(Globelise) RCC Preliminary Brief

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Avente Consulting Regional Case Competition

In partnership with UOB-SMU AEI and Entrepreneurs’ Organisation

Singapore Management University
Preliminary Round Participant Brief

About the company:
Working in the space of HR technology, Globelise acts as a platform to connect companies with
talent working remotely, globally. Globelise helps companies and talent to solve three key issues with
their corresponding services:
1. To match available jobs with the right talent through global recruitment
2. To hire-on-behalf and onboard talent in countries which the companies do not have a
presence through providing employer-of-records
3. To process payroll and ensure local compliance in all the countries through global payroll

With a global presence across 141 countries, companies can hire talent anywhere in the world
through Globelise, without worrying about immigration, onboarding, legal or compliance issues.
Globalise provides services across a wide array of professions, such as business development,
marketing, technology, legal, finance, human resource, research , procurement, etc. What lies central
to all the roles is the ability for their talent to work 100% remotely, and for their work to be managed

Globelise has been targeting companies who are willing to hire talent who work remotely in other
countries. Thus far, most of their clients are from developed countries (e.g., USA, UK, EU) who are
looking to hire from developing countries (e.g., ASEAN, India, Eastern Europe), in order to access a
bigger pool of talent or/and to save labour cost. Companies also approach Globelise to hire
international business development/marketing teams for market entry purposes.

The Task
Participants are expected to conduct relevant background research on their assigned company in
order to better understand the problem, and briefly introduce their strategies encompassing one or
more of the following themes:
1. Sustainability.
2. Digitalisation & Innovation.
3. Globalisation.

With remote work trends accelerating since the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, Globelise has
been expanding aggressively globally. Globelise is looking to be more agile and more expansive in
their recruitment; hiring from more than 25 countries. As such, Globelise is looking at how to expand
the distribution of resources, such as talent, money, partner channels, etc. beyond Singapore.
Using relevant secondary research and market analysis, identify industry best practices to formulate
an effective resource allocation strategy(ies) to help Globelise achieve better efficiency and create
more value in their services. You can further scope in to focus on three key departments, sales and
marketing, operations, and technology. Another point to note is that the budget allocated for this
project is limited to S$4,000,000 for the first year. The subsequent sales must always generate at
least S$4,000,000 in revenue to cover the budget cost for the sustainability of the project.

Online Submission Format (Preliminary Round)

Please present your online submission by way of a deck of PowerPoint slides. The deck of slides
should be kept to a maximum of 15 slides (not including the cover page and one ending slide on
references). Keep the content succinct and present your findings in a format that is professional and
appealing. The use of relevant charts, tables and illustrations are welcome. You are also highly
encouraged to summarise your work into an executive summary slide.

The structure of your presentation is open to your analysis, but as a guide, it should cover the
following areas:
1. Executive summary (1 slide)
2. Relevant background research
3. Problem analysis
4. Brief recommendations (maximum 2 slides)

We look forward to receiving your submission on 23 February, 2359.

Submit your slide deck (PDF) by email to avente.consulting@smu.edu.sg. The subject line and your
submission should be titled [Project_Group Name_Preliminary], for example

Thank you for your participation and best of luck!

Judging Criteria

Our ideal submission should be structured coherently and clearly, with the appropriate design
elements to create a visually appealing slide deck. Participating teams will also be marked on the
innovation and creativity of their ideas, the basic hygiene and logic of the slide deck, and lastly the
adherence to our three themes. Though there is no requirement to cover all three themes, additional
credit will be awarded for addressing more themes and themes that are relevant to each company.

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