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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2018, Article ID 2948286, 7 pages

Research Article
Deformation and Stability of Soft Foundation Improved by
Prefabricated Vertical Drains Adjacent to River Bank

Changqing Qi , Liuyang Li, and Jiabing Qi

School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Changqing Qi;

Received 13 June 2018; Accepted 28 October 2018; Published 14 November 2018

Academic Editor: Damien Rangeard

Copyright © 2018 Changqing Qi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper presents a finite element analysis on a soft embankment foundation improved by prefabricated vertical drains. A plane
strain analysis was performed using equivalent permeability. The predictions of settlement, pore water pressure, and lateral
displacement were compared with the available field measurement data, and a general fair agreement was observed. Numerical
results indicate that the settlement below the left part of the embankment is obviously larger than that of the right part. The
maximum settlement occurs below the left shoulder of the embankment and reaches 1.26 m. The entire shallow foundation shows
a movement trend to the left toe. The designed left embankment shoulder was suggested to be 0.16 m higher than the right side.
Monitoring and simulation results demonstrate that the foundation is stable during the construction. The factor of safety at the
end of the final loading stage is about 1.81. The performance of the embankment is consistent with the design prescriptions,
confirming the effectiveness of the soil improved technique included in this project.

1. Introduction strain status of the soil which is important in bearing ca-

pacity failure assessment.
The construction of high embankments on soft founda- Several numerical approaches have been put into
tions with a high groundwater level often faces some risks. practice for displacement prediction and stress and strain
These risks lie in excessive total and differential settle- analysis of soft foundation improved with prefabricated
ments, large lateral movement, as well as bearing capacity vertical drains (PVDs) [5–9]. Most of these models are based
failure [1]. Thus, the deformation status of soft foundation on the consolidation theory of Barron [10]. This theory can
is one of the main concerns during the construction of consider the soil smear effect due to drain installation, drain
infrastructure. hydraulic resistance, permeability anisotropy, and so on. The
Field measurement traditionally is a practical method to 2D plane strain model developed by Indraratna and Redana
monitor the foundation deformation during construction [7] was adopted in this paper to perform a full cross-
[2, 3]. But commonly there are only typical sites that are sectional finite element analysis on the stability of the soft
monitored during practical engineering for the lack of funds. foundation underlying a high embankment adjacent to
The monitored data sometime cannot provide adequate a river bank. The field monitoring data during the con-
support to the engineering. In order to thoroughly un- struction at a representative cross section were also pre-
derstand the deformation mechanism and predict the sta- sented. The monitored data, on one hand, can provide
bility of the foundation, numerical modeling techniques are references for the construction. On the other hand, it is the
useful [4]. Numerical simulation based on laboratory pa- basis for numerical model calibration. On the basis of the
rameters and field measurement results can precisely sim- calibrated numerical model, the distributions of settlement,
ulate the deformation behavior of the soft ground. lateral displacement, pore water pressure, and the stability
Furthermore, numerical modeling can illustrate the stress- status of the foundation were demonstrated.
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

2. Project Background width of the field spacing of drains; dw and ds are, re-
spectively, half width of the drain and smear zone in plane
The embankment was built along a river bank in Nanjing, strain unit cell; rw and rs are radius of the drain and smear
China. The existing river bank was designed as a part of the zone in axisymmetric unit cell. According to previous re-
embankment (Figure 1). The embankment is about 8.1 m search results, rs is two to six times of rw and four to six times
high with a 42.0 m width top. The slope ratio of the newly is recommended [12]. The radius of drains is given as
built embankment is about 1 : 3.
The foundation soil layers at the monitored site from the a+b
d w � rw � , (2)
original ground surface downward include a 2.0 m thick π
mucky clay layer, a 17.0 m thick soft silty clay layer, a 9.0 m where a is the width and b is the thickness of the band drain.
thick soft to medium clay layer, and an underlying stiff clay The equivalent plane strain expression of the degree of
layer with unknown thickness. The ordinary groundwater consolidation at depth z can be expressed as
table is about 2 m below the original ground surface.
In order to ensure the stability of the foundation and −8Thp
Uhp � 1 − exp􏼠 􏼡, (3)
accelerate the consolidation of the soft soils, the top 2.0 m μp
thick mucky clay layer was first replaced by a fine sand layer.
Then PVDs were installed to the bottom of the soft silty clay where Thp is time factor in plane strain model,
layer. The drains have a size of 100 mm × 4 mm and were khp t
installed in a square pattern with a spacing of 1 m × 1 m. Thp � , (4)
mv rw 4D2
After the installation of PVDs, a coarse sand layer with 1.0 m
thick was placed on top of it for the purpose of lateral μp can be expressed as follows
drainage. The embankment was then constructed layer by
layer to the design height, consisting lower fine sand part μp � ⎡⎣α + β + θ􏼐2lz − z2 􏼑⎤⎦, (5)
with a height of 3.8 m and upper clay part of 1.3 m thick. ′
Numerical predictions and field monitoring were carried
′ is
where khp is the undisturbed horizontal permeability, khp
out simultaneously during the construction of the em-
bankment. Field measurement results can directly and duly the smear zone permeability, l is the length of the drain
reflect the deformation and safety status of the foundation having one-way drainage, and
during embankment construction and also can prove the 2 2d d d2
validity of the calculation procedure. The validated nu- α � − s 􏼠1 − s + s 2 􏼡,
3 D D 3D
merical model then can predict the deformation behavior of
the embankment foundation and illustrates the distribution 1 2 d
characteristics of the deformation. The installation of the β� 2
ds − dw 􏼁 + s 3 􏼐3d2w − d2s 􏼑, (6)
D 3D
measurement instruments is shown in Figure 1. The in-
clinometer was at the left toe of the embankment, and the 2k2hp dw
settlement plate was on the top of the soft silty clay layer. The θ� 􏼠1 − 􏼡,
′ Dqz
khp D
piezometers were placed along the centerline of the em-
bankment at depths of 5.0 m below the embankment. where qz is the equivalent pane strain discharge capacity of
the drain.
3. Methods and Modeling For axisymmetric flow in Figure 2(b), the average degree
of consolidation at depth z can be represented as
3.1. Plain Strain Consolidation Model. The plain strain
consolidation model proposed by Indraratna and Redana [7] 8Th
Uh � 1 − exp􏼠− 􏼡, (7)
was used in this paper. This model was verified in many μ
engineering and is easy to be implemented in the finite
where Th is the time factor for axisymmetric cell:
element approach [7, 11]. In this model, the traditional
axisymmetric unit cell (Figure 2(b)) was converted into an k t
Thp � h . (8)
equivalent plane strain unit cell (Figure 2(a)) through mv rw 4R2
adjusting the permeability coefficient of the soil between the
drain bands. The half width of the plane strain cell was μ is given by,
assumed to be the same as the radius of the axisymmetric n k k
unit cell: μ � ln􏼒 􏼓 + 􏼠 h 􏼡ln(s) − 0.75 + π􏼐2lz − z2 􏼑 h , (9)
s kh′ qw
D � R,
where n � R/rw , s � rs /rw , kh and kh′ are the coefficients of
dw � rw , (1) horizontal permeability outside and inside the smeared
ds � r s , zone, and qw is the discharge capacity of the drain in axi-
symmetric cell, qw � qz πD/2.
where D is the half width of the plane strain unit cell, R is the To maintain the same degree of consolidation at each
radius of the axisymmetric unit cell, which equals to the half time step for a given stress level, by equating Equations (3)
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

9.5 m 15.3 m 42.0 m

River bank
Mucky clay
Settlement plate
PVDs Piezometer(–5.0m)
Soft silty clay

Soft to medium clay Inclinometer

Stiff clay
Figure 1: Foundation profile and field instruments arrangement.


Smear zone

2dw 2rw

2ds 2rs

2D 2R
Figure 2: Equivalent plane strain unit cell (a) and axisymmetric unit cell (b) (modified from Reference [7]).

and (7) and combining Equations (4) and (8), the following 3.2. Finite Element Modeling and Calibration
equation can be obtained:
Thp μp khp R2 3.2.1. Finite Element Model and Parameters. The finite el-
� � . (10) ement mesh of the simulated embankment is shown in
Th μ kh D2 Figure 3. The model includes the existing embankment, the
Subsisting Equations (1), (5), and (9) into Equation (10), broadened embankment, and foundation. The simulation
the following relationship can be obtained: mainly focused on the deformation characteristics of the
region under the embankment, so the horizontal width of
′ 􏼑 + θ 2lz − z2 􏼁􏽩
kh 􏽨α + β􏼐khp /khp the geometry model was chosen as 120 m through trial and
khp � .
ln(n/s) + kh /kh′􏼁ln(s) − 0.75 + π(2lz − z2 ) kh /qw 􏼁 comparative method. The bottom of the model is on the top
(11) of the stiff clay layer. The lateral boundaries were restrained
in horizontal direction, and the bottom boundary was re-
If both the smear and well resistance are ignored, strained in both horizontal and vertical directions. Drainage
Equation (12) can be simplified as boundaries were assumed to be at the level of water table.
0.67 The lateral and bottom boundaries were kept as undrained.
khp � k . (12) The width of the vertical drains in the equivalent plane strain
[ln(n) − 0.75] h
model is 0.066 m. The width of smear zone is 0.33 m. The
After obtaining kh and kh′ through experimental test, width between the drainage bands is 1.0 m. The discharge
Equation (12) is accurate enough to determine khp for plane capability of PVDs was selected as 60 m3/y in this paper
′ can be obtained by Equation (11).
strain model. Then khp according to the suggestions of the previous literatures
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Horizontal distance (m)

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0
Vertical distance (m) 40.0




Figure 3: Finite element mesh for plane strain analysis.

[13, 14]. The corresponding permeability for the drain-walls maximum measured lateral displacement is about 196.0 mm
in the full-scale plane strain simulation is 3.05 × 10−5 m/s. at the end of the last loading step.
The soft clay creep constitutive model was selected to The measured and the simulated pore water pressures at
simulate the behavior of the soft foundation soils. The the measured point are illustrated in Figure 6. The measured
elastic-perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb model was used for and modeled results are closed to each other. The results
embankment fillings. The soil parameters of the subsoil and indicate that PVDs play a noticeable role in controlling the
the embankment fillings are given in Tables 1 and 2, re- development of excess pore water pressure. The pore water
spectively. The plane strain permeability coefficients in the pressure soars sharply during the rapid loading stage and
PVDs improved zone are given in Table 3. The permeability decreases quickly in the loading interval. The pore water
coefficients of foundation soils were considered changing pressure in the PVDs improved area reduces smoothly in the
with porosity [15]: latter slow loading stages.
k e − e0 􏼁
log􏼠 􏼡 � , (13) 4. Foundation Deformation Profile
k0 Ck
and Stability
where e0 is the initial porosity, e is the porosity during con-
solidation, k0 and k are the permeability coefficients according The embankment is composed of newly filled part and the old
to e0 and e, Ck is the permeability index, and Ck was selected consolidated river bank. The nonuniform loading leads to
as 0.5e0 following the suggestion of Leroueil et al. [16]. asymmetric deformation distribution in the foundation. The
modeled settlement profile in the subsoil layers at the end of
the construction is illustrated in Figure 7. It indicates that the
3.2.2. Calibration of the Model and Analysis. Figure 4 gives maximum settlement of the foundation is located below the
the field measured and simulated time-settlement curves at left shoulder of the embankment, and the settlement develops
the monitoring site. The construction process of the em- mainly in the soft silty clay layer. The maximum settlement is
bankment is also plotted in Figure 4. It can be observed that about 1.26 m. The different consolidation degree may cause
the simulated results agree well with the measured data. The additional differential settlement after construction. In order
model can sufficiently predict the consolidation process of to ensure the evenness of the embankment, the left em-
the embankment. It can also be seen that both the simulated bankment shoulder was suggested to be 0.16 m higher than
and monitored settlement curves follow the loading stages. the right side according to our simulation.
The settlement curves exhibit two sharp drops during the The predicted lateral displacement profile at the end of
embankment construction. In the first 36 days, the rapid the construction is shown in Figure 8. It can be concluded
construction of the sand filling results in a sudden decrease that the lateral displacement in the subsoil is asymmetry. The
of settlement curves. Then there is a construction break for new filled embankment gives rise to left ground movement
about 30 days. The second sharp increment of settlement trend during the construction. The maximum lateral dis-
begins from day 70, following a rapid loading rate. After that, placement is nearly 0.24 m at the end of the construction.
the settlement rate reduces smoothly during a slow loading The maximum lateral displacement is just below the left toe
rate. The ground settlement at the monitoring site is about of the embankment.
1.10 m at the end of construction. The excess pore water pressure distribution at the end of
The Lateral displacement curves at the end of the con- the construction is shown in Figure 9. We can see that PVDs
struction are shown in Figure 5. It illustrates that the pre- have proper drainage behavior during construction. The
dicted values and the field collected data also fit to each other excess pore water pressure in the PVDs treatment area is
very well. The lateral displacement increases first with negligible when compared to that of the unimproved area.
depth and then decreases. The maximum lateral displace- The maximum value of excess pore water pressure is less
ment appears at about 5.0 m below embankment toe. The than 15.0 kPa in the PVDs area and is still 68.0 kPa in the
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Table 1: Summary of the geotechnical properties of subsoil.

Soil c (kN/m3) e0 λ∗ κ∗ μ∗ c (kPa) ϕ (°) kh (10−9 m/s) kv (10−9 m/s)
Soft silty clay 17.8 1.61 0.12 0.013 0.002 9.0 15.0 8.62 4.79
Soft to medium clay 18.5 1.2 0.105 0.016 0.001 12.0 18.0 12.0 6.70
c, unit weight; e0 , initial pore ratio; λ∗ , modified compression index; κ∗ , modified swell index; μ∗ , modified creep index; c, cohesion; ϕ, friction angle; kh ,
horizontal permeability; kv , vertical permeability.

Table 2: Summary of the geotechnical properties of embankment fillings.

Soil c (kN/m3) E (MPa) c (kPa) ϕ (°) υ kh (10−4 m/s) kv (10−4 m/s)
Sand filling 16.0 15.6 0 26.0 0.28 1.0 1.0
Clay filling 18.0 3.0 50 18.0 0.30 — —
River bank clay 18.0 4.3 30 18.0 0.33 — —
Drainage sand 19.7 14.5 0 32.0 0.25 1.7 1.7
E, Young’s modulus; υ, Poisson’s ratio.

Table 3: Equivalent plane strain permeability of PVD improved 0

soft clay.
khp –5
Soil k (10−9 m/s) khp
′ (10−10 m/s) kvp
′ (10−9 m/s)
(10−9 m/s) vp
Soft –10
silty 2.69 1.50 1.4 1.4
Depth (m)

clay –15
khp , horizontal permeability in undisturbed zone; kvp , vertical permeability
in undisturbed zone; khp ′ , horizontal permeability in smear zone; kvp ′ ,
vertical permeability in smear zone. –20


height (m)

4.0 –30
1.0 0 50 100 150 200 250
Horizontal displacement (mm)
Settlement (m)

Field measurement
–0.6 Numerical simulation
–1.0 Figure 5: Comparison of measured and predicted lateral
–1.2 displacement.
0 100 200 300 400 50
Time (days)
Excess pore water pressure (kPa)

Field measurement
Numerical simulation

Figure 4: Comparison of measured and simulated settlements at 30

the monitored site.

left unimproved area. This proved that the PVDs have
a good effect in accelerating the consolidation and assuring
the stability of soft soil. But the large excess pore water
pressure below the left toe can cause a long-term post-
construction settlement and intensify differential settle-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
ment of the foundation. For drainage purpose and Time (days)
enhancing the performance of the embankment, additional
PVDs are suggested to be installed in the foundation below Measured data
the left toe. Simulated data
The stability of the embankment can be analyzed using Figure 6: Pore water pressure obtained by field measurement and
the strength reduction method. Figure 10 gives the predicted simulation.
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

–0.9 m
–0.7m m
–0.5 –0.

–0.1 m

Figure 7: Simulated foundation settlement profile at the end of construction.

–0.2 5m
–0.1 3m
.09m .0
–0 –0

0.03 m

Figure 8: Simulated lateral displacement profile at the end of construction.

0.0 –0.5 –10.0 –15.0 –20.0 –25.0 –30.0 –35.0 –40.0 –45.0 –50.0 –55.0 –60.0 –65.0 –70.0
Figure 9: Contour of excess pore water pressure at the end of construction.

FOS = 1.81
Shear band

Figure 10: Predicted critical slip surface and factor of safety of the foundation.

shear band based on the maximum incremental shear strain loading stages. It indicates the slope is stable enough for the
and factor of safety (FOS) at the end of the simulation. The following road crust construction.
shear band develops from the embankment center to the left
toe, and the FOS of the embankment slope is 1.81 at the end 5. Conclusions
of construction. The variation of FOS during construction is
given in Figure 11. The FOS decreases sharply during quick The deformation behavior of the embankment foundation
loading stages, from 2.05 at the beginning to 1.78 at the end improved with PVDs was illustrated using the 2D plain
of the quick filling period and then fluctuates during slow strain consolidation model. The numerical simulated results
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

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The authors greatly appreciate the support provided by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.

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