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Seis Jo knid 7 unoaden beam with slats honaers \ I : PAA ru bp unre ‘| + ae ae [sean iangers | = Balonee & Ig Hook Jo Utach load Pla form @ D mM: To Ta veatly Tne aquilbe baju a nan panallel Forces system _along Ma beam reachon. -appanctus | 2) Set of weights ete | | Preveq.uisite Con Condition of equilibyjurn | Sfu=0, 2ey=o,2m=0, Theory ? The. xeperiment is based on pind ple of Statics equilibnum lohan ates beam 13 toaded with weight Jhe-forces acHng on It form _a system of coplanar forces remain in sx _equilibum Sfyzo and ZM=0 ——__ohen 2Fy20 algebnic sum of all tue forces in tre vertical dimection— — lis equal tp zona _and £m20lgebric sum of: tu -forces about ———_Lany pint is equal to ere. TOR EDUCATIONAL USE a — Observation Tablet " . 1 Sr | Load Cw) [distance Cem) | Experimental (m1) No. 7 x [x [xs | Re Re 7 z 2g si Thy lore [by Pe 7 7 ee @ 10079) 15212 7 3 13.73 16.67 33 63 es eae 7 A 20 | 40 | 10 9.31 . 9.81 ; = Te |e | oe | 15-89 | _|. Caleu! . pfek ns EIN ny wana Pet" 8 1 vr Re x100= r Cee eee an, 829 4G LY TH) “RB #100 = 0 ey Gin 2a)ntin 97894 “| eles ! (Pa= 12.930 . B sys Raz (wit watz) - RB BA 16-HIN A |3 Wt ae oe For reading @ a ed ne =MAs 0 beg BZIP X66 F147 HEL -R@ 100 eo | 7 a ev=0 f RA e(w9 + wats)“ RB mn ag 28 Wet “Tr For reading @ 5 : cena : [eTeons ; De oe | sng 4 9B-63 £4.09 HBS ~ RBRIOOE ea | pt BENE O 2 Bre (wrtusr4wa)-Re =(RA= 13.23" ] j pal te ae ed eg [ Tay Por resting @ TAaeo [eas 5 : : 40 ; 11.420 904 4.977 0=PRx100 | 2B= ESIN | a0 ne [Res 637N} Ra. (tw ris4003)- R@=|PAze33M [eat 4p es 9 Re " EWAES : 9» For reading © C4. xi gyt 4.9K 3S 9-8 KGS -RQXxI00=0 ‘ a Ra=9.SON oo ‘ re a €Vz0 . HS pp alo w2twa)- Re peers es Le Analytical Sotution + H 2 7 7 — sM=0 fe wt WatatWaxs-Ral=o Pind Ra | he Rat Re = (to-+Wat Ws) = = ——— faypiterent weights of known values sou supported < dilfount } location on The. beam —— iz 7 | 3) The suspended welgits ave noded in N and ‘thelr tocechion ave measured etthen from Jeft sto right In meter [4) Find veadings of both tue comparison balances ane noted ) Abore procedure, is repeated for cliffount set-ane load Result

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