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Applied Mathematics II Lecture Note Compiled by Arega.

Chapter Two
2. Techniques of Integration and Application of Integration
2.1 Integration by substitution

Let f and g be functions, with both and continuous on an interval I. If G is an indefinite

integral of g on I, then ∫ ( ( )) ( ) (( ) ( )
Proof: Since G is an indefinite integral of g, we have ( ) ( ). Therefore the Chain rule

implies that ( ( )) ( ( )) ( ) ( ( )) ( ).

In terms of indefinite integrals this becomes

∫ ( ( )) ( ) ( ( ))

In the process of applying (1) it is usually convenient to substitute ( ) ( ) .

Thus we obtain

∫ (⏞
( )) ⏞ ( ) ∫ ( ) ( ) ( ( ))

For this reason, evaluating an integral by means of (1) is called integration by substitution.
Example1: Find ∫
Solution: we let .

Then, ∫ ∫ .

Example2: Find ∫

Solution: we let u=2x, so that du= 2dx. Hence

Then, ∫ ∫

Example3: ∫ ∫. /

Example 4: ∫ ∫. /

Example 5: Find ∫ √
To simplify the expression we let

( )

Therefore ∫ √ ∫ ( ) ( ) ( )

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( )
Example 6: ∫ | | ∫ | ( )| ∫ | |
( )

( )
∫ ∫ | | ∫(
( ) )


Theorem: Let F and G be differentiable on , -, and assume that are continuous on
, -. Then
∫ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) ( ) and

∫ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )| ∫ ( ) ( ) …………………………..(2)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

∫ ∫

The process of finding an integral by means of (2) is called integration by parts.

Example 1: ∫
Solution: Since splits in to 2x and , we let , then

Therefore, ∫ ∫ ∫

Example 2: Find ∫
Remark: Integration by parts is especially well adapted to integrals of the form
∫( ) ∫( ) ,∫( ) , ∫( )
In all except ∫ ( ) , the most effective choice of u is the polynomial, since
the derivatives of a polynomials are simpler than the other.

For ∫
We let ( )
Therefore ∫ ( ) ∫( )
Proceeding in this way we obtain

∫ ∫

Similarly ∫ ∫

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The formulas 1 and 2 are called reduction formulas, b/c the exponent is reduced from n to n-2.
Example 3: Evaluate the following integrals
∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
Integrals such as ∫ ∫ ,…, are called trigonometric integrals,
because their integrals are combinations of trigonometric functions.
This section is devoted to trigonometric integrals, especially those in which the integrands are
composed of powers of the basic trigonometric functions.

 If n=1, then ∫ ∫ , which is evaluated substituting .

 If m=1 , then ∫ ∫ , which is evaluated substituting
 If n is even and m is odd with

In this case we factor out and write the rest of the integrands in terms of .Then Use
integration by substitution with .
 If n is odd and m is even with
In this case we factor out and write the remaining of the integrands in terms of and
use integration by substitution with .
If m and n are both even in the integral ∫ , the evaluation is more complicated.
Three trigonometric identities help reduce the exponents in m and n:

; ;

In addition the following two formulas will be helpful:

∫ and ∫

Example 4: Find ∫
Solution: using the above identities
∫ ∫
∫( )( )

∫ ∫ ( )

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An alternative way to evaluate ∫ when m and n are even is to use the identity
, but this time to transform the integral in to integrals of the form
∫ or of the form ∫ , which can be evaluated by the reduction formulas.


For many nonnegative integer values of m and n integrals of the form ∫ are
handled by substitution.
The procedures we use to evaluate the integral depend on the evenness or oddness of m and n.
 If n is even and , as in∫ , we factor out and write the rest of
the integrands in terms of , using the identity .
 If m is odd and , in ∫ , as it is in ∫ . In this case we
factor out and write the rest of the integrand in terms of , using the
identity .
The remaining possibility is n is odd and m is even. By using the identity we
can reduce the problem to finding integrals of the form ∫ .
Example: ∫ | |
Example: Find the integral ∫
Evaluating such integrals depends on the trigonometric identity
( ) ( )
With the appropriate replacement, this identity becomes
( ) ( )
Evaluating such integrals depends on the trigonometric identity

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

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2.4 Trigonometric substitutions

Integrals containing √

If we let , with

√ √ . Then if an integral contains √ , we can

eliminate the square root by substituting

Example: Find ∫

Solution: Since, √ √ , we substitute , so that .

Then, ∫ √
∫ √
∫ .

In order to write the answer in terms of the original variable x, we draw the triangle shown
below, in which x=4sinu. From the triangle we see that

Thus, ∫ √


Example: Evaluate ∫ √

If we let , with so that

√ √
Thus if an integral contains √ , we can eliminate the square root by substituting

Example: Find ∫ √


If we let with , then so that

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√ √
Thus if an integral contains √ , then we can eliminate the square root by substituting

Example: ∫

Integrals involving
Integrals that involve a quadratic expression, , where , can often be
evaluated by first completing the square, then making an appropriate substitution. The
following examples illustrate this idea.
Example: Evaluate ∫

Solution: Completing the square yields

( ) , thus the substitution , yields

∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
( )

( ) ( )

( )
(( ) ) ( )

Example: Evaluate ∫ √ ;∫ ;∫
√ √


( )
Suppose that ( )
is a proper rational function, by which we mean that the degree of the

numerator is less than the degree of the denominator. Every proper rational function can be
expressed as a sum
( )
( ) ( ) ( ),
( )

where are rational functions of the form ( ) ( )

in which the denominators are the factors of ( ).

( )
The sum is called the partial fraction decomposition of ( )
and the terms are called partial


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Finding the form of a partial fraction decomposition

The first step in finding the form of the partial fraction decomposition of a proper rational
( )
function is to factor ( ) completely in to linear and irreducible quadratic factors, and
( )

then collect repeated factors so that ( ) is expressed as a product of distinct factors of the
form ( ) ( ) . From these factors we can find the form of the partial
fraction decomposition using the following two rules.
Linear Factors rule: For each factor of the form ( ) , the partial fraction decomposition
contains the following sum of m partial fractions:

, where are constants to be determined.

( ) ( )

Quadratic Factor Rule: For each factor of the form ( ) ., the partial fraction
decomposition contains the following sum of m partial fractions:

, where and are

( ) ( )

constants to be determined.

Example: Evaluate ∫

Solution: The denominator in the integrand can be factored :

( ) ( ) ( )( )

By the linear factor rule, the factor introduce one term ; namely . By the quadratic

factor rule, the factor introduce one term; namely, . Thus, the partial fraction

decomposition is , . To find the constants A ,B and C, equate the

coefficients of like terms from the left the right side of the above equation. Doing this we

obtain . Thus, and

∫ | | ( )

Example: Evaluate ∫ ( )( )

Example: Evaluate ∫

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Solution: The integrand is a proper rational function that can be written as:

( )( )
The factors x-1 and x+2 are both linear and appear to the first power, so each contributes one
term to the partial fraction decomposition by the linear factor rule. Thus the decomposition has
the form

Which is equivalent to
( ) ( )
Upon solving yields

Therefore the integral can be computed as

∫ ∫ ∫ | | | |
Example: Evaluate the following integrals
∫( )( )
∫ ∫ ( )
∫ ( )

∫ ∫ ∫( )( )

∫ ∫ ∫√ ∫ √

∫( ) ( )
∫( )( )
∫ ∫

∫ √

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2.5 Application of Integrals

Let be continuous on an interval , -, and assume that ( ) ( ) for .
We will define the area of the region R that is bounded above by the graph of f, below by the
graph of g, and on the sides by the lines . Find the area of the region bounded
by the graph of and on , -.

To solve this problem we divide the interval [a, b] into n subintervals, which has the effect of
subdividing the region in to n strips. If we assume that the width of the kth strip is , then the
area of the strip can be approximated by the area of a rectangle of width and height
( ) ( ), where is a point in the kth subinterval. Adding these approximations yields
the following Riemann sum that approximates the area A:

∑( ( ) ( ))

Taking the limit as n increases and the width of all the subintervals approach zero yields the
following definite integral for the area A between the curves:

∑( ( ) ( )) ∫( ( ) ( ))

Definition: Let f and g be continuous on , -, with ( ) ( ) . The area of

the region R between the graph of f and g on , - is given by:

∫ , ( ) ( )-

Notice: For the integrand ( ) ( ) represents the height of R at x.

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Example: Let ( ) and ( ) Find the area A of the region between the graph

of f and g on 0 1

Solution: Since 0 1, it follows that

∫ , - √





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Example: Find the area of the region enclosed by the parabolas .


1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

First we determine the x coordinate of the points at which the two parabolas intersect:
This gives , which gives .
Thus the region whose area we seek lies between the graphs of , -.
, it follows that the height of the region at x is , so
by definition we have

∫ , -

Example: Find the area A of the region R between the parabolas

Solution: First we determine the x coordinates of the points at which the parabola and the line

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0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Solving gives

Next observe from the figure that R may be broken up in to two parts:

The part over , - on the x axis and the part over , - on the x-axis.

The part of R over 0 1 is between the graphs of ( ) √ and

( ) √ . The part of R over 0 1 is between the graphs of

( ) √ ( ) .

∫ , ( ) ( )- ∫ , ( ) ( )-

Example: Find the area of the region bounded by the graph of ( ) ( ) .

Solution: From the following figure, the graph of f and g have two points of intersection. To find
the x coordinates of these points, set f(x) and g(x) equal to each other and solve for x.
i.e , solving for x yields .
So, . Since ( ) ( ) for all x in the interval [-2,1], the area of the region is

∫,( ) -

The region between the graph of f and g.

Example: Find the area of the region between the graphs of ( ) and
( ) .

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Solution: First, we find the points of intersections of the graph of f and g by solving the
following equation:

( )( )
Which gives ,

So, the two graphs intersect when . In the above figure, we notice that
( ) ( ) , - ( ) ( ) , -. So, we need to integrate two integrals one for
, - and one for , -.

Therefore, ∫ ,( ) ( )- ∫ , ( ) ( )- ( ) ( )

Example: Find the area of the region enclosed by the curves

Solution: To determine the appropriate boundaries of the region, we need to know where the
curves intersect.
Equating the equation we obtain , ( )( )
From which we obtain . Substituting these values in either equations we see that
the corresponding x values are , respectively, so the points of intersections
are ( ) ( ). The equations of boundaries must be written so that y is expressed
explicitly as a function of x. the upper boundary can be written as √ . The lower boundary
consists of two parts: √

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Now with ( ) √ ( ) √ , we obtain , ∫ ,√ ( √ )-

and with ( ) √ ( ) , we obtain, ∫ ,√ ( )-

Thus, the area of the entire region is,

Reversing the roles of x and y

Some regions are best treated by regarding as a function of . If a region is bounded by
curves with equations ( ) ( ) . Where are continuous

and ( ) ( ) , then its area is ∫ , ( ) ( )- .

In general, to find the area of a region between two curves we can use

Where ( ) ( ) are either adjacent points of intersection of the two curves

involved or points on the specified boundary lines.
Example: Find the area enclosed by the line and the parabola .
Solution: By solving the two equations we find that the points of intersections are
( ) ( ). We solve the equation of the parabola for and notice from the figure

below that the left and right boundary curves are ( ) ( )

We must integrate between the appropriate y values,

Thus, ∫ 0 1

2 2 4 6

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Example: Find the area of the region enclosed by the curves

Solution: AS indicated in the previous example the left boundary is , the right
boundary is , and the region extends over the interval .

Therefore , ∫ ,( ) - , which agrees with the result obtained in the

previous example.
2.6 Volumes
Let us start with a simple type of solid called a cylinder (or more precisely, a right cylinder). As
illustrated in Figure 1(a),a cylinder is bounded by a plane region ,called the base, and a
congruent region in a parallel plane. The cylinder consists of all points on line segments that
are perpendicular to the base and join to . If the area of the base is A and the height of the
cylinder (the distance from to ) is h ,then the volume of the cylinder is defined as .
In particular, if the base is a circle with radius r, then the cylinder is a circular cylinder with
volume , and if the base is a rectangle with length and width , then the cylinder is a
rectangular box( rectangular parallelepiped) with volume .

For a solid S that is not a cylinder we first “cut” S into pieces and approximate each piece
by a cylinder. We estimate the volume of S by adding the volumes of the cylinders. We
arrive at the exact volume of S through a limiting process in which the number of pieces
becomes large.
1. The Cross Sectional Method
Consider a solid region S having the following descriptions. For every x in an interval , -,
the plane perpendicular to the x-axis at x intersects S in a plane region having area A(x).

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Our goal is to define the volume of S. If the cross-sectional area is constant, that is,
( ) . Then we define the volume to be ( ).
This is consistent with the formula for the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped.
Consider a right circular cylinder of height h and radius r with constant cross sectional

Here, ( ) .
Now suppose the cross sectional area A of the three dimensional region S is a function that
is continuous, but not necessarily constant on , -. Let * + be a partition of
, -. For each k between 1 and n, let be an arbitrary number in the sub interval
, - is small, the volume of the part of S on , - is approximately
equal to the product of the cross sectional area ( ) and the length .
Thus , -, - ( )
Since the volume of S is the sum of , it follows that V should be
approximately ∑ ( ) which is a Riemann sum for A on , -. Therefore it seems
plausible that

∑ ( ) ∫ ( )
‖ ‖

Thus if a solid region S has cross sectional area ( ) , and if A is continuous

on , -, then we define the volume V of S by the formula

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∫ ( )

Example: Suppose a pyramid is h units tall and has a square base, a units on a side. Find the
volume V of the pyramid.

Solution: Let us place the y axis along the axis of the pyramid the origin lying at the base of
the pyramid. The pyramid extends from 0 to 4 on the y axis, so the limits of integration will
be 0 and 4. The cross section at any yin , - is a square whose side length ( ) satisfies
( )
( ) ( ). Therefore the cross sectional area at y is given by

( ) , ( )- . It follows that, ∫ , -

More generally, if the pyramid has height h and a square base with side length a, then
substituting h for 4 and a for 3, we would find that

Solid of Revolutions
A solid of revolution is a solid that is generated by revolving a plane region about a line that
lies in the same plane as the region. The line is called the axis of revolution.
The Disk Method
If a region in the plane is revolved about a line, the resulting solid is a solid of revolution,
and the line is called the axis of revolution. The simplest such solid is a right circular
cylinder or disk, which is formed by revolving a rectangle about an axis adjacent to one side
of the rectangle, as shown in the following Figure. The volume of such a disk is
( )( )

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To see how to use the volume of a disk to find the volume of a general solid of
revolution,consider a solid of revolution formed by revolving the plane region in Figure below
about the indicated axis. To determine the volume of this solid,consider a representative
rectangle in the plane region. When this rectangle is revolved about the axis of revolution,it
generates a representative disk whose volume is
( )( )
Approximating the volume of the solid by n such disks of width and radius ( ) gives:

∑ , ( ) -

This approximation appears to become better and better as ‖ ‖ ( ). So, you can
define the volume of the solid as

∑, ( ) - ∫, ( ) -
‖ ‖

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Definition: When the graph of a continuous, nonnegative function f on an interval , - is

revolved about the x-axis, it generates a solid region having circular cross sections. Since the
radius of the cross section at x is f(x), it follows that ( ) , ( )- . Thus we obtain a formula
for the volume V of the solid that is generated:

∫ , ( )-

Example: Find the volume of a sphere of radius r.

Solution: A sphere is generated by revolving a semicircle about its diameter.
If ( ) √ .Thus, ∫ (√ ) .

Example: Find the volume V of the frustum of the cone shown below

A two point equation of the straight line along the upper edge of the frustum is ,

which gives .The frustum is generated by revolving the graph of this

equations on , - about the x axis. Thus, y represents the radius of the cross section of the
frustum at x, it follows that:

∫ ( ) ( )
( )

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Example: Determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by
, and the x-axis about the x-axis.
The first thing to do is get a sketch of the bounding region and the solid obtained by rotating the
region about the x-axis. Here are both of these sketches.

The sketch on the left shows just the curve we’re rotating as well as it’s mirror image along the bottom of
the solid.

In this case the radius is simply the distance from the x-axis to the curve and this is nothing more
than the function value at that particular x as shown above. The cross-sectional area is then,
( ) ( ) ( )

∫ ( )

Example: Determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the portion of the region
bounded by y = √ and that lies in the first quadrant about the y-axis.

First, let’s get a graph of the bounding region and a graph of the object. Remember that we only
want the portion of the bounding region that lies in the first quadrant. There is a portion of the
bounding region that is in the third quadrant as well, but we don't want that for this problem.

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Here are a couple of sketches of the boundaries of the walls of this object as well as a typical ring.
The sketch on the left includes the back portion of the object to give a little context to the figure
on the right.

The inner radius in this case is the distance from the y-axis to the inner curve while the outer
radius is the distance from the y-axis to the outer curve. Both of these are then x distances .The
cross-sectional area is then,

∫ , -

The Washer Method

Let f and g functions such that ( ) ( ) .
Then the plane region between the graph of f and the x-axis on , - is composed of the region
between the graph of f and g on , - and the region between g and x axis on , -. Therefore,
the volume of the solid generated by revolving the entire region about the x-axis should be equal
to the sum of the volumes of the solid generated by revolving the two component regions about
the x-axis. Accordingly, the volume V of the solid generated by revolving the region between the
graphs of f and g on , - is given by

∫ ,, ( )- , ( )- -
When g is nonzero, the method is called the Washer Method.

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Example: Let ( ) ( ) , and let R be the region between the graph of f and
g on , -. Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving R about the x-axis.
Solution: Since

∫ , -

The Shell Method

In the preceding sections we obtain a formula for the volume of the solid generated by
revolving about the x-axis the region between the graph of f and g on [a, b]. we can also
revolve such a region about the y-axis and find a corresponding formula for the volume the
solid so generated.
To begin, let us determine the volume of a cylindrical shell obtained by revolving a
rectangle about the axis. Suppose the rectangle is bounded by the x-axis, the line ,
and the line , where , then since the volume of the
cylindrical shell is the difference of the volumes of the outer and the inner cylinders it follows
that , -

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If we replace , the we obtain

, - , -, -
Now let f be a continuous nonnegative function on , - with . We wish to define the
volume V of the solid region shown above obtained by revolving about the y-axis the region b/n
the graphs of f and the x-axis on , -.

Let * + be a partition of , -. for each k between 1 and n, let

, -
be the mid point of the subinterval ( ). If is small, the volume of the

portion of the solid b/n the revolved lines is approximately equal to the
volume of the corresponding cylindrical shell with height ( ).
( ), -, - ( )
Therefore the volume V of the solid, which is the sum of should be
∑ ( ) which is the Riemann sum for , -. as a result

‖ ‖ ∑ ( ) ∫ ( )
Thus we have the following definition of volume

∫ ( )

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Example: Let ( ) ( ) , and let R be the region between the graph

of f and x-axis on , ]. Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving R about the y axis.
Solution: Since the height of the shell at any x in , - is ( )

∫ ,( ) -

Example: Let ( ) ( ) and let R be the region between the graph of f

and g on , ]. Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving R about the y axis.
Solution: Since , it follows that the height of the solid at any x
in [0,3] is . Thus

∫ , -

Example: Let R be the region between the graph of the equations , -.

Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving R about the x-axis by
a. The Washer method
b. The Shell method
2.7 Length of curves
Let f be a continuous function on , -. if f is linear, that is the graph of f is a line segment,
then the length of the graph is the distance between ( ( )) ( ( )), so that
√( ) ( ( ) ( ))
When f is not necessarily linear, we let * + be any partition of , -, and
approximate the graph of f by a polygonal line L whose vertices are
( ( )) ( ( )) ( ( )).

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Let be the length of the portion of f joining ( ( )) and ( ( )). If is

small is approximately equal to the length of the line segment joining ( ( ))
and ( ( )). In other words,

√( ) ( ( ( )

The mean value theorem, applied to f on the interval , -, implies that

( ( ( )( ), for some in ( )
√( ) , ( )( )-

=√ , ( )- ( )
Therefore the total length l of the graph of f, which is the sum of the lengths
should be approximately

∑√ , ( )-

Itself a Riemann sum for √ ( ) on , -. Thus it seems plausible that

∑√ , ( )- ∫ √ ( ( ))
‖ ‖

Definition: Let f have a continuous derivative on [a,b]. then the length l of the graph of f on

, - is defined by ∫ √ ( ( )) .

Example: Let ( ) . Find the length of the graph of f.

Solution: Since ( )

∫ √ ( )

Example: A highway runs northeast across a river, which is represented by the y axis. To
achieve a crossing of right angle, a curve is introduced in to high ay.

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If ( ) , then this curve is represented by the graph of f. suppose the

p p p
find the approximate length of the stripe.

Example: Let ( ) , find the arc length of the graph of f from the point
( ) ( ).
Length of curves defined parametrically
Suppose a particle traverses a curve C in the plane. Then the x and y coordinates of the
point ( ) on C are functions of time t. we will assume that there are continuous functions
f and g on an interval I such that C consists of all points ( ) such that
( ) ( ) ( )
In such a case the equation in (10 are parametric equations of C, and we say that C is
parameterized by the equations in (1), with t a parameter of C. for a , we will let
( ) ( ( ) ( ))
Suppose that a curve C is given parametrically by ( ) ( ) ,
where f and g have continuous derivatives on , -. Our derivation of the formula for the
length of C will parallel the derivation of the formula given above. Let * +
be any partition of , - . Let ( ) ( ( ) ( )) be the
corresponding point on C.

Let be the length of the portion of the curve joining ( ) ( ). If is

small, is approximately equal to the length of the line segment joining
( ) ( ).
In other words,
√( ) (( )

√, ( ) ( )- , ( ) ( )-
By the Mean value theorem there are numbers , - such that
( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) .
Therefore the total length of the graph of the curve which is the sum of the length
, should be approximately

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∑ √, ( )- , ( )-

Although this sum is not a Riemann sum because may be distinct numbers, it is
closely related to a Riemann sum, and moreover, it can be shown that

‖ ‖ ∑ √, ( )- , ( )- ∫ √, ( )- , ( )-
Consequently, it is reasonable to define the length of the curve C by the formula

∫ √, ( )- , ( )-

Example: Find the circumference of the circle of radius r centered at the origin, given
parametrically .

Since, . It follows that

∫ √, - , -

Example: Find the length of one arch of the cycloid given parametrically by
( ) ( )

Solution: first we notice that,


∫ √, - , -

∫ √

∫ √

∫ √ ( ) ∫ . /
( )
Note: , . / . / ]

2.9 Surface Area

A higher dimensional version of the length of a curve is the surface area of surface

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The surface area S of a cube of side is given by . The surface area S of a cylinder of
radius r and height h is given by .
The surface area S of a frustum of a cone with slant height l and radius is given by

. /

More generally, suppose f is defined on , -, and ( )

We will derive a formula for the surface area S of the surface obtained by revolving the graph
of f about the x axis(figure d above) .
Assume that f is continuously differentiable on , -. Now let * + be a partition of
, -, and let the area of the portion of the surface between the revolved lines
. If is small the surface area is approximately equal to the surface area of the frustum of the
corresponding cone, that is, the frustum whose slant height is equal to the length of the line between
( ( )) ( ( )), and the radii whose ends are ( ) ( ).

( ( ) ( )) √( ) , ( ) ( )-
By Mean Value Theorem applied on , -.

√( ) , ( ) ( )- √ , ( )-
Since is assumed to be small are close together, with between them. Since
f and are continuous on , -, it follows that ( ( ) ( )) should approximate
( ( ) ( )) , so
( )√ , ( )-
Consequently the surface area S of the complete surface which equals the sum of ,
should be approximately

∑ ( )√ , ( )-

Which is the Riemann sum for √ , - , -. therefore, we are lead to define the surface
area S by

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Applied Mathematics II Lecture Note Compiled by Arega.K

∑ ( )√ , ( )- ∫ ( )√ , ( )-
‖ ‖

Definition: Let f be nonnegative and continuously differentiable on [a, b]. The surface area of
the surface obtained by revolving the graph of f about the x axis is defined by

∫ ( )√ , ( )-

Example: Let ( ) . Find the surface area S of the surface obtained by revolving the
graph of f about the x axis.
Solution: Since ( ) , it follows

∫ √ ( ) ∫ √ , -

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