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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Maria Cristina National High School
Sawali, Maria Cristina, Iligan City

Title of your research

Abstract: Give a plot or a summary of what is your research all about, check the sample for more info. Also,
you only need to write 100 to 150 words for the abstract.

Keywords: (Keywords are important words/concepts found in your research)

1. Introduction
In your INTRODUCTION you must clearly discussed each question at least 1 Paragraph each, except for
Statement of the Problem and Research Hypothesis:

1.1 Overview of the topic

– What is your Research all about?

1.2 Prior research

– What are the previous research that are similar to your research topic? What are the findings or results
coming from their research?

1.3 Rationale

- Explain why your research topic needs to be addressed right now (If applicable, connect it to current issues).
- What are the problems encountered from the previous research? Or what are the gaps that you need to
solve based on previous research?

1.3 Literature Review

– What are the researches or theories or concepts or facts that are related to your research study? Search
for at least 5 to 10 references for this. Write all of them as a Paragraph, and do not forget to use
transitional words (In addition, Further, Moreover, Nevertheless etc.) in connecting 1 reference to another.

1.4 Conceptual Framework

2 of 2

– Make your own conceptual framework about your study and explain it.


See the teachers example, tomorrow at the library.

1.5 Statement of the Problem

– Write your 3 Statement of the problem.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

– Write at least 1.

2. Methods

2.1. Participants
In here, you discuss how many participants or respondents in your study. Also tell us how and why did you
chose the said participants.

2.2. Study Design

In here, you discuss what is your method and explain why you use that method? What are the research tools
you used, like survey questionnaires. Also, discuss how will you analyze your data gathered from the survey?

2.2. Scope of the study

In here, you discuss where did you conduct your study and until when?

3. Implication of the study

In here you discuss the relevance or importance of your study towards the students, the school, the teachers,
or in the community.

In here you write the sources or the references you used in the study, especially from your literature review.

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