WW 2

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2 Complete the sentences using the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Use positive
(+), negative (-) or question (?) forms.
0 I did (do +) my homework at the weekend.
1 Anita (have +) a phone call from her best friend this morning.
2 Sam (lose - ) his mp3 player at school yesterday.
3 Nils (put +) his pen drive into the computer.
4 We (see - ) the film on TV last night.
5 Rita (find +) her tablet in her sister’s bedroom.
6 Where (get ?) your new laptop from?
7 When (buy ?) his games console?
4.4 Present Simple: verb patterns

1 Choose the correct form of the verb to complete these sentences.

0 Henri needs to do / doing his homework now.
1 I want to watch / watching a DVD tonight.
2 Anthony tries to do / doing some exercise every day.
3 My brother can’t stand to play / playing football.
4 My mum and dad always finish to eat / eating a long time after me.
5 She does lots of different kinds of exercise, but she prefers to run / running.
6 They’d like to go / going to England on holiday.
7 Felipe learned to play / playing the guitar last year.
8 She didn’t mind to get up / getting up early to go to school every day.

4.4 Present Simple: verb patterns

1 Choose the correct form of the verb to complete these sentences.

0 Henri usually likes to watch / watching TV.
1 I hate to listen / listening to rap music.
2 OK, Mum, I agree to use / using my mobile phone less.
3 Anthony loves to cook / cooking French food.
4 I never remember to send / sending a birthday card to my cousin.
5 She keeps to chat / chatting online in her lessons at school.
6 Felipe decided to buy / buying dinner for his friend.
7 They stopped to visit / visiting their aunt after she moved to another city.
8 She didn’t forget to call / calling her grandma on her birthday.

2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (-ing / -to)
Don: Do you enjoy 0 spending (go) time online, Sarah?
Sarah: Yes, but I always forget 1 (charge) my laptop. My brother always remembers
(plug) his in though, so I use his.
Don: What do you do online?
Sarah: Well, I hate 3 (spend) too much time on sites like Facebook, I keep
(use) them but I’m trying
(stop) using them altogether. What about you?
Don: I’d love 6
(give up) Facebook, too, but I decided 7 (check out) my
Facebook page only once a day.
Sarah: Good idea!
1 Use the expressions in the box to complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.
There are three expressions you do not need to use.
switch on surf the internet calm down

hang up charge the battery keep in touch

chat online check updates give up

stop working make video clips watch films

0 Avi switches on his computer as soon as he arrives at work.

1 Maggie never – she prefers to talk face-to-face.
2 My tablet last night – I don’t know what’s wrong with it.
3 I had a great day on Saturday – I just
all day – I saw four different movies!
4 My sister every evening – she likes checking out lots of different websites.
5 Do you use text messages to with your friends?
6 Harry using Facebook because he wanted to stop spending so much time on it.
7 Karl of his guitar playing and uploaded them onto YouTube.
8 Chris of his laptop this morning, so now it’s not working.

3 Put the verbs from the box into the correct forms to complete the sentences. There are
three extra verbs you do not need to use.
go take put
0 Camilla went to London last weekend.
do buy lose
1 Paulo school two years ago.
2 Pascale’s new tablet over £200! leave have forget

3 Yasmin her pen drive last week! cost steal give

4 My mum and dad me some money to buy a new keyboard.

5 My aunt lots of photos of me and my cousins in the summer holidays.
6 Last week, I completely about my mum’s birthday – she was so angry with me!
7 When you that new smartphone – it looks absolutely amazing!
8 I any breakfast this morning because I was so late for school.

6 Put the correct relative pronoun into each sentence to complete the sentences. Use who,
which or where.

0 A doctor is a person who helps sick people get better.

1 A library is a building you can find a lot of books.
2 A gardener is someone knows a lot about plants.
3 A fridge is a machine keeps your food nice and cold.
4 A university is lots of people go to study.
5 Google is a website helps you to find information.
6 A cassette player is an old gadget many people used to record music and other things.
7 Can you tell me the name of the man or woman
invented the computer?
8 I’d like you to write down the name of the town, city or village you were born.
9 What do we call the thing holds all the information and files you save?
10 I always forget the name of the first man
went into space – Oh, what was his name?
5 Choose the correct response, A, B or C, to complete the conversations.

Speaker A Speaker B
0 So, tell me the A Well, after that I lost my
story. phone.
B Well, first I lost my phone.
C Well, then I lost my phone.
1 What happened A The battery died last night.
to your laptop? B The battery died this night.
C The battery died one night.
2 Why aren’t you A My computer smashed.
doing your B My computer stopped.
homework? C My computer crashed.
3 Did you get A Yes, a few days next.
your phone B Yes, a few days then.
back? C Yes, a few days later.
4 So how did the A Finally, I stopped using
story end? Twitter.
B Quickly, I stopped using
C Suddenly, I stopped using
5 Why didn’t you A I can’t connect a microphone.
record your B I couldn’t connect a
song? microphone.
C I didn’t connect a
6 So what did you A After that, I uploaded the
do next? video.
B In the end, I uploaded a
C At first, I uploaded a video.
7 Oh no! I can’t A In the first, check the internet
connect to connection.
Google! B First of all, check the internet
C At the first, check the internet
8 So when did A Two weeks after I lost it.
you find your e- B Two weeks later than I lost it.
reader? C Two weeks after that I lost it.
9 My DVD A Do you fancy coming round to
player’s broken. help me?
B Would you like to watch a film
C I can give you a hand fixing it.
10 Sorry, Mum, A What’s up?
but I lost your B Oh no! I don’t believe it!
smartphone. C Don’t worry, I can explain!
5 Choose the correct response, A, B or C, to complete the conversations.

Speaker A Speaker B
11 So tell me A Well, after that I lost my phone.
the story. B Well, first I lost my phone.
C Well, then I lost my phone.
12 What A It quickly started working again.
happened to your B It soon started working again.
laptop? C It suddenly started working
13 Why A The internet connection broke.
aren’t you doing B The internet connection stopped
your homework? working.
C The internet connection finished.
14 When did A A few hours next.
the teacher give B A few hours later.
you your phone C A few hours then.
15 So how A Next, the police came.
did the story B Suddenly, the police came.
finish? C In the end, the police came.
16 Why A I didn’t connect the microphone
didn’t the correctly.
recording of your B I can’t connect the microphone
song work? correctly.
C I don’t connect the microphone
17 So what A Well, first I uploaded the files.
did you do after B Well, then I uploaded the files.
that? C Well, last I uploaded the files.
18 Oh no! A Oh, the battery died.
What’s the B Oh, the battery charged.
problem with this C Oh, the battery finished.
19 So, when A One hour later than I lost it.
did you find your B One hour after that I lost it.
mp3 player? C One hour after I lost it!
20 I’ve got A Do you fancy watching a film
nothing to do together?
tonight. B I don’t mind watching a film
C Can you give me a hand
watching a film?
21 Mum, you said A Don’t worry! You can give it
I could use your back to me later.
smartphone. B Oh no! I don’t believe it!
C Well, anyway, have you done
your school work yet?
1 Use the expressions in the box to complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.
There are three expressions you do not need to use.
switch on watch famous singers switch off

stop working plug it into a USB port charge the battery

check out look for information buy and sell

hang up click on the link take many photos

9 Avi switches on his computer as soon as he arrives at work.

10 Maggie never uses eBay to things.
11 I don’t need a charger for my smartphone – I can
on my laptop.
12 Barry which took him to the correct web page.
13 I had a great day on Saturday – I just
all day on You Tube!
14 My sister her tablet and e-reader before she went to bed last night.
15 Harry for his science project on Wikipedia.
16 Karl his friends’ posts on his Facebook page yesterday – he had no time to do it!
17 of the city when you were on your holiday in New York?
3 Put the verbs from the box into the correct forms to complete the sentences. There are
three extra verbs you do not need to use.
9 Camilla went to London last go take put
weekend. do buy find
10 Paulo his homework last leave have forget
see steal send
11 Pascale a new tablet for
12 My grandparents me some money in the post to buy a new mouse.
13 My aunt lots of photos of me and my cousins on her Facebook page yesterday.
14 Yasmin looked everywhere for her pen drive and
it after about one hour – in the computer!
15 Last week, I about my mum’s birthday – she was so angry with me!
16 I promise I your smartphone – I never take other people’s things.
17 Where the review of the new games console? I’d like to read it. Which website was it
6 Put the correct relative pronoun into each sentence to complete the sentences. Use who,
which or where.

11 A doctor is a person who helps sick people get better.

12 An MP3 player is a gadget we listen to music on.
13 A supermarket is a place you can buy a lot of different things.
14 A builder is someone helps to make buildings.
15 A cooker is something people use to make food with.
16 London is a city more than eight million people live.
17 Michael Jackson was a very famous singer _____ made a lot of very popular songs.
18 Can you tell me the name of the gadget _____ Alexander Graham Bell invented?
19 The television and the computer are two examples of technology changed the world.
20 What’s the name of the three men started Apple computers – can you remember?
21 I always forget the name of the town my grandparents were born.
Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
0 I didn’t watch (not / watch) any television last night – there were no good programmes on.
1 Jane ________________________________ (not / go) to school last week. She was ill.
2 I can’t come to your house right now – I________________________________ (do) my homework.
3 What kind of clothes _____________________ you _____________________ (wear) to go running in
when it’s cold?
4 There________________________________ (not / be) many people at the concert so we could see really
5 Why _____________________ you _____________________ (not / top up) your phone yesterday?
You’ve got no credit.

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