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Timber is a widely used construction material that is primarily sourced from forests. It has a wide range of
applications, including building construction, household items, and carpentry and furniture design. Timber is also
commonly used in warehouse construction and for timber floors in buildings. Steel connections, such as bolts,
are often used to connect the columns and beams of timber structures to foundations.

A community building made of timber truss parts would be a structure that utilizes the strength and stability of
trusses in its construction. The building would likely have a timber frame, with the trusses serving as the primary
support for the roof. The trusses would be connected to the walls and foundation using connections such as
gusset plates, nails, and bolts. The roofing and siding would protect the trusses and the interior of the building
from the elements. The building could also have bracing using diagonal or horizontal members to provide
additional stability.

This project involves designing and building a community building using timber. The trusses will be supported by
columns connected to the foundation. The community building will be 12 meters wide and 30 meters long. The
students will work on analyzing loads, determining the size of frame components, designing connections, and
analyzing the structure with software

Design Input
 A community hall will be built using timber in Bankstown, Sydney.

 The design includes a 3D architectural view and a plan view as shown in Figure 1 and 2.

 The community hall has an overall dimension of 30m x 12m with all other dimensions outlined in the
provided figures.

 The community hall will be built using prefabricated timber roof trusses and timber wall frames.

 Access to the community hall is through two 2.5m high doors on both ends.

 Three windows are provided for lighting and ventilation.

 The timber columns will be mounted over concrete columns (foundation) 1.5 m above ground.

 The floor bearers will be supported over concrete columns as shown in Figure 3.
Detail Calculations:

Section A Load Combination

 Timber species: Black pine (Pinus laricio) for purlin

 Timber density: 570 kg/m3
 Roof sheathing:
 Material: Ply wood
 Thickness: 15 mm
 Density: 600 kg/m3

The load on the center purlin is calculated by multiplying the density by the area that contributes to the purlin:

 Load from the roof sheathing: 600 kg/m3 x 0.015 m x 2 m x 9.81 N/kg / 1000 = 0.176 kN/m

 Self weight of the purlin: 570 kg/m3 x 140 mm x 45 mm x 9.81 N/kg / 1000 = 0.035 kN/m

 Total gravity weight: 0.176 kN/m + 0.035 kN/m = 0.211 kN/m

Load combinations:

Strength Limit State Load Combinations

AS1170.0-2002 Clause 4.2.2

1.35x0.211 = 0.284

Permanent and imposed action:

1.2x0.211 +1.5x0.25 = 0.67kpa

1.2x0.211 +1.5 =1.753

 Number of bays: 5

 Span between bays:

 Calculation: 30m / 5 = 6m

 Purlin span: 6m

It is worth to mention that the purlin span is equal to the span between bays.
Figure plan view of truss and purlins

 Horizontal lines in pink represent purlins, which are horizontal structural members used in roof
construction to support the loads from the roof deck or sheathing.

 Vertical lines in black represent trusses, which are triangular structures commonly used in roof and
bridge construction to provide support and stability.

 The shaded area indicates the load that is contributing to the purlin structure, such as the weight of the
roof deck and sheathing.

 The shaded area helps to visually represent the distribution of load throughout the structure, which is
important for structural analysis and design

Analysis using software for purlin

Combination 1 permanent duration load

Put diagrams here

Combination 2 imposed load

Combination 3 wind instanatenous load

Analysis using software for purlin

Combination 1 permanent duration load

Combination 2 imposed load

Combination 3 wind instanatenous load

Section B Design
1 design of purlin

Determine Bending Capacity

𝑀𝑑 = ∅𝑘1𝑘4𝑘6𝑘9𝑘12𝑓′𝑍
𝑏 Cl.

Characteristic Bending Strength: fb’

GL12: fb’=25MPa Table 7.1

No multiplication factor for bending strength, see NOTE under Table 7.1

Capacity Factor, 

From Table 2.1:

Glued Laminated Timber and

Category 1: Secondary structural element in structures other than housing
 = 0.95

Modification Factors: AS1720.1-2010

k1: Duration of load factor

(Use shortest duration in each combination)

Load Combination Shortest Duration Load 𝒌𝟏: Table 2.3

1.35G Permanent, 50+ years 0.57
1.2G+1.5Q Medium term, 5 days 0.94
Instantaneour 5 seconds 1.00

k4: Partial Seasoning Factor

From Cl.

Glulam is a seasoned timber product, used indoors:

𝑘4 = 1

k6: Temperature Factor

From Cl. 2.4.3, Bankton, Sydny: NOT a high temperature zone.

𝑘6 = 1

k9: Strength Sharing Factor

Using Clauses and 7.4.3:

The strength sharing factor for Glulam is:

𝑘9 = 1
For Sawn Timber use the following steps:


(a) Number of members in combined parallel or number of elements that are

effectively fastened together to form a single group: 𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚

(b) Number of members that are discretely spaced to each other or number of members that
are effectively linked by crossing members: 𝑛𝑚𝑒𝑚

(c) From Table 2.7:

𝑔31 & 𝑔32

(d) Evaluate k9:

𝑘9 = 𝑔31 + (𝑔32 − 𝑔31 ) [1 − ]

k12: Stability Factor

Table 7.2(A): The material constant:

r = ratio (temporary design action effect)/(total design action effect)

r  0.9nnnnnn
1.2 1.50.25

The maximum value of ρb used need not exceed the value computed for the case r = 0.25 (see
Appendix E, AS1720.1 paragraph E2).

From Table 7.2(A) for GL12: 𝜌𝑏 = 0.78

For a beam that is loaded along its tension edge and has a continuous lateral restraint


𝜌𝑏𝑆1 = 0.787 × 3.7 = 2.9< 10

𝑘12 = 1.0
Z: Section Modulus m4
Z = bd^2/6 = =
45x140^2/6=147000 𝑍 = .829 ×

Flexural Capacity: Cl.

3.2.1 𝑀𝑑 = ∅𝑘1𝑘4𝑘6𝑘9𝑘12𝑓′𝑍
(a) Permanent loading; 𝑘1 = 0.57
𝑀𝑑 = 0.95 × 0.57 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 25 × 0.147 × 106 = 2𝑘𝑁𝑚
Md>M (OK)

(b) Medium term, 5 day loading; 𝑘1 = 0.94

𝑀𝑑 = 0.95 × 0.94 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 25 × 0.147 × 106 = 3.28𝑘𝑁𝑚
Md > M (OK)

(c) Medium term, 5 day loading; 𝑘1 = 1.00

𝑀𝑑 = 0.95 × 1.00× 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 25 × 0.147 × 106 = 8𝑘𝑁𝑚
Md>M (OK)
As: Shear plane area
CL 3.2.5
A = 2/3xbxd = 2/3x45x140 = 4200 mm2

(a) Permanent loading; 𝑘1 = 0.57

ΦVd = 0.95 × 0.57 × 1 × 1 × 25 × 37800 = 9.5𝑘𝑁𝑚
ΦVd>V (OK)

(b) Medium term, 5 day loading; 𝑘1 = 0.94

ΦV d = 0.95 × 0.94 × 1 × 1 × 25 × 37800 = 16𝑘𝑁𝑚
ΦVd > V (OK)

(c) Medium term, 5 day loading; 𝑘1 = 1.00

Φ V d = 0.95 × 1.00× 1 × 1 × × 4.2 × 37800 = 17𝑘𝑁𝑚
ΦVd>V (OK)

b) Design of Truss members

Tension Member
Characteristic Tensile-Strength:

F-grade: AS1720,1- 2010, Table H2,1

F 11 Softwood: ft’=15 MPa

Depth, d is less than 150mm,
no multiplying-factor is required.

AS1720,1 – 2010, Table 2,1
From Table 2,1
F11 – is Sawn Timber under “All other timber and stress grades”
Category 2 Primary structural members in structures other than houses;
Therefore =0.0.85

Modification Factors:

k1: Duration of load factor

(Use shortest duration in each combination)

Combination of load Short Duration of k1: Table 2,3

1.35G Permanent, 50+ years 0.57
1.2G+1.5Q Imposed load 5 days 0.94

1.2G+Wu Wind , 5 Sec. 1.00

k4: Partial Seasoning


Covered situation, indoor/dry environment k4 = 1

From Cl. 2.4.2

k6: Temperature-

From Cl. 2.4.3 Bankstown Sydney NOT a high-temperature zone.

k6 = 1

At: Minimum Net-Area

At: Assume 18mm holes for 16mm bolts

At = (b d) — (n b D)


b=45mm, d=200mm, n=2, D=18mm

At = (45 ×x200) — (2 x 45 x 18) =

Design Tensile-Capacity (Nd,t)

From Cl.
Nd,t = k1.k4.kt6.ƒ.'At
i. Permanent-duration loads: k1 = 0.57
a. Nd,t = k1.k4.k6.t ƒ'At = 0.85 × 0.57 × 1 × 1 × 15 × 7380 = 54 × 103N
b. Nd,t = 54 KN > Nt∗ = 13.75kN OK

ii. 5-day duration load : k1 = 0.94

a. Nd,t = k1.k4.k6.t ƒ'At = 0.85 × 0.94 × 1 × 1 × 15 × 7380 = 88 × 103N
b. Nd,t = 88kN > N∗t = 30.7kN OK

iii. Wind-Instantaneous duration loads: k1 = 1.00

a. Nd,t = k1.k4.k6.t ƒ'At = 0.85 × 1.00 × 1 × 1 × 15 × 7380 = 94× 103N
b. Nd,t = 94 kN > N∗ t= 85kN OK

B compression member
Characteristic Compressive Strength: fc’

F-Grade, AS1720.1 Table H2.1

F14: cƒ' = 27MPa

AS1720,1 – 2010, Table 2,1

From Table 2,1

F11 – is Sawn Timber under “All other timber and stress grades”
Category 2 Primary structural members in structures other than houses;
Therefore =0.0.85

Modification- Factors: AS1720.1-

2010 k1: Duration of load factor

(Use shortest duration in each combination)

Load Combination Shortest Duration k1: Table 2.3

1.35G Permanent loading , 0.57
50+ years
1.2G+1.5Q Imposed loading 5 0.94
1.2G+Wu Instantaneous wind 1.00

k4: Partial-Seasoning Factor

From Cl., For Seasoned

k4 = 1
k6: Temperature-Factor

From Cl. 2.4.3, BanksTown, Sydney is NOT a high temperature zone.

k6 = 1

k12: Stability-Factor
AS1720.1-2010, Cl, 3,3,2

There are no restrictions or limitations in both the primary and secondary axis.
coefficient of slenderness for buckling about the primary axis (S3):

g13 ∙ L
S3 = d
L=2000mm, d=250mm

According to Table 3.2, the value of

g13 for "pin ends" is 1.

e 1.00 ∙ 2000
S3 = 250 =8

Slenderness coefficient for buckling about the minor axis (S4):

g13 ∙ L
S4 = b
L=2000mm, b=45mm

According to Table 3.2, the value of

g13 for “pin ends" is 0.7.

e 1.00∙ 2000
S3 = 90 = 22.22

Therefore, S = larger of S3 and S4

S = 22.22

c: Material Constant

AS1720.1-2010, Cl. 3.3.3
According to Table 3.3, the value for Sawn Timber Columns of Grade F11 and Seasoned Timber
can be found.
ρc = 0.98

ρcS = 0.98 × 22.22=21.77

ρcS = 21.7 > 20
k12 = 200 = 200/
(ρcS) (21.7)2 = 0.424

Ac: Minimum net


At: Assume 18mm

holes for 16mm bolts

Ac = 90 × 250 – 2(90× 18)= 19260mm2

Design-Compressive Capacity (Nd,c)

From Cl.
Nd,c = k1 k4 k6 12ƒc Ac

i. Permanent-duration loads: k1 = 0.57
a. Nd,c = 0.85 × t0.57 × 1 × 1 ×0.215× 15 × 14760 = 59 × 103N
b. Nd,c =59KN > Nt∗ = 13.75kN OK

ii. 5-day duration load : k1 = 0.94

a. Nd,c = 0.85 × 0.94
t × 1 × 1 × 15 × 7380 = 97 × 103N
b. Nd,c = 97kN > Nt = 29kN


iii. Wind-Instantaneous duration loads: k1 = 1.00

a. Nd,t = k1.k4.kt6.ƒ'At = 0.85 × 1.00 × 1 × 1 × 15 × 7380 = 94× 103N
b. Nd,t = 104 kN > Nt ∗ = 81kN OK

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