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Entrance music
Greetings RUBÉN Hello and welcome friends. We welcome you from Ingles Podcast that today begins
its broadcast from Tehuacán. I am (your name) and together with my team I will
share with your facts, origin and meaning of Christmas customs in our region.
Special effect
Introduction ERNESTO Tehuacán has always been a diverse region in traditions and customs, that is why
most of them are concentrated in the Christmas season, we all know that most of
the traditions did not originate in the region, but if they are celebrated for a long
time, thanks to our ancestors is that we follow these traditions. Currently the most
common traditions in the region are Santa Claus, the three kings, the posadas, the
Christmas tree, and the piñatas.

Background song related to the theme

Santa Claus JANETH One of the most common beliefs among the children of Tehuacán is Santa
Claus. His story is the following.

In the Turkish city of Patara, was born the Christian bishop named Nicholas of
Bari, figure on which is based the current character of Santa Claus and that
we can identify as the creator of Santa Claus.

Nicholas of Bari stood out for his enormous charity towards the most needy,
caring especially for children, something he has in common with the current
figure of Santa Claus. In fact, he was known for being loved by all children.
Around his figure stand out stories of miracles and his kindness to poor
people. Such was the admiration they felt for him and the interested that he
became the patron saint of Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Lorraine (France).

In the 12th century, the Catholic tradition of St. Nicholas grew throughout the
European continent and in the 17th century emigrants of Dutch origin
exported this custom to the United States where children could ask for gifts.
Records indicate that the transformation occurred in 1624. According to the
BBC, "it was in the 17th century when the image of Santa Claus arrived in the
United States from Holland, a country where Sinterklaas or Saint Nicholas, a
character who brings gifts to children on December 5, is venerated".

However, in 1809 the writer Washington Irving distorted the name of the
Dutch saint Sinterklaas into the vulgar pronunciation Santa Claus. This could
be considered the birth of the name.

It is believed that its creator was based on the vestments of the bishops of old
times to create this St. Nicholas, which at that time had nothing to do with St.
Nicholas de Mira.

However, in 1930 Coca Cola acquired the rights to this living object and
began to use it in its advertisements. Until that date there was no concrete
assignment to the color of Santa Claus' clothing, being green one of the most
used, although there were already some approaches to red.

And so, the story of Santa Claus was created. In the United States, it is
tradition to leave homemade cakes and cookies for Santa Claus along with a
glass of milk, similar to what happens in Spain with the Three Wise Men. The
name Santa Claus was created from the name of the German saint Sankt
Nikolaus, which is why Santa Claus is called "Santa Claus" today. According
to the history of Santa Claus, taking as a reference the date of death of
Nicholas of Bari, December 6, 345, Santa Claus would be approximately
1676years old. On the other hand, if we consider when the Santa Claus we
know today was created, with the arrival of the American Santa Claus in
Europe and its merger with the French Santa Claus in the 19th century, he
would be about 200 years old. This tradition could be celebrated with the
youngest children. the tradition was quickly adopted by more countries.

So that Santa Claus keeps on making all our Christmases special, you could
tell the little ones that Santa Claus exists, and they will be surprised by the
magic. This is where Santa Claus leaved gifts for the children he carries.
Background song related to the theme
Christmas JOSÉ Now let's talk about the Christmas tree, an element presents in every home in the
tree region at this time of the year.

We may all think that the Christmas tree has always been decorated in the same way,
but this was not the case because previously there were no ornaments or lights as
there are today.
The Christmas tree was originated in Germany, during the 16th century.
Britannica notes that it all began as a representation of the "tree of paradise".
This tradition
was developed specifically on December 24 , a date dedicated to the memory of
Adam and Eve. At the beginning, the tree was decorated with wafers, a Christian sign
of redemption. Later, the wafers were replaced by cookies of various shapes.
Years later, several candles were placed on a tree simulating the stars in the sky. The
tree could be decorated with other things, but it was decorated with things that
were at hand.
In the 18th century the tree had arrived in England, due to the queen of Germany,
Queen Charlotte who married King George III. The Christmas ornament was used in
the royal household. This event should be publicized and popularize the tree ,
however, the real event that served to spread the Christmas tree was related to
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, because in 1848 a photograph was published,
where the royal family was around the Christmas ornament. Quickly, the tradition
was adopted by the British monarchs. This happened because many countries in
Europe saw this photo and wanted to follow the trend.

Although the tree should be decorated with apples and candles it is no longer done
because of the danger of fire in the candles. The apples and candles were
transformed by ornaments and lights. In this way the tradition was reaching more
places, and due to the settlement of Europeans in Mexico was how this tradition was
accentuated in the country, without this the tradition could not be celebrated in the
country. We usually think that the Christmas tree could not change, but maybe in
the future it will be decorated with other things.
Background song related to the theme
Posadas RUBÉN
Canción de fondo referente al tema
The 3 wise KAREN While some children believe in Santa Claus, others prefer the three wise men and
men look forward to their arrival in January.

The arrival of the three Kings, "this tradition was developed specifically on January 5"
always generated questions such as who they were and what the gifts they carried

The evening of January 5 is one of the most anticipated by the little ones, as it means
that Melchor, Balthasar, the magi (would arrive and bring with them the gifts) asked
for in their letter. The Gospel according to Matthew, narrates that (they would come
to Jerusalem from the east) guided by a bright star, to worship the newborn king.
"The star of Bethlehem was the sign that it foretold the birth of messiah."

The three magi (would offer gifts to the new messiah), "the golden chest was carried
by king Melchor" which was characterized by his wisdom, "the myrrh was offered by
king Balthasar" used to manufacture perfumes, medicine and papyri "myrrh was
considered a precious balsam thousands of years ago ". "The special insiders were
prepared by king ar."

"The magi were part of the depictions because they were present at the birth of
Jesus" that same night (they would be called the magi) only" were considered to
be astrologists who read in the stars ". In the third century it was established that
they could be Kings because "they were only considered to be wealthy people"

In the nineteenth century began the tradition of turning the night of the three Kings
into a children's party with gifts for children, "the first horseback riding was held in
1866 in Alcoy"
(The magi could be part of the gospels that make up the New Testament

The magi could be part of the gospels that make up the New Testament

Since then, every 5th of January is celebrated the day of the three Kings, recalling the
visit of these wise men from the east to the manager of the child Jesus, who would
later be named "three wise men" by the Catholic church.
Background song related to the theme
The piñatas ERNESTO Next, I will talk about the piñatas, something that excites everyone at the posadas, as
some say it is the most fun of Christmas.

The traditional piñata was brought by the Spaniards in ancient times, the traditional
piñata was modified and adapted in Mexico as a symbol of fun and with a very
peculiar meaning.
traditional piñatas are filled with fruits such as tejocote, peanuts, cookies,
chocolates, and the traditional sweet that is the cocada.

the traditional piñatas are made with newspaper, water, flour and crepe paper, a very
traditional mixture is that of flour and water to create paste and fix the newspaper to
the piñata.
The piñatas were created to enjoy the birth of Jesus at Christmas, the piñatas are hit
by the children in the posadas before December 24,
Traditional piñatas are also used in birthday events such as children's parties.
The traditional piñatas are used to interpret the 7 deadly sins are, lust, gluttony, envy,
sloth, anger, vanity and sexuality.
The stick is used to overcome the sins and start over.
The traditional piñata is decorated with a variety of bright colors that represent the
devil tempting to do bad things.
Traditional piñatas are characterized by three types of piñatas, one is the clay pot
and the other is a wire structure.
The current piñatas are ordinary piñatas made of animated bindings unlike the
traditional piñatas, which have a meaning.
The traditional piñata must be made with 7 spikes to have and remain with meaning,
The traditional piñata can have new candies and treats because years ago these
candies had a very high cost,
the traditional piñata should be made with clay pots and paper Mache.
The traditional piñata could be made of China paper and glue with new accessories,
The traditional piñata could be of different sizes.

The basic piñatas of today have made the traditional piñatas lose their meaning,
currently the piñatas are made of animated figures are with the sole purpose of fun,
as well as the costs of the current basic piñatas are cheaper because compared to
the traditional piñatas that are made of clay pots increase their cost for that reason
that is why today are more sold the current basic piñatas.
Conclusion JOSE In conclusion, we can realize that Christmas is made up of small traditions that make
a single one, all have the same goal, to bring the family together to live together and
spend pleasant moments.
Farewell JANETH This is the end of our podcast, we thank you for listening and hope you liked it, we
invite you to continue listening to our program.

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