Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (354-373)

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Automation of Urine and Body

Fluid Analysis

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to: 4. Compare and contrast the three technologies used to
1. Describe the principle of reflectance photometry. perform fully automated urine microscopy analysis—
2. Discuss and differentiate between semiautomated and digital flow microscopy, flow cytometry, and cuvette-based
fully automated urine chemistry analyzers. digital microscopy.
3. State advantages gained by performing automated urine 5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of current
sediment analysis. automated body fluid analyzers.

Automation of Urinalysis, 339 Automation of Body Fluid Analysis, 348
Urine Chemistry Analyzers, 339 Body Fluid Cell Counts Using Hematology
Automated Microscopy Analyzers, 342 Analyzers, 349
77 Elektronika UriSed Analyzer, 345 Body Fluid Cell Counts Using iQ200, 349
Fully Automated Urinalysis Systems, 346

K E Y T E R M S*
fully automated urinalysis semiautomated
reflectance photometry semiautomated urinalysis

*Definitions are provided in the chapter and glossary.

AUTOMATION OF URINALYSIS As with all technology, new analyzers and methods are
A goal of the urinalysis laboratory is to maximize productivity constantly being developed and modified. The combinations
and testing quality while keeping costs and turnaround time of analyzers or urinalysis workstations available through the
at a minimum. The first reagent strip tests to determine the collaboration of manufacturers are dynamic and change with
chemical composition of urine were developed in the 1950s time. Note that despite our global economy, instruments that
in an effort to achieve these goals. Since that time, reagent are available in Europe or Asia may not be available in the
strips have streamlined the chemical examination, signifi- United States, and vice versa. The instruments presented in
cantly reducing the time required and increasing the number this chapter are limited to those most commonly encountered
of specimens that can be analyzed in a given time period. in US laboratories and one available outside the United States.
Efforts next focused on ensuring consistency in reagent strip Although manufacturers use similar formats for their urine
reading (e.g., color interpretation, timing), reducing the chemical analyzers, the approach used for automated micros-
amount of specimen handling, and increasing specimen copy varies among three principles—digital flow microscopy,
throughput. These efforts have resulted in the development flow cytometry, and cuvette-based digital microscopy.
of instruments that assess reagent strip results and automate
evaluation of the physical characteristics of urine. In the early Urine Chemistry Analyzers
1980s, automation of the microscopic examination was Semiautomation of the chemical examination of urine was
achieved by the development of a urine microscopy analyzer developed to standardize the interpretation of reagent strip
(i.e., Yellow Iris). Today, automated urine chemistry ana- results. Consistent, unbiased, and accurate color interpreta-
lyzers and urine microscopy analyzers are available that can tion was the goal when urine chemistry analyzers were devel-
be used as standalone instruments or linked together to oped. All reagent strip reading instruments, regardless of
enable a fully automated urinalysis system. manufacturer, use reflectance photometry to interpret the

340 CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis

color formed on each test pad. These semiautomated instru- Reflectance measurements are performed at specific wave-
ments require the user to properly dip the reagent strip and lengths and are expressed as percent reflectance (% R). The
place it onto a platform. After this is done, the instrument percent reflectance (% R) is the ratio of the test pad reflectance
automatically performs the remaining steps in the analysis: (Rt) compared to the calibration reflectance (Rc), multiplied
reading the reaction pads at the appropriate read time and by the percent reflectivity of the calibration reference, which
moving the strip to a waste container. is usually 100%.
Some manufacturers include a color compensation pad on
their reagent strips. The purpose of this pad is to assess urine %R¼  100 Equation 16.1
color and use it when interpreting the colors that develop on Rc
each reaction pad. In other words, the instrument modifies test The relationship between concentration and reflectance is
results by essentially subtracting the contribution of urine color not linear. Therefore a microprocessor is needed to apply
from the color change obtained on the test reaction pads. Note complex algorithms that convert the relationship to a linear
that this is possible only when reagent strip results are inter- one and to obtain a semiquantitative analyte value for each
preted using an automated instrument. Consequently, depend- reaction pad on the test strip.
ing on the intended use—manual or automated—reagent strips
with or without a color compensation pad are available.
Semiautomated Chemistry Analyzers
Principle of Reflectance Photometry The term semiautomated urinalysis indicates that an analyzer
Reflectance photometry quantifies the intensity of the colored is used to interpret the commercial reagent strip results of urine
product produced on the reagent strip reaction pads. When when the chemical examination is performed. The term semi-
light strikes a matte or unpolished surface (e.g., a reagent strip), automated indicates that the user performs the remaining steps
some light is absorbed, and the remaining light is scattered of the urinalysis—physical examination of color and clarity, as
or reflected in all directions. The scattered light is known as well as the microscopic examination, if performed.
diffuse reflectance. In reflectance photometers, the incident Numerous reagent strip manufacturers are located world-
light is usually of one or more wavelengths, whereas only wide, and many market a reflectance photometer for use with
reflected light of a single, specific wavelength is detected. their reagent strips. Urine chemistry analyzers commonly
These photometers are calibrated using reflectance standards used in the United States are listed in Table 16.1. Several semi-
such as magnesium carbonate or barium sulfate that automated instruments are shown in Figs. 16.1 through 16.3.
“completely” reflect all incident light. Because the potential All instruments are user friendly and include various display
colors that develop on each reaction pad dictate the wave- and audio prompts to aid in their operation. Most semiauto-
lengths of light needed for reflectance measurements, each mated systems require the user to (1) press a button to ready
reflectance photometer must have a way of selecting the appro- the analyzer for analysis, (2) properly dip the reagent strip
priate wavelength for each test pad. To obtain the desired into a suitable urine sample, (3) blot the strip to remove excess
wavelength, reflectance photometers use (1) polychromatic urine, and (4) place the strip onto an intake platform.
light and a series of filters to isolate specific wavelengths or A microprocessor controls the remaining aspects of testing:
(2) a series of monochromatic light sources (e.g., light-emitting It mechanically moves the strip through the instrument.
diodes [LEDs]). At the appropriate timed interval, reflectance readings are

TABLE 16.1 Selected Urine Chemistry Analyzers

Manufacturer Analyzer Type and Features
Arkray Inc., Kyoto, Japan Diascreen 50 • Semiautomated
AUTION MAX AX-4280, AX-4030 • Fully automated
• Color (light transmittance), clarity (light scatter), specific
gravity (refractive index)
Iris Urinalysis-Beckman iChem 100 • Semiautomated
Coulter, Inc., Brea, CA iChem Velocity • Fully automated
• Color (light transmittance) and clarity (light scatter),
specific gravity (refractive index)
Roche Diagnostics, URISYS 1100, 1800, COBAS u411 • Semiautomated
Indianapolis, IN URISYS 2400 • Fully automated
• Color (reflectance photometry), clarity (turbidimetry),
specific gravity (refractive index)
Siemens Healthcare Clinitek 50, 100, 200, 200 +, 500, • Semiautomated
Diagnostics Inc., Deerfield, IL Status, Advantus
Clinitek ATLAS • Fully automated
• Color (reflectance photometry), clarity (light scatter),
specific gravity (refractive index)
CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis 341

TABLE 16.2 Typical Features of

Semiautomated Urine Chemistry Analyzers
Tests Blood, leukocyte esterase, nitrite, protein,
performed glucose, ketone, bilirubin, urobilinogen,
pH, specific gravity
Measurement Intensity of color on reagent strip pads
principle measured by reflectance photometry;
automatic adjustments made for urine
Sample User manually dips and places strip onto
handling instrument platform
Sample ID User manually enters, uses a barcode
entry reader, or downloads from LIS
Results Printout and on-board data storage; can
interface to LIS
Color and clarity can be manually entered
to be included on report and printout.
FIG. 16.1 Diascreen 50 semiautomated urine chemistry Daily Clean reagent strip platform; empty used
analyzer. (Image courtesy Arkray Inc.) maintenance reagent strip container
LIS, Laboratory information system.

taken. Results are adjusted for urine color and are stored by
the microprocessor, and last, the strip is moved to a waste
Patient identifiers, user identification, and the physical
parameters of the urine can be manually entered into the ana-
lyzer; a barcode reader can be used to identify specimens.
Typically, results print out, are stored within the analyzer,
or can be transmitted to a laboratory information system
(LIS). The quantity of patient and quality control results that
can be stored on-board varies with the analyzer. Table 16.2
lists some basic features of semiautomated urine chemistry
analyzers. Daily maintenance consists primarily of cleaning
the transport platform and areas in contact with the reagent
FIG. 16.2 iChem 100 semiautomated urine chemistry analyzer. strips and emptying the waste container of used reagent strips.
(Image courtesy Iris Diagnostics.)
Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzers
When using a fully automated urine chemistry analyzer, the
user simply places labeled tubes of urine into a sample rack
or carousel. Testing is initiated by pressing a button on the
instrument display or automatically with placement of a sam-
ple rack. From this point on, the instrument controls move-
ment of the specimen rack, identifies each sample, mixes it,
aspirates urine using a sample probe, and dispenses it onto
a reagent strip. At the appropriate read time, each reaction
is read using the appropriate wavelengths of light for that
specific test.
Four fully automated urine chemistry analyzers are shown
in Figs. 16.4 through 16.7. These instruments also determine
the physical characteristics of urine—color, clarity, and spe-
cific gravity (SG)—but the methods used to do so vary. To
perform urine color assessment, some manufacturers include
an additional pad on the reagent strip to determine urine
FIG. 16.3 CLINITEK Advantus semiautomated urine chemis- color by reflectance photometry; others use spectrophotome-
try analyzer. (Used with permission of Siemens Healthcare try at multiple wavelengths to assign color. Light transmit-
Diagnostics Inc.) tance or light scatter is used to determine urine clarity.
342 CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis

laboratory. They reduce observer-associated variation, reduce

the need for manual microscopy review, and offer results sim-
ilar to those of manual microscopy.1 Because uncentrifuged
urine is used, the time spent in handling and preparing con-
centrated urine sediment for manual microscopy is elimi-
nated; this also reduces exposure to potential biohazards.
Other benefits include increased standardization of the
microscopic examination, which enhances the accuracy and
FIG. 16.4 The iRICELL3000, a fully automated urinalysis sys- reproducibility (precision) of results. Second, because these
tem that combines the iChem Velocity urine chemistry ana- analyzers are usually interfaced to an LIS, manual data entry
lyzer (right) and the iQ200 microscopy analyzer (left). (Image is decreased, which reduces the potential for transcription
courtesy Iris Diagnostics.) errors. Last, significant data storage is available in some
instruments such that urinalysis results can be archived and
retrieved later for consultations, continuing education,
competency assessments, or training purposes (e.g., iQ200
Manufacturers use one of three technologies to perform
automated urine microscopic analysis: (1) digital flow micros-
copy, (2) flow cytometry, or (3) cuvette-based digital micros-
copy.1 The first two of these technologies are available on
instruments worldwide, whereas the third technology is cur-
rently unavailable in the United States (i.e., not approved by
the FDA as of this writing).
Iris Diagnostics-Beckman Coulter, Inc. (Brea, CA) was the
pioneer in urine microscopic instrumentation, introducing
FIG. 16.5 AUWi, a fully automated urinalysis system that com- the Yellow Iris in the 1980s; its most recent instrument is
bines the Siemens CLINITEK Atlas chemistry analyzer (right) the Iris iQ200 microscopy analyzer (Fig. 16.4). This analyzer
and the Sysmex UF-1000i particle analyzer (left). (Used with is based on digital flow microscopy (also called flowcell digital
permission of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.) imaging) followed by urine particle recognition using propri-
etary neural network software. The iQ200 uses patented tech-
nologies to capture and automatically classify digital images
of urine particles as they pass through a flowcell.
Urine microscopy analyzers of the second type use flow
cytometry to identify and categorize the particles in urine. The
UF-1000i analyzer and its predecessor, the UF-100 analyzer,
were developed by Sysmex Corporation (Mundelein, IL)
(Fig. 16.5). The AUTION HYBRID was recently introduced
by Arkray, Inc. (Kyoto, Japan) (Fig. 16.6). In these flow
cytometers, urine particles are identified and categorized based-
on forward scatter, fluorescence, and adaptive cluster analysis.2,3
The third technology used to perform automated urine
FIG. 16.6 The AUTION HYBRID integrated urinalysis analyzer; microscopic analysis is automated cuvette-based digital
the chemistry and microscopy analyzers are housed together microscopy developed by 77 Elektronika (Budapest, Hungary)
in a single instrument. Sediment analysis is performed using (Fig. 16.7). The analyzer takes digital images of entire micro-
flow cytometry. (Image courtesy Arkray Inc.) scopic fields of view of urine sediment on the bottom of a
cuvette, after which proprietary software identifies and clas-
sifies the urine sediment components.
Despite the universal availability of an SG reagent strip test,
most fully automated chemistry analyzers use refractive index iQ200 Urine Microscopy Analyzer
because of its greater accuracy. A microprocessor collates all The iQ200 Microscopy Analyzer can be purchased as a stand-
results—color, clarity, SG, and chemistry tests—which are alone instrument. It is an automated system that performs the
sent to data storage but are also printed on a report form microscopic examination of urine, as well as cell counts on
or are sent to an LIS. body fluids (see “Automation of Body Fluid Analysis” later
in this chapter).
Automated Microscopy Analyzers Before the aspiration of 1 mL of urine, the analyzer mixes
Automated urine sediment analyzers assist in decreasing the sample. The aspirated urine is immediately sandwiched
labor costs and increasing productivity in the urinalysis within a special fluid called lamina (iQ Lamina, Iris
CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis 343

FIG. 16.7 The LabUMat 2 chemistry analyzer (right) and the UriSed 2 microscopy analyzer (left), a
fully automated urinalysis system. (Image courtesy 77 Elektronika.)

Diagnostics) that flows through a proprietary flowcell. The Subclassification is used to indicate the specific types of crys-
lamina and the flowcell are key to hydrodynamically orienting tals, casts, and nonsquamous epithelial cells present, as well as
the particles in the urine. The flow path is at a specific depth of to identify pseudohyphae, trichomonads, or fat (Fig. 16.10).
focus that enables precise microscopic viewing. The field of Additional free text comments can be added to reports as
view of the microscope is coupled to a digital video camera, needed, such as “Ascorbic acid positive” or “Presence of fat
and stroboscopic illumination freezes the particles in motion confirmed.”
as they stream past, which ensures blur-free imaging. With The average time required for an experienced user to
each sample, the camera captures 500 frames, digitizes them, review urinalysis results from a single urine sample is approx-
and sends them to a computer for processing (Fig. 16.8). Note imately 30 seconds. However, laboratories can select their
that the individual particles within each of the 500 frames are own auto-release criteria. When urinalysis results do
isolated as separate images, and the Auto-Particle Recogni- not exceed these criteria, the results do not require review
tion (APR; Iris Diagnostics) software classifies each image and are automatically sent to the LIS. Results that exceed
(Fig. 16.9). user-defined values are available at any time for the user to
The APR software is a highly trained neural network that review, subclassify, and forward to the LIS. Therefore the
uses size, shape, contrast, and texture to automatically classify number of reports that actually require user review will vary
each image into one of 12 categories (Table 16.3). Next, the with the auto-release criteria selected by the laboratory and
APR software calculates the concentration of each particle with its patient population.
present. The results obtained for each sample are compared
to user-defined auto-release criteria, and if the criteria are
met, results can be sent to the LIS. If the criteria are not Sysmex UF-1000i and AUTION HYBRID Flow Cytometers
met, or if the option to auto-release reports to the LIS is The UF-1000i and the AUTION HYBRID are instruments
not used by the laboratory, the results are stored and the user that use flow cytometry to categorize particles in urine on
can review them at any time on the computer monitor. the basis of their size, shape, volume, and staining character-
Using the computer monitor, the user can review results, istics.2,3 Both systems use polymethine dyes and a separate
visually assess the particles present, and subclassify them channel for bacterial analysis, which improves detection of
into the 26 additional categories, as listed in Table 16.3. bacteria.

Urine sample


Microscope CCD
objective camera

Collector Ocular
Strobe Flow cell
light Computer
FIG. 16.8 Diagram of the iQ200 digital flow capture process. (Image courtesy Iris Diagnostics.)
344 CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis

(RBCs), WBCs, epithelial cells (squamous), hyaline casts,

or bacteria (Table 16.4). Note that the analyzer “flags” spec-
imens when it detects the presence of the following particles:
casts (other than hyaline), crystals, yeast-like cells, mucus,
small round cells (i.e., transitional or renal cells), or sperm.
Determining the specific identity of elements in “flagged”
specimens requires a manual microscopic review of the
urine by the user. In other words, to classify nonhyaline casts
(granular, cellular, RBC, WBC, crystalline), identify crystals
(e.g., calcium oxalate, uric acid, cystine), identify yeast, and
FIG. 16.9 Auto-Particle Recognition (APR) process. (Image categorize the particles identified as small round cells as
courtesy Iris Diagnostics.) transitional cells, renal cells, or another small particle, a
manual microscopic examination is required. In addition,
studies using the flow cytometry have identified an issue
with false-positive results for RBCs caused by crystals, yeast,
For automated particle analysis, the analyzers require a and sperm, or during analysis of urine samples transported
sample volume of 4 to 5 mL; however, if the instruments in preservative tubes, such as BD Vacutainer Plus UA Pre-
are used in the manual mode, only about 1 mL of urine is servative tubes (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ), BD C&S Preserva-
required for microscopic analysis. After aspiration into the tive tubes, and Greiner Stabilur Preservative tubes (Greiner
analyzer, the urine sample is divided into two channels Bio-One N.A., Inc., Monroe, NC).1,3–6 Large quantities of
because the diluent, the staining time, and the staining tem- amorphous precipitates in refrigerated urine specimens
perature for sediment analysis differ from those used for bac- can also present a challenge.
terial analysis. Urine particles are oriented into a single file by Results from the UF-1000i can be electronically linked to
flowcell and laminar flow dynamics. As each channel passes those from a urine chemistry analyzer to obtain an integrated
through the flowcell, it is analyzed by a single red semicon- urinalysis report. The AUTION HYBRID is unique in that
ductor laser (λ635 nm), and particles in the urine are catego- it is an integrated analyzer, that is, the chemistry and micros-
rized on the basis of (1) forward scatter, (2) fluorescence copy analyzers are contained within a single unit; therefore
staining characteristics, (3) impedance signals, (4) adaptive chemistry and microscopic result reporting is also integrated.
cluster analysis, and (5) side scatter, which is specific for With both systems, user-defined criteria can be adjusted to
detection of bacteria (Fig. 16.11). reduce the review rate of specimens and increase productivity.
As with all flow cytometry systems, results are displayed When the analyzers are interfaced to an LIS, results can be
as scattergrams (Fig. 16.12). The UF-1000i and AUTION compared to user-defined auto-release criteria and reported,
HYBRID are able to report particles as red blood cells or they can be held for review and follow-up.

TABLE 16.3 iQ200 Autoclassification and Subclassification Categories for Urine Sediment
Blood Cells Crystals Casts Epithelial Cells Yeast Others
Autoclassified RBCs Unclassified Hyaline Squamous Budding yeast Bacteria
by analyzer WBCs crystals* Unclassified Nonsquamous† Mucus
WBC clumps casts* Sperm
Subclassified RBC clumps Amporphous Granular Transitional Yeast with Trichomonads
by user Calcium carbonate Cellular Renal pseudohyphae Fat
Calcium oxalate Waxy Oval fat
Calcium phosphate Broad bodies
Triple phosphate RBCs
Uric acid WBCs
Cystine Epithelial cells
Tyrosine Fatty
Leucine Unclassified
Unclassified casts
RBCs, Red blood cells; WBCs, white blood cells.
Unclassified crystals and casts can be reported as such, or user can specifically subclassify by type.

Nonsquamous epithelial cells can be reported as such, or user can specifically subclassify as transitional or renal.
CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis 345

Forward scatter
signal amplifier

Red signal amplifier

Side scatter
Sheath reagent signal amplifier
Dilution and staining Dilution and staining
A for bacteria analysis for sediment analysis

Urine sample

FIG. 16.11 Diagram of urine particle analysis in the Sysmex

UF-1000i. (Image courtesy Sysmex Corporation, Mundelein, IL.)

urine particles into a single focal plane on the bottom of the

cuvette. Next, the cuvette is pushed onto the microscopic plat-
form where a focusing procedure is performed. The analyzer
takes digital images of 15 brightfield, high-power–like fields of
view that correspond to approximately 10 manual micros-
B copy fields. Using these gray-scale, high-resolution digital
FIG. 16.10 Displays of iQ200 urinalysis results. A, On-screen images, the Auto Image Evaluation Module (AIEM; 77 Elek-
review of iQ200 results. The results for this sample did not tronika Kft.) software automatically locates, identifies, labels,
auto-release because the amount of some microscopic ele- and classifies the urine particles.
ments resided in the “Particle Verification Range” set by the The computer screen displays specimen results in a tabular
user. These results appear “yellow” and require review as form—quantitative concentration values and semiquantita-
established by this laboratory. Results that appear “green” are tive categories (Fig. 16.14). In addition, the 15 FOV images
in the normal range, and those that appear “red” are considered can be accessed and displayed individually at any time. Note
abnormal but do not need verification (as established by the
that the user establishes the number of images to be taken (5,
user-defined criteria). When no yellow results are present,
results can be automatically released without review or verifica-
10, 15, 20 images), with 15 being the standard protocol. User-
tion. B, On-screen display of automatically classified images of defined criteria can be applied to allow automatic release of
budding yeast (BYST). (Image courtesy Iris Diagnostics.) results to an LIS or to hold samples for user review and
follow-up. Last, the used cuvette is dropped into a waste bin.
The AIEM automatically classifies identified particles
77 Elektronika UriSed Analyzer into 15 categories, and 28 additional categories are available
The UriSed analyzer is a cuvette-based technology (CBM) for manual subclassification or addition by the user (see
that is essentially automating a traditional manual micros- Table 16.5). Because the digital images contain the whole field
copy process. Urine samples (2 mL, minimum volume) are of view, the context or environment of the entire urine sedi-
poured into tubes that can be barcoded for identification ment is observable (i.e., no content is cropped). Hence review-
and placed into a sample rack. The analyzer moves the sample ing the images resembles performing a manual microscopic
racks and each specimen tube into position for sampling. A evaluation. When each square-shaped FOV is viewed, the urine
sample probe mixes the urine sample and then aspirates particles that were recognized are labeled on the image. The
and dispenses 200 μL of urine into a proprietary cuvette computer has digital zooming capability, which enables a closer
(Fig. 16.13). Note that the probe is washed after each sam- look at any specific particle or area of an image (Fig. 16.15).
pling, which eliminates the potential for carry-over between Users can easily edit (correct, subclassify) or add additional
specimens.7 The loaded cuvette is automatically inserted into findings, if desired. The computer database stores all images
a unique onboard mini-centrifuge that centrifuges the sample and statistical data, which can be later referenced, used for
at 260 g for 10 seconds. This centrifugation step moves all the training, or used for continuing education purposes.
346 CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis




FIG. 16.13 Cuvette used by the UriSed 2 automated urine sed-

iment analyzer. (Image courtesy 77 Elektronika Kft.)



FIG. 16.12 Sysmex UF-1000i urine particle results. A, Scatter-
gram of forward scatter (S_FSC) versus fluorescent light
intensity-high sensitivity (S_FLH). B, Scattergram of forward
scatter (S_FSC) versus fluorescent light intensity–low sensitiv-
ity (S_FLL). EC, Epithelial cells; RBC, red blood cells; WBC, FIG. 16.14 Computer display of tabular sediment results using
white blood cells; YLC, yeastlike cells. (Images courtesy the UriSed 2. The quantitative concentration values and semi-
Sysmex Corporation, Mundelein, IL.) quantitative results determined from the digital images are
available for user review. (Image courtesy 77 Elektronika Kft.)

TABLE 16.4 UF-1000i Particle Detection

Categories approved as of this writing). Fully automated urinalysis sys-
Particles Enumerated Flagged Particles tems automatically identify and process each barcoded sam-
RBCs Nonhyaline (pathologic) casts* ple tube according to the tests requested in the LIS. These
WBCs Crystals* systems are flexible and user-friendly. Urine specimens
Epithelial cells Small round cells* can undergo physical and chemistry testing only, microscopy
Hyaline casts Yeast
testing only, or both (i.e., complete urinalysis). After analysis,
a computer system integrates the physical, chemical, and
Bacteria Mucus
microscopic results to create a urinalysis report that can be
sent to the LIS and printed.
RBCs, Red blood cells; WBCs, white blood cells.
Manual microscopic examination by user is required to specifically iRICELL Urinalysis Systems
identify and categorize the type present.
The iRICELL Automated Urinalysis Systems (iRICELL3000,
iRICELL2000) (Iris Diagnostics) consists of the iChem Veloc-
Fully Automated Urinalysis Systems ity urine chemistry analyzer used with the iQ200 (Fig. 16.4).
A variety of fully automated urinalysis systems are now Before the iChem Velocity, the iQ200 was available in combi-
available worldwide, and some of them are listed in nation with the AUTION MAX AX-4280 chemistry analyzer.
Table 16.6. Note that the LabUMat 2/UriSed 2 combination To perform a complete urinalysis, a minimum of 3 mL urine is
is currently not available in the United States (i.e., not FDA poured into a barcode-labeled tube. Specific tubes are not
CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis 347

TABLE 16.5 UriSed Autoclassification and Subclassification Categories for Urine Sediment
Blood Cells Crystals Casts Epithelial Cells Yeast Others
Autoclassified Red blood Crystals* (CRY) Hyaline (HYA) Squamous (EPI) Yeast (YEA) Bacteria (BAC)
by analyzer cells (RBC) Calcium oxalate Pathologic* (PAT) Nonsquamous† Mucus (MUC)
White blood monohydrate (NEC) Sperm (SPRM)
cells (WBC) (CaOxm)
White blood Calcium oxalate
cell clumps dihydrate
(WBCc) (CaOxd)
Triple phosphate
Uric acid (URI)
Subclassified or Isomorphic Amorphous Hyaline granular Superficial Fat globules
added by user RBC (RBCi) phosphates (C-HGR) transitional • Lipid droplets—
Dysmorphic (P-AMO) Granular (C-GRA) (s-TRA) neutral fat
RBC (RBCd) Amorphous urates RBC (C-RBC) Deep (LDR)
Acanthocyte (U-AMO) WBC (C-WBC) transitional • Cholesterol
RBC (RBC- Atypical crystals Mixed (C-MIX) (d-TRA) (CHOL)
G1) (ATY) Nonsquamous Renal (REC) Oval fat bodies
Other RBC Calcium oxalate epithelial cell (REN-L)
(RBC-Oth) (CaOx) (C-NEC) Trichomonas
Calcium Fatty (C-FAT) vaginalis (TRV)
phosphate Waxy (C-WAX) Schistosoma
(CaPh) Cast with crystals haematobium
Cystine (CYS) (C-CRY) (SCH)
Leucine (Leu) Cast with Artifacts (ART)
Tyrosine (TYR) microorganisms
RBCs, Red blood cells; WBCs, white blood cells.
Crystals (CRY) and pathologic casts (PAT) can be reported as such, or user can specifically subclassify by type.

Nonsquamous epithelial cells (NEC) can be reported as such, or user can specifically subclassify as transitional or renal.

TABLE 16.6 Fully Automated Urinalysis

(UA) Systems
Fully Automated Chemistry Microscopy Analyzer
UA System Analyzer and Technology
iRICELL3000, iChem iQ200,* digital flow
2000, 1500* Velocity* microscopy
Work Cell Atlas{ cytometry
AUTION HYBRID† AU-4050† (chemistry and microscopy
components are integrated into a
single analyzer); flow cytometry
LabUMat 2 with LabUMat 2¥ UriSed 2,¥ cuvette-
FIG. 16.15 Computer display of a single image taken during UriSed 2¥ based digital
sediment analysis using the UriSed 2 analyzer; typically 15 microscopy
high-power–like images are taken. All particles recognized *
Manufactured by Iris Urinalysis-Beckman Coulter, Inc., Brea, CA.
and enumerated by the Auto Image Evaluation Module (AIEM) †
Manufactured by Arkray Inc., Kyoto, Japan.
are labeled on the image. Note that digital zooming enables a {
Manufactured by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., Deerfield, IL.
closer look at specific components or an area of the FOV. Manufactured by Sysmex Corporation, Mundelein, IL.
(Image courtesy 77 Elektronika Kft.) Manufactured by 77 Elektronika, Budapest, Hungary.
348 CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis

required; a variety of tubes can be used, including commercial It is important to note that in different parts of the world
urinalysis tubes (e.g., KOVA, Vacuette, BD) or disposable glass UriSed technology is also available that is configured to urine
test tubes (e.g., 16  100 mm). The tubes of urine are placed chemistry analyzers from other manufacturers. These combi-
into racks (10-position) that are loaded directly onto the sys- nations provide a variety of fully automated urinalysis systems.
tem and sequentially moved to the first sampling station at For example, the UriSed technology analyzer is called the Sedi-
the iChem Velocity. The identity of each sample is determined Max2 when connected to the AUTION MAX (Arkray, Inc.,
by reading the tube’s barcode label, the sample is mixed, and Kyoto, Japan) and the COBIO XS when connected to the
the urine is aspirated. After physical and chemical analyses, CombiScan XL (Truth Enterprise Inc., Shanghai, China).
the rack moves across a connecting bridge to the iQ200 for
microscopic analysis.
CLINITEK AUWi System Analysis of body fluids by manual hemacytometer methods is
The CLINITEK AUWi System uses an ATLAS urine chemistry an ongoing challenge in clinical laboratories because these
analyzer connected to a UF-1000i flow cytometer to perform analyses are time-consuming to perform, require skilled per-
fully automated urinalyses (see Fig. 16.5). For a complete sonnel, show high interoperator variability, and are plagued
urinalysis, 5 mL of uncentrifuged urine is poured into a by low precision (reproducibility). In contrast, automation
barcode-labeled tube, which is placed into a 10-place sample offers better precision and turnaround times. However, body
rack. Tubes up to 16 mm wide can be used, but they must be fluids with low cell counts (<30 cells/μL) present a challenge
“lipless” for 10 samples to fit in a rack. The sample racks are for automated systems. Despite this issue, automated ana-
placed onto the system, and as each rack is moved to the sam- lyzers could be used as a first step in triaging specimens
pling position of the ATLAS analyzer, the barcoded sample (i.e., identifying those with low cell counts that require a man-
tube is automatically identified. After physical and chemical ual hemacytometer count).
testing, the sample racks move by way of an interconnecting Note that despite the advantages of better precision,
bridge between the instruments, from the ATLAS analyzer reduced interoperator variation, and shorter turnaround
to the UF-1000i for particle analysis. time, some issues with automated analyzers remain. For
example, these analyzers cannot identify malignant cells.
AUTION HYBRID System Therefore any fluid that could potentially have malignant cells
The AUTION HYBRID System is the only integrated urinal- present should have a manual WBC differential performed
ysis system currently available, and because of this combina- using a stained cytospin preparation. Three analyzers that
tion, the analyzer has the smallest footprint, or space needed have been designed to perform body fluid cell counts are listed
(see Fig. 16.6). This system combines the AUTION MAX in Table 16.7. Note that it is the manufacturer’s responsibility
(AU-4030, AU-4280) urine chemistry technology with a flow
cytometer for urine sediment analysis. To complete a full
urinalysis, 5 mL of uncentrifuged urine is poured into a bar- TABLE 16.7 Selected Automated Body
coded sample tube and placed into a 10-position sample rack. Fluid Analyzers
The rack is loaded onto the analyzer and is automatically
Body Fluids
moved into position for sampling. The analyzer has dual sam-
Analyzer (FDA approved, USA)
ple probes; one probe takes a sample to the chemistry module
for physical (color, turbidity, specific gravity) and chemical ADVIA 2120i with Body Fluid Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Software Pleural
(reagent strip) testing. The second probe aspirates the sample
into the flow cytometry module for sediment analysis. After Peritoneal dialysate
testing, the sample rack proceeds to the other side of the ana- Serous fluids
lyzer for off-loading. iQ200 using Body Fluid CSF
Module Pericardial
LabUMat 2 with UriSed 2 System Peritoneal
Combining the LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry ana- Peritoneal dialysate
lyzer (77 Elektronika, Budapest, Hungary) with the UriSed 2 Peritoneal lavage
automated urine sediment analyzer provides a fully automated Pleural
urinalysis system (see Fig. 16.7). As with other systems, bar- Serous fluids
coded tubes with urine are loaded into 10-position sample Synovial
racks. The physical (color, turbidity, specific gravity) and Sysmex XE-5000 using Body CSF
reagent strip tests (10 parameters) are completed by the chem- Fluid mode Pleural
istry analyzer (LabUMat 2); then the sample racks are trans- Pericardial
ferred across a connecting bridge to the urine sediment Peritoneal
Peritoneal dialysate
analyzer (UriSed 2). A complete urinalysis requires 3 mL of
Serous fluids
uncentrifuged urine, and a liquid level sensor ensures adequate Synovial
urine volume before analysis begins.
CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis 349

to have an intended use statement that clearly defines which and (2) identify possible interference from large cells. In addi-
body fluids have been approved by a regulatory agency for tion, when the WBC count is below 10  106 cells/L, differen-
testing.8 Similarly, it is the laboratory’s responsibility to define tiation between PMNs and mononuclear cells (MNCs) should
the lower limits for cell counting and to clearly state when not be done.11
fluids must be analyzed by an alternate method (e.g., hema-
cytometer count).8 Body Fluid Cell Counts Using iQ200
The method of cell measurement used by the iQ200 differs
Body Fluid Cell Counts Using from that used on hematology analyzers. The iQ200, an auto-
Hematology Analyzers mated microscopy analyzer primarily used to analyze cells
Many hematology analyzers have been used to perform body and other particles in urine, can also be used to perform body
fluid cell counts; although they improve precision and turn- fluid cell counts (see Table 16.7). However, its use requires the
around time, problems have been encountered. Some of these purchase of the Body Fluid software module. In contrast to
problems occur because the matrix of body fluids differs from hematology analyzers, body fluid analysis on the iQ200 can
that of whole blood. Other problems are due to interference be performed at any time without prior cleaning or prepara-
by large cells (mesothelial cells, macrophages, tumor cells) tion of the instrument.
or noncellular particulate matter that can be present in body When the iQ200 is used, body fluids are diluted on the
fluids. Last, most hematology analyzers based on impedance basis of the fluid type (e.g., CSF, serous) and its appearance
technology have high background counts that prevent or hin- (e.g., clear, bloody). Two dilutions are made in tubes: one
der accuracy in detecting low cell counts in body fluids (e.g., using Iris diluent, the other using Iris RBC lysing reagent.
cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]). Precleaning the instrument may Note that these tubes are labeled with dilution-specific bar-
be required before body fluid analysis can be performed. codes, which enable automatic calculation of cell counts by
One modification made for analyzing body fluids is that the instrument based on the dilution prepared. The labeled
the duration of the cell count has been increased. This results tubes are placed in a sample rack and onto the instrument
in a higher number of cells counted and a concomitant for analysis. The total cell count is determined using the dilu-
increase in precision. Two hematology analyzers have been tion prepared with iQ diluent (unlysed), whereas the nucle-
specifically modified to enhance body fluid cell counts: the ated cell count is determined using the dilution prepared
ADVIA 2120i (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., Deer- with the lysing agent. The difference between these two values
field, IL) and the Sysmex XE-5000 (Sysmex Corporation, (Total cell count  Nucleated cell count) is the RBC count.
Mundelein, IL). When the iQ200 is used, the same digital flowcell imaging
Before CSF is analyzed using the ADVIA 2120i, the CSF technology used for urine applies to body fluid analysis (see
sample must be pretreated for a minimum of 4 minutes using “iQ Microscopy Analyzer”). Numeric results and digital cell
a special CSF reagent. This reagent fixes and converts RBCs to images are displayed for verification and manual editing, if
spheres.9 For body fluid applications, the analyzer uses the desired.
basophil/lobularity channel, the peroxidase channel, and
the RBC/platelet channel to determine the total nucleated cell REFERENCES
count (TNC), the WBC count, and the RBC count, respec-
tively.10 Numeric data and scattergram results are provided. 1. Budak YU, Huysal K: Comparison of three automated systems
Because this analyzer is newly approved for the analysis of for urine chemistry and sediment analysis in routine laboratory
practice. Clin Lab 57:47, 2011.
pleural and peritoneal fluids and peritoneal dialysates, its effi-
2. US Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Premarket
cacy and statistical performance remain to be elucidated. Notification: Sysmex UF-1000i Decision Summary k0080887,
On the Sysmex XE-5000, a dedicated body fluids mode May 2, 2008:
is used, and all body fluids can be directly analyzed without cfdocs/cfPMN/PMNSimpleSearch.cfm?db¼PMN&
dilution or pretreatment (enzyme digestion). A special ID¼K080887. Accessed June 28, 2011.
software algorithm is used to count RBCs on the basis of 3. US Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Substantial
sheath flow impedance, and because cell counting has been Equivalence Determination Decision Summary K121456,
extended, precision is enhanced.9 WBCs are counted using Arkray AUTION HYBRID AU-4050: http://www.
side scatter and fluorescence intensity after their nuclear Accessed
DNA/RNA is stained with specific dyes. In addition to February 9, 2016.
RBC and total WBC counts, a partial WBC differential is pro- 4. Kouri T, Malminiemi O, Penders J, et al: Limits of preservation
of samples for urine strip tests and particle counting. Clin Chem
vided—mononuclear cells (lymphocytes and monocytes) and
Lab Med 46:703–713, 2008.
polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs; neutrophils, eosinophils, 5. Shayanfar N, Tobler U, von Eckardstein A, Bestmann L:
basophils). Macrophages and mesothelial cells are counted Automated urinalysis: first experiences and a comparison
but are excluded from the cell counts. between the Iris iQ200 urine microscopy system, the Sysmex
Body fluid analysis using the Sysmex XE-5000 has some UF-100 flow cytometer and manual microscopic particle
limitations. It is imperative that experienced users visually counting. Clin Chem Lab Med 45:1251–1256, 2007.
inspect the differential scatterplots of body fluids to (1) detect 6. BD Diagnostics Technical Services Department: Tips for urine
noncellular particulate matter (e.g., bacteria, cryptococcus) analysis: Q & A, Tech Talk 6(2), December 2008: http://www.
350 CHAPTER 16 Automation of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis 10. US Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Premarket

Accessed June 25, 2010. Notification: ADVIA 2120/2120i Decision Summary k090346,
7. Fogazzi GB, Garigali G: The urinary sediment by UriSed July 28, 2010:
Technology—a new approach to urinary sediment examination, cfdocs/cfPMN/PMNSimpleSearch.cfm?db¼PMN&
Milan, 2012, Elsevier Srl. ID¼K090346. Accessed June 28, 2011.
8. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI): Body fluid 11. de Jonge R, Brouwer R, de Graaf MT, et al: Evaluation of the new
analysis for cellular composition: approved guideline, CLSI body fluid mode on the Sysmex XE-5000 for counting leukocytes
Document H56-A, Wayne, PA, 2007, CLSI. and erythrocytes in cerebrospinal fluid and other body fluids.
9. Harris N, Kunicka J, Kratz A: The ADVIA 2120 hematology Clin Chem Lab Med 48:665–675, 2010.
system: flow cytometry-based analysis of blood and body fluids in
the routine hematology laboratory. Lab Hematol 11:47–61, 2005.

1. When semiautomated urine chemistry analyzers are used, 5. The benefits of performing automated urine microscopy
the color that develops on the reaction pads is measured by include all of the following except it
A. spectrophotometry. A. increases precision of microscopy results.
B. reflectance photometry. B. decreases exposure to urine, a potential biohazard.
C. fluorescence photometry. C. increases the time required for the microscopic
D. comparing reaction pads with a color chart. examination.
2. What is the purpose of the color compensation pad on D. decreases manual entry and potential transcription
reagent strips? errors.
A. To compensate for the effect of specific gravity on 6. Which of the following statements about the iQ200
urine color microscopy analyzer is true?
B. To calibrate the instrument for color assessment of A. Particle analysis is performed using flow cytometry.
reaction pads B. Urine particles are automatically classified into 12
C. To account for the contribution of urine color to the categories.
colors on the reaction pads C. Concentrated urine sediments must be prepared
D. To detect substances (e.g., phenazopyridine) that before analysis by the analyzer.
mask color development on the reaction pads D. It cannot be used as a stand-alone instrument (i.e., it
3. Select the true statement regarding reflectance photometry. must be attached to a urine chemistry analyzer
A. The amount of light that is absorbed is detected and for use).
measured. 7. Which of the following statements about the UF-100 and
B. The same wavelength of light is used to evaluate all UF-1000i urine particle analyzers is true?
reaction pads. A. A separate channel is used to detect bacteria.
C. The intensity of light reflected from a polished surface B. Digital images of each urine particle are available for
is quantified. review and archival storage.
D. The relationship between reflectance and concentra- C. The analyzers can specifically identify pathologic casts
tion is not linear. and renal epithelial cells.
4. Select the true statement regarding semiautomated urine D. Impedance technology is the primary method by
chemistry analyzers. which these analyzers detect and categorize particles.
A. Results cannot be automatically transmitted to 8. Which of the following statements is not an issue for the
an LIS. instruments used to perform body fluid analysis?
B. Specific gravity is usually determined by refractive A. Unable to perform five-part WBC differentials
index. B. Have difficulty detecting and enumerating RBCs
C. Urine color and clarity are manually determined and C. Unable to detect and specifically identify malignant
entered into the analyzer. cells
D. Well-mixed uncentrifuged urine is placed onto the D. Unable to perform accurate and precise counting of
intake platform for analysis. low WBC numbers (<20 cells/μL).
Body Fluid Analysis:
Manual Hemacytometer Counts and
Differential Slide Preparation

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to: 4. Describe step-by-step how to perform a manual cell
1. State four factors that adversely affect manual cell count using a hemacytometer.
counts performed using a hemacytometer. 5. Calculate the cell count in a body fluid when provided
2. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each diluent with the necessary information.
used to perform body fluid cell counts. 6. Explain cytocentrifugation and its use in preparing
3. Discuss the challenges associated with cell counting slides of body fluid for differential analysis,
of viscous fluids—synovial fluid, semen—including including the equipment needed, advantages,
pretreatment options and their effects if any on cell counts. and disadvantages.

Using a Hemacytometer, 351 Hemacytometer Calculation Examples, 354
Diluents and Dilutions, 351 Preparation of Slides for Differential, 356
Hemacytometer Cell Counts, 353 Cytocentrifugation, 356
Calculations, 353 Slide Preparations, 358

USING A HEMACYTOMETER provider to provide valid, useful information. This may

include performing a cell count and including on the report
Manual methods using a hemacytometer are often used to a statement such as “Specimen clotted; cell counts must be
perform cell counts on body fluids such as cerebrospinal interpreted with caution.”
fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, and peri- Manual cell counts using a hemacytometer are time-
toneal fluid, as well as peritoneal dialysates, bronchoalveolar consuming, require advanced technical skills, have poor pre-
lavages, and semen. In health, the numbers of red blood cells cision (reproducibility), and are subject to numerous errors as
(RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs) in these body fluids a result of the multiple steps involved. Therefore it is imper-
are low, and other cells or cellular debris can be present. ative that well-trained and technically proficient laboratorians
As discussed in Chapter 16, automated cell counting ana- perform them and that appropriate materials are used to
lyzers can produce erroneous results when the cell count verify the achievement of quality goals.
is low. It is the responsibility of each laboratory to define
its lower limit for cell counts (RBCs and WBCs) and to have
a protocol for performing manual cell counts using a hema- Diluents and Dilutions
cytometer when cell counts are below the laboratory-defined The visual appearance of the body fluid aids in determining
lower limit.1 whether a dilution should be made for cell counting and what
Highly viscous body fluids (e.g., synovial fluid) and fluids dilution should be prepared. Body fluids that are clear do not
that fail to appropriately liquefy (e.g., semen) require pretreat- require a dilution, and the fluid can be loaded directly onto a
ment before cell counting by manual or automated methods. hemacytometer. Fluids that are visibly cloudy or bloody must
Note that cell counts using a clotted body fluid are inaccurate. be diluted to obtain accurate cell counts. Table 17.1 is pro-
Because it may not be possible to obtain another body fluid vided as a guide to dilution selection based on visual appear-
specimen, every effort is made to work with the health care ance. When diluents that do not lyse RBCs are used, a higher

352 CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis

TABLE 17.1 Body Fluid Dilution TABLE 17.2 Diluents for Body Fluid Blood
Guidelines for Cell Counts Based on Cell Counts*
Visual Appearance Cell
Fluid Appearance WBC Count RBC Count Diluent Counts Comments
Clear Undiluted Undiluted Commercial WBC count Diluent used in
Hazy (slightly cloudy) 1:2* dilution Undiluted isotonic RBC count hematology analyzers
diluents for cell counting
Blood-tinged 1:2* dilution Undiluted
Isotonic saline WBC count Also known as “normal”
Cloudy 1:20 dilution Undiluted
(0.85%) RBC count saline
Bloody 1:2* or 1:20 dilution 1:200 dilution
Hypotonic saline WBC count • Lyses RBCs
RBC, Red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell. (0.30%)
Using a diluent that lyses RBCs. Dilute acetic WBC count • Lyses RBCs
acid (3.0%)† • Do not use with
synovial fluids; causes
dilution may be necessary. Body fluids that are visibly clear
mucin clot and cell
indicate a low cell count and are evaluated undiluted; some- clumping
times cell counts in hazy or slightly cloudy fluids can also be
Turk’s solution WBC count • Lyses RBCs
performed on the undiluted fluid. To enhance visualization of • Do not use with
WBCs in fluids other than synovial fluid, the fluid can be synovial fluids; causes
“exposed” to glacial acetic acid (Box 17.1). Blood-tinged or mucin clot and cell
bloody fluids can be diluted using diluents that (1) lyse RBCs clumping
and (2) enhance visualization of nucleated cells. Hyaluronidase WBC count • Prevents mucin clot
Often isotonic, particle-free commercial diluents used by (0.1 g/L) buffer RBC count formation in synovial
the laboratory’s hematology analyzer can be used to dilute solution fluids
body fluids (e.g., Cellpack, Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, • Stain enhances
Japan). Laboratory-prepared isotonic solutions such as nor- nucleated cell
mal saline (0.85%) can also be used for RBC counts, whereas identification
dilute acetic acid solutions are often used for the nucleated cell RBC, Red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.
and WBC counts. Acetic acid in the diluent performs two See Appendix D for diluent preparation.

functions: It lyses any RBCs present, and it enhances the Other concentrations of acetic acid can also be used (e.g., 5%, 10%).
nuclei of WBCs. Table 17.2 summarizes diluents commonly
used for body fluids when WBC and RBC counts are per- The diluent used depends on the body fluid being evalu-
formed. Appendix D provides details on the preparation of ated. Note that synovial fluid cannot be diluted using weak
these diluents. acid diluents, such as acetic acid. Because of the high hyalur-
onic acid and protein content of synovial fluid, acetic acid will
cause a mucin clot (i.e., the coprecipitation of hyaluronic acid
and protein), which interferes with accurate cell counting.
BOX 17.1 Enhancing Visualization of Instead, synovial fluid is diluted using a commercial isotonic
WBCs When Analyzing Clear Fluids diluent, normal saline (0.85%), hypotonic saline (0.30%), or a
1. Rinse the inside of a disposable glass Pasteur pipette with hyaluronidase buffer solution. A hyaluronidase buffer solu-
glacial acetic acid, allow it to drain completely, and wipe off tion prevents mucin clots, and when toluidine blue stain is
the outside and end of the pipette carefully with gauze. included, it aids in the visualization and identification of cel-
CAUTION: Glacial acetic acid is caustic. Wear personal lular elements. When WBC counts are performed on synovial
protective equipment. fluid and hypotonic saline is used as the diluent, any RBCs
2. Place this prerinsed pipette into the well-mixed body fluid,
present are lysed and mucin formation is not initiated.
and allow the pipette to fill by capillary action until fluid fills
approximately 1 inch of its length.
To obtain accurate cell counts, dilutions of body fluids
3. Seal the open end of the pipette with a gloved finger, and must be made using a quantitative technique. Calibrated
remove the pipette from the body fluid. automatic pipettes (e.g., Pipetman, Eppendorf, Drummond,
4. Mix the fluid sample with the acid in the pipette by holding MLA) are used to prepare these dilutions manually; commer-
the pipette in a horizontal position and removing the finger cial diluting systems (e.g., Unopettes) are not available in
from the top. Rotate the pipette carefully for 10 to 20 sec- most locations. Note that when viscous fluids, such as syno-
onds. Be careful not to allow fluid to drip out of either end vial fluid and semen, are pipetted, a positive displacement
of the pipette. pipette must be used because an air displacement pipette
5. Mount the fluid into both chambers of a hemacytometer. cannot accurately dispense these viscous fluids. In contrast,
Allow 3 to 5 minutes for the cells to settle and the RBCs CSF, pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluids and pretreated
to lyse.
synovial fluid can be diluted using either an air or a positive
RBC, Red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell. displacement pipette.
CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis 353

Pretreatment and Dilution of Synovial Fluid Specimens of Human Semen.2 This comprehensive and indispensable
When synovial fluid is evaluated without pretreatment, the text is a vital resource for all aspects of testing when semen
viscosity of the fluid can cause an uneven distribution of cells analysis is performed.
in the hemacytometer. Also when preparing dilutions of
untreated synovial fluid, a positive displacement pipette is Hemacytometer Cell Counts
required to accurately prepare dilutions of the fluid. An alter- The WBC or total nucleated cell count is an important count
native is to pretreat synovial fluid using the enzyme hyal- that is requested on almost all body fluids. In contrast, little
uronidase. This enzyme eliminates the fluids’ viscosity by clinical value is derived from an RBC count other than to
depolymerizing hyaluronic acid, which will also prevent identify a traumatic puncture procedure, so it may not be per-
mucin clot formation. Two pretreatment approaches using formed, particularly when counts are done manually.
hyaluronidase are provided in Appendix D. Basically, hyal- Box 17.2 summarizes a protocol for a manual cell count using
uronidase is added to an aliquot of synovial fluid, which is a hemacytometer (Fig. 17.1).
mixed well. To enhance depolymerization the sample can Before filling a hemacytometer chamber with undiluted
be briefly incubated at 37°C. Note that pretreatment with fluid or preparing a dilution, the specimen must be adequately
hyaluronidase does not affect crystals that can be present mixed to evenly disperse cells. Body fluid specimens can be
in synovial fluid. Additionally, some excessively viscous mixed 2 to 5 minutes on an automated rocking mixer or by
synovial fluids may need to be pretreated with hyaluronidase inverting the tube 10 to 15 times by hand.1 Note that synovial
despite the use of a hyaluronidase buffer solution as the fluid specimens should be mixed for 5 to 10 minutes. When
diluent. using nondisposable hemacytometers, they should be cleaned
If pretreated synovial fluid is clear, it can be evaluated before use by flooding with 70% alcohol and wiping dry with
undiluted for cell counts. When a dilution is needed, a diluent lens paper. This cleans the chambers and removes dust, which
that will not cause a mucin clot is required, such as a commer- can interfere with placement of the coverslip.
cial or laboratory-made isotonic diluent, hypotonic saline, or The number of squares counted in each chamber of the
a 0.1-g/L hyaluronidase buffer solution (see Appendix D for hemacytometer depends on the total number of cells present.
diluent preparation). Accuracy in cell counts is directly related to cell numbers; the
more cells counted, the better the accuracy. Therefore dilu-
Semen Dilution and Pretreatment of Specimens tions should be avoided if possible. When necessary, a mini-
As with synovial fluid specimens, semen is viscous even after mum volume of 50 μL should be used to avoid pipetting
liquefaction, and positive displacement pipettes are required errors associated with smaller volumes.2 Dilutions should
to accurately prepare dilutions.2 Often, the diluent used to not be excessive and should result in an adequate number
dilute semen for sperm counts is a solution of sodium bicar- of cells for counting. Ideally, a minimum of 100 cells should
bonate, formalin (a fixative), and, optionally, a stain—trypan be counted, but this is not feasible in many body fluids (e.g.,
blue or gentian violet (see Appendix D for diluent prepara- CSF). To compensate for fluids with extremely low cell
tion). Including a stain enhances visualization, which assists counts, additional squares of the hemacytometer grid can
in differentiating among sperm, immature sperm (sperma- be counted. With fluids that have a high cell count, fewer
tids, spermatocytes), and WBCs—primarily neutrophils, squares can be counted. Note that regardless of the variation
monocytes, and macrophages. used, calculations must be properly adjusted for the volume of
Semen specimens that fail to liquefy adequately after body fluid actually counted.
60 minutes require treatment before sperm count, sperm To ensure detection of potential errors during the prepa-
motility assessment, and chemical testing can be performed. ration of body fluids for manual cell counts, dilutions should
One treatment approach involves diluting the seminal fluid be performed and analyzed in duplicate. In other words, two
using an isotonic medium followed by mechanical mixing— separate dilutions of the body fluid are prepared and loaded
repeated aspiration and dispensing of the mixture using a into a hemacytometer—each dilution is loaded into one
pipette. Equal parts of semen and a medium such as Dulbecco’s chamber. The cell counts obtained for each chamber are com-
phosphate-buffered saline can be used.2 An alternate approach pared and must agree with the criteria established by the lab-
consists of digestion using the proteolytic enzyme bromelain. oratory, usually 20% or less. If the counts between chambers
Semen is diluted 1:2 using this enzyme solution (i.e., 1 part are unacceptable (exceed 20%), the body fluid dilutions and
semen + 1 part bromelain solution). Note that any dilutions counts must be repeated. Note that counting the same cham-
of the sample must be accounted for when the sperm concen- ber twice or comparing two different chambers filled using
tration is calculated. the same dilution is not true replication and will not detect
The effects that these treatments have on sperm function, errors in pipetting, dilution, and mixing.
morphology, or the biochemistry of the seminal plasma are
not known.2 Therefore when a semen specimen is specially Calculations
treated for testing, this must be documented on the report. When using a hemacytometer, regardless of the number of
Note that any laboratory analyzing semen for any purpose squares counted or the dilution used, the number of cells
other than postvasectomy analysis should have available the per microliter (or cubic millimeter) of fluid is determined
WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing using the following formula.
354 CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis

BOX 17.2 Manual Cell Count Using a Hemacytometer

1. Using a disposable pipette, fill both sides of a standard or dis- large square on both sides of the hemacytometer). See
posable “improved” Neubauer hemacytometer (Fig. 17.1) the “R” squares in Fig. 17.1.
with well-mixed undiluted or appropriately diluted body fluid. ii. Area counted: 5  0.04 mm2 ¼ 0.20 mm2 on each
2. Allow the chamber to remain undisturbed for 3 to 5 minutes side ¼ 0.40 mm2.
for the cells to settle (and RBCs to lyse, depending on the dil- 5. Semen
uent used). a. Spermatozoa concentration
3. Examine the hemacytometer chambers for an even distribu- i. Count sperm present in five red blood cell squares (i.e.,
tion of cells without overlap or clumping. If overlapping or the four corner squares and the center square within the
clumping is present, the specimen needs to be recharged. central large square on both sides of the hemacytome-
Mix the specimen well or possibly prepare a dilution of the ter). See the “R” squares in Fig. 17.1. (An alternate
fluid. Clean the hemacytometer or use a new disposable approach is to count two large “W” squares.)
hemacytometer and fill the chambers; examine for even ii. Area counted: 5  0.04 mm2 ¼ 0.20 mm2 on each
distribution. side ¼ 0.40 mm2
4. CSF, synovial, pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluids b. Round cell count
a. If less than an estimated 200 cells are present in all nine i. For the “round cell” (germ cells and WBCs) count, count
squares1: the round cells in the four large corner squares and the
i. Count cells in all nine large squares in both chambers of center large square (the “W” squares) in both chambers
the hemacytometer. of the hemacytometer (see Fig. 17.1).
ii. Area counted: 9  1 mm2 ¼ 9 mm2 on each side ¼ ii. Area counted: 5  1 mm2 ¼ 5 mm2 on each side ¼
18 mm2. 10 mm2.
b. If more than an estimated 200 cells are present in all nine 6. The number of cells counted in each chamber of the hemacy-
squares1: tometer must agree within a percentage or absolute cell num-
i. Count cells in the four large corner squares (the “W” ber. If counts from both sides do not agree, the cell count
squares) in both chambers of the hemacytometer. See procedure must be repeated. Note that each laboratory estab-
the “W” squares in Fig. 17.1. lishes the acceptable precision criteria required between
ii. Area counted: 4 1 mm2 ¼ 4 mm2 on each side¼ 8 mm2. counts on each side of the hemacytometer (e.g., the number
c. If more than an estimated 200 cells are present in one large of cells counted in each chamber must agree within 20%
square1: or  8 cells, whichever is greater).
i. Count cells in five red blood cell squares (i.e., the four
corner squares and the center square within the central

# cells per μL mm3 ¼ # cells counted ðAÞ  dilution factor ðBÞ which is standardized at 0.1 mm. Disposable hemacytometers
   have a fixed (immovable) coverslip, which maintains the
Area counted mm2  depth ð0:1 mmÞ ðCÞ
depth of 0.1 mm. However, when using a nondisposable
Equation 17.1
hemacytometer with a removable coverslip, if the chamber
There are two approaches to using this formula, and both is overfilled or underfilled, the depth is not the assumed value
will produce the same result. One approach is to count both of 0.1 mm, which will cause erroneous results. The concentra-
chambers of the hemacytometer, compare the counts to tion of cells per microliter can easily be converted to the cell
ensure that precision criteria are met, average the count number per liter of fluid as follows.
(if acceptable), and then use the formula to calculate the

number of cells per microliter. An alternate approach # cells=μL mm3  106 μL=L ¼ #  106 cells=L
is to count each chamber, compare the counts to ensure
Equation 17.2
that precision criteria are met, and if acceptable, determine
the sum of both chambers and use the formula to calculate
the number of cells per microliter; see the example pro- Hemacytometer Calculation Examples
vided in Box 17.3. Following are some examples of hemacytometer cell counts of
Depending on the approach used, (A) is either (1) the aver- body fluids using undiluted and diluted fluid with appropriate
age number of cells counted in a chamber (Option 1, calculations that follow Option 2 described in Box 17.3. Note
Box 17.3) or the sum of the number of cells counted in both that an additional dilution factor is required when a fluid is
chambers (Option 2, Box 17.3) of the hemacytometer. This “pretreated” before dilution for cell counting, which can occur
value (A) is multiplied by the dilution factor (B), which with synovial fluid or semen (see Example C).
accounts for any dilution made of the fluid. If the fluid is ana-
lyzed without diluting, this factor is 1. The cells were distrib-
uted in the actual volume of fluid evaluated (C). This volume Example A: Using Undiluted Body Fluid
(mm3 ¼ μL) is determined by multiplying the area counted A well-mixed undiluted cerebrospinal fluid specimen is
(mm2) by the depth between the coverslip and the chamber, loaded on a hemacytometer, and the WBCs in five large
CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis 355

BOX 17.3 Two Approaches to Calculating

Hemacytometer Counts

1 mm
Scenario: A body fluid is analyzed undiluted, and 5 large
WBC squares in the two chambers, A and B, of a hema-
cytometer are counted. To be acceptable the counts must
agree within 20% of the highest count or  8 cells, whichever
0.2 mm

1 mm
is greater.
Chamber A count: 135 cells
Chamber B count: 153 cells
The difference (153135) is 18 cells. The acceptable differ-
ence for this determination is 20% of 153, which is 31 (30.6)
cells. The difference obtained (18) is less than 31, so the

1 mm
counts are acceptable.

Option 1 Option 2
Determine “average” cham- Determine “sum” of both
1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
ber count: chambers:
(135 +153)/2 ¼ 144 cells 135 + 153 ¼ 288 cells
Use formula: Use formula:
Cells/μL ¼ (A  B) Cells/μL ¼ (A  B)
R Cells/μL ¼ 144  1* Cells/μL ¼ 288  1*
0.04 mm2 (5  0.1) (10  0.1)
1 mm2 ¼ 288 ¼ 288
*No dilution was made so factor (B) is 1.

Note that the counts from both chambers agree within preci-
0.1 mm deep
sion criteria of less than or equal to 20%, which indicates that
FIG. 17.1 Top, View of a hemacytometer chamber with an
the fluid was well mixed and equivalently dispensed in both
“improved” Neubauer etched grid or rulings. Middle, A single
chambers. The difference in cell number between side 1
“W” square with an area of 1 mm2 is represented; it is called a
“W” square because of its historic use in the enumerating of and side 2 (18 – 15) is 3 cells, which is less than 20% (3.6
white blood cells. A single “R” square with an area of cells ¼ 18  0.20) and acceptable.
0.04 mm2; it is known as an “R” square because of its historic
use in the enumerating of red blood cells. Bottom, Side Example B: Using Diluted Body Fluid
view of a hemacytometer chamber demonstrating how a glass
A well-mixed, hazy-appearing synovial fluid specimen is
coverslip rests on ridges of a hemacytometer and how when
properly filled, the volume of liquid in the chamber has a fixed
diluted 1:2, in duplicate using hypotonic saline. Both dilutions
depth of 0.1 mm. Note that disposable hemacytometers have are loaded on a hemacytometer—one dilution on each side.
a fixed (immovable) coverslip; therefore the depth can only The WBCs in five large squares (4 “W” + Center) are counted
be 0.1 mm. in each chamber (i.e., 5 mm2). The following results are
squares (4 “W” + Center) are counted in each chamber (i.e.,
5 mm2). The following results are obtained. Chamber 1 Chamber 2
Chamber 1 Chamber 2 Cells counted (A): 58 44
Cells counted (A): 15 18 Area each chamber: 5 mm2 5 mm2
Area each chamber: 5 mm2 5 mm2 Total volume counted (C): 10 mm  0.1 mm¼ 1.0 mm3 (μL)

Total volume counted (C): 10 mm2  0.1 mm ¼ 1.0 mm3 (μL) Dilution factor (B): 2
Dilution factor (B): 1 Precision assessment: Count difference ¼ 58 – 44 ¼ 14 cells
20% of 58 ¼ (11.6) 12 cells
Precision assessment: Count difference ¼ 18 – 15 ¼ 3 cells
Precision unacceptable; repeat dilutions and cell counts
20% of 18 ¼ (3.6) 4 cells
(A  B) ¼ cells/ μL (15 + 18)  1* ¼ WBCs/μL Note that the counts from both chambers do not agree within
C (1.0) 20%. The difference in cell number between side 1 and side 2
¼ 33 WBCs/μL (58 – 44) is 14 cells, which exceeds 20% (11.6 cells ¼ 58  0.20),
Unit Conversion: 33 WBCs/μL  106 μL/L which indicates that the steps used to prepare both dilutions
¼ 33  106 WBCs/L (mixing, pipetting, and diluting) were not equivalent. The dilu-
Pretreatment dilution factor tions and the cell counts should be repeated.
356 CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis

Example C: Sperm Count Using Diluted Semen time-consuming, and after the cells have been concentrated,
A semen specimen was pretreated 1:2 using a bromelain a suitable smear must be prepared, which requires signifi-
enzyme preparation to get it to liquefy. For the sperm count, cant technical skill. Hence cytocentrifugation predominates
the fluid is diluted 1:20, in duplicate. Both dilutions are in laboratories for preparing smears from body fluids.
loaded on a hemacytometer—one dilution on each side. Before slide preparation, body fluid specimens must be
The five “R” squares in the large central square (i.e., four small gently mixed. Only fresh body fluid specimens should be used
corner + center squares) of the hemacytometer are counted in to prepare cytocentrifuge slides. If there has been a significant
each chamber (i.e., 0.2 mm2). The following results are delay since collection (i.e., longer than 4 hours for cerebrospi-
obtained. Note that sperm counts are reported as the number nal fluid [CSF]), erroneous differential counts can occur
of sperm per milliliter (mL), which requires the use of a because of cellular degeneration.1
different unit conversion factor.
Chamber 1 Chamber 2
Numerous cytocentrifuges are commercially available and
Cells counted (A): 37 42 require the use of specially designed assemblies for each sam-
Area each chamber: 0.2 mm2 0.2 mm2 ple (Fig. 17.2). An assembly consists of a microscope slide, fil-
Total volume counted (C): 0.4 mm2  0.1 mm ¼ 0.04 mm3 (μL) ter paper with a circular opening, and a chamber that holds
Dilution factor (B): 20 the fluid specimen (Fig. 17.3).
Precision assessment: Count difference¼ 42 – 37¼ 5 sperm When the body fluid is clear, usually 5 drops ( 0.25 mL)
of body fluid is added directly to the chamber. However,
20% of 42 ¼ (8.4) 8 cells
depending on the nucleated cell count, as few as 2 drops or
(A  B)  D* ¼ cells/ μL (37 + 42)  20  2 ¼ sperm/μL as many as 10 may be used. Table 17.3 provides a guideline
C (0.04)
based on the nucleated cell count for the volume of body fluid
¼79,000 sperm/μL
to use when preparing a slide by cytocentrifugation. When a
Unit Conversion: 79,000 sperm/μL  103 μL/mL dilution is needed, normal saline is most often used; however,
¼79  106 sperm/mL
some laboratories use a diluent that lyses RBCs for bloody
Pretreatment dilution factor samples (e.g., hypotonic saline). Appropriate dilutions will
reduce distortions associated with the overcrowding of cells
The dilution factor (D) accounts for the dilution made when and ensure a monolayer of cells for viewing. Note that labo-
the fluid was pretreated to get it to liquefy using the bromelain ratories must establish their own dilution protocols because
enzyme solution. In this example, the semen counts from the appropriate dilution depends on the amount of sample
both chambers agree within 20%. The difference in sperm used, as well as the duration and speed of cytocentrifugation.
number between side 1 and side 2 (42 – 37) is 5 sperm. This Each assembly is placed onto the rotor of the cytocentri-
value is less than 20% (8.4 sperm ¼ 42  0.20), which indicates fuge, and when the instrument is activated, centrifugal force
that the steps used to prepare both dilutions (mixing, pipet-
ting, and diluting) were equivalent.


Slides should be prepared as soon as possible after fluid collec-
tion. Delays will result in loss of morphologic cellular detail,
as well as antigenic reactivity.3 When preparing slides of
body fluids for the WBC differential, cytocentrifugation is
the preferred technique.1 Cytocentrifugation optimizes cell
recovery, concentrates the cells in a limited area on the micro-
scope slide, and creates a monolayer that optimizes microscopic
viewing. In addition, this method is fast and easy to perform.
Note that wedge smears (push smears) should not be used
because of their inferior ability to preserve intact cells.1
Several other techniques can be used to concentrate body
fluids. The easiest and least expensive technique is simple
centrifugation of the body fluid, but cell recovery varies, and
cells can become damaged and distorted at high-speed centri-
fugation. Although sedimentation methods preserve cellular
morphology, cell recovery is not good. Filtration techniques
using commercial filters (e.g., from manufacturers Millipore
Corp., Nucleopore, and Gelman Instrument Co.) also have FIG. 17.2 Thermo-Scientific Cytospin 4 cytocentrifuge. (Thermo
excellent cellular recovery ( 90%). These techniques are Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA.)
CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis 357

FIG. 17.4 Cytocentrifuge prepared slides of two body fluids
stained using Wright stain. The upper slide shows a visually
evident cell button in the area circled by a wax pencil. In con-
trast, the cell button is not macroscopically evident on the
lower slide. On this slide, the wax pencil circle greatly aids
the microscopist in locating the proper area of the slide for

slides specifically designed for cytocentrifugation are avail-

able, and they have a white circular ring that surrounds the
cell button area. This assists the microscopist when the body
fluid sample contains few cells that are not visually apparent
macroscopically on the slide. Another option is to use a wax
B pencil to mark the backside of the glass microscope slide, indi-
cating the region of the cell button (Fig. 17.4).
FIG. 17.3 A, The components of an assembly for the Cytospin During cytocentrifugation, some cells are lost to the filter
4 cytocentrifuge consist of a stainless steel holder (Cytoclip), a paper, but this loss is not selective (i.e., all cells are equally
chamber with attached filter card (Cytofunnel), and a micro- affected); consequently, the remaining cell distribution in
scope slide. Note that the opening in the filter paper is the site the cell button is accurate and representative. Several predict-
where sample flows from the chamber to the glass slide.
able cellular distortions that may be observed are listed in
B, Assembly ready for addition of body fluid, which is then
Box 17.4. Most are associated with high cell counts, the cyto-
capped and placed onto the rotor of the cytocentrifuge.
centrifugation process (speed and time), or a time delay when
an older specimen is used (i.e., not fresh).3 To reduce these
TABLE 17.3 Guideline for Body Fluid artifacts, laboratories should determine the optimal speed
Volume When Preparing Slide by and time of cytocentrifugation for their instrument, use fresh
Cytocentrifugation specimens, and prepare appropriate dilutions of fluids with
high cell counts.
Nucleated Cell Count, cells/μL Drops of Body Fluid
0–100 10
100–500 5–6 BOX 17.4 Distortions Associated With
500–1000 3–4
>1000 2
• Cells at center of cell button often smaller and have denser
nuclear chromatin.
pulls the body fluid from the sample chamber to the micro- • Nuclear distortions, such as clefting or lobulation or holes in
scope slide. The cells adhere to the glass slide while the liquid nuclei
is absorbed by the surrounding absorbent filter paper. Dur- • Nuclear lobes of PMNs localized at cell periphery
ing centrifugation the cells concentrate as a monolayer in the • Cytoplasmic vacuoles and/or granules localized at cell
open circular area of the filter to form a “cell button” on the periphery
microscope slide. The centrifugal force is low (e.g., 600 to • Formation of irregular cytoplasmic processes
800  g) to minimize cell distortion; the time is long enough From Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Laboratory methods. In Body fluids,
to ensure adequate drying of the cell button. Microscope ed 3, Chicago, 1993, American Society of Clinical Pathology Press.
358 CHAPTER 17 Body Fluid Analysis

For specimens that have a low protein content (e.g., CSF), The WBC differential can be performed using any area of
adding a drop of 22% albumin to the sample chamber before the cell button. A systematic approach to viewing should be
adding the body fluid enhances adherence of cells to the glass used (similar to that used with blood smears) to prevent erro-
slide and reduces cell distortion (smudging) or disintegration.1,3 neous repeat counting of the same cells. Ideally, 100 to 300
cells should be evaluated.
Slide Preparations
Slide preparations are stained using Wright’s or Wright-Giemsa REFERENCES
stain performed manually or automatically using a slide stainer.
The hand-drawn or premarked circle on the microscope slide 1. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI): Body fluid
indicates the location of the cell button (see Fig. 17.4). analysis for cellular composition: approved guideline, CLSI
Adjust the microscope to low-power (100 ) magnifica- Document H56-A, Wayne, PA, 2006, CLSI.
2. World Health Organization: WHO laboratory manual for the
tion, and thoroughly scan the entire cell button looking for
examination and processing of human semen, ed 5, Geneva,
cell clumps, which are characteristic of malignancies. Note Switzerland, 2010, World Health Organization.
that malignant cells can be present in low numbers, and even 3. Kjeldsberg CR, Knight JA: Laboratory methods. In Body fluids,
a single malignant cell is clinically significant. Also, not all cell ed 3, Chicago, 1993, American Society of Clinical Pathologists
clumps are composed of malignant cells. Press.

1. Which of the following statements is not associated with the 6. In the pretreatment of a synovial fluid with hyaluronidase,
performance of cell counts using a manual hemacytometer? a 1:10 dilution is made, after which a WBC count is per-
A. The procedure is time-consuming. formed using a 1:20 dilution of this fluid. The WBCs in the
B. Quantitative pipetting is required. four large corner squares (“W”) and the center square are
C. Body fluids with low cell counts cannot be analyzed. counted in each chamber (i.e., 5 mm2). Both sides of the
D. High variability in results is obtained between hemacytometer were evaluated with 37 cells and 43 cells
laboratorians. counted in chamber 1 and chamber 2, respectively. What
2. Which of the following diluents will cause synovial fluid to is the average cell count that should be reported?
form a mucin clot? A. 160 WBCs/μL
A. Hyaluronidase buffer solution B. 1600 WBCs/μL
B. Hypotonic saline C. 16,000 WBCs/μL
C. Isotonic saline D. 160,000 WBCs/μL
D. Turk’s solution 7. A WBC count is performed using a 1:2 dilution of CSF,
3. Which of the following diluents should be used when an and the four large corner squares (“W”) and the center
RBC count is requested? square are counted in each chamber (i.e., 5 mm2). Both
A. Dilute acetic acid sides of the hemacytometer were evaluated with 31 cells
B. Hypotonic saline and 23 cells counted in chamber 1 and chamber 2, respec-
C. Isotonic saline tively. What should be done next?
D. Turk’s solution A. Clean hemacytometer and repeat counts.
4. An air displacement pipette cannot accurately dispense B. Recount both sides of the hemacytometer.
A. CSF. C. Calculate the average WBC count and report.
B. pleural fluid. D. Reload the same dilutions onto a clean hemacytome-
C. peritoneal fluid. ter, and repeat the counts.
D. synovial fluid. 8. Distortions observed on cytocentrifuge slide preparations
5. Which of the following actions will adversely affect the cell have been associated with
count obtained using a hemacytometer? A. viscous fluids.
A. Counting six “W” squares instead of the usual five B. high cell counts.
B. Preparing a dilution of semen using an air displace- C. use of fresh body fluid specimens.
ment pipette D. fluids that have a high protein concentration.
C. Mixing the fluid for 3 minutes before loading it onto
the hemacytometer
D. Making three dilutions but using only two to load the

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