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What I learned in the course Readings in the Philippine History.

Reading is boring. When I first heard about this course I'm a bit sad because i know this will
be difficult not because I'm illiterate but the reason is I know this course will challenge my
patience, since I'm not a fan of reading specially about history I prefer watching the movie
adaptation of the book rather than investing more time to read the whole story. I don't find any
reason why so many people put so much effort about digging the past when it's already done. I
don't understand it but that was before.

Readings in the Philippines history one of the courses I take on this semester and yes from the
name itself it is all about the Philippine history wherein it tackles all the significant events and
changes in the culture, society, and even the evolution of the Philippine constitution. In this
course we were asked to read about the first navigation around the world, customs of the
tagalogs, kartilya ng katipunan, up to the evolution of the Philippine constitution, the agrarian
reform and lastly about the evolution of the taxation in the Philippines. This course is so broad
that sometimes I find confusing and difficult to remember but upon reading all the stories I
learned and discover a lot of things, I learned the true essence of patriotism and reading make me
feel like I'm in the actual setting, I witnessed it from the bravery of lapu-lapu when he protecting
the tribe from Magellan's troupe, from the selflessness shown by Emilio Jacinto who is the mind
of the katipuneros, from the burning fire of love to our country by our former filipino leaders
who made the Philippines an independent country with its own constitution despite of all the
failed attempts and despite of the war that our country had been through. Truly the patriotism
and perseverance of the Filipino people is the main reason why we have our own constitution
however on the negative view I found out that the main reason of the first failure on establishing
the constitution is the Filipino itself, ironically but it's understood that on this era wherein there
are still the influence of colonizers, but eventually the Philippines still made it, though it took a
hundreds of years. Through this I learned the essence of optimism, Filipinos before are optimist
people because even several attempts they’ve been through upon establishing our independence
they never give up, though some people did, but look at our country today enjoying its freedom.

They say first impression's last, but not all the time. Proving my first impression oj this course
wasn't reasonable at all. It might be true that reading needs a lot of patience but the leanings you
will get is alll worth it. through reading it feels like I am on the actual setting. Indeed through
reading we can go back from the past, this course take us from the past not physically, but
because of this course we were able to look back in all the positive and even the negative effect
happened in our country. They say history repeat itself but this course taught me that history can
only happen again if we don't learn from the mistake of the past.

Don’t plagiarized all of it hehe

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