Action Plan TIP 4

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Observable Problems: Reasons: Resources: Action: Action:

What are the What might be the What resources do What can you do as What can your school
problems that hinder reason? you have in your their teacher? do to face the
the learning process school community challenge?
during this time of that can utilize in Are there any
pandemic? easing out the efforts your school is
identifies problems in doing to ease the
your school problem?
Pupils are having a Due to pandemic, we have school As their teacher, I am Yes, our school and
hard time to pupils stayed at home community volunteers giving my 100% the community are
familiarize the for almost 2 years. and giving reading support, effort and exerting efforts, we
alphabet and can’t able Some pupils do not materials like love for them. I have reading
to read. know the alphabet, marungko and abaka. extend time for community volunteers
cannot read. Some remedial classes and to teach how to read
don’t have parents at one on one lesson. and the school
home to teach them. community are giving
free reading
Action steps: Responsible Personnel: Time frame: Potential barriers:

What tasks should be Who are the people to When should the tasks be What hinders the
done? perform the tasks? accomplished? accomplishment of these
The pupils should be able to School Head School Year 2022-2023 Supports form other parents
learn and familiarize the Teachers (follow up reading at home)
letters and sounds of the Parents
alphabet. Stakeholders

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