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Extra Material English 4º ESO

©Ángela Ruiz Montero IES Pedro Espinosa

7. 'Are your parents staying here?' 'No, ___________________'

8. 'Does the dog sleep in your bedroom?' 'No, ___________________'
9. 'Do you get up at eight o'clock?' 'Yes, ___________________'
1. Fill in the gaps. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. 10. 'Is Mary listening to the stereo?' 'Yes ___________________'
1. She _____________________ (read) at the moment. 11. 'Does the film start at six o'clock?' 'No, ___________________'
2. _____________________ (You go) to work by car? 12. 'Are the children playing football?' 'Yes, ___________________'
3. I _____________________ (not watch) television every night. 13. 'Does Susan drive to work?' 'Yes ___________________'
4. I _____________________ (not watch) television at the moment. 14. 'Are you reading?' 'No, ___________________'
5. We _____________________ (see) our parents every week. 15. 'Am I reading your paper?' 'Yes, ___________________'
6. _____________________ (You listen) to the radio now? 16. 'Are they doing the washing up?' 'Yes, ___________________'
7. I _____________________ (not get up) at seven o'clock every morning. 17. 'Do you come to work by bike?' 'No, ___________________'
8. Peter _____________________ (talk) to Susan now. 18. 'Is John watching television?' 'No, ___________________'
9. _____________________ (They work) in the restaurant at the weekends? 19. 'Does Paul swim for the school team?' 'Yes, ___________________'
10. She _____________________ (listen) to the radio in her bedroom at the moment. 20. 'Am I sitting in the right place?' 'Yes, ___________________'
11. They _____________________ (not come) to school every day. 21. 'Do you like reading poetry?' 'No, ___________________'
12. _____________________ (You work) now? 22. 'Do we need our coats?' 'No, ___________________'
13. The children _____________________ (go) to bed at eight o'clock. 23. 'Are Anne and Maria waiting for the bus? 'Yes, ___________________'
14. 1 _____________________ (leave) the office every day at five. 24. 'Are you enjoying yourself?' 'Yes, ___________________'
15. I'm sorry I can't talk to you now. I _____________________ (go) out. 25. 'Is she coming now?' 'No, ___________________'
16. _____________________ (Peter and Jane work) in London at the moment?
17. _____________________ (Mary and Susan drive) to the office every day?
18. We _____________________ (go) to the beach now. 3. Fill in the gaps. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous.
19. _____________________ (John listen) to the radio at the moment?
20. _____________________ (Your parents sit) in the garden now?
21. The film _____________________ (start) every night at eight o'clock.
22. They _____________________ (not go) to the cinema very often. “On Christmas Day we usually all _____________ (go)
to my parents’ house. We _____________ (open) our
23. _____________________ (You go) into the office every month? presents, then _____________ (have) a big lunch at
24. I _____________________ (not study) at the moment. about 2.00 in the afternoon.” “On my birthday I sometimes
But this Christmas _____________ (be) different! Mark _____________ (go out) with friends, or I
and his wife _____________ (be) in Australia. They _____________ (go out) to a restaurant
2. Someone is asking you questions. Write short answers.
_____________ (visit) friends. This morning they went with my family. My Mum usually
1. 'Are your brothers working today?' 'Yes, ___________________' to church, and now they _____________ (have) a _____________ (make) me a birthday
barbecue next to the swimming pool. It’s hot and cake.”
2. 'Do you speak Italian?' 'No, ___________________'
they _____________ (wear) swimsuits. But this birthday _____________ (be)
3. 'Do you like this school?' 'Yes, ___________________'
different! It’s Leo’s eighteenth birthday,
4. 'Do you go to school in London?' 'Yes, ___________________' so now he’s an adult. This morning he
got a lot of presents. Now he
5. 'Is your mother watching television? 'Yes, ___________________'
_____________ (have) a big party with
6. 'Do you go to school on Sundays?' 'No, ___________________' all his friends. They _____________ (eat)
and drinking beer. Leo _____________
(wear) a blue jumper.

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