Standard Operating Procedure - RetailCashAudit

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Cash Audit in a Retail Outlet

Purpose: This SOP outlines the steps for performing a cash audit in a retail outlet.

Scope: This SOP applies to all employees at [Company Name] who are responsible for conducting
cash audits.


 Store manager: responsible for ensuring that the SOP is followed and for overseeing the cash
audit process.

 Cash auditor: responsible for physically counting and verifying the cash in accordance with
this SOP.

 Quality control (QC) inspector: responsible for verifying the accuracy of the cash count.


1. On the designated day for the cash audit, gather all cash in the store, including cash in the
registers, safe, and any other locations.

2. Count the cash and verify the amount against the cash register tapes and other

3. If any discrepancies are found, investigate the cause and make any necessary adjustments.

4. Record the cash count and any discrepancies on the Cash Audit Log.

5. Have a QC inspector verify the accuracy of the Cash Audit Log. The QC inspector should sign
and date the log to confirm that the entries are accurate.

6. Retain the Cash Audit Log for a minimum of [Number] years to meet regulatory

Record Keeping:

 The Cash Audit Log must be completed and verified on a [Frequency] basis.

 The Cash Audit Log must be retained for a minimum of [Number] years to meet regulatory

Revision History:

[Date] - Initial release [Date] - Revisions made to reflect changes in company policies

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