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Pickles Burg
Rank 1 • Ogryn • Ogryn Warrior • Tier 3

Imperium • Astra Militarum • Militarum Auxilla • [Regiment] • Abhuman

Attributes Skills Objectives

Attribute Rating Adjusted Skill Val Att Total 1: Express confidence (or the opposite) in
the virtue of overwhelming numbers and
Strength 8 8 Athletics 2 Str (8) 10
Toughness 7 7 Awareness 0 Int (1) 1
2: Apply a lesson from the Imperial
Agility 2 2 Ballistic Skill 2 Agi (2) 4 Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer to the
Initiative 4 4 Cunning 0 Fel (1) 1 current situation.

Willpower 2 2 Deception 0 Fel (1) 1 3: Compare the protection given by faith in

Intellect 1 1 Insight 0 Fel (1) 1 the Emperor to a piece of armour or cover.

Fellowship 1 1 Intimidation 1 Wil (2) 3 4: Cite the logistical use of hatred for the
Investigation 0 Int (1) 1
Traits 5: Obey an order without question or
Leadership 0 Wil (2) 2
Defence 3 doubt.
Medicae 0 Int (1) 1
Resilience @Flak Armour (3) 11 6: Make a tactically sound plan to achieve
Persuasion 0 Fel (1) 1
Determination 7 an objective.
Pilot 0 Agi (2) 2
Max Wounds ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ 13
Psychic Mastery 0 Wil (2) 2 Languages
Max Shock ☐☐☐☐☐ 5
Scholar 0 Int (1) 1
Speed 6 Low Gothic
Stealth 0 Agi (2) 2
Conviction 2
Survival 2 Wil (2) 4
Resolve 1
Tech 0 Int (1) 1
Corruption 0
Weapon Skill 3 Ini (4) 7
Passive Awareness 1

In uence 0

Wealth ☐☐☐ 3

Name Damage AP Salvo Range Traits

Ripper Gun 11 + 2 ED 0 2 6 | 12 | 18 Assault, Brutal, Heavy(5)

Ripper Gun Bayonet 11* + 3 ED -1 - melee Reliable

Frag Bomb 12 + 4 ED 0 - STRx4 Blast(8)

Assault: You can fire an Assault weapon as part of a Sprint (p.180), but take a +2 DN penalty to the attack.
Blast: Target a point (DN 3) and deal damage to anyone in the blast radius. You can´t shift for damage.
Brutal: When rolling damage dice, add +1 to the result of each Extra Damage Die.
Heavy: You need (X) Str or you suffer +2 DN to attacks and are knocked prine on a Complication. Or, the Brace (p.189) Action.
Reliable: You can ignore the first Complication related to this weapon per scene. Tests made to repair or maintain Reliable weapons are
made with +1 bonus die.

Abilities Talents
Avalanche of Muscle • Ogryn Berzerker
When you Charge you gain an additional +1 Bonus Dice to your When a creature within 30 metres suffer a crit or bleeding, you gain
melee attack Test. 1 Wrath.

Claustrophobic • Ogryn Blood Must Flow!

Whenever you enter an enclosed area you must make a Fear Test You may shift melee attack dice to inflict bleeding.
(default DN 2). Additionally, whenever you roll a Complication in an
enclosed space, the GM can spend 1 Ruin to force you to repeat this
Fear Test.
Flak Armour • Armour • core, pg. 232
Simple Loyalty • Ogryn
Whenever an ally with the IMPERIUM Keyword makes a Leadership
Test targeting an Ogryn they gain Bonus Dice equal to the Ogryn’s
Rank ( +1 ).

Abhuman • Ogryn
You suffer a +1 DN penalty to social tests with Humans, modified by
the target`s Keywords.

No recored Psykers • Ogryn

There are no recorded instances of Ogryns with psychic abilities.
You cannot have the PSYKER Keyword.

Armour for Abhumans • Ogryn

For abhumans like Ogryns, the Rarity of any Armour is increased by

Let It Rip • Ogryn Warrior

When you Charge and have a ranged weapon, you can fire it wildly
as a Free Action. This is treated as a Salvo Option that awards
Bonus Dice to your Melee Attack Test equal to your weapon’s Salvo

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