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Clairvision® Virtual Astrologer
Areeba Riz
Monday 15 February 1999, 22:00 (10:00 PM) , Lahore, Punjab Province , Pakistan
Longitude: 074E21‘, Latitude: 31N33’
Universal Time (UTC): 17:00
Sidereal Time (LAST): 07h38‘24“
Planetary hour: Saturn

Planets in Houses (Placidus, Tropical Zodiac)

Sun in the 5th house

Good sense of enjoyment in life.

Excellent factor for creativity. Natives with this configuration will be much happier in
professions which allow them to express themselves creatively, whether it is through writing,
acting, the arts, craft, cooking, or even a scientific or technical occupation which requires
innovation, creativity, or simply ’making things‘.

If the professional occupation does not allow this outlet, then the native should definitely
choose a hobby in which they can use and develop their talents.

Traditionally, the Sun in the fifth (house of children) is regarded by astrology as unfavourable
for having many children. (The heat of the Sun is deemed opposed to the Moon-related
processes of reproduction.)

Moon in the 4th house

This position points towards the importance of the home as a foundation for a number of values
in the psyche. The 4th house corresponds to the deep subconscious and unconscious roots of the
personality, and the Moon itself has to do with access to subconscious material. The position is
therefore strong, and reinforces the weight of all the aspects to the Moon; if the Moon is
harmoniously supported by other planets, there is likely to be solid, harmonious foundations to
the psyche. If, however, the Moon is afflicted by disharmonious aspects, there may well be high
emotional charges at the root of the psyche which call for a sustained work of self exploration,
unveiling hidden traumas. With the Moon in the 4th, it may be essential to reconnect with
various events of early childhood or the relationship with the parents in order to fully
understand one's present.

It is also a powerful configuration for feeling and using one's sensitivity. Meaning that a person
with this configuration who would not allow a free flow of their feelings would be likely to be
deeply blocked, even in their material realisations in the world - because of lack of connection
with the roots of their psyche. Conversely, if a blossoming of the feeling is allowed, it is likely to

be extremely rich and deep. A capacity to connect with people with great opening and empathy,
as if holding them in the light. This can facilitate realisations in other people, as if giving birth
to new values in their psyche.

Mercury in the 5th house

Sense of fun, good for pranks.

Likes playing games. If, in this chart, Mercury is intellectually oriented, this position is good for
playing chess, role games, or computer games.

Mercury is the writer of the family of planets. This configuration could therefore indicate that
the native's creativity finds a natural outlet in writing. If this is not the case, then there is
perhaps a potential here, which has never been tapped.

The 5th is the house of children, Mercury the planet of adolescence. This position can therefore
point to a talent for handling young people.

Venus in the 5th house

A favourable position.

Gives strongly artistic dispositions, and a lot of creativity. Good for painting, music, sculpting,
dancing - all forms of artistic expression.

Magnetism, attraction, warmth, very sensual and romantic nature. Can lead to a rich sentimental

Mars in the 1st house

By itself, Mars in the house of the personality tends to make the native dynamic, active,
courageous, ambitious. This is the house of the body, and so Mars imparts robustness, an
energetic temperament, and vital energy.

Mars, however, can take different faces depending on its aspects with other planets. The
aspects of the Mars in this chart are therefore to be studied carefully; the qualities associated
with them are likely to be particularly important in the native's personality.

Because Mars is in the 1st house, it tends to be more buoyant, fiery and impulsive, which in turn
will have to be taken into consideration when judging the aspects.

Jupiter in the 6th house

The 6th is the house of employees and the work place. Jupiter's jovial nature is in favour of
establishing a positive space and knowing how to handle communication with colleagues,
employees or the boss, knowing how to use a sense of humour in order to deviate tension.

The outgoing active nature of Jupiter can make this an industrious configuration, good at
organizing and coming up with broad strategic views. Jupiter, however, must always learn to take

care of details which it may, by nature, be tempted to overlook.

In the house of health, the lucky nature of Jupiter is rather in favour of a healthy constitution.
If the Jupiterian tendency to excess was to take over, there could be some of the usual
disorders associated with Jupiter: high blood pressure, overweight or even obesity. The liver
being the organ traditionally associated with Jupiter, the native will be well advised to be
cautious with alcohol consumption.

Saturn in the 7th house

This position may indicate 1) a partner having the qualities of Saturn, 2) a Saturn way of
behaving in one's relationships.

1) Serious, reliable, responsible partner. Possibly mature, older, partner.

2) Solid, stable, enduring relationship. The kind of relationship where partners work at making it
work. Or relationship due to common interests rather than passion.

Possibly, the relationship starts late in life.

Saturn in the 7th can call for an active attitude which seeks to counteract some of Saturn's
weak points: making efforts to maintain the level of fun, originality and warmth - in which case
the relationship could really have the best of both worlds.

Uranus in the 4th house

The home, also related to the 4th house, can have a Uranian atmosphere - unconventional, with
unsettled home conditions and frequent changes of place of residence.

Similarly the parents can have the traits of Uranus, which on one level can mean unpredictability,
intelligence, fast responses, an interest in technology, science. It could also mean nervous, highly
strung parents.

Neptune in the 4th house

The 4th being the house of the foundations of the personality, the native can have a great
affinity with the ocean and with water in general.

The 4th being the house of the home, this can indicate Neptunian parents: artistic, sensitive,
spiritual; or on a lower mode impractical, vague, and disorganised, leaving the house in a mess; or
possibly alcoholics or addicted to drugs. If afflicted, there can be complicated and entangled
family situations.

More generally, Neptune in the 4th points towards deeply imprinted Neptunian qualities in the
person's psyche. This can mean a potential for great compassion, a love of art and beauty, and
the ability to tune into others on a profound level.

Pluto in the 2nd house
Pluto can create a magnetic pull drawing money and resources in, as in Pluto/Hades, lord of the
underworld, the richest of all men and gods (because death makes everything fall into his
kingdom). Perhaps understanding this power may create significant changes in your financial

If this position is in your chart and if you cannot relate to this magnetic force over money at all,
you may want to ask yourself if you are really in touch with the Pluto energy inside yourself.

Pluto being the planet of deep transformations and metamorphoses, there may be dramatic
changes in the person's system of values (2nd house) more than once during this life. If Pluto is
strong in the chart, these can take the form of complete changes of existence, including
profession, environment, financial situation.

Pluto in the 2nd house can also indicate that the person is quite passionate as to the values that
they hold.

North Node in the 10th house

South Node in the 4th can stand for past lives in which solid inner foundations of the personality
were established, perhaps through a lot of contemplation or through some quiet, retired

In other cases, South Node in the 4th can mean deep karmic imprints in the depth of the
psyche, which must be explored and released before the path to the North Node - future can be

North Node in the 10th means that destiny is now waiting in the outside world. It is through
doing things and achieving that the native will find themselves.

This axis is one to ’go out‘, come out of one's shell and take action in the world. There may well
be pulls to withdraw at times, and escape the complications of the world. However, these should
be understood as the continuation of old patterns related to the South Node, which are now to
be shed.

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