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PLANS FOR SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY IN CITIES (SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY PLANS - SUMP) irae This first SUMP brochure has been developed through the initiative ofthe Green Club BH and support ofthe School for Political Studies of the Council of Europe BiH and GIZ-Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe — Energy Eficency (ORF-EB) SUMP brochure is intended for all responsible government departments and responsible citizens who strve to adopt their tivng space to better sut them and their needs, to improve its quality and make it better for everyday living. Very often responsible government departments inthis matter are meant to include only few sectors. SUMP brochure offers information and access to broader inclusion of al relevant actors in cities. and communities that decide to implement plan of sustainable mobil SUMP brochure puts citizens tothe centre of happenings with an aim of adopting city andits suroundings tothe needs ofits citizens and to make their life bette through better organized ling space Inorder torespond tothe basicneeds ofthe citizens tisnecessary to change the very approach to building, to establish and connect roads of public transpor, to raise the awareness on mportance of participation in activites which are listed in the sustainable mobility plan, because interaction and participation of citizens is crucial for success ofthe sustainabily ‘Welcometo SUMP Cty-Cityforpeople,notcarst EI ‘According to definition of European Commission SUMPis strategic plan, which is leaning on to the existing practice in alanning and takes into consideration principles of integration, participation and evaluation in order to satisty the needs ofthe citizens for mobility, ‘now and in the future, in order to ensure better quality of living in cities and their suroundings.(ELTIS, 2013) ‘Aim of the SUMP is creation of sustainable road system in cities through: « ensuring accessibility of basic mobility to citizens and responding to the diverse demands for mobility and transport services by citizens, businesses andindustry: « improving trafic security and safety « reduction of pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and consumption ofeneray « increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness in transport of peopleand goods «increased attractiveness and quality of the urban environment. a Cato Clie cl eee) Policies and measures fostered by SUMP should include all ‘modes of transport inthe overall transport system such as public and private, commercial and non-commercial, motorized and ‘non-motorized, moving and stationary (parking los). Picea Development of SUMP in Europeis result of initiative and activities of European Commission inthe last 15 years, Inthe Commission's Urban Mobility Action Plan published in 2009, European Commission has supported faster adoption of the SUMP in Europe through materials that provided guidelines, promotion, and exchange of the best practices, through determining of benchmarks and support towards educational activities for professionals in urban mobility. In March of 2011, European Commission has published White Book on transport, The Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area- Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’ (COMM(2011)0144 final), which suggests considering the possibility of introduction of Urban Mobilty Plans forthe cities of certain size, according to national standards based on EU Guidelines. Also, it suggests research into connecting funds for regional development and cohesion funds for the cities and regions that present contemporary and independently verified cerificate on Achievements of urban mobility and revisions on sustainability, White book on Transport suggests exploring the possibilities for building of European framework for support and progressive implementation of SUMP in European cities. Seas Sustainable mobility plan in cities offers more efficient way of handling problerns connected to transportincity areas. relies on existing practices and legal framework of member states and its basic characteristics are the following Participatory approach Inclusion of citizens and other stakeholders s basic principle. tis crucial to thoroughly plan their participation. This includes explanation of why certain stakeholders should be included and what kind of influence they should have. After determining stakeholders, the time and ways of their participation in the process is laid out through strategy for coordination of stakeholders. Through appropriate participation of citizens and other stakeholders, decisions on certain urban transport ‘measures as well as SUMP obtaina significant measure of ‘public legitimacy’. Eee eset ro van) Commitment to sustainability Commitment to sustainability is crucial. Given the fact that sustainability is complex concept, itis important to develop common understanding among key stakeholders about what sustainability and sustainable mobility mean for city and environment. In development of SUMP, along transport and mobility, social, economic and political-institutional criteria shouldbe taken itoconsideration Integrated approach Local Planning Authority is very often behind the plan for mobility or transport. However, relevance of the SUMP is not limited to mobility and transport and one of its main characteristics is inclusion of all other city and regional authorities (for example, cadastre, environmental protection, economic development, social equality, health and security) nto the planning process. The great challenge isto grapple with the problem of integration and cooperation, but that is also a significant source of innovation and improvement Clear vision, purpose and measureable goals Plan should be based on long-term vision for transport development and mobility of whole city agglomeration. t should cover all ways and forms of transport: public and priv commercial andnon-commercial, motorized and non-motorized, flowing and stationary. Strategic vision offers qualitative description of desired future ofthe city and channels development of appropriate planning measures. Vision should be defined by specific goals which describe desired change. Change and influence also need to be measurable and require very well thought through group of goals which are linked to specific goals andindicators, Revision of transport costs and benefits Choice of measures is guided not just by efficiency but also cost- effectiveness. Especially in times when the budget for public transport and mobility has been reduced, itis vital to achieve the greatest effectiveness with the smallest use of resources. This Tequites basic assessment of possibilities taking into account costs and benefits, including those that are more dificult to measure such as eflect of greenhouse gas emissions and influence on air quality. European Commission inits' White Book on Transport (2011) stresses the importance of internalizing externality costs for all kinds of transport using common principles, taking into account the specifics of each mode of transport Sena enn a Erna EEEae er noes Improved quality of life ‘SUMP is plan for people, and not cars and trafic. Itcarres in itself an emotional message, for example, through its aim for quality space and safety of children Planning of mobilty in cities, which is oriented towards people and in the end results in imrovernent of mobiity of citizens and better access tourban areas and their services, Convenience in protection of environment andhealth Working on improvement of air quality, naise reduction and climate change mitigation leads to positive effects on health and significantcost reductionsinhealthcare. Possibility of effect on Large number of people Planning sustainable mobility in cities offers possibilty of influencing large number of people and better suits the needs of different user groups. Decisions which are supported by all stakeholders and citizens Planning for people implies planning with people, With an aid of the citizens and other stakeholders, decisions connected to measures of mobility in cilies can gain significant level of ‘public legitimacy’ Effective fulfilment of egal obligations Planning sustainable roblity in ciies offers effective way of fuffiling legal obligations such as Directive on Air Quality by European Commission and national regulative on noise contral. More successful cities and access tofinances ‘SUMP can provide access to finances for innovative solutions and in this way create decisive advantage in competition among the cities for access to public funding. New political vision, potential for integration SUMP offers long term strategic vision. It supports culture of effective planning which integrates sectors, local authorities and institutions, 2s well as cities and their surrounding areas. Improving image of the city City involved in planning of sustainable mobil can be perceived asinnovatve city facing future as BEM ea (oe pane DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SUSTAINABLE ROU aaa Ds Fundamental question of traditional traficplanningis: + Which infrastructure willbe built? Traditional planning of city traffic system Main subject ofthe process is infrastructure Project planning Non-transparent decision making Main aims are flow and speed Focus on traffic Intensive investment planning Satisfying trafic demand Focus on big and expensive projects Domain o traffic engineers Choice of traffic projects without strategic evaluation The questions of sustainable trafic planning are + Whatdowe im toachieve? * Whichis the best way to achieve that? * Dowereally needto buildanything because ofthat? * Whoneeds tobe consulted? » How we will measure effect of our actions? ‘Through SUMP there is greater probability of achieving desiredstate + SUMP gives arguments for acting-that is why i is easier to defendthem Sustainable planning of city traffic system ‘Infrastructure is one of the means for achievement of broader goals, + Strategic and goal based planing + Transparent decision making through inclusion ofthe public + Main ams are accessibility and qualty of life + Focus on people © Cost-effectiveness efficient planning + Managing trafic demand + Focus on effective and gradual improvement + intercisciptinary approach, integration of sectors fr environment and space * Strategic assessment of options based on set objectives and aims Beets etal (es Maan Te NEM No MeN ese aa Transport strategies and legislation at the state level of Bosnia and Herzegovina Legislative document Offical Internet site Short description Framework Transport Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2015-2030 Framework Transport Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina forthe period 2015-2030 is a framework and basic document that will lead to the development of strategy, regulations, programs, plans and other acts aiming to progress and develop the transport sector at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's Entities and the District of Bréko in accordance with the Constitution of Bil Framework Transport Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2016-2030 BiH Transport Framework Strategy isa planning document for the Transport and Infrastructure Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina and contains structural proposals for the development of the transport sector and capacity building programs for alignment with the long-term goals and strategic documents of the European Union inthe feld of transport. The Transport Framework Strategy is based on the sectoral strategic documents of both Entities and Brcko District. Law on International and Inter- entity Road Transport (0G 1/02 and 0G 14/03) hitp:/ This Law regulates the manner and conditions for transportation of passengers and goods by vehicles in international and inter-entity road transport, oversized transportation of goods, inspection, customs control and the requirement to pay fees for the use of roads. These are the first such changes and amendments to the Law since 2003, This Law includes solutions tothe issues of legal transportation of passengers in international transport operations given the dificuties faced by the authorities competent for inspection affairs in terms of proving infringements and initiating appropriate procedures, This Law is also intended to harmonize BiH legislation with EU legistation inthe field of transportation of passengers and goods. Furthermore, i partially regulates public transport in Sarajevo and its surroundings, as transport between Sarajevo and Eastern Sarajevo is treated as an inter-entity transport. Law on the Basis of Road Traffic Safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina (0G 06/06 - OG 9/18) hitp:/Amww.mkt. gov ba/ This Law includes provisions forall participants in road trafic, including cyclists. Particularly interesting is that since the beginning of enforcement (2007), the use of protective cycling helmets for bicycle riders and persons on bicycles used to be obligatory, but by the 2017 amendments to this law this obligation was abolished So, since 2017 a bicycle driver isnot obliged to use a protective helmet, Transport strategies and legislation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina hitp:/Amwwparlamentfbih govba/ Legislative document/ Short description Offical Internet site Transport Strategy of the The core part of the Transport Strategy contains goals and activites, the Federation of Bosnia and combination of which forms a strategic vision ofthe entity transport system of the Herzegovina for the period FBiH by 2030. Special objectives are given for different types of traffic in the FBiH. 2016-2030, (oad, rail, water and air), and are based on the priorities of FBIH transport policy The FBIN's transport strategy covers short-term (2016-2020), mid-term (2021- 2025) and long-term (2026-2030) activites to be implemented to achieve specific goals for each aspect of trafic Beets etal (es Maan Te NEM No MeN Law on Road Transport of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (06 28/06 and 06 2/10) httpsi// This Law regulates: the conditions and manner of carrying out the activity of transport of persons and cargo by motor, coupled and tugged vehicles in road transport {hereinafter referred to as: road transport); work ofa technical inspection station in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; activity of public transport passengers and cargo in liner and outbound road transport; transport for own use; inspection supervision; penal provisions, and transitional and final provisions. Law on Roads in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (0612/10, 0G 16/10 and 0G 66/13) http://www foihviada gov ba/ This Law regulates the classification of public roads, road management and legal status of planning, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, contracting and assignment of works, roads protection, conditions for trafic on roads, roads concession, road financing, administrative oversight over the implementation of the Law, penalties and other matters of relevance tothe Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding roads Transport strategies and legisl: Law on Road Transport in the Republic of Srpska (06 47/17) hitp:// in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina This Law regulates conditions for the transportation of persons and goods in road traffic as public and passenger transport, modes of transport, ride registrations, ‘operation of bus stations and terminals in city and suburban areas, operation of technical inspection stations and inspection supervision at the territory Republic of Spska. Law on Public Roads in the Republic of Srpska (0G 89/13) http / This Law regulates: the legal status of road management; the manner of using public and non-categorized roads; management, financing, planning, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and protection of roads; concessions on public roads; the realization of a public-private partnership and supervision over the Law implementation. Law on Traffic Security on the Roads of the Republic of Srpska (0G 63/11) This Law regulates traffic safety management, the establishment, operation and competences of Trafic Safety Council and Trafic Safety Agency ofthe Republic of Srpska, development of strategic documents, financing and monitoring of traffic safety, trafic signalzation and road equipment, independent audit procedures for public road construction projects and independent reviews of existing public roads in terms of safety and licensing, identification and remediation of dangerous places on roads, in-depth traffic accident analysis, traffic rules, special security measures, trafic accident ibility, organization of sporting and other events on roads, technical inspection of vehicles, supervision and penal provisions Law on Transport of Dangerous Goods (06 15/16) hittp/ wwe This Law regulates conditions forthe transport of dangerous goods in certain branches of trafic, the rights and obligations of persons involved in transport, the conditions for packaging and vehicles, the issuance for permits, conditions for appointment of security advisers, competence and conditions for training of persons participating in transport, the competence of the ministries in connection with this transport in the Republic of Srpska and supervision over the implementation ofthis Law. Rulebook on The Manner of Performing Control and Direct Traffic Regulation on Roads (0G 122/11) http://www This Rulebook prescribes the procedures for police officers inthe control of road traffic and the direct regulation of traffic on roads, as well as other traffic related ‘matters within the competence ofthe Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Srpska. Pence Mee eat foe Mpa ear Eas LESSONS LEARNED FROM OTHER CITIES IN THE ede) Koprivnica, Croatia From early 2000, city of Koprivnica in Croatia has had history of successful execution of actions aimed at improving sustainable mobility. In 2007 Koprivnica have already received a prestigious reward for European mobility week. In 2015, Koprivnica has adopted Sustainability Mobility Plan (SUMP) - first town in Croatia whichhas done that. Before the beginning of process of developing SUMP, Koprivnica has worked on improving connections between centre parts of the city in order to utiize short distances, This has enabled development of active transport (walking and cycling in combination with public transport), which has resulted in high participation ofthis modality of transport, -36%. On the opposite end, city has faced te challenge of argenumber of vehicles which enter the city centre from the main national road, and absence of the altematives to public transport from remote city areas to the centre. In order to solve these challenges, Koprivnica has established and led its own process of planning sustainable urban mobility. As a pioneer of SUMP in Croatia, Koprivnica had to rely on knowledge and guidelines from materials at the level of EU, such as guidelines of SUMP of European Commission, and CIVITASDYN@MO project. As an early adopter of SUMP in the region, section for planning of the cityadministration has developed its own processes andinitiated SUMP centre for competencies forthe South-East Europe. Koprivnica has dedicated special attention to details during the SUMP process. At the start it has taken survey on moblity in arder to capture mobility behaviour of clizens and determine their opinions and positions. Besides that, Koprivnica has planned raining and capacity development order to thoroughly execute measures stated in SUMP. City has invested into public participation and used established knowledge from previous process of participative planning through workshops with interested parties, public awareness campaigns and establishment of transport forum, Until July 2015, SUMP has been adopted on behalf of City Council and entered into implementation phase with plans towards starting of city public transport inthe second half of 2018 asa key SUMP element ( Source: Ljubljana, Slovenia Lubljana (280000 citizens) is with its two adopted SUMPs ‘example of good practice inthe area of sustainable mobility inthe region. Best practices in Ljubljana can be divided into four groups. First group is cycling, where the main measure was introduction of the system for renting bicycles and investment into related infrastructure. System for renting bicycles includes the network of 51 stands with 510 bicycles, which are freeto ride for up toone hour Bicycle systemis available 24 hoursper day, 7 days in a week and enables easy use during day and night. Project is very well prepared; number of registered users is currently over 32000. Second group of good practices is walking, with closing and revitalization ofthe centre ofthe city: pedestrian zones have increased aver the few years. Four new bridges and pedestrian walks have been built over the river of Ljubljanica, Electronic vehicles, popularly named Kavalir, offer the transport services for elderly inthe pedestrian zone. Third group of good practices is more flexile and better quality public transport, where main achievements are introduction of modern electronic payment system- Urbana; broadening of city bus lines (some for the suburban areas) and introduction of arrival schedule information at bus stations. Travellers have precise, clear and transparent information about buss arrivals Fourth group is parking management. Through continuous broadening of the areas with management of the parking and their payment systems, Ljubljana has managed to create conditions which enable long term planning of pubic parkinglots and force daily migrants tachange their travelling habits. Positive effects of these measures are lower emissions of COZ from efficient system of public transport and increased use of cycling and walking in the city. Trafic in the city is more peaceful, traffic crowd is decreased and pressure on parking lots is reduced. Free use of bicycles is also financially favourable for citizens and visitors. Closing of the city centre brings much more tourists and visitors, and increases security in pedestrian zones. Geneon tan cea (oe Meaney ‘Walking and cycling influence betterment ofthe health profile of the publi, All his is reflected in increased quality of ie in the ay = my 4 Source: https://www.rlvslosif Ljutomer, Slovenia Ljutomer, town of 3300 people, is the first smaller place in Slovenia to introduce SUMP. The municipality ofthe same name (in which town is located) has 11400 residents. Successfully introduced measures have encouraged Ljutomer to place bigger stress on sustainable mobility and become one of the leading municipalities inthe field of mobility n Slovenija and beyond. First SUMP has been developed as a pilot project for smaller towns and cities within a broader national project which is focused on planning sustainable urban mobility. Project has required use of holistic approach to traffic management and ‘mobility and has createdlistof key measures for improvement of situations connected to mobility of cites and municipalities. City major of Liutomer has commented that municipality is proud on its achievement and leading role in the area of sustainable mobiity in Slovenija and broader region. It wants to introduce new innovative measures and to lear from existing ‘ones inorder to improve the future measures. Positive results of the first project have motivated the municipality to plan the introduction of similar measures in other parts of the town and municipality of Ljutomer and to develop SUMP of second generation, which was adopted in March of 2017. Experiences and lessons learned by municipality of Ljutomer have been integrated into few newly introduced SUMPS in Slovenia and represented to different participants - including planners, designers. and municipality administration - from Slovenia and abroad. Municipality has acted as an example to other Slovenian municipalities which have prepared their first SUMP project atthe national level in 2016 and 2017. Ljutomer's Nees second generation of SUMP has been presented as part of the same competition. New document represents even more ambitious plans forthe future of sustainable (urban) mobility for themunicipaty, Source: www.|jutomersi KruSevac, Serbia KruSevac isa city of around 130000 people ands placed in the valley of West Morava, Given its size, landscape, climate and the fact that most of the services and main points of interest are available in the narrow city core it became an ideal place for walking and daily cycling, KruSevac is the first city in Serbia and one ofthe rare ones inthe Balkan region, which has developed and adopted SUMP. Given the fact that there are no national regulations and guidelines in this field, participation of City of Kruevac as “ollower town’ in few European projects such as TIDE’, SWITCH’ and 'FLOW' and active membership in CIVINET in Slovenia, Croatia, network of South-East Europe and study visits through project ‘BUMP and CIVITAS SATELLITE, have helped the process of development of, SUMP. SUMP defines more ambitious goal of ‘80-20' in modal distribution by 2030: sustainable modes 80% compared to 20% by private cars, and making of the ‘city accessible to all citizens’, despite their age, gender. physical or mental capabilities and income, Inclusion of different actors in the process of development of SUMP and organization of different promotional activities has had a significant influence on change of attitude about urban mobility and use of public space, not justas an exclusive right of cars, During development of SUMP, city has shared its experiences with other cites in the region In February 2018, KruSevac was host of annual assembly of CIVINET network, which has attracted large number of participants from Slovenija, Croatia Geese Me etal foe Mane Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fact that KruSevac has entered narrow choice for European mobility week in 2016 and received award of national ombudsman for contribution to development of all forms of accessibility on its territory in 2016 shows that their past efforts in the area of mobility have been well recognized (www-ect org) Source: htips//civinet-slohreu TT eet ao ess INFORMATION AND FINANCING OPTIONS Documents of European Union on sustainable mobility (with summary in Croatian language): White paper 2011 - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system Action Plan on urban mobility European Commission Communication: A Concept for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans Urban Mobility Package: Together towards competitive and resource efficient urban mobility Links at EU SUMP as sources of information and projects: ELTIs ELTIS makes it easier to exchange information, knowledge and experiencesin the aeaof sustainable urban mobiltyin Europe. t is intended to persons in the field of transport and connected disciplines, including urban and suburban development, health, science of energy and environment. Ithas been initiated more than 10 years ago, and is currently the main European overseeing system on urban mobility. ‘Through three key topics- DISCOVER, PARTICIPATE, RESOURCES (GHARE) - ELTIS offers information, good practices, tools and communication channels which are required for transformation fcitiesinto models of sustainable urban mobility. ELTIs-SuMP Purposely build branch of ELTIS page MOBILITY PLANS represents the information exchange node for development and execution of Sustainable Mobility Plans answering the increased demand for sustainable and integrated steps of planning in Europe. More information about this branch can be found on web page about mobiltyplans CIVINET CIVINET is anetwork of cities and other participants, in Slovenija, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, which are involved in sustainable planning and management of mobility. Aim of the network is transfer of knowledge and good practices and creation of joint projects which will fnance future activities on sustainable trafic and better mobility, Network was created in Ljubljana on March 25th, 2013 as a network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia. By decision of its assembly, network has been renamed into CIVINET Slovenia Croatia-Southeast Europe. ‘SUMP NETWORK All-encompassing list of current and completed projects in the area of SUMPis available on this webpage: hitp://

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