Privacy and Terms of Rwbsrbwbrbgvwrconditions

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Privacy and Terms and Conditions


1) Any form of labeled or unlabeled data MUST stay within the system. No data should be
shared, taken, copied, or released outside of the system.
2) We will not ask for any personal information nor take any personal information without
user permission and agreement
3) We will not ask for any bank account information, apart from the bank account number to
transfer money

Terms and Conditions

1) Users must abide to the terms and conditions or else users account will be terminated
until further notice
2) Once profile is approved and basic screening is passed, users can officially label data
and earn money upon completion of tasks
3) Labeling data and agreeing to take on certain tasks are an agreement that must be
taken seriously, otherwise the user account may be terminated or a penalty may be
4) All labelers must be old enough to have their own bank account or else have a guardian
or trusted adult that has a bank account to receive money

Profile Verification Steps

1) Submission of birthdate, verification of email address
2) If a student
a) .edu, or organization email address proof/proof of being a student
3) If not a student
a) Any relevant education degrees
4) Examples of Labeling Data Questions (Images, text, speech)
- Once the user completes the tutorial and gets the example questions correct, the user is
able to be verified.

Users can sign up for specific projects they want to label, and the app will automatically set
guidelines and deadlines of tasks that must be completed. Each completion of a task will give a
certain amount of points, with different amounts of points given depending on the difficulty and
length of the task. Once a certain amount of points are received, the user can turn in the points
for money.

Extra points are earned as a multiplier if the person comes on a daily basis to incentivize users
to continue returning. Once a person does not label for a day, the “streak” is broken and there
are no multiplier points given.
Design UI:
1) Profile Verification
2) Examples of labeling data
3) Terms and Conditions/Privacy agreement
4) App page where users can select which project they want to start on
5) Settings page? Where users can see points and how much cash they have, which they
can take out and add to account when they want

Marketing, customer service

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