Declaración de Posición GBMIR 2020 Final

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Name: Juan Diego Montaña Garcia

Grade: 704
Committee: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Delegation: Kingdom of Sweden (Konungariket Sverige)

Good morning Board of Directors, delegates and others present,

Kingdom of Sweden is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe that is part of

the European Union (EU). It limits to the north with Norway and Finland, to the east with
Finland and the Gulf of Botnia, to the south with the Baltic Sea and to the west with the
North Sea and Norway. This country has a constitutional monarchy system government,
where on behalf of Carlos XVI Gustavo of Sweden.
It should be remembered that the Swedish economy depends mainly on international trade
to maintain high productivity. Currency: Swedish krona.
Geely, the Chinese based automotive company and patrent of Volvo Cars-delays this IPO
due to the trade war between the United States and China. Is concerned that before the end
of the year it had a value of US$ 30,000 millions assured to Volvo and Swedish investors
may notice a decline in the valuation of the company.
The Swedish delegation is not involved in the issue of Venezuelan migrants, so we want to
propose a solution to the delegates from Latin America. We need to take measures against
this crisis, for example: The Governments of Colombia and Peru are already engaged in the
task of legally registering migrants from Venezuela to provide them with medical care, but
there is a problem and that is that both countries must face: access to housing, but this has
shown be effective to generate great economic benefits. And from the Swedish delegation
we want the other delegations to adopt this measure in their governments.
The Swedish delegation has been little affected by the euro crisis. Sweden is the most
compliant partner of the Lisbon Strategy in research and innovation. The economic crisis
has also touched the Swedes, but much less. They did not want the euro as a currency. We
have taken the Lisbon Agenda seriously. Sweden Finance Minister says that our economy
would be the same inside or outside the euro.

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