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Electronic communication is any form of communication that's broadcast, transmitted, stored or

viewed using electronic media, such as computers, phones, email and video. 

Electronic communication can be defined as, the communication which uses electronic media to
transmit the information or message using computers, e-mail, telephone, video calling, FAX
machine, etc.

L.C. Bovee and Others said, “Electronic communication is the transmission of information using
advanced techniques such as computer moderns, facsimile machines, voice mail, electronic mail,
teleconferencing, video cassettes, and private television networks.”

Because of this e-communication, there is a lot of changes have occurred in work areas, society,
etc. Thus, people can simply access global communication with no physical movement. 

Types of Electronic Communication

Electronic communication can be classified into different types like messaging, voice call, e-
mail, social media, etc. We know that e-communication has changed due to the way public
interact and communicate with each other for different purposes like personal or business. By
using this, it is very simple to communicate with the world.

1. E-Mail

E-Mail or electronic mail is the most used type of electronic communication. By using this
communication, one can send a message to another person through a mail immediately. For that,
we need to create an account to send an e-mail, media files, photos, documents, etc. This type of
communication has replaced many conventional types of communication due to many benefits.
2. Messaging

This type of communication allows people to interact with others who are far away from us. This
is possible only due to technology as well as usage of the internet. There are different types of
messengers are available like Skype, Windows Live, Gmail, etc. These messengers help in
chatting or sending messages to our beloved ones or friends.

There are many benefits by using this kind of communication like the message which we sent &
the response are immediate. But in some cases, some files include nil although bug can stop the
functioning of your computer by giving you lots of trouble.

3. Blogging

At present, blogging is the most preferable communication method. This is a type of online
journaling, which can be updated daily, or many times a day. It covers all the information or a
particular topic.

By using such blogs, one can share, follow, or even post comments. Additionally, by using the
internet, people can access, read & follow it worldwide.

4. Teleconferencing

A teleconference is a live audio or audiovisual meeting with two or more participants. This type
of communication can be done by adding web cameras for video calling application. By using
this application, one can communicate with others and also they can observe with whom they are
speaking. The webcam can be connected to the computer externally and also we need to use
applications like Skype, Hangouts, Zoom etc.

There are many benefits. We can contact anybody immediately. We can communicate with more
than one person at a time by using the feature like business conference feature. Also, we can
share PPTs, data sheets online.

5. Social Networking/social media

In this, mostly Facebook, Instagram as well as LinkedIn, give places for people to work together,
sometimes in real-time. There is a Micro-blogging service namely Twitter, which allows the
short message of more than 140 characters to be transmitted to a huge audience.

Not like text messages, it sends to simply tiny groups. The posts like Microblog are intended to
be seen by all the followers and users can repost texts that they desire to share with their
followers. Therefore, a microblog post can reach rapidly and a viral post is s message which
reports widely.

6. Fax

The Fax machine is a kind of communications and use of this is increasing gradually to transmit
materials which are visual like illustrations, diagrams, picture, etc. Here, this machine can be
connected using a telephonic.

The transmitted document can be fed throughout the machine, after that it is scanned
electronically & signals are broadcasted to the end of receiver wherever an equal document copy
is replicated on a plain paper sheet using the receiving machine.
This machine has made it achievable to send important documents copies which include
testimonials, certificates, degrees, contracts, agreements from one location to another in a
telephone call speed. Because of this reason, it is a commonly used technique for

7. Multimedia

The multimedia is one kind of communication system and it is an excellent innovation to

improve the communication system. This is a blend of several media which bring mutually to
transmit messages. The multimedia mainly includes a photo, graphics, voice, music, animation,
and message. Whenever all these media are located jointly otherwise computer screen then
becomes multimedia. This can be used efficiently for marketing and advertising campaigns. This
type of communication is extremely powerful.


Technology has positive as well as negative impact on communication

The positive impact/ advantages include:

1. Speed/time – money and time can be saved because technology allows the
message/information to be send quickly
2. Cost: most of the technology applications are free of cost. You just need to sign in by
submitting your basic details.
3. Helps in building long distance relationships. Helps in global networking with people
from around the world.
4. Helps in faster decision making and getting quick feedback. Video conferencing has
greatly helped in this aspect.
5. Encourages innovation & creativity. Better solutions to problems can be had. This is
because technology has brought people together and thereby helps in the exchange of
ideas, information and solutions.
6. Helps the business to effectively and efficiently market its products and services.
7. Helps the business to communicate any important announcements. Helps in building
image of the company

The negative impact/disadvantages are:

1. Lack of face-to-face communication. Online communication lacks personal touch and

there is no understanding the non-verbal communication.
2. Security issues like hacking can affect the privacy and data protection.
3. Interruptions will be there- We cannot rely on technology because with internet failure,
the technology can get disrupted. This will affect the continuity of the communication.
4. Spam/ unwanted email, organizing and reading through emails is time consuming .
5. Lack of confidentiality - sensitive information of the company may be leaked online
6. Sometimes can make people inactive and too dependent on technology. Also the cost of
development is high. Electronic communication requires huge investment for
infrastructural development. Frequent change in technology also requires further


It's the structured integration of people, processes, and technology to meet performance and
operational objectives along with measurable improvements in quality, service and productivity.


A teleconference is a live audio or audiovisual meeting with two or more participants. With the
ability to teleconference, remote teams in an organization can collaborate and communicate, even
when geographically dispersed.

Teleconferencing means meeting through a telecommunications medium. It is a generic term for

linking people between two or more locations by electronics.

A teleconference is the live exchange of information among several people remote from one
another but linked by a telecommunications system.  Example: Zoom meeting


 Reduce travel time and expenses. If employees are shuttling all over the country to
discuss projects and share information, this can be a big expense. Teleconferencing
allows participants from all over the country to easily connect.
 Schedule meetings the same day. Without the need for travel planning, you can schedule
meetings in just a few minutes instead of having to wait weeks for everyone’s travel
schedules to align. Everything can get done a lot faster and with much less planning and
 Better attendance. When all employees have to do is join a teleconference meeting, they
are much more likely to show up. Eliminating certain barriers will make it easier for
everyone to connect and communicate.
 More engaging than a conference call. Actually being able to see colleagues from
different regions and interact with them through video is simply more engaging. 
 Better communication. Since people are more engaged, they will have a better
understanding of topics discussed. Everyone is able to better process information for
improved communication.
 Increases productivity: It is easy to collaborate on documents in real-time without any
confusion, misunderstandings, and delays. We can ensure that everyone has a voice, all
feedback gets incorporated, and questions are answered immediately. Its how the modern
workforce would rather work—with more flexibility, mobility, and time back in their
busy day.

Desktop publishing is the use of the computer and software to create visual displays of ideas and
information. Desktop publishing documents may be for desktop or commercial printing or
electronic distribution, including PDF, slide shows, email newsletters, electronic books, and the

Desktop publishing is a term coined after the development of a specific type of software. It's
about using that software to combine and rearrange text and images and creating digital files for
print, online viewing, or websites. Before the invention of desktop publishing software, the tasks
involved in desktop publishing were done manually by people who specialized in graphic design,
typesetting, and prepress tasks.


1.The verb (the action word)

A group of words cannot be described as a sentence or a clause unless at least one
of the words is a verb. Verb is the most important part of speech because it is the
‘action’ word that tells the listener or reader what is happening in the sentence.
Example: He is running. Here ‘running’ is a verb.

2. The noun(word that label)

A noun is a word that represents a person, thing, concept, or place 

There are common nouns and proper nouns.

A common noun refers to a person, place, or thing but is not the name of a
particular person, place, or thing. Examples are animal, sunlight, and happiness.

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, or thing; it usually begins
with a capital letter: Abraham Lincoln, Argentina, and World War I are all proper
nouns. It is specific.

3. The pronoun(word that replace)

Pronouns are usually treated as a special sub-class of nouns. Some examples of

pronouns are: I, you, he, she, our, its, something, anyone.

Example: instead of saying, Bill has arrived. Bill’s in the lounge, we prefer Bill
has arrived. He’s in the lounge.

Or instead of telling a person called for you; better would be someone called for
4. The preposition (word that join)

Include words like in, on, by, under, at, beside, through, inside, before, opposite.

Example: The kid is sitting under the table

5. The conjunction(word that join)

Coordinating Conjunction: combines two independent clauses/sentences

Example : For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet and So. 

The coffee was strong, but sweet.

Subordinating Conjunction: It connects a dependent clause to an independent


Example : Because, If, though, whenever, although.

I had to stop driving because the rain was so bad.

 Difference Between Preposition and Conjunction

Preposition: Preposition connects nouns or pronouns to another word.

Conjunction: Conjunction connects two clauses or phrases.

6. The adverb(word that show relationship)

Adverbs are words that usually modify verbs, other adverbs, adjectives or other

Their main function is to qualify/enhance the action of the verb in the clause in
some way, but they can also be used to add more information to an adjective or
other adverb

 When? She always arrives early.

 How? He drives carefully.
 Where? They go everywhere together.
 In what way? She eats slowly.
 To what extent? It is terribly hot.
Can be by the addition of the ending –ly(quickly, hopelessly), plus certain other
words which are difficult to classify, like not, just, very and soon.

e.g. awfully good, incredibly, slowly.

Sam is very tall. He sings loudly


Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly

publications. It is used in journal articles and books on academic topics.
Essays, research papers, and dissertation are written in academic style.

Academic writing follows the same writing process as other types of texts, but it
has specific conventions in terms of content, structure and style.

Academic writing is…

 Formal and unbiased
 Clear and precise
 Focused and well structured
 Well sourced
 Correct and consistent

The Do’s of Academic Writing

Here are the steps you should take to improve your academic writing. 

1. Do Use the Right Sources

Thanks to the Internet, there are numerous sources you can use for citations and
referencing in academic writing. Unfortunately, not all sources are appropriate and
acceptable. So, we must use relevant sources that are factual and verifiable and can
be relied upon. Here are some examples:

 History and general information books such as encyclopedias and history

 newspapers and media publications with credentialed journalists
 reports from research companies and the government
 Scholarly material, such as journal articles, books, and research papers

While the sources you choose may be appropriate, they may contain outdated
information if they are too old. You also need to check the publication dates to
ensure the data you use is up to date.

2. Do Be Clear and Precise

Academic writing presents facts and ideas about a well-defined thesis. You need to
write clearly so your readers can understand your ideas and content. Also, you
should be precise and straightforward. Avoid informal language and complex word
formations and vocabulary.

3. Do Write Objectively and Use Supporting Evidence

Academic writing requires factual and logical information. When writing an

academic paper, you should remain objective and impersonal. The reader will
expect you to state the facts you discovered in the research process as plainly as
possible without any personal ideas, opinions, or feelings. You should use
evidence from data you collected or appropriate sources for support. Finally, you
need to cite the references for any facts and critical information you use.

4. Do Vary Sentence Structure

Using a series of long sentences, especially in long scientific papers, will make
your essay sound overly complex and may confuse or bore readers. In the same
way, using a series of short sentences will make the essay feel repetitive The best
approach for academic writing is always to vary the length and structure of your
sentences to ensure that your essay flows and is easy to read.

The Don'ts of Academic Writing

Here are the mistakes you need to avoid in your essay or article. 

1. Don't Make Generalizations or Exaggerations

Generalizations and exaggerations are often a way of trying to convince the reader
to agree with a questionable idea. Generalizations and exaggerations are always
hard to prove because you cannot use clear supporting evidence. Also, they will
often be irrelevant to the subject.

2. Don't Address the Reader Directly or Use Personal Pronouns

Academic writing is meant to focus on the presentation of facts and information.

You should not use any personalized language. The use of "I," "we," "me," and "us"
makes your tone sound too personal.

3. Don't Use Informal or Colloquial Language

Colloquial language are informal words or phrases. Examples include slang,

clichés. While these words are appropriate for conversations, they are
inappropriate for academic writing. You can go through your paper after you finish
to remove any colloquial words or sentences.

4. Don't Use Inappropriate Fonts or Text Colors

Along with writing style and structure, you should always ensure that your essay is
presented in a formal and well-structured way. This includes the type and style of
font. Avoid using fancy and sometimes difficult-to-read font styles. Instead, use the
fonts recommended in your study guide or the common font styles used in
academic and report writing, such as Arial and Times New Roman.

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