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I am proud of many things that I have accomplished over the years, but if I had to pick one

initiative that stands out the most, it would be my app "KISAN". This app was created to
address a problem that I saw first hand while growing up in rural India - the struggle of
farmers to sell their crops and earn a fair price. My grandfather was one of these farmers
and it broke my heart to see him work so hard yet struggle to put food on the table. That's
why I created KISAN, a mobile app that connects farmers in rural areas directly with
consumers in urban centers, eliminating the need for middlemen and helping farmers to get
access to equipment on lease.

It's been an amazing journey seeing the impact that KISAN has had on the lives of so many
farmers. The app has reached over 400 farmers in the suburbs of New Delhi and Haryana,
and it's been incredible to see the positive changes it's made in their lives. And to top it all
off, KISAN was even awarded the NXplorers International Recognitions Award for its impact
on farmers' lives and sustainability. This recognition was a huge validation of all the hard
work that went into creating KISAN, and it's something that I will always be proud of.

I am proud of KISAN because it reflects my values of empathy and hard work. Growing up in
rural India gave me a strong sense of empathy for people who are facing challenges, and I
believe that it's important to use the skills and knowledge that I have to help make a
difference in the world. And my strong work ethic is something that I learned from my family
and my experiences growing up in India. I believe that anything is possible with hard work
and determination, and KISAN is a testament to that belief.

In 2023, my primary creative, academic, and work goal is to continue making a positive
impact in the world through technology. I have started a summer research program called
"ewgis research program" to support young female researchers in underdeveloped
countries, and I'm excited to see the positive impact that this program will have in the coming
years. And I'm also conducting research on a non-invasive way to detect heart disease
through liquid biopsy of body fluids, which I hope will make a difference in the lives of people
all over the world. I believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better,
and I'm committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the world.

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