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Nowhere Special News Rr aa °° te - are, = ‘gs &) , S Peo g 5 = # , > 244s 2 S07 me 2S Nowhere Special Nets HA WA HA 0o@ DEB ALgum Ts cKT AND WE FEEL So aa@Ry HAPPY ANO ALSo so wereo!! wé WoRKEO So HARO ON T¥Ed RECORD, cant THANK you ENOUGH FoR THE INSANE we've RECTEVYO ON TT Sb FAR, AND we AMouNi OF SuvPPoRI HERES Sane “BUMMER Conrenr foe you U> SHORTLY AFTER FawAlly FAvEsHtNG “Bummee we Sent Tr OFF T QUE CLOSEST FRIENDS FoR THEIR THOUbYTS. ovR Feteo STEVE (oF REMY THE PRrNLE) CAME BALK Te VS sHoRily APTIER Word WHAT WE CoNSZDER To SE THE Mosr BrASEO PEUTEW oF ALL TIME. WE ARE Gornc Ts siaRE fr HERE out of YANTTY TN A NEW SEGMENT COO... oy “BYyMMER osize/21 {An leonic title for ar iconic album. The frst and long awaited LP of Cobourg rock duo CLEOPATRICK. ‘The album starts off with 4 absolute HIT songs, one after another. The sound of this record is established immediately, this is not rock — this is“a hip hop record. No other band to ever exist sounds like cleopatrick. They are the first band since RATM to ‘cross hip hop and hard rock at this level, and they do it with a completely fresh and modern approach. Singer Luke Gruntz is not just a lyrically genius rapper, he is also a melody fiend with a voice more soulful than hozier. VICTORIA PARK is an absolute rap masterpiece to open the record, easily one of my favourite songs. THE DRAKE, FAMILY VAN, GOOD GRIEF. hit single after hit single, FAMILY VAN will be the biggest rock song in the world once it drops, anyone who's heard it once can tell you that. Leading to NO SWEAT, the dark horse absolute banger on the record. A personal favourite of mine and my colleague Daniel Prada. This is the most genre crossing I've ever heard from the small town Ontario outfit. That signature Luke Gruntz melody style in the chorus is SO FUCKING HOOky, while also giving us the most SMTB hardcore vibes I've heard from cleo. | absolutely carinot wait unt this song is played live. | think it's a volcanic eruption of a tune. Itleads into my other FAVOURITE ‘song WHY JULY. The fucking sickest drum tone I've heard in years, this is the most recognizable lan Fraser beat on the record, and th8re are many SIGNATURE beats. My favourite drummer in the game, again... no one fucking sounds lke them, = these guys ae untouchable. WHY JULY is TOO FUCKING GOOD. | love the melodies so much and how it seamlessly stil finds a way to ignite a mosh pit by the end of the song ze ‘Avery dope interlude YA leads us into PEPPERS GHOST. The most experimental track on BUMMER. Revealing to their fan base where cleo can take their sound at any pointif they fee! like it. love the unpredictability of this track, | apprectate it more and more with every listen. It also has extremely unique toneé throughout and is sneakily very-catchy and will be stuck in your head. The coolest creepy outro takes/us into what feels ike the climax of the album 2008. 4 The power of the emotioa aind sentiment in this track is what makes it the climax of BUMMER. This track takes you slow } motion inside the heart lines of kuke Gruntz, gradually building into‘a full out of body experience with the high note of all high * notes. One of the most personal and beautiful moments in the history of recorded music. This song breaks your heart,and sets you up for the ending of the record in the most vulnerable way. GREAT LAKES. The grooviest track on the record itbuilds into another uniquely'structured track with a beautiful writen falsetto hook, somethitig you haven't heard yet on the record: Each song of this record offers you something the last song sida’ ‘The grand finale outro of GREAT LAKES is pure triumph: The narration of the record comes to completion of what feels like the fist movie in @ sequel, reminiscent of Spider Man 1 when Toby Mequire losthis uncle, and killed James Franco's Da. GREAT LAKES is the victory, the victory but with consequence. To me fees le one of the underlying themes throughout this record, this is a coming of age story. What is real? Wo can you trust?.Who am I? Where do | belong? The answer for cleopatrick is they belong in a special place all of our hearts, and a special place in the world of music. Irate this album 10/40. Ff Steve DeCiantis * wee : STEVES MUSIC BLOG - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, NEXTWEEK ILL BE BREAKING DOWN THE SEQUENCE OF IAN FRASERS HAIR GROWTH AND HOW IT CAME TO BE Hey HERE TS A 10 Sond SPOTEFY PLAYLIST THAT TAN AND MADE WTH Some oF THE TRACKS / RESROS/ ARTESTS THat Gus ook EARS, EYES, AND HEARIS AS WE MADE “eunmer® BUMMER Influences +. LUKE GRUNTZ: FORKS AND KNIVES // SHOW ME THE BODY this song was one of our biggest influences while making BUMMER. haiids ‘down. the chaos, emotion, and energy that is captured on this track (and the whole album it comes from) is unparalleled in this decade. it inspired us to push ‘our sound forward, and to keep our album intense, short, and potent. IF BEFORE | WAKE // THE DISTRICTS the districts have been a profound inspiration to ian and i for years now. this track + album in particular holds a very special place in my heart. when i was, writing VICTORIA PARK i thought of this song a lot. it's one of my favourite album openers because if puts so much weight on the lyrics. it feels like a big wooden door swinging open, and welcoming you as you enter the album. LADREAM // JULIA JACKLIN julia jacklin is one of my favourite songwriters / lyricists / vocalists of all time. this ‘song inspired me to embrace the responsibility of being a singer. on BUMMER, it inspired me to be more honest than ever before; in hopes that my vulnerability ‘would find it's way to someone that needs it - much like i needed LA DREAM when i first heard it listen to this whdle album please. it's in my top 10 of all time. . PACIFIST IN CAMOUFLAGE // DINOSAUR BONES the production and arranging on this track is a masterclass in sound selection and minimalism. | dream of one day recording a song as focused / unique as this one. also, this track sits in a really perfect place in the sequence of the entire album. second last!! it inspired me to put 2008 second last on our album. CRYING LIGHTNING // ARCTIC MONKEYS ian, jake, and i were fucking enthralled by this album in late 2017 + early 2018 ‘as we began our first long stretch of touring. at that time, | was just beginning to ‘obsess over the ideas that would go on to form our debut album. HUMBUG was the sonic compass that i followed in all my early writing for BUMMER. it's why the guitar is so wiggly ion FAMILY VAN. it's why the bass is front and centre on VICTORIA PARK. it's why, lyrically, i don’t shut the fuck up for the full album, THOS: IAN FRASER: FLORIDA GUILT // BAY FACTION i think this band came into our lives at a really crucial moment. they really opened my eyes to the level of production a band with minimal instruments can achieve, all while stil feeling raw and genuine. this track is SO rooted in just bass drums and guitar but also it feels way beyond that. i think this band/song helped me push our limits within the production side of things in our own way. (RIP bay faction.) ‘ MY DIVIDER // DINOSAUR BONES this track really influenced a lot of the less traditionally heavy moments on the record. moments that still feel very heavy in their own right, just in a more emotional way. this song and album really made me want to make more *heavy" music in less traditional cleo ways. RUNAWAY // KANYE WEST i.was listening to this track a LOT within the coming months of tracking BUMMER. i really loved the idea of trying to mimic what sampled funk/soul drums do on hip hop tracks, but with new live recordings. it wasn't about trying to do the same thing, but to find something that laid within the lines of these different styles of drums-on-record. HEARTBREAK WARFARE // JOHN MAYER this may seem funny but this track has really influenced me, specifically on the drums. this track has the simplest beat that truly goes so hard throughout. while writing parts for BUMMER anytime i felt like i was overplaying, i would think about this track and the emotions that i evokes and i would reevaluate my parts. ASPIRIN // SHOW ME THE BODY this song really inspired a whole next level of abrasiveness on the drums that i wasn't even sure was attainable (while still sounding dope af). the energy captured in these instrumentals really set the bar for what i thought we were capable of reaching on LP41 RELORDINL “BUMMER WAS ONE OF THE Mose lar SPECKAL ExPERTENLES OF OUR LIVES, DN THE STuDTO, WE MADE SURE 10 papa TAKE A Lat oF PxsS. TROMY WE WANT 70 SHARE typm wry you Se you CAN FEEL \EKE you WARE “THERE Of SomerHENG ok, zen Rot PvT oO res vy Vv qv ape Re WE Also Just DROPPED, ove CoOLesT Musre UrDEo Yer FoR “BUMMER s OPENENG TRACK “ VICTORTA FARK STARRING our BROKE qe EOWARD CAMPBELL ANO DIRECTEO By KUR arycr BRosKc Boy WONDER I! WaT TT WERE oS HERE IT3 A BEHTNO THE ScéNeS \SOFO FROM eae SHoot. SHoVtour yAMES FoR RUNNING ARouND CoBOVRG WITH “yS Foie [OURS WHTLE WFARDNG THAT ° | WEERP AS CAMERA etc. ! : i aay | . ee, pi ENMELY Vay yo yo yo So you Have SeéN THE PAM VAN MuSte Yxpeo? 4 worse CLICK MERE, WE Marve Te wer ove NEW , FRteND Ryan AKA ~ BOY WoNDER, TN AHE Mau 7 x PARKING Lot HERE “IN LOBOURG. WE ARE Se STOKED | AGon THES. oOo + MBETENG Ryan BECAUSE HE TOTALLY UNDERSTANDS Tyg AESTHETIC / ETIOS OF ovR BAND. SAFE To sAy: we ARE GosnG 16 make MAny MoRE vipfos witty RYAN. ANY ways TF you WANING see a BIS vanes From me FAMTLY VAN NTOEO SHo6T, Cir. HERE ’ 7 . WARNIND> queRe ARE Some srRoBes TH TI EAMELY Van THERE ARE some REALLY Cool FAMTU YUAN (NERS KICKING ARDWND THE TMTERNET ReGur Now. WE HAVE (OLLECTEO THEem guio A PLAYLIST Fok your yeumNb PLEASURE WERE! WANTED To PLAY A VInéo GAME Wtty HAVE you EVER Coon WELL Yov'er TN WK, ove FACES tN Tr? YA? A et 1 THE urbe Goupte ws Abo we LAUNCHfD Family van fe us a 0 TS AN B-BIT ARCADE ROPER THAT HAS you TAGE CONTR oF FAN'S YAN, AND RACE DowN THE Yor PECKING 0P> our FRIENDS SANJAY AND JAKE | Dep orn & cARS , AND qN AN EFFORT TS GET ORABBING (ofNS Aloe THE way ya To ove TO on TIME. T1's STvPTO FN THE BEST ways. PLAY IT BY CLcLerNG Becow Jf! a ol oe : ~~ 8 | 4 Jeo a g 1008 108" ‘ee ae eb : 2 ie ————S—— ue <*08 t “ TWANK you So MUCH FoR ALL THE Love on “2008 Everyone t FAN AND T HAVE BEEN So EX(TTEO ABOUT PTS SONG FoR $ A WHILE Now. Tt PROBABLy SH6uLDNT Have BEEN A StNDLE But we REAL WantED 1 Give TT A BSt of SPoTITLHT BEFORE THE Full ALBUM DRoppED Fecawe sts Ss 'TMPRTANT TS US THEMATECALLy fF SeMTcALLy. IT'S TRuly. AN HONOUR To HAVE AN AVOVENCE hunt CAN HANDLE A TUNE LtKE’ “2008” — NRM v . - 2 > ei ; eoeth 8 How ‘we-mMAoe a7 [eieck. HERE) % - . 2 q : an — eS 2 1 IT MADE & “2008 “sLoweD + Revers mir yere THar yoo can Dowload. TF GONE wants To MAKE A Dope V¥SVAL fre Tr. yo OUR PERMZSSEON ys> POT TT om YouTy@F. i 3 ; ALSO @ BuNcY OF You HAVE Hor me VP ABosut A 2008 Guerre Lesson So < MADE THIS UTDEO FOP YoU / CHECK HT out AND TAG v5 ZN Your CIE |! CouéRS YOU T00/8) # pronounced“ youve" * : pu vies Beano NEW SEEMENT WE ARE Gore TO. SHARE 2 oot youTuse ATOEOS «WITH you. qya's PREY Mod TT. go yall iA oe + ON ONE LATE NEbIT youTUBE seam SURF, + Founp myselr TAN 2 LaSTENGNG Ts A BUNCH of PIKE “SUWwED 4 véRs” VSDFOS. £ -RICKEIND Lov THESE © BUT WHEN T stumgego onto THES ONE, T WS BROUGHT To ANGTHFE PlanéT, z WAS TNSFDE HE Sone, st WAS LSFET was FEELING EuERY FENCE cHAt HAS Bren acompantéD By THES SONG, ALL FLOWENG. THROUGY ME at once. Just LISTEN To WHEN ALL TAE LAYER ENGAGE IN - he PRE-(WoRUS I! opmn. pusuTour me, BRrGyrsTOE .. Hanns KE: “om!” oe ee ria co HE “oO SPOTLIGHT HELLS AND WELCOME Th CLEd'S WHERE WE TAKE DoPE mis: opAy WE ARE SATNING THI GveTAR BAN ONTARES . que EFFENS ARE focern GurTAR - Musz¢ at TS CAHARTEC RELEASE OF A SENG ‘5 PREMY Muy EVER. CANADA T PRESENT © pore AS HELL. THEY ARE MAKNG PERFECTLY DEST GNEO THtne//t “pope muse SParLTbHT THING TC AND THEN SHINE A speruTeyT ONar iE SPOILILYT ON oNF oF MY FPN A FROM RECHT HERE Th THE EFFENS FoR THE LALONG Mosd Pir, Gut YULNERABCLTTY » AND THOUGHTFUL - Endowed wot THE Honesty , yess Tec GUT So MUCH DEEPER. THETR ARRANGEMENTS ARE ENS7ERENG | mere MELOOTES ARE ADOECTING | ayn THER PRoouct ON f orentTEutly =~ due sreote BREAKS So Many “oye AR muse rues” IN He Mos BeAvmFuL WAYS PosSTBLE. wink Moke excerep ANP ENVESTED cn THE BFFENS ie oro ecuerie, ANe © aevly BELsevE THEY nee gnome Be A SoNTC COMPASS FS A NEW GENERATION OF anos 7 THe 20205 « VaviRe sTuesd. af you PONT pssren THE gerens, 9 , i Azone < epee ovk 3 A ar ene geek 300 4 it Her stk ere © vo ueyen tun ws Wee eR oF ree t os: ALL THE BEAUTIFUL: ARTWORK FoR bkeROpRmeaermees “Bunn , WAC Done By VE FRIEND HADAR BARAK. TN CELEBRATION ere a OF HER TNCREDTRLE WORK + “ZULvSTeATESNS, HERE ARE . a asa Meor-DorE BYMMER BA KOR IN DS om ¥ . : 2 aa. , ‘ f 4 AS BLAS, THANK You So MvCy Fee READENG. . ¢ WWE WELL SEF You Sour, MuCH Love. ‘ or a 3 tTaNn

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