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Bădescu Alice Alexandra

Grupa 1, Anul II, CRP


Ex. 1.

1. Disease spreads;
2. Evidence suggests;
3. Opportunity arises;
4. Smoke rises;
5. Standards slip;
6. Teeth chatter;
7. Wind howls;
8. Withstand pressure.

Ex. 2.

1. Evidence suggests;
2. Wind, howling;
3. Withstand, pressure;
4. Smoke rising;
5. Teeth, chattering;
6. Standards, slipped;
7. Opportunity, arises;
8. Disease, spreading.

Ex. 3.

1. Pass up;
2. Draw up;
3. Take it easy for a while;
4. Withstand;
5. Snippets;
6. Barrage;
7. A stroke of;
8. ;
9. Put past behind her.

Ex. 4.

1. My boyfriend.
2. Ask them to be careful or I will leave the car.
3. Gentle breeze makes every landscape more peaceful.
Bădescu Alice Alexandra
Grupa 1, Anul II, CRP

4. I prefer keeping my personal thoughts and feelings in my heart and mind, there is no
need to share it to a piece of paper and constantly worry if anyone will find it.

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