked it.
b because the public and media didn’t like it.
c because the media liked it but the public didn’t.
8 English spelling… C
a probably won’t be
simplified. b probably
will be simplified.
c might not be simplified.

Adrián Mateos Mateos 4ºB

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