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In order to attend the high number of questions regarding the multi-screen configuration,

mainly for the DCS-A10, I’m writing this tutorial which I expect it clears any doubts to set any

multiscreen mode in any DCS module.

The requirements are:

1º Notepad++ to open and edit the “.lua” files.

2º A second screen. Doesn’t matter if this second monitor has or not the same resolution as

the main screen. For this tutorial I’ll use a main monitor of 23” with a resolution of 1920x1080

and a secondary monitor of 17” with a resolution of 1280x1024.

3º Lots of patience to complete all the tasks explained in this tutorial.

4º This one is optional for a better result: purchase the Thustmaster MFD Cougar frames.

Once we meet this requirements, we make a backup copy of our current files that we need to

modify. This files are:

• Multi-screen configuration file: It’s located in the following folder: C:\Users\”your

username”\Saved Games\DCS\Config\MonitorSetup. In this folder we’ll place our

monitor configuration file. This file can be based in one of the files located in the path

C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Config\MonitorSetup. This file is

LMFCD+Camera+RMFCD.lua. We’ll copy it, edit it and save it modified the way we want in

the first folder (C:\Users\”your username”\Saved Games\DCS\Config\MonitorSetup) . Página 2
First of all, we need to know that screen resolutions are measured in pixels in height and

in width. These resolutions have an aspect ratio which is obtained by dividing width by height.


• A resolution of 1920x1080 has an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 1,6.

• A resolution of 1280x1025 has an aspect ratio of 5:4 or 1,25.

Second, we need to keep in mind is every pixel is pretty much equivalent to 1 millimeter (mm).

So in order to simulate our job with the screens we can use “metered paper” and draw our screens

according to their resolution.

Third, on our drawing we need to stablish coordinates on the corners of our simulated screens.

• The left upper corner will have the coordinate 0,0 and on the lower right corner the coordinate

1920, 1080. (using a main screen of 1920x1080)

• The coordinates for the auxiliar monitor will be on the upper left corner 1920, 0 (we need to

add the pixels width of the first monitor) and for the lower right corner the coordinates will be

3200, 1024 (adding also the pixel width of the main monitor to the second)

0,0 1920, 0 1920,0 3200, 0


1920, 1024 3200, 1024

0,1080 1920, 1080 Página 3
• In case we have on our operating system graphic configuration the auxiliar monitor

placed at the left of the main monitor, the coordinates change. We need to keep this in mind

when we configure them. I’ll leave you an example of how that would be:

0,0 1280,1024 1280, 0 3200, 0

0,1024 1280, 1024
1280,1080 3200, 1080

• there’s also a chance that we have decided that in the graphic configuration of our OS,

the monitors are on top of each other. The coordinates would be:
0,0 1920, 0

0,1080 1920, 1080

0,1080 1280,1080

0,2104 1280, 2104

Finally, whoever has the Thrustmaster MFD Cougar, the resolution within the frames is

417x417 pixels. Página 4
Having seen the previous points, I will explain below what is the meaning of each line in the
* .lua file for the multi-monitor:
_ = function(p) return p; end; -- This line does not have to be modified since is the one that
designates the file functionality.
name = _(‘MFCD’); -- Name of the configuration file that we’ll see in the sim options
Description = ‘Left MFCD on the left monitor,Right MFCD on the right and camera on the
center’ -- Describes the file itself. It doesn’t have any other function but do not erase it, just in
Viewports = --Views to be projected.
Center = -- VView that will be projected. Center is always the cockpit view
x = screen.width / 3; -- X coordinate of the upper left corner that is intended to project.
y = 0; -- Y coordinate of the upper left corner that is intended to project.
width = screen.width / 3; --Width of the view that we want to project. In this case the
width of the main screen.
height = screen.height; --Height of the view that we want to project. In this case, the
main screen’s height.
viewDx = 0; -- Just in case you want to deform the image horizontally adding a bit of a
viewDy = 0; -- Just in case you want to deform the image vertically adding a bit of a
zoom. aspect = screen.aspect / 3; --Aspect ratio that the view will have. It’s obtained
dividing width by height. In this case 1920/1080.
LEFT_MFCD = --Name of the view to be represented. In this case, left MFCD..
x = 0; -- X coordinate of the upper left corner to be projected. It’s located in the right
y = 0; -- Y coordinate of the upper left corner to be projected
width = screen.width / 3; --View width that we want to project. In this case, left MFCD.
height = screen.height; --View height that we want to project. I this case, left MFCD.
RIGHT_MFCD = --Name of the view to be represented. In this case, right MFCD.
x = screen.width *(2/ 3); -- X coordinate of the upper left corner to be projected. It’s
located in the right monitor.
y = 618; -- Y coordinate of the upper left corner to be projected..
width = screen.width / 3; --View width that we want to project. In this case, right
height = screen.height; --View height that we want to project. I this case, right MFCD
UIMainView = Viewports.Center --In order for the text to be projected in the main monitor
which is the one that will show the cockpit.

Basically, in this box is what you’ll find in the LMFCD+Camera+RMFCD.lua file Página 5
Now, we are going to manage the cameras the way we want to do it. We’ll need a piece of

paper and a pen or, many trials with the file.

Personally, I think that the first option it’s much easier. To make it correctly, draw a picture of

your screen configuration according the pictures of pages 3 and 4 of this pdf, and next to it, another

piece of paper with the basic lines of the last page box, without any information after the “=” signs.

Then once you’re getting an idea of the MFCD positions, you can start adding the coordinates and

the sizes to those lines. Very important, remember to place the character “;” after the numbers to

finish every line.

Once you get it, you should have a few lines like this: (for example the cockpit view)

Viewports =
Center =
x = 0;
y = 0;
width = 1680;
height = 1050;
viewDx = 0;
viewDy = 0;
aspect = 1.6;

And for the MFCD and/or other instruments that we want to export:

x = 1680;
y = 618;
width = 417;
height = 417;
x = 2554;
y = 618;
width = 417;
height = 417;

After configuring the MFCD we’re going to add the last file line. This line is the one that will

make text to appear only in the cockpit monitor and not in the secondary monitor. Or even more Página 6
annoying, to avoid that text appears spread on both monitors.

The last line must contain the following input:

UIMainView = Viewports.Center

You have finished the most difficult part of the task.

Next, we need to see how or created file works, we need to save it in the monitor configuration

folder. Remember that by default it’s located in: C:\Users\”your username”\Saved Games\DCS\


After saving it, start the simulator, go to “options”, “graphics” menu. We’re going to work in


very important de-select the option DISABLE AERO INTERFACE.

In the RESOLUTION option, write the total resolution of the monitors. This means that we

need to add the width of both monitors. In our example, we would add 1920 plus 1280.

Width resolution 1920 + 1280 = 3200.

Whilst height will be the highest of both monitors. In our example 1080.

But let’s suppose that we have a monitor on top of each other. In that scenario the width

would be the widest of both monitors (1920) and the height would be the addition of both heights.
(1080 + 1024).

We need to make sure that FULL SCREEN option is NOT marked and also unmark DISABLE


Regarding the ASPECT RATIO don’t modify the numbers that appear, since the own simulator
makes the math according to the resolution that we have written. In our example, with a resolution

of 3200x1080 the aspect ratio that we would obtain is: 2.962962962963. Página 7
We have finishing configuring our monitors. Now we are going to export other instruments.
There are a number of instruments that can be exported from the different DCS modules to

another monitor. Those instruments have to be digital. Here is a list of those instruments by module:

1. KA-50 Black Shark:

• Shkval (Shkval or LEFT_MFCD)


• PUI-800

• Luces de aviso

• Ekran

• UV-26

2. A-10C:

• MFCD izquierdo y derecho (LEFT_MFCD and RIGHT_MFCD) Página 8

• Reloj digital



• Frecuencia UHF

• Preset UHF

• Repeater UHF

3. A-342 Gazelle:

• Pantalla TV



• WP1

4. AV-8B N/A Harrier:

• MFCD Izquierdo y derecho (LEFT_MFCD and RIGHT_MFCD)

5. F-18C Block 20:

• MDI Izquierdo y derecho (LEFT_MFCD and RIGHT_MFCD)




6. F-14A/B

• UHF Radio (pilot an RIO) (F14_UHF_ARC159)

• VHF Radio (F14_VHF_ARC182)

• Tactical Information Display (F14_TID)

• Detail Data Display (F14_DDD)

• ElectronicCounterMeasureDisplay (F14_ECMD)

• Vertical Display Indicator (F14_VDI) Página 9
To export those instruments, we need to modify the next list of files, and therefore make sure

you back up the originals:

DCS: KA-50 Black Shark 2 instruments:

In DCS: Ka50 Black Shark2 we can export, other than the ABRIS and the SHKVAL, the

following instruments without any third part program.

• PUI800: You’ll need to modify the PUI_800_init.lua file located in the following path:

C:\Program files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\Ka50\Cockpit\Scripts\


• EKRAN: You ‘ll need to modify the EKRAN_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program

Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\Ka50\Cockpit\Scripts\EKRAN\


• Caution Lights: You’ll need to modify the CautionLights_panel.lua located in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\Ka50\Cockpit\Scripts\


• UV-26: You’ll need to modify the UV_26_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program

Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\Ka50\Cockpit\Scripts\UV_26.

DCS: A-10C Warthog instruments:

Besides the MFCD, in the A10C, you can export the following digital instruments without

any third party program:

• AN/ALR-69: You’ll need to modify the AN_ALR-69V_init.lua located in the folder: C:\
Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\AN_


• CDU: You’ll need to modify the CDU_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\CDU\indicator.

• Digital Clock: You’ll need to modify the DIGIT_CLK_init.lua located in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\


• UHF Repater: You’ll need to modify the repeater_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\

Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\UHF_ Página 10

• UHF Preset Channel: You’ll need to modify the preset_init.lua file located in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\UHF_


• UHF frequency status: You’ll need to modify the freq_status_init.lua file located in the

folder: C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\


• CMSP: You’ll need to modify the CMSP_init.lua located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\CMSP\indicator.

• CMSC: You’ll need to modify the CMSC_init.lua located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\CMSC\indicator.

DCS: A-342 Gazelle instruments

You can’t export any instrument by default in this module if you don’t modify before the

following files. Nevertheless, we’re still investigating a way to export the screens with the radio


• TV Screen: You’ll need to modify the init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\SA342\Cockpit\TV\indicator.

• RWR: You’ll need to modify the init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program files\Eagle

Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\SA342\Cockpit\RWR\indicator.

• NADIR: You’ll need to modify the init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\SA342\Cockpit\NADIR\indicator.

• WP1: You’ll need to modify the init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program files\Eagle

Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\SA342\Cockpit\WP1\indicator.

DCS: AV-8B N/A HARRIER instruments

In order to export the multifunction displays or MPCD of the Harrier, you need to activate

the “display export option” inside the simulator. Enter in the Harrier cockpit and press the key

combination: LAlt + LCtrl + (right arrow) for the right MPCD. For the left MPCD the key combination

is LAlt + LCtrl + (left arrow). But there is a problem by doing this. It always exports both MPCD to

the same secondary monitor. To correct this issue, we need to modify a couple files. This will allow

us to place any MPCD separately on any secondary monitor that we want. Página 11
• Left MPCD: You need to modify the MPCDL_init.lua located in the folder: C:\Program

Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\AV8NA\Cockpit\MPCD\indicator.

• Right MPCD: You need to modify the MPCDR_init.lua located in the folder: C:\Program

Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\AV8NA\Cockpit\MPCD\indicator.

DCS: F-18C instruments

With this module happens, exactly the same, as with the Gazelle. It’s not possible to export

any of the instruments or displays without doing a modification in the following files:

• Left MDI: You need to modify the MDI_left_init.lua located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraftF18C\Cockpit\Scripts\Multipurporse_


• Right MDI: You need to modify the MDI_right_init.lua located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraftF18C\Cockpit\Scripts\Multipurporse_


• AMPCD: You need to modify the AMPCD_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraftF18C\Cockpit\Scripts\Multipurporse_


• RWR: You need to modify the RWR_ALR67_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\
Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraftF18C\Cockpit\Scripts\


• IFEI: You need to modify the IFEI_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program Files\Eagle

Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraftF18C\Cockpit\Scripts\IFEI\indicator.
• UFC: You need to modify the UFC_init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program Files\

Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraftF18C\Cockpit\Scripts\UFC\indicator.

DCS: F-14 A/B Tomcat

In the F-14 A/B all the digital instruments are ready to export except the RWR

• RWR: You need to modify the init.lua file located in the folder: C:\Program Files\Eagle

Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\F14\Cockpit\Scripts\RWR\indicator\Pilot and

C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS WORLD\Mods\aircraft\F14\Cockpit\Scripts\

RWR\indicator\RIO. Página 12
Once located the file, back up the original, open it and next to the line:

“purposes = {render_purpose.GENERAL}” the following lines to get the desired instrument

in the secondary monitor:

try_find_assigned_viewport(“NAME ASSIGNED TO THE INSTRUMENT CAME-
RA”) Página 13

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